#everything was fine… everything was normal… i’m completely blindsided by this. i thought we’d have stability in that regard
leqclerc · 22 days
Listen, I’ll come around to it and understand it if it’s something that came from Xavi himself, if this is something he wanted, maybe something he needed for whatever personal reason. I’m just concerned because this is so sudden. I mean, he just flew out with the team to Miami and absolutely nothing seemed amiss. If he was on his way out (or switching roles I guess) Charles clearly didn’t know because he didn’t say anything about it over radio and I know he would’ve if he knew (as is customary for drivers who know they’re getting a new race engineer.) I’m heartbroken that they were “robbed” of this moment. It’s one thing knowing someone’s leaving and being able to prepare and idk having an appropriate sendoff. But we had nothing of that sort here. Even Ferrari’s official statement – just saying it’s an “organisational update” – feels cold and impersonal. I hope they’ll acknowledge him and maybe prepare some kind of sendoff post for him later on but I’m not holding my breath.
Whatever happened it must’ve happened in the past five days. Again I’m concerned and confused because it’s so sudden? And with Imola coming up, one of the home races for Ferrari, mid-season, the start of the European leg – with upgrades due as well – the timing arguably couldn’t be worse. I always said it takes time for driver/race engineer pairs to work out the intricacies of their relationship, to find what works for them. This smacks of the Bottas situation – and he ended up getting a penalty the first weekend he was with his new race engineer precisely because they weren’t in sync, there was room for confusion and miscommunication. I know it’s a bit different seeing as Bryan’s been part of Charles’s side of the garage for years – at least as long as Xavi has – but afaik he’s never been, like, an actual race engineer for a driver. And that’s obviously a whole challenge in itself and will undoubtedly take some time getting used to on both sides.
Again, if something justifies the urgency then okay, I get it. I sincerely hope everything’s okay on Xavi’s end.
But yeah. Disappointing, confusing, very weird.
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jacekhouris · 5 years
a self para.
tldr; jace is thriving without roslan! well, sort of. he got a record deal, which is awesome! but he’s also really unhappy, which is less awesome. anyways, here’s jace trying to deal with his emotions and failing miserably.
“love of my life, you’ve hurt me.”
jace felt like his heart had been torn to shreds. he was completely blindsided; one moment, he’d been telling roslan he loved him, and the next, roslan was on a plane to see his ex. he couldn’t help but blame himself. maybe if he had kept it inside a little while longer. hadn’t said those words so soon. maybe they’d rushed into this whole thing. regardless of the reason roslan had gone to seattle, the fact still remained: roslan had gone to seattle, and had left jace with a note. a fucking note. that hurt more than anything. it felt cowardly. if roslan didn’t love him, or did love him, but wanted to be with his ex more, he could have at least said it to jace’s face. instead, he was left with “having this ring makes me feel like there’s some part of me that still belongs to him, and i don’t want to be with you if i still feel that way” worst of all, he signed it “ros.” it was like a punch in the face. “hi, i’m leaving you for my ex. i don’t want to be with you anymore. ros.”
swallowing his anger, jace got ready for the day. mornings felt a little less chipper without roslan. jace stuck to his side of the bed still—he’d tried to starfish out, just to spite the memory of roslan that the bed still held, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. he wasn’t sleeping as well. he felt colder without roslan there. he’d gotten so used to the second body in the bed, it felt… unnatural for jace to be alone there. jace looked in the mirror, displeased with what he saw. his usually clean shaven face was now stubbly and patchy, and the bags under his eyes made his regularly large eyes look even larger, and tired. like he hadn’t slept for days. he picked up his razor, dealing with the first of the two evils. once his face was smooth and more youthful looking, jace splashed cold water on it, hoping to give himself a more awake appearance. it worked, sort of. pleased with his efforts, he went to his closet, knowing any outfit he picked would be better than the ratty t-shirt, sweatpants, and the scarf roslan had given him that he’d been wearing. it hurt to take off the scarf, but he did it.
after changing, feeding and walking the dogs, and drinking some coffee, jace picked the scarf back up and walked into roslan’s room, setting it on the bed. it didn’t belong to him. in a way, it never had. he’d just borrowed it. he felt like he’d done the same with roslan, and his ex. roslan had never really been his. he’d just borrowed him, and now he was going back to who he was truly supposed to be with. a lump formed in jace’s throat, and he swallowed it. he had to be done being sad. for today, at least. he had bigger things in store today than grieving over his relationship ending.
