#event ; hypnum insomum pt 1
silentaura · 4 months
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−−−  ꧁  a fortunate gift for such unfortunate circumstances , zelda pours herself over the arcanus isle compendium , finger tracing annotations left in neat cursive script . no , no , this isn't it -- and the princess hastily turns the page . for as detailed as the compendium was , it lacked any specific notation of the nightmare moss she'd been hearing of .
click . frustrated , a sigh of frustration passes her lip as she quickly presses the cover closed and looks around , reassessing her whereabout . it was one thing to be thrust into the middle of chaos . it was a challenge entirely separate to be placed in the center of an entirely unfamiliar land . sure , she had hardly scraped the surface of her own land , but uprooting oneself entirely from the familiarity was . . .
admittedly thrilling , had it come with better timing . for even if she had always carried the unspoken desire to disappear , it was not to trade tragedies nor abandon her own ongoing . but she simple had to make do the best she could and put her faith forward .
which was much easier said than done .
" excuse me , " zelda approached the reference desk . empty . abandoned . when circumstances were most dire , people sought the comfort of their homes and families . of course there were no workers left .
tap tap tap . nail bounced against the wooden desk as if calculating her next move . she could just go and . . . try and scrape a bit of it off to look at it closer . asinine . she was no botanist , and if the information releasing had any bit of credibility it was not in her interest to get close to the nightmare moss . . .
however , " it's no use . we'll never get anywhere without some risk . "
and so zelda presses her compendium into her arms , making haste towards the closed botany hall of the arcanus university campus . without risk , there would yield no reward .
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