#event: the marshal is tied up after a wild night
armagnac-army · 3 months
And no fucking thanks to soullt and @le-brave-des-braves for the latter thou i will begrudgungly admite that getttin larrie in to see me is probabby a good idda and i will apologise for ALLEGEDY trygin to fuck you up when i was high as the scam ballon ney was tricked into fundjng 30000 francs at montrieul before the guy fuckin disappeared!!! Fuck that was funny
Apology accepted. Remember to eat and drink adequate amounts of food and water.
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trippinglynet · 5 years
Suicide Club Events
A list of most of the events held by the San Francisco Suicide Club, which was active from 1977 to 1982. Details on many of these events can be found here. The Suicide Club archive can be found here. And the history of the SF Suicide Club can be found here.
February 14, 1977 nooseletter – First Calendar of Events!
Weird Walk Caving in Santa Cruz Moonie Dinner Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Treasure Hunt Sliding down South S.F. Letters Baby Beautiful Contest Capturing the Golden Hinde Killer Voyeurism – An American Way of Life The Projectionist Crashing a Bon Voyage Party Ghiradelli Square Squirt Gun Infiltrating Eckankar Naked Cable Car Union Square Stunt Sewers of Oakland Kennedy Hotel Merry Mouth Mental Health Tour Santa Cruz Mystery Spot
May Frog Jump Planning meeting Midnight Ride Mythology and Folklore of Wolves The Last Supper Be Super, Not Superstitious Weekend in Hell Big Time Wrestling at the Cow Palace Pink Flamingos at the Roxie Old and in the Way Caleveras County Frog Jumping Contest Humiliating a Lecturer Teacher Party for Communiversity Fuuuuuucked up with Agamoto and Audium Walking Tour of Dashiel Hammett and Fritz Lieber
June New Games with Juvenile Delinquents Vaudeville Auditions Return to the Kennedy Hotel Performing at a Vaudeville Show The Day the Earth Stood Still Spending the Night in a Ghost Town History’s First Nighttime Capture the Flag Game Second Mysterious Suicide Club Initiation Extra Terrestrial Tourists Massive Assault on an Amusement Park Certified D.O.A. Commencement Exercises
July Mystery Tour Alcatraz Harrassing a Famous Comedian Square Dance and New Games After Midnight in SF Orgy Time Infiltration – Railroaders and Scientology Summer of Love Reenactment Texas Chainsaw Massacre Slapstick Army Meets the Three Stooges
August Bay Bridge Occupy a Nuclear Power Site Transvestites Explore other lifetimes Daisies & Sweet Movie at Roxie Water Sports in Marin at Nude Lake Play Dead Exploring a Dead Hospital The Question Man Beer as in Braindeer Jaws Becoming our Own Heros Enter Unknown #2 (Max Factor Billboard)
September Inner Tubing Swashing our own Buckles Suicide for our Ears Be a Real Cutup – Human Jigsaw Puzzle Jitterbug Can Kill – Dance lessons Death, Sticks, Dance Getting the Most out of being Arrested Living History – The Barbary Coast Enter The Unknown #3 Hour of the Wolf Daffy Duck Musical Roadshow Caving at Pinnacles Golden Gate Bridge Climb Food Fight
October An Evening at the Straight Theater Amusement Appreciation #1 Canoeing under the Wharves Maritime Time Warp Teddy Bear’s Tea Potluck in a Hole Invasion of the Body Snatchers Communiversity Garage Sale Punk Rockers Invade Rocky Horror Picture Show Bring on the Clowns Tupperware for the Masses Enter Unknown #4 & #5 Nude Photos Star Wars Intergalactic Battle Initiation (Goddess) Scorpio Slumber Party
November 1977 Nooseletter
A Crime Will be Committed Star Wars Intergalactic Battle Show & Tell Evening with Psycho/movies Suicide for our Ears The Whole Earth Volleyball Talk about other behind their backs Carl LaFong Motorcade Battle of the Titans Carl LaFongs Victory Celebration Ocktoberfest Twenty four hour Amusement Park Birds Under the Bridge Food can be Fun (to play with) Grim Reaper’s Junk Sculpture From Flower to Flour Sex in San Francisco The Predictable Disaster A Crime You are Powerless to Prevent Will be Committed A Day at the Races Star Wars Intergalactic Battle
December 1977 Nooseletter
A Walk with Love and Death An Evening with Psychopaths Suicide for Our Ears Break Down the Library Doors With Poetry and Song Fantasy Film Society Reunion Sensory Bombardment Collaborative Writing Workshop A Childs Xmas in S.F. Show and Tell National Ding-A-Ling Day Attending a Hysterical Mob Scene Premiere Attack of the Variables A Group Discussion Pieing! Continental Detective Agency vs. The Legion of Crime Sam Spade Costume Ball Greet the Holiday Season Enter The Unknown Climbing the Golden Gate Bridge Commando Raid on the Naval Reserve Fleet Return to the Maritime Time Warp New Years at Falstaff Brewery