“you’ve broken my heart, and now you leave me.”
jace got off the train. the six hour ride hadn’t bothered him. he’d finally been able to sleep for a bit, no longer plagued by a phantom boyfriend. he’d gotten on an early train, so he arrived in the city around one in the afternoon. only two hours until his meeting. he began to wander around the city he’d called home for so many years. in a way, it felt right to be there. there were no traces of roslan here. no traces of their relationship. unless, of course, you counted the seemingly hundreds of pike corp ads littered all over the city. but that wasn’t roslan—in fact, it was everything roslan wasn’t, which jace somehow found comforting. new york city was the polar opposite of the man who’d just broken his heart, and it was exactly where he needed to be.
the brisk air of the atlantic northeast blew on jace’s face, and for a moment, he wished he’d held on to that scarf. he abolished the thought, reminding himself he’d spent twenty nine years of his life in this weather. he could spend a day in it and be fine. and sure enough, he was. he spent the next hour and a half navigating the grid system until he found his location—atlantic records group. he checked his phone. two-thirty-four. he was a few minutes early, but that would leave a good impression. he checked his pocket. two usb drives. each one served as a backup for the other. he pushed open the revolving door and walked up to the reception desk.
“hi,” he said, his face numb from the cold. “i’m jace khouri. i have a meeting with alicia chatmon about a possible record deal. at three.” he was glad to be getting his bumbling idiot-ness out now, while talking to reception. then, when it mattered, he’d be well-spoken. that was how it worked, right?
“ah, yes, mr. khouri,” the receptionist said, typing on the computer. “you can have a seat in the waiting area right there. we’ll send an assistant to take you to ms. chatmon’s office when she’s ready, alright?” jace nodded, quietly thanked them, and sat down in one of the chairs. he pulled out his phone, his fingers itching to text roslan. there were so many things he wanted to say. “i couldn’t have done this without you,” was one of them. “i can’t believe you aren’t here,” was another. but the hardest one for him not to send was “i love you.”
“love of my life, can’t you see?”
after fifteen minutes of forcing himself to not text roslan (he succeeded in doing so by repeating “he’s not your boyfriend or anything” to himself), he was finally called up to alicia’s office. he shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to hide how nervous he was. if roslan was here, he’d hold his hand. he’d calm him down. but roslan wasn’t here. his fingers itched for a hand to hold, but there wasn’t one. he just balled his hand into a fist, his fingernails digging into his palm.
alicia’s assistant let him into her office, and he immediately put on a smile. unlike what he’d been practicing in the mirror, this wasn’t fake. this was his first genuine smile since roslan had left. he was actually excited for this meeting.
“hi,” he said, reaching out to shake her hand. “jace khouri. it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
alicia accepted his handshake, and responded gingerly with, “jace, the pleasure is all mine. please, take a seat.” he obliged. “let me cut to the chase—i know you brought your demo.” he began to pull it out of his pocket before she held out a hand, signaling for him to stop. “but i came down to cape hazel a few weeks ago. i’ve got some family there, and i figured i’d scope out our potential new talent in person. oftentimes, a live performance is a much better way to judge performers than demos. and i have to say… i was very, very impressed.”
jace let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. “really?” he said, his smile giddy. “i wish i’d known you were there. i would have said hello, or bought you a drink, or something.”
“no need for that,” she responded, a smile finally gracing her lips. “jace, we want to sign you. just for one album, for now. how well that does will determine whether or not we take you on for a second one. and we aren’t expecting you to make top forty, either. you’d spend a month recording the album—normally it takes longer, but we want it to be primarily just you and your guitar, so if we can get you up here three days a week, every week, it should be done by the end of the month. then, we’d get you some local radio play, in new york and in maine, and do a northeast united states tour.”
jace took all of this in. this was real. this was happening. when one door shut, another door opened.
“we’ll need you to write a couple more songs, of course. most of your songs are very happy, and while that’s all well and good for you, audiences need something they can relate to, and not everyone is happy.”
“that won’t be a problem. i’ve written a few unhappy songs recently, anyways,” jace said, thinking back to his recent scribbles in his notebook. lots of them were big “fuck you, roslan” songs, but there were a decent few that were simply melancholy breakup songs.
