#euro news also confirmed bro is parody and not Mr. Ein
taviokapudding · 4 months
PSA to all Twitter user MOSSADiL is a parody account
It's not the same parody account created by Canadian, Shawn Ein, aka user TheMossadaiL
When I use public information I keep seeing a pathetic guy's face and some of the shit they say about India is very biased soooooo y e a h some dude, most likely is South Asian/Hindu or from India, is pretending to be THE Mossad (which is like the Israeli CIA equivalent btw) and has 281K losers following him & really spitting that Zionist bs
Mr. Ein's 563k follower base has a large overlap because so many Zionists are actually stupid af
If you're looking for a free list of apologists, colonizers, and genociders to screenshot, document for later, and block, there ya go. It's all right there in broad daylight and in public with those 2 accounts in particular
Oh and btw the real thing has an inactive account that's limited to recruitment only based posts so heads up when you see bonkers shit from anybody claiming to be "commentary"
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