Big Time Wrestling Suicide on Ice Bringing Out the Criminal Element in the S.F.S.C. Communiversity Potluck Follow the Foghorns Free Marijuana Day Making Death Glisten Assault on Flight 815 Communing with the Spirits of San Francisco Rehearsing our Lines 1st Regular Bad Luck Ball and Potluck Buffet Movie Crowd Formation The Patchwork Quilt Adventure From Movies to Real Life Decoy Street Return of the Pie Bureaucratic Treasure Hunt 2nd Annual Suicide Club Treasure Hunt
Feb 1978 Nooseletter
Taking the Death Out of Suicide Brazilian Parade Patchwork Quilt Adventure II Monthly Battle – McDonald#146;s Food Fight Communiversity Garage Sale Redwood Chainsaw Massacre Treasure Hunt and Initiations Enter the Unknown #? Sassy Sallying Enter the Unknown #7 Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Getting Wet Trivia Contest
March 1978 Nooseletter
Magical Fantastical Dream Society If Sewing what youve Ripped Enter the Unknown #9 Out of your Casket Separate Realities Patchwork Quilt III Fantasy Film Society Reunion Money, Snakes, and Leprachauns This is Your Death Games!!! The Sewers of Oakland SFSC Benefit at the Roxie Star Wars Intergalactic Battle Fun and Games with the Easter Rabbit The Church of the Microwave Poodle Funfair The Very Last Show Commando Raid (aborted due to lock change)
April 1978 Nooseletter
Playland Lives Infiltrating an Orgy Garage Sailing Fast Fast Fast Relief Communing with the Spirits of San Francisco Patchwork Quilt Adventure IV The Night the World Ended Suicide Club Card Game Enter the Unknown Persona Return to Enter the Unknown Daedalus Delight
May 1978 nooseletter
Ringolevio : A Game Played for Keeps New Games in Berkley The Maltese Falcon Santa Cruzin 2nd Annual Watergun Fight and Potluck Dinner Moonlight Canoe Races Becoming a Functioning Member of Society First Semihemidemiannual Suicide Club Markspersonship Contest Enter The Unknown Capn Kid Treasure Hunt
June 1978 Nooseletter
Patchwork Quilt V Ropes Course Communiversity Garage Sale Kostumed Kooks A Little Night Music Initiation Papas Day Orienteering Final Stakeout
July Breakfast at the Palace Targets Star Wars InterHotelic Battle A Day at Wohler Bridge
August S.T.U.P.I D. #1 Caving Ringolevio 2
September Rollerball Alley An Evening Underground Fox & Hounds Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Croquet Match Dist. Comm. Calanders Garage Sale Initiation Hammet/Lieber Tour The Lord of the Rings Ringolevio 3 Moonies Enter Unknown Naval Reserve Fleet
November 1978 Nooseletter #13
Suicide for Our Ears #2 The Whole Earth Volleyball Talk about others behind their backs The Carl LaFong Motorcade Battle of the Titans Carl LaFong’s Victory Celebration Roll Out the Barrels – Oktoberfest in Nov. 24 Hour Amusement Park Birds under the Bridge and Hospital Hangover Food can be Fun (to play with) Grim Reapers#146;s Junk Sculpture From Flower to Flour Sex in San Francisco Film – The Predictable Disaster A Crime You are Powerless to Prevent A Day at the Races
Techniques of Persuasion Descent into the Unknown Treasure Hunt Industrial Landscape Play Dead Initiation Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Enter Unknown Tarzan & Green Goddess Capture the Flag Aura You Lonesome Tonight? Sleeping Around S.F. Piedmont Conjunction
May 1979 Nooseletter
Creating a Disturbance on BART (subway) Be It Damned or Be It Dead Nuremberg Trials An Old Tradition Revisited Rush Hour Run Local Bucolia Are You Tied Up Tonight? Portals of Illumination Invasion of the BodySnatchers S.F.S.C. vs. A.L.T.A.
July 1979 Nooseletter
Clown Parade Paint the Damn Thing Green Infilitrating Daniel Camping Out! Questions Daemonic Scavenger Hunt The Lock Merced Monster Return to Paradise Hoboing in America or Riding the Rails
November 1979 Nooseletter
Garage Sailing Enter the Unknown – Journey to a Time Long Ago More Buffoonery Top O The Mark Patchwork Quilt Adventure XIII Lifespring
Christmas Tree Hunt Pinball Madness Patchwork Quilt #14 Do you Like Pie? Federal Express…Going Down The Mysterious Macho Event
Eat Twinkies and Commit Crimes Its not Our Fault The Goldiggers of 1980 Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Treasure Hunt Dawn of the Dead The Wild Bunch The Body Brigade The Third Man S.T.U.P.I.D. #2 Riding the Rails “Chaos, Cacophony and Dark Saturnalia ” Playdead The Unknown Enters Night on Devil Reef Tom Sawyer Float Enter Unknown Alien Landing Initiation into Chaos 43 Person Squamish
Jack Tales Movies: Repulsion / The Tenant Mt. St. Helen?s Slide Show Treasure Hunt Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Hunchback Sherwood Forest 43 Man Squamish Industrial Landscapes The Thing in the Burying Ground Fatty Arbuckle Detective Event Potluck The Sandglass Marshall Tito?s Shorts Casablanca Squamish Paths of the Dead Carnival of Dead Souls Death of a Salesman
Treasure Hunt Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Capture the Cadaver (year?) Showdown at the Hyde St. Corral (year?)