“great,” alicia said, standing up. “well, i think we’re done here. my assistant will be in touch with you for recording dates and to get finalized song lyrics. be prepared to make abrupt schedule changes—we want to get this album out soon. february is a slow month for the more mainstream albums. perfect timing for a smaller musician like yourself.”
jace smiled, nodded, and thanked her before walking out of the building. he pulled out his phone, and sent roslan a text. “happy new year. i just got a record deal. don’t move out, i won’t be living there half the time anyways and the dogs should stay together. and i got my work schedule changed so we don’t have to see each other. you may have ruined me emotionally but i’m onto bigger and better things now! 2019 is gonna be my bitch no thanks to you.” he barely meant anything he was typing, but he had to send it. he needed roslan to know that he didn’t care about him. that he didn’t love him. even though he absolutely, without a single doubt in the world, did.
“bring it back, bring it back. don’t take it away from me because you don’t know what it means to me.”
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Title: The Day When He Wasn’t The Best In The World
Chapter title: Goodbye
Characters: Cristiano Ronaldo, Hayley Carrighan (OC)
Warnings: some cursing
Category: F/M, romance/friendship/humour
P.S.: There will be one last chapter after this that I hope to write very soon. Sorry for the terribly long delay. Hope whoever still reads it, is going to like it xx 
Some more one shots here
Tiny little hands pressed against the glass walls and with one last painful smile I turned my back to him, a single tear falling down my cheek. This was not supposed to play out this way. I was never supposed to be stuck here for so long. How could I fool myself and think everything was alright, natural? There was nothing right about this. I was supposed to gather some money and go back to college after a year, two on the top. But things rarely ever happen how we plan, take the most adorable kid on the planet, a bornt charmer as his father and you easily find yourself in my shoes.
I sat in front of the tv with a box of Haagen Dazs in my lap, and a bowl of homemade potato snacks besides me. My hair was pulled into a loose knot on the top of my head, my pink fluffy sucks peaked out from under the blanket, the crown on my attire was the over 6 years old worn out Real Madrid shirt. People started to appear on the bright green carpet and I put a huge spoon of ice cream into my mouth. I was supposed to be among those people by Cristiano's side. He proposed me to accompany him. First I questioned his sanity. If we'd been to show up together, not only the media but fans would have gone crazy too. He said he didn't care, and this was a great event for me to dress in that gown I always complained not having an occasion to wear at. In the end I said yes. What woman would have said no, right? In the last couple of weeks things have gone back to normal after our kiss except for a couple of minor changes. Junior spent way more time with Dolores what I found rather odd but Cris reasoned it was so he could concentrate more on getting ready for the derby against Atleti. We had dinner together every evening, many times just the two of us, and he cooked. We talked, and argued and laughed, he even watched my favourite zombie films with me, not without constant complaining of course. I felt a slight shift in our relationship but it happened so slowly, and so quietly, my own feelings blindsided me.
Last night Cristiano came home late, with Selma on his side. I didn't want to believe he was serious. After all that woman put him through, hestill took her back when she crawled to his front door and cried that her current boytoy screwed her over. It was like a slap in the face to see her in my home again. Of course, she wanted to go to the award show, they should show the world they belong, no matter what happens, I could still hear her sickeningly sweet words in my mind. I stood there, unable to even shape a coherent sentence, my knuckles turned white, I was grabbing the kitchen island so tight. My hair was covered in all of the colours of rainbow, sparkling in a way even Edward Cullen would have been envious after Junior figured it'd be a great idea to try and turn me into a unicorn to impress the little girl he planned to marry. I smelled like onion and cabbage, wanted to surprise Cristiano with his favourite dish as a good luck for tomorrow present. I felt destroyed. I was utterly humiliated not only by him taking that whitch into our home all over again but by my own feelings as well. I was jealous, so jealous I felt like the raging emotions were going to break my bones.
My phone's ring brought me back from the unwanted memories. I glanced at the screen and sighed softly.
“Hey dad,” I answered the call, putting some effort trying not to sound too miserable. My dad could always tell when something was off with me, even from across the ocean.
“Is something wrong? You sound off,” he commented, slight concern coloured his words.
“All is fine, no worries.” I smiled softly. They said mothers had a sixth sense when it came to their kids, maybe because my father raised me alone, he developed it too.
“I always worry when you say no worries,” he chuckled lightly.
“Dad, I'm fine. However, there's the question why are you calling anyway? I thought you have a date with Connie.” It really would be time for the old man to confess his love and just marry the woman who he'd been dancing around for over 20 years.
