#every time i listen to songs about toxic relationships i think of them orz
fagtainsparklez · 22 days
cponk deserved to tear sam apart with her bare fucking teeth can i get an amen 🙏
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Hi Ryu! Please let us know your music taste! 😁 Canon wise, what songs do you think represents the following ships? And who among the two fit the song the most? Like character A towards B or vise versa. Eruri. Ereri. Zevi. Pikuhan. Reibert.
Oh Anon, I’m so bad at this stuff… I’m not really good at paying attention to the lyrics of the songs, so I don’t have a big enough library to choose a proper song for each ship lol
Eruri – I’m so sad I can’t just leave one particular stupid Russian song here… You know what, my post – my rules, there it is. I’m sorry you can’t understand the lyrics, but I hope you’ll get the vibe lol and it’s definitely Erwin who needs to sing this. You can find the translation for it on lyricstranslate, it’s “My Bunny” by Kirkorov, English #1... The only place with the correct translation lmao
Ereri – Part of me wants to say “I was made to be yours” from Heathers the musical, but I don’t like that part of me at all. Besides, this isn’t really fitting for their relationships… “Komm, süßer Tod” from Evangelion? Nice option.
Zevi – “Toxic” and “Baby one more time” by Britney Spears, for sure. And “Aggressive bee” by Zach Sherwin. This one is a must to listen. It’s just Zeke. It’s Zeke’s love song to Levi. Also, obligatory “I hate everything about you”.
Pikuhan – I feel like this one has Pikuhan vibes?? Maybe it’s because it’s basically just awkward smalltalk in a form of song. Maybe it’s because the singer is a lesbian lol and this one is definitely fits Hange more 
Reibert – I’ve been thinking about them for ages, and the only song I came up with is Bert shouting “are we doing it Reiner??”… I’m sorry orz Wait- Maybe… “Not gonna get us” by t.A.T.u?
You probably expected something more or less legit, and yet here I am haha. Also knowing myself, I’ll probably come up with a perfect song for every single of those ships the second I post this reply…. God damn it
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