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Ernest K Fabian Presents:
Pioneer Valley Pro Wrestling Match Report
Pioneer Valley Pro Wrestling Presents:  "Between A Rock & A Hard Place"
Wrestling fans of all ages attended this wild pro wrestling event.  The crowd was hyped-up and rowdy & shouted and chanted throughout this entire wrestling card.
Ring Announcer:  Matthew James
National Anthem & Ring 2nd:  Joanna Robinson
Time Keeper:  Lavender
Referees:  Vinnie Lax, Will Dojan & Adam West
Preliminary Tag-Team Match:  Cory Michaell & Isaiah Rex defeated Jose Salvador & Isaiah Wolf via pinfall after Rex pinned wolf following a roll-up converted into a bridge for extra leverage.
Preliminary Match:  "Concept" Johnny Torres beat Damien Black via pinfall after rolling Black up against the ringpost with a Zika driver for the pin.  The stipulation for this match was that if Torres won, Black would have to stand for the National Anthem.  Torres started the match with 3 big chops across Black's sternum outside of the ring.   Torres missed with the 3rd chop & smashed his hand against the ringpost.  Black seeing an opportunity, proceeded to attack Torres's injured hand & attempted to go for a submission.  Black mocked America, giving Torres time to recover & enabling Torres to come back and hit Black with an over the shoulder throw.  Ultimately Torres was able to set Black up the victory.  After the match a barely conscious Black was propped up by Mathew James for the National Anthem. After the National Anthem Black hit Torres with a crotch shot & then beat on Torres.  Black stood with his foot on Torres's throat and proclaimed that America is a joke.  Black stated that he will meet Torres in the ring at the April anniversary show & "show him his true wrath."  The fans chanted U.S.A. as Black left the ring area.
At this point in the card, special commissioner Marshall McNeill addressed the crowd & stated that there will be 5 qualifying matches for the bunk house brawl which will be held on April 8th.  This brawl will be for the PVP championship.
Bunkhouse Brawl Qualifying Match:  "Starmaker" Aaron F. Morrison got by Dan DeMan via pinfall after a spine-buster.  Morrison flipped his pin into a bridge for more leverage.  Dan entered the ring area hurling insults to the fans.  He called the women, "pancake makers" & the men, "weak." The fans chanted "shut your mouth!"  The two evenly matched opponents locked-up and began the match with scientific wrestling.  Morrison got Dan into a full nelson & dragged Dan around at ringside allowing fans to deliver hard chops against Dan's sternum.  Dan recovered & planted Morrison's head into the ringpost then set Morrison into a chair at ringside & knocked Morrison to the floor.  Morrison recovered with a savage clothesline & followed it up with a big slam.  Dan managed to score a near fall after scoring a kick in Morrison's face but ultimately Morrison was able to rally for the victory.
Number 1 Contenders Match For The Woman's Championship.  This match was supposed to be Toxis VS Adira but Davienne came out to the ring and stated that she deserved the match more than Adira because she has been on the scene longer.  Skylar came out to the ring and Davienne & Skylar brawled.  After the commotion died down, Skylar set the following match stipulation.  Whoever gets the pin is the number 1 contender, but if Skylar wins, she get to pick the contender.  The match was set up as a tag-team match.
Toxis & Davienne defeated Skylar & Adira via pinfall after Toxis pinned Skylar following a spear.
Bunkhouse Brawl Qualifying Match:  Jeremy Leary stopped "Devil's Reject" Brandon Webb after putting the back of Webb's head into the mat with a reverse bulldog.  A highlight of this match was when Leary scored a terrific flying head scissors on Webb.  Later in the match Leary dragged Webb around the ring & let the fans deliver chops to Webb's sternum.   Back in the ring, Leary dropped a spinning elbow then hit Webb with a variation of "rings of Saturn"  Webb recovered and put Leary's head into the ringpost but Leary was able to recover with a series of fore arms. At the climax of this match Leary gained a near fall after a clothesline off the top rope.  Webb recovered and slammed Leary onto his knee with a back breaker but ultimately Leary was able to rally for the pin after Webb missed with a moonsault.  
Bunkhouse Brawl Qualifying Match:  Logan Black VS Teddy Goodz ended in a double disqualification when both men accidentally mowed down referee, Will Dojan, knocking Dojan to the mat & rendering Dojan temporarily unconscious.  Neither competitor will participate in the bunkhouse brawl on April 8th. The fans were so upset by this ruling that they chanted "punch the ref!"  These two competitors were evenly matched in size & strength.  The fans were divided, half the fans were for Goodz & half the fans were for Black.  The match began scientifically   Goodz attempted to slam Black but Black was able to block the slam.   Black boxed Goodz's ears then stomped Goodz in the corner.  Black hit Goodz with a snap-mare and tried for a pin.  Goodz kicked out and hit Black with a knee-lift that sent him flying out of the ring.  Goodz dove out of the ring onto Black then put Black's head into a chair.  Black was able to recover and put Goodz's head into the ringpost & choked Goodz with his knee but Goodz recovered and put Black's head into a table.  Midway through the match Goodz offered to shake Black's hand but Black knocked it away.  The match ended as a slugfest in the ring with the two opponents trading uppercuts & forearms until Dojan was knocked out by the competitors.  After the match Black took the microphone  and stated, "we took each other to the limit, you have earned my respect. "  The pair then turned around a delivered a double kick on Dojan, much to the fans amusement.