“Your man is getting that award, what do you call it...”
“FIFA Best, dad and Cristiano is not my man,” I sighed with a shake of my head. He was old fashioned, if a woman lived with a man and his kid for years, they were a couple, end of story.
“The boss man then,” he corrected himself and I laughed. The boss man, Cris would hate to be called that. “Why are you not there? I thought you were going too?”
“Yeah, I changed my mind. You know I've never really been into the whole fancy dress up thing.” I wasn't about to tell my father Cristiano screwed me over. If I did, he'd be on the next plane to Spain, sending threatening messages that he would break Cris' legs.
“I don't like this,” he stated with a hard voice and I could tell he was having a hard time believing me.
“Yeah, dad, listen, I'm tired and you should go and dazzle your lady instead of using me as an excuse to bail on her again.” I deflected the topic, unable to deal with sharing my feelings with anyone.
“You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?”
“Yes, dad, I would tell you.” I sighed. “Go, enjoy your date.”
“Alright. I will call you tomorrow. And tell that boss man of yours I said congrats for his new award.”
“I will, dad. Have fun.” I ended the call and dropped the phone on the couch. My eyes moved back to the screen where I saw Messi and Antonella arrive. Not long and Cris would be there too, with Selma. You are pathetic, Hayley, I laughed at myself, hysteria slowly but surely sneaked up on me. What the hell was I doing? I was in my early twenties and I wasted my time on a man who used me as a rebound each time he got dumped. You worth more than this, Hayley. I switched off the tv and stared in front of myself. When did I become so sad? Things needed to change. I needed to get control back over my life. I stood from the couch with shakey legs, grabbed the laptop and headed out to the chilly October air in the yard. You can do this, Hayley I kept telling myself as I started writing my resignation.
Next morning I woke with a start when I heard the door opening. My eyes hurt from all the crying and my back ached terribly after I passed out in the chair last night.
“Hayley?” I rubbed my eyes, stood from the chair and went inside. “You look awful, are you okay?”
“You are home early.” I ignored his question and headed to the kitchen to make a coffee for myself.
“Yes, I wanted to talk to you about...”
“Me first,” I cut him off quickly. I didn't want to have a conversation about anything before I told him I was leaving.
“Okay.” He nodded slowly and sat to the kitchen island.
“I'm leaving,” I exhaled quickly. It wasn't that hard, was it? Just don't start sobbing now.
“What? Is your dad okay? Is there a problem? Can I help anyway?” He asked, concern deepening the line on his face. No wonder it took me years to realize what a foolish mistake I made.
“You don't understand, Ronaldo.” I shook my head, and closed my eyes. “I quit.” I opened my eyes and moved my gaze to him. The silence was so heavy it was almost suffocating. He stared at me with a completely blank expression on his face. “Did you hear me? I...”
“You tell Cristianinho,” he stated with a hard voice before he jumped from his seat and disappeared into his room.
For the last days of my stay we remained civils but we hardly said more than two words to each other. There wasn't anything to say. I could have blamed him for fooling me, he could have blamed me for staying too long when I knew I'd leave eventually but what would have been the point? It seemed we had nothing left to say to each other. Even Junior turned awfully quiet after I told him about my departure.
“It's time for me to go. They always pick me at security check.” I tried to joke with Dolores but she wasn't laughing.
“Can't you just stay a bit longer?” Junior stared up at me with his huge puppy eyes and I needed all of my strength not to break down in tears.
“I stayed too long as it is, buddy.” I sighed softly as I knelt down in front of him. “But you're always going to be my favourite human, and my best friend, and I'll call you everday. We will stay in touch.” I explained, but my own heart was in million pieces.
“I don't want you to go, Hayley,” he cried, his tiny arms wrapped tight around my neck.
“I'll always be a call away, pumpkin,” I patted a kiss on his tearsoaked cheek before I unlaced his arms from my neck and stood up. “He isn't coming home, is he?” I looked at Dolores. Maybe it was best that Cristiano wasn't here. It'd have made this even more difficult if possible.
“I'm sorry, sweety, I don't think so,” she said quietly and I nodded. It was for the best.
“Thank you for everything,” I told her as I stepped to her for a hug. “Cristiano, thank you for being my best friend for all these years.” I looked at Junior with a serious face. “It was an honour to be at your service.”
