#etc: practical blogkeeping
midrashic · 1 year
so uh. how often have you looked at my blog i.e. did you see my queue churning out the same posts like over and over again i.e.
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it's okay, i can explain! i've been selectively hacked by a cabal of magneto-haters based out of italy...
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midrashic · 1 year
it's that time of year again (my birthday (gregorian (🎉))). in lieu of singing, please consider leaving a comment on one of my fics at ao3--it would completely make my day! 💛
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midrashic · 2 years
why have i been missing for a month? well. do you ever just read a book and then black out and lose all of september
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midrashic · 1 year
i am SO SORRY for all the cecil sexyman posts i'm about to reblog it's time sensitive and they're so funny 😭
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midrashic · 2 years
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I posted 3,808 times in 2022
That's 540 more posts than 2021!
178 posts created (5%)
3,630 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,806 of my posts in 2022
#fandom: hated and feared - 869 posts
#genre: visual - 777 posts
#ch: heavy metal broke my heart - 666 posts
#ch: if you can‚ teach (professor heal thyself) - 633 posts
#relship: we'll always have cuba - 570 posts
#filed under: highlights reel - 327 posts
#genre: juxtapositional - 314 posts
#fandom: the road so far - 296 posts
#fandom: and there came a day unlike any other - 194 posts
#hyperfixation: to make bread or love - 193 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i think spotify is refusing to show me a wrapped option because i don't even know if i've listened to a single song through all year 😂😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
after much ethnographic immersion, i have determined that as of 2022, there's actually a roughly equal number of erik stans & charles stans in the current cherik fandom. they just happen to exist in entirely separate spheres & seem to be unaware that the other group exists. if you are suffering from fandom fatigue as a result of feeling that everyone else woobifies your unfavorite, i recommend some kind of cultural exchange that would expose you to a different circle of cherik shippers, because the one thing we can all agree on is that anons whining that everyone else in fandom is so stupid & wrong & annoying is possibly the most annoying thing of all.
80 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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[ID: tweet from @onslaughtverse reading, erik "i'd destroy the world for you" lehnsherr and charles "i'll create a world that deserves you" xavier /end ID]
91 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
new rule: you’re not allowed to call a fandom dead unless you’re actively creating for it
110 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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See the full post
126 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
but ALSO ON THE OTHER HAND the failure of telepathy. erik who is like "ah so he knows i am a monster" and just goes on like that glumly but also doesn't bother telling charles anything about himself because he already knows, surely he already knows. erik who makes charles his arbitrator of what is good and moral and thinks A Good Person Would Be Against Me Killing Shaw even knowing that he killed my mom, experimented on me, that his death is the only thing that has allowed me to keep putting one foot in front of the other instead of just lying down and dying, this man who knows everything about me and therefore gives me exactly what i am worth and it is the tenderness of friendship but no more, it is sitting three feet away from me in his study. and meanwhile charles is like :) can't wait to get to know him as a real person more than just what my telepathy can tell me because charles knows better than anyone that it doesn't matter what you think and that who you are is defined by what you choose to do (which is why he should convert and not just to give edie the satisfaction of marrying her child off to a nice jewish boy)
164 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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midrashic · 2 years
hello everyone. in addition to being horrible muppet parody day, it’s also my birthday. in lieu of cake please consider leaving