Tag-Team Match:  "The Lock-Up" (Jason Daniels & Mike Russell) gained the victory against "The Aristocrats" (Zack Beaulieu & Tomahawk) via pinfall after Daniels got the pin on Tomahawk following a shot to the head with a chair whilst the referee was distracted.  this match began when all 4 competitors brawled in the ring.  A highlight of this match was when Daniels scored a series of 3 suplexes on Beaulieu. (suplex city!)  Later in the match Tomahawk scored a clothes line off the 2nd rope onto Russell.  At the climax of this match, Zack went to the top rope but was pulled onto the rope by Russell, injuring his groin, sending Zack to the floor.  This enabled Russell to score the chair-shot which enabled Daniels to score the pin.
At this point on the card it was announced that H20 Ryan Waters was injured the night before at a "Top Rope" card in Brockton MA & would be unable to wrestle, therefore his opponent "Egomaniac" Johnny Idol automatically advanced to the bunkhouse brawl on 4/8.  Idol came to the ring but would not accept a free ride to the brawl.  Idol demanded an opponent because the people had come to see him wrestle.  Idol issued an open challenge, which was answered by Narciso Rex.
Bunkhouse Brawl Qualifying Match:  "Egomaniac" Jonathan Idol got the best of Narciso Rex via pinfall after Narciso missed with a moonsault & Idol was able to score the pin with what looked like a face-buster.  At the climax of this match, Idol had his leg tied up in the ropes and was hanging out of the ring by his leg.  Narciso took advantage and attacked Idol's leg throughout the match.  Ultimately, Idol was able to rally for the victory.  
At this point in the card, it was announced that TK O'Ryan had injured his leg wrestling for ROH in Las Vegas & would be unable to wrestle.   "Sexy Jesus" Hammer Tunis would advance to the Bunkhouse match without a fight.  The fans "booed" at this announcement.  Tunis came out to the ring with Joseph DiNucci.  Tunis demanded that O'Ryan be givin a ten count.  The referee counted to ten in the traditional way & then Tunis demanded that Matt James announce his victory with enthusiasm.  McNeil then came out to the ring & announced himself as TK's replacement.  Tunis balked at this news but McNeil stated that Tunis did not have to wrestle him if he could have a match with DiNucci at the anniversary show.  Tunis agreed, upsetting DiNucci.  Tunis then stated that DiNucci got to pick the match stipulation.  McNeil agreed saying that he would kick DiNucci's ass no matter what kind of match he picked. DiNucci chose a "tuxedo match."  McNeil agreed & told the fans to bring barf bags because they would need them when they saw DiNucci in his skivvies.
"Big Bacon" Brad Hollister retained the PVP championship in his match against "Kingpin" Brian Milonas &  Wrecking Ball Legursky via pinfall after pinning Milonas who had just got clocked in the head with the time keeper's bell whilst the referee was distracted.  Wrecking Ball was tied up in the ropes by Tunis who had come to the ring area with DiNucci.  A highlight of this match was when Hollister was able to score an amazing belly to back suplex on Wrecking Ball.  At the start of the match Hollister kept getting thrown out of the ring by Milonas & Wrecking ball.  Eventually, Wrecking Ball threw Hollister out of the ring onto Milonas after a military press over the top rope.   The action spilled into the audience.  Wrecking Ball got thrown into a pile of chairs & Milonas & Holister took turns throwing chairs on top of Wrecking Ball until Wrecking Ball was covered with chairs  Back in the ring Milonas savaged Hollister with multiple power moves.  Hollister hit Milonas with a big uppercut & was able to score a 2nd belly to back suplex on Milonas.  Wrecking Ball got back in the ring & grabbed Holister by the hair then hit Hollister with a series of head butts, then followed them up with a belly to belly suplex and a flying head but.  Hollister was so stunned he attempted to tag the referee into the match.  Wrecking Ball scored a near fall on Millonas after a big slam but after DiNucci & Tunis came to ringside, Wrecking Ball got tied up in the ropes by Tunis.   Milonas had gotten the bell from the time keepers table.  Wrecking Ball was able to stop Milonas from using the bell but Milonas got knocked unconscious by the bell enabling Hollister to score the pinfall victory & retain the championship.  After the match Idol & Leary entered the ring and all the bunk house participants brawled in the ring until the fight was broken up.
Pioneer Valley Pro Wrestling will next appear at the Hadley MA American Legion Hall on 4/8 for the Anniversary event.
See you at the matches.