“Don't go, Hayley, please.” He sobbed and I swallowed hard.
“Just a call away, baby, never forget that.” I said him one last time before I took the handle of my suitcase and walked out of the house. This was right thing to do, I kept repeating to myself. Then why did it feel so wrong?
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virglows · 7 years
♣︎ The Brightest Lights ♣︎ 70k by Rearviewdreamer
After watching yet another actor walk away with his Oscar, Louis is on the lookout for the role of a lifetime that might finally get him the one thing he has always wanted. He didn't think coming out of his self-proclaimed break to do another film would be all that difficult, but that was before he met his new co-star.
♦︎ Young Gods ♦︎ 77k by sincewewereeighteen
“Why don’t you stay?” Harry looked down at him and snorted. “What?” “You’re not my type, Louis”, the boy rolled his eyes sitting on the edge of the bed to put on his boots. “Says the man you just had sex with”, Louis pointed feeling smart, but Harry was one step ahead of him, with the answer on the tip of his tongue. “You see, if you were my type, I wouldn’t have”, Harry winked, cheeky as hell. “I would’ve gotten to know you first.” “Bullshit”, he accused the boy not letting it show how intrigued he was. “How can you know I’m not your type if you don’t know me?” “How about I list five things about you to prove I’m right and if any of them are false I’ll lie down again.” “Ok. Go.”
[Or: the one in which Louis is a model and Harry's supposed to be a normal guy... Until he isn't.]
♠︎ Amazing Sin ♠︎ 56k by thecheshirepussycat
Gears started turning in Louis’ head. Purely mischievous gears that had Louis formulating a revenge plan against Taylor. He’d had enough of sitting around and taking it. If she was going to call him a whore, then fine, he’ll act like one for real. “I’m going to say something, and as my friends you are obligated to love me anyway.”
“This can’t be good,” Niall said, Zayn just groaned.
“So I know we have this strict ‘no lashing back at Taylor’ rule with me, but what if I can get press revenge a different way?” Louis asked. He wasn’t expecting an answer, because they knew by now to just go with it. “What if I stole her boyfriend?”
Or, the story of Louis ‘Steal Your Man’ Tomlinson.
♥︎ Of Love and Blood and Hate ♥︎ 42k by orphan_account
“You auditioned without me,” Louis says, his voice disbelieving. “How the fuck can you stand there and hurl all this shit at me when you literally left me behind to go audition for the show we’d been dreaming of being on together?"
“What was I supposed to do, Louis? You refused to audition with me unless we were honest about being a couple. I knew we never would have made it past the first auditions. You left me no other choice; it was either audition alone or not audition at all."
Louis feels his own eyes start to fill with tears. “You chose a fucking reality show over our relationship. If you still don’t see that you made the wrong choice than I don’t think there’s any reason for me to waste another second here.”
A Famous/Non-Famous turned Famous/Famous AU where Harry makes the biggest mistake of his life and Louis’ left to pick up the pieces.
♣︎ you've set on me ♣︎ 31k by lissome
Harry’s been completely blindsided, is the thing. Like a car without headlights crashing into him. It’s not that he thought he’d never see Louis again in his life. It’s just this. He wasn’t ready for this.
au. louis' in an obscure band. harry's an international popstar. their paths aren't meant to cross, not like this, but when louis' band signs on as harry's opening act, both harry and louis are forced to confront the open wounds of their shared past.
♦︎ Time Bomb ♦︎ 291k by ThisSentimentalHeart
“Why exactly are you here?” Louis asked, feigning annoyance and failing pathetically at it. “My publicist told me I can't go anywhere near you.” Harry said, eyes still smudged with last night's eye liner. “That makes you my favorite person in the world.”
Or the one where Louis has everything: a lead role in a giant Hollywood franchise, a glittering new house with an entertaining Irish neighbor, and a steady, normal boyfriend who he probably loves. Louis never expected to become a household name among young Hollywood overnight. He also never expected to find something endearing about the enigmatic rockstar who keeps showing up on his back porch.
