#ethersea urchin
And Dylan?!
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he came over for a sleepover
ep40 21:46
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knightforflowers · 2 months
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quick attempt at an Urchin design since I just got to his introduction in my relisten! I love you wild freak boy
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mooselybased · 8 months
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Time for another Adventure Zone platform fighter moveset, and our first NPC from Ethersea, it's Urchin! This brings our total number of fighters up to 28, meaning just two more until I take a break on this series. Any guesses as to who the final two characters will be?
Urchin is, at present, the lightest character on the roster, meaning he gets sent flying easily. But, as Rule #3 of Ethersea states, Urchin is never where you need him to be, which translates to having lots of movement options to ensure he's never where his foes want him to be.
Urchin's neutral special has him pull out a depth charge, which explodes a set time after it's pulled out. Release the button to drop the charge and have it roll away, or hold for the duration to be sent flying by the explosion, as a potential additional recovery option.
Urchin's down special causes the bathysphere, AKA Urchin's rec room, to appear around him before immediately plummeting, damaging and potentially spiking anyone below him. Just be careful not to use it over the ledge.
Urchin's up special has him pop open a vent out of nowhere and climb in. An exit vent appears a set distance away in the direction held. The vents stay on screen for a short time, during which Urchin or any one item or projectile can pass through them before they vanish.
Urchin's side special has him roll into a spiny ball and dash forward a good distance. This move will stick to whatever surface it starts on, allowing for Urchin to climb walls or even move across the underside of platforms.
Urchin's finale has him bust open a hatch in the floor of the stage and start going nuts on the inner mechanisms. Sections of the stage begin to haphazardly fall away while explosions appear unpredictably throughout, before getting reset when the move ends.
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whack-patty · 2 months
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Doing some spring cleaning and found some old ethersea fanart from when i had brain damage
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eldrigeonsss · 8 months
Could you draw an urchin or angus please! Your request doodles are so cute and I think they’d be so cute in your style!
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Both! Both is good!! I was trying to show someone in the blink shark server my process so I have a teeny incomplete recording of it too!
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boydykedevo · 1 year
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Round 2
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foundfamilyhq · 7 months
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parker-matsu · 1 year
the coriolis crew!! and the blink sharks 🦈
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icarussrancidart · 4 months
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been doing a lot of colored pencil stuff
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mcelquotes · 2 months
There's no secrets from Urchin!
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princessrainbow7 · 2 years
He is never where you want him to be, his bathroom is in between bulkheads. You were never ready to meet him, but here he is to steal your heart and your rations...
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terezis · 2 years
haven’t been able to stop thinking about urchin and his good friend dillon actually
Griffin (as Kodira): Oh - oh fuck no. I'm coming, I am coming with y'all this time. Travis (as Devo): So we're leaving... Justin: Ah... there, there - I know who's gonna be the capi-tan. (As Amber) Urcho? What d'you think, bud? Clint: Oh, field promotion! Amber: You're gettin' the call up! Griffin (as Urchin): Yeah, man, we can take care of it! Devo: Wait, who's we?   Amber: We? (wheezes) Sorry - have you adopted the royal, sorta, pronoun, or...? Devo: The captain's "we?" Urchin: Nah, me - me and Dillon can handle it. Devo: Who's Dillon?! Amber: Sorry? Griffin: Um, from - from deeper in the ship, the door to the bridge opens up, and you all see... just this skeezy wastoid of a dude walk in, is like, "Hey what's up? What's goin' on?" Amber: Sorry, who are you?! Devo: Who is Dillon?! Urchin: This is my friend Dillon. (Justin and Clint laugh) Devo: Urchin, you brought a friend? Justin: This is simultaneously extremely surprising, and not surprising, that Urchin has just like a wastoid, skeevy friend. (Laughter) Griffin (as Dillon): What'ddya need? You need someone to drive it? Amber and Devo: No! Amber: Dillon! No - what the fuck?! Urchin: Wha - Urch, Urchin can't have friends?! Amber: Yeah, but like, how did he come over?! Urchin: I invited him, for sleepover. Devo (over Justin's laughter): You have to ask us first! You have to ask us! Urchin: You didn't ask me to bring this fuckin' cop on board. Devo: We are, we are senior officers, Urchin! Urchin: I mean, but it seems like you need some - Amber: Alright, you shut - hey. You shut up for a second. Urchin: That's fair. Amber: Dillion. Dillon: Yo. Amber, wheezing: D'you - have you ever - do you have any experience piloting a watercraft? Dillon: I mean, I was a... I was a lieutenant with the Ironwels for a minute, but like, it wasn't me... Devo: Wait, really? Dillon: Yeah, it wasn't - that wasn't me, though. You know? Amber: But it was you? Dillon: I mean, yeah, in another life. Amber: Okay. That's all. Thank you. That's all - that's all I needed to hear. Alright. I think they got it! (Laughing) I trust - I trust - I got a good read on people, except for when I'm wrong, and I got a real good vibe on Dillon.
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safetymeeting · 1 year
this is exactly what urchin looks like
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ethersierra · 1 year
Does anyone else just picture Devo as this guy?
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podcast-hoard · 2 years
not to be emo but i can’t imagine the immense loneliness and emptiness devo probably feels now. he figured out the greater purpose he was always told he was supposed to fulfill and he did it. zoox as we know him is gone and unable to fully communicate, amber jumped into a portal to another world that immediately closed after. and devo is just standing there alone with his big destiny seemingly over with. like where tf do you go from there
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