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ibloggingkits-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Blogging kits
New Post has been published on https://bloggingkits.org/trendy-indianapolis-colts-draft-buzz-from-across-the-internet/
Trendy Indianapolis Colts draft buzz from across the Internet
It’s already been a wild day in terms of NFL Draft buzz, and things do not look like they’ll calm down before the draft begins this night at eight p.M. ET. Here are some of the Today’s tidbits to be pronounced approximately gamers of a hobby for the Indianapolis Colts.
* LB Reuben Foster (Alabama): Foster is a player Colts enthusiasts will without a doubt have their eye on this night. He’s had a hard run-as much as the draft, which didn’t get any higher with the recent news he had a diluted urine take a look at on the NFL Scouting Combine. Foster is a participant who ought to fall in tonight’s draft, however how lengthy will that falls ultimately? Former NFL exec Michael Lombardi raised some eyebrows remaining week when he tweeted Foster ought to closing till Round 2. Todd McShay of ESPN pronounced earlier in the week the Colts will be the “parachute pick” for Foster at 15, and in the event that they didn’t pick out him up at that point, the vacation spot might be the Redskins at 17. Nowadays, in his final mock draft, McShay said the Colts “love” Foster but expected he’s going to get scooped up by Buffalo at choose 10 whilst predicting Temple linebacker Haason Reddick to the Colts at 15.
* OLB Charles Harris (Missouri)/OLB T.J. Watt (Wisconsin): Harris is a call to recall tonight as He’s been mentioned in the past to be a player the Colts like and has also been reportedly rising up draft boards in recent weeks. Multiple mock drafts in latest days has projected Harris to the Colts, one of those being Matt Miller of Bleacher File’s final mock draft posted Thursday morning. The thrilling tidbit Miller posted, however, wasn’t approximately Harris but about Wisconsin linebacker T.J. Watt.
“T.J. Watt would now not marvel me (at choose 15),” wrote Miller. “He is a match for what fashionable supervisor Chris Ballard likes in a prospect from a wiring, individual, athleticism perspective. For a few it may seem like a reach, however, It’s feasible. Now the actual select—aspect-rusher Charles Harris. I really assume the Colts go side-rusher inside the first Round, and Harris is a splendid suit as an effective, athletic player coming off the brink of the three-four scheme. One top notch thing approximately Harris too is that should the Colts fireplace head coach Chuck Pagano after this offseason and go to a four-3 defense, He’s nonetheless a healthy gambling shielding give up.”
Indianapolis Colts Can not Be Stopped in ’09 The Indianapolis Colts, while recognized for his or her skill, are better regarded for the enjoyment. The Indianapolis Colts were the primary professional football crew with cheerleaders and a marching band. With a faithful fan base already, it changed into a surprise that this assertion accelerated ticket sales exponentially.
The Colts had been not usually famous for his or her goodness, but for their downfalls. in the starting in their career, they performed as the Miami Seahawks for the AAFC. They had been no longer round lengthy before they were headed in the direction of bankruptcy. Fortuitously, buyers from Baltimore were interested in the franchise.
This funding group now not only bought the group but also moved them to Baltimore and almost changed the identification. inside the 50s, the AAFC and the NFL merged, which moved the Baltimore Colts from the AAFC to an NFL franchise. New shades, new city, new name, and a brand new league must prove to be an awesome exchange for the group.
Alas, this changed into no longer true. The team gained only one sport in 1950, and dissolved a year later, in 1951. Baltimore enthusiasts supported their crew and could do anything to preserve the Colts alive, but it became no longer up to them. but, the NFL had an exchange of coronary heart and challenged the town to promote 15,000 tickets in 6-weeks; if they could do that their crew can be reinstated as a professional football team.
Inside much less than five weeks, over 15,000 Baltimore Colts tickets have been sold and the franchise was re-instated. The Dallas Texans relocated – in line with the NFL – to Baltimore. Management agreed to the Texans keeping their shades, but were adamant approximately retaining their call – the Baltimore Colts. The Colts were left to begin sparkling with new colorings but a hint of home with the name, nothing may want to move incorrect now.
trade was not over for the Colts as controversy and drama began once more within the 80s. The Baltimore Colts and Orioles shared a stadium; there was no room or financials to support a 2nd stadium. This trouble commenced to affect many factors of the game, so much in order that the Colts began to look elsewhere.
The owner became capable of discover a good deal in Indiana, also known as the Hoosier kingdom. Indiana was willing to provide the Colts with the monetary backing they wished, along side a stadium to name domestic. In 1984, the Colts played their first game on their new discipline because the Indianapolis Colts, and have been prepared for a brand new generation to begin.
Peyton Manning joined the Indianapolis Colts several years later in 1998. The addition of this exceptional quarterback tied up the final free ends that the Colts had. After 10 fantastic years, they ended the 2008 season with a 12-4 record, and that they made it to the playoffs! Tickets had been immediately high call for, and also you could not dial the phone or click on a button brief sufficient to get your hands on some, let alone one. The Colts did no longer beat the Chargers, but it changed into now not because of the shortage of attempting!