♠︎ come on jump out at me ♠︎ 56k by yoursongonmyheart
“you know, i offered for you to fake out me, but, i don’t know anything about you other than you being my biggest celebrity crush probably since posh spice.”
louis almost chokes on his chicken, “jesus christ,” he sputters.
harry takes a swig of his beer with a smirk. “i was very disappointed when you didn’t say i was your celebrity crush after you came out.”
louis almost cries. “you know i did plan on it. then i ran into you narrating taking a piss and talking about my ass and i thought ‘wow this kid does talk some shit’ and decided against it.”
harry barks out a laugh, his ears tinged red. he takes a bite of his pizza. “i suppose i do have no filter while high.”
louis rolls his eyes, “bit of an understatement, mate.”
harry giggles, “whatever pal,” louis screams internally.
Or, the one where actor louis tomlinson and one direction superstar harry styles try to fake a sex tape to help harry get out of the closet and they both get more than they bargained for.
♥︎ I have your dreams (and your teeth marks) ♥︎ 118k by aloqueera
Louis and Harry don’t believe in second chances, but sometimes it feels like the universe does. A Music Industry/Getting Back Together AU.
He remembers how they were, always, Louis and Harry, Harry and Louis. He remembers the late nights and the lie ins, all the words they gave each other. He remembers how Harry would look at him like he hung the moon, and like he knew Louis’d done it just for him. He remembers it all. The problem, he thinks, is that he remembers how it fell apart, too.
♣︎ Empty Skies ♣︎ 134k by green_feelings
For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream -- making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.
Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He's still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?
Featuring Perrie as Harry's adorable flatmate, Niall as his manager, and Liam and Zayn as Louis' bandmates.
♠︎ Play Me Like One of Your French Girls ♦︎ 26k by zimriya
Louis is Hollywood’s ‘Bad Boy and Sometimes Darling’, and Harry is the clumsy, endearingly attractive part-time cellist whose cello gets upgraded to the seat next to his on the plane. They fall in love.
Also featuring R&B Superstar Zayn Malik, Olympic Gold Medalist Liam Payne, and Masterchef Niall Horan.
♣︎ In Vogue ♣︎ 121k by otpwhatever
‘Is that why David Beckham has been featured multiple times on the pages of your life’s work? Does your criteria seriously consist of one thing – a man’s ass?’ 'Well the ass is a man’s best asset,’ Harry smirks, holding the Martini glass high up his face. 'And don’t call the magazine my life’s work. There are far more important things in life, Louis Tomlinson, than what’s printed on the pages of a magazine.’
Fashion AU. Louis is the editor in chief of Vogue magazine, and Harry’s running British GQ. Featuring Zayn as the crazy creative director and Louis’ confidant, Liam as the sports writer that gets to sit front row at fashion week and DJ Neil as the only sane person in the whole story. (There are no skinny jeans in this fic)
♥︎ Fall At My Door ♥︎ 30k by FullOnLarrie
A-list actor Harry Styles and award-winning musician Louis Tomlinson have an acquaintances-with-benefits relationship, so whenever their busy professional lives happen to land them in the same city, they meet up. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.
And that’s all it is. Until it isn’t.
♠︎ Paint Me In A Million Dreams ♠︎ 110k by green_feelings
Harry's one of Hollywood's biggest actors, has made a name for himself in prestigious films and lives the life of a superstar. There's just one thing missing to make it picture-perfect, but the one Harry's in love with is completely out of reach for him. Enter Louis, one of Hollywood's biggest actors himself, who just came out of the closet and taps new genres in the industry. When Louis sacks the role Harry auditioned for in Scorsese's next big film, their irrational feud starts. Who could have guessed it would get even worse when for promo season, their teams decide to present them as a couple for publicity?
In short, Harry's in love with someone and doesn't care about dating anyone else, Louis never felt home in L.A., Liam writes love songs for someone he shouldn't write love songs to, and Niall makes everything better with good food.
♦︎ lock me up with love ♦︎ 29k by clicheanna
“So you must go out more often than I thought,” Harry said. “I see you all the time now!”
“Well, one of those times you literally came to my door.”
Harry laughed, a loud honking sound, a shock to Louis’ ears. He couldn’t remember the last time he made someone laugh, not so easily and genuine.
Harry didn’t seem embarrassed, but his eyes were hazy, hair a bit mussed up, cheeks red. Oh. He was drunk, or tipsy maybe. That explained a lot.
“That’s true,” he said, then frowned. “Oh no, do I seem like a stalker?”
“Eh,” Louis said, “just a little bit.”
Louis had a messed-up knee, ruined career, and labradoodle to take care of. Harry had a normal knee, perfect career, and concern for his recluse neighbor. Harry's baking skills were enough to bring them together.
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