An awesome give up to remaining season most effective opens the brand new season with adrenaline and possibilities. The Indianapolis Colts are prepared to hurricane the sphere and knock down anyone who gets in their way of the Awesome Bowl. lovers are so thrilled approximately the brand new season that season tickets are long gone – even earlier than spring training is beneath manner!
Indianapolis Colts History The Indianapolis Colts are an expert American soccer crew this is primarily based in Indianapolis Indiana inside the United states of America. They’re the reigning Countrywide football League (NFL) champions due to the fact triumphing Superbowl XLI on Feb. 4th in 2007.
Indianapolis Colts are also known as ‘The Horseshoes’ and their team colours are Velocity Blue and White. The Colts resettled from Baltimore in the yr of 1984 and started out living in Indianapolis triumphing 90 of 228 games through the 1997 season. The figure additionally consists of their five playoff video games. The Indianapolis Colts football team is the only the second in league History to win 12 games or more in four consecutive seasons. but, this happened because Jim Irsay assumed control of the franchise in the 12 months of 1998. Its franchise History starts of evolved from The AAFC Baltimore Colts in Nineteen Forties
Since the day the team turned into shaped, they have been suffering lots in the sport of football and they have received many vital titles. The newly minted Indianapolis Colts struggled lots on the sector with 4-12, five-11 and 3-13 data for the duration of its first 3 seasons. The latter, at some stage in the 12 months of 1986, it started 0-thirteen. The group changed into depressed and that they changed Rod Dowhower with former Patriots head instruct Ron Meyer. This grew to become to be wise choice because the Colts spoke back with the aid of triumphing the very last three video games beneath his education.
inside the 2006 season, the Colts lost 3 of the four games but earlier than that, the Indianapolis Colts were the primary group in NFL Records to begin consecutive season having received 9 video games. The colts finished the season with 12-four record marking their fifth consecutive season with 10 victories or greater.
Every other maximum great one becomes whilst The Colts defeated the Chicago Bears (29-17) on February 4, 2007, in Dolphin Stadium. The Indianapolis Colts team became the first ‘dome team’ to win Extraordinary Bowl in an out of doors stadium and They are the first to win in the rain.
The Indianapolis Colts are one of these few groups that has saved its logo and uniforms basically equal For the reason that group’s debut inside the 12 months of 1953. As They may be popularly recognised, the blue shade emblem of horseshoe is embossed at the white helmet. The blue jerseys have white shoulder strips and the white jerseys have blue ones. The pant that a participant wears is white with blue strips along the sides.
The Indianapolis Colts had some important players who performed their excellent. a number of the ones gamers include Raul Allegre, Ken Dilger, Rohn Stark, Marshall Faulk, Jeff George, Chip Banks and much more. The team could be very well-known for their recreation plans and their passion in the direction of the sports activities. however, no Colt has gained the NFL protective player of the 12 months Award.
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armagnac-army · 3 months
“Pssst* Lannes”
“I’ll start kissing you and making weird noises, then Soult and Larry will get extremely uncomfortable and turn away. Then I can untie you and get you out of here. . . If you don’t mind me acting weird of course 😘”
Coconspirator murat (as oppposed to galette dandfy murat because its gettin confusing distinguing between u deux)
That sounds like a great plan lets do it!
But the dalmatian isnt actually going to fall for that exactly becasue hes too much of a rabat-joie to look away even if were kissing!!! no what im hoping for is something much more simple
Im hoping to annoy him enough that he lets me go himself >;]
You two are clearly plotting something under your breaths.
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armagnac-army · 3 months
Don’t worry about untying his hands Soult I can feed him
🤭😏 I do not mind if you accidentally lick my fingers
Hey murat come here if i lick your fingers enough maybe soult will get so fed up hell let me go!!!
*If this was an anime, a vein would be visibly popping in Soult's forehead.*
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armagnac-army · 3 months
*there’s a knock on the door.*
*it’s one of larreys students with a note.*
‘I will be there soon. If you haven’t already, can you find what he’s eaten?’
What did you eat, Lannes?
I told you already it was a rectangle cocoa cake that was baked wit armagnac and something else!!! I ate a lot of it you can find the crumbs in that tin over there which i would grab for you IF I WERENT TIED UP
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armagnac-army · 3 months
*Boops nose*
*Ruffles hair*
*Pinch cheek*
“Butterfly kiss*
//Your dandy king
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armagnac-army · 3 months
WAIT WAIT WAIT SOULT DONT UNTIE HIM YET !! This is an optimal opportunity for us to boop him without getting a sword shoved upp our asses
// Murat
You may engage in… booping. I am above such pettiness.
Shut up.
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armagnac-army · 3 months
You should eat something, Lannes. Maybe it'll help!
You know, I have no idea what else you put in your stomach besides armagnac and uh, chocolate cakes of questionable origin.
Ooooh, I know a place where we can get the best galettes! I promise, I'll untie you first, then we'll go and eat until we puke and then we eat again! How does that sound?
//Your Dandy King
I do not believe the "eat until you puke" is a good idea. Eating, yes, but you can do that here. King of Naples, you are welcome to go and fetch some galettes, but until the Baron has signed off, Lannes is staying right here.
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armagnac-army · 3 months
*pat pat*
There there! Everything will be alright very soon! ^7^
*pat pat*
We are waiting for the doctor to confirm that you are mentally sound.
Stop saying that!
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trippinglynet · 5 years
Chronology of the SF Suicide Club (as of 1982)
The Beginning 1st Initiation
Feb 14, 1977 nooseletter – First Calendar of Events!
Weird Walk Caving in Santa Cruz Moonie Dinner Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Treasure Hunt Sliding down South S.F. Letters Baby Beautiful Contest Capturing the Golden Hinde Killer Voyeurism – An American Way of Life The Projectionist Crashing a Bon Voyage Party Ghiradelli Square Squirt Gun Infiltrating Eckankar Naked Cable Car Union Square Stunt Sewers of Oakland Kennedy Hotel Merry Mouth Mental Health Tour Santa Cruz Mystery Spot
May Frog Jump Planning meeting Midnight Ride Mythology and Folklore of Wolves The Last Supper Be Super, Not Superstitious Weekend in Hell Big Time Wrestling at the Cow Palace Pink Flamingos at the Roxie Old and in the Way Caleveras County Frog Jumping Contest Humiliating a Lecturer Teacher Party for Communiversity Fuuuuuucked up with Agamoto and Audium Walking Tour of Dashiel Hammett and Fritz Lieber
June New Games with Juvenile Delinquents Vaudeville Auditions Return to the Kennedy Hotel Performing at a Vaudeville Show The Day the Earth Stood Still Spending the Night in a Ghost Town History’s First Nighttime Capture the Flag Game Second Mysterious Suicide Club Initiation Extra Terrestrial Tourists Massive Assault on an Amusement Park Certified D.O.A. Commencement Exercises
July Mystery Tour Alcatraz Harrassing a Famous Comedian Square Dance and New Games After Midnight in SF Orgy Time Infiltration – Railroaders and Scientology Summer of Love Reenactment Texas Chainsaw Massacre Slapstick Army Meets the Three Stooges
August Bay Bridge Occupy a Nuclear Power Site Transvestites Explore other lifetimes Daisies & Sweet Movie at Roxie Water Sports in Marin at Nude Lake Play Dead Exploring a Dead Hospital The Question Man Beer as in Braindeer Jaws Becoming our Own Heros Enter Unknown #2 (Max Factor Billboard)
September Inner Tubing Swashing our own Buckles Suicide for our Ears Be a Real Cutup – Human Jigsaw Puzzle Jitterbug Can Kill – Dance lessons Death, Sticks, Dance Getting the Most out of being Arrested Living History – The Barbary Coast Enter The Unknown #3 Hour of the Wolf Daffy Duck Musical Roadshow Caving at Pinnacles Golden Gate Bridge Climb Food Fight
October An Evening at the Straight Theater Amusement Appreciation #1 Canoeing under the Wharves Maritime Time Warp Teddy Bear’s Tea Potluck in a Hole Invasion of the Body Snatchers Communiversity Garage Sale Punk Rockers Invade Rocky Horror Picture Show Bring on the Clowns Tupperware for the Masses Enter Unknown #4 & #5 Nude Photos Star Wars Intergalactic Battle Initiation (Goddess) Scorpio Slumber Party
November 1977 Nooseletter
A Crime Will be Committed Star Wars Intergalactic Battle Show & Tell Evening with Psycho/movies Suicide for our Ears The Whole Earth Volleyball Talk about other behind their backs Carl LaFong Motorcade Battle of the Titans Carl LaFongs Victory Celebration Ocktoberfest Twenty four hour Amusement Park Birds Under the Bridge Food can be Fun (to play with) Grim Reaper’s Junk Sculpture From Flower to Flour Sex in San Francisco The Predictable Disaster A Crime You are Powerless to Prevent Will be Committed A Day at the Races Star Wars Intergalactic Battle
December 1977 Nooseletter
A Walk with Love and Death An Evening with Psychopaths Suicide for Our Ears Break Down the Library Doors With Poetry and Song Fantasy Film Society Reunion Sensory Bombardment Collaborative Writing Workshop A Childs Xmas in S.F. Show and Tell National Ding-A-Ling Day Attending a Hysterical Mob Scene Premiere Attack of the Variables A Group Discussion Pieing! Continental Detective Agency vs. The Legion of Crime Sam Spade Costume Ball Greet the Holiday Season Enter The Unknown Climbing the Golden Gate Bridge Commando Raid on the Naval Reserve Fleet Return to the Maritime Time Warp New Years at Falstaff Brewery
Big Time Wrestling Suicide on Ice Bringing Out the Criminal Element in the S.F.S.C. Communiversity Potluck Follow the Foghorns Free Marijuana Day Making Death Glisten Assault on Flight 815 Communing with the Spirits of San Francisco Rehearsing our Lines 1st Regular Bad Luck Ball and Potluck Buffet Movie Crowd Formation The Patchwork Quilt Adventure From Movies to Real Life Decoy Street Return of the Pie Bureaucratic Treasure Hunt 2nd Annual Suicide Club Treasure Hunt
Feb 1978 Nooseletter
Taking the Death Out of Suicide Brazilian Parade Patchwork Quilt Adventure II Monthly Battle – McDonald#146;s Food Fight Communiversity Garage Sale Redwood Chainsaw Massacre Treasure Hunt and Initiations Enter the Unknown #? Sassy Sallying Enter the Unknown #7 Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Getting Wet Trivia Contest
March 1978 Nooseletter
Magical Fantastical Dream Society If Sewing what youve Ripped Enter the Unknown #9 Out of your Casket Separate Realities Patchwork Quilt III Fantasy Film Society Reunion Money, Snakes, and Leprachauns This is Your Death Games!!! The Sewers of Oakland SFSC Benefit at the Roxie Star Wars Intergalactic Battle Fun and Games with the Easter Rabbit The Church of the Microwave Poodle Funfair The Very Last Show Commando Raid (aborted due to lock change)
April 1978 Nooseletter
Playland Lives Infiltrating an Orgy Garage Sailing Fast Fast Fast Relief Communing with the Spirits of San Francisco Patchwork Quilt Adventure IV The Night the World Ended Suicide Club Card Game Enter the Unknown Persona Return to Enter the Unknown Daedalus Delight
May 1978 nooseletter
Ringolevio : A Game Played for Keeps New Games in Berkley The Maltese Falcon Santa Cruzin 2nd Annual Watergun Fight and Potluck Dinner Moonlight Canoe Races Becoming a Functioning Member of Society First Semihemidemiannual Suicide Club Markspersonship Contest Enter The Unknown Capn Kid Treasure Hunt
June 1978 Nooseletter
Patchwork Quilt V Ropes Course Communiversity Garage Sale Kostumed Kooks A Little Night Music Initiation Papas Day Orienteering Final Stakeout
July Breakfast at the Palace Targets Star Wars InterHotelic Battle A Day at Wohler Bridge
August S.T.U.P.I D. #1 Caving Ringolevio 2
September Rollerball Alley An Evening Underground Fox & Hounds Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors Croquet Match Dist. Comm. Calanders Garage Sale Initiation Hammet/Lieber Tour The Lord of the Rings Ringolevio 3 Moonies Enter Unknown Naval Reserve Fleet
November 1978 Nooseletter #13
Suicide for Our Ears #2 The Whole Earth Volleyball Talk about others behind their backs The Carl LaFong Motorcade Battle of the Titans Carl LaFong’s Victory Celebration Roll Out the Barrels – Oktoberfest in Nov. 24 Hour Amusement Park Birds under the Bridge and Hospital Hangover Food can be Fun (to play with) Grim Reapers#146;s Junk Sculpture From Flower to Flour Sex in San Francisco Film – The Predictable Disaster A Crime You are Powerless to Prevent A Day at the Races
Techniques of Persuasion Descent into the Unknown Treasure Hunt Industrial Landscape Play Dead Initiation Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Enter Unknown Tarzan & Green Goddess Capture the Flag Aura You Lonesome Tonight? Sleeping Around S.F. Piedmont Conjunction
May 1979 Nooseletter
Creating a Disturbance on BART (subway) Be It Damned or Be It Dead Nuremberg Trials An Old Tradition Revisited Rush Hour Run Local Bucolia Are You Tied Up Tonight? Portals of Illumination Invasion of the BodySnatchers S.F.S.C. vs. A.L.T.A.
July 1979 Nooseletter
Clown Parade Paint the Damn Thing Green Infilitrating Daniel Camping Out! Questions Daemonic Scavenger Hunt The Lock Merced Monster Return to Paradise Hoboing in America or Riding the Rails
November 1979 Nooseletter
Garage Sailing Enter the Unknown – Journey to a Time Long Ago More Buffoonery Top O The Mark Patchwork Quilt Adventure XIII Lifespring
Christmas Tree Hunt Pinball Madness Patchwork Quilt #14 Do you Like Pie? Federal Express…Going Down The Mysterious Macho Event
Eat Twinkies and Commit Crimes Its not Our Fault The Goldiggers of 1980 Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Treasure Hunt Dawn of the Dead The Wild Bunch The Body Brigade The Third Man S.T.U.P.I.D. #2 Riding the Rails “Chaos, Cacophony and Dark Saturnalia ” Playdead The Unknown Enters Night on Devil Reef Tom Sawyer Float Enter Unknown Alien Landing Initiation into Chaos 43 Person Squamish
Jack Tales Movies: Repulsion / The Tenant Mt. St. Helen?s Slide Show Treasure Hunt Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Hunchback Sherwood Forest 43 Man Squamish Industrial Landscapes The Thing in the Burying Ground Fatty Arbuckle Detective Event Potluck The Sandglass Marshall Tito?s Shorts Casablanca Squamish Paths of the Dead Carnival of Dead Souls Death of a Salesman
Treasure Hunt Golden Gate Bridge Dinner Capture the Cadaver (year?) Showdown at the Hyde St. Corral (year?)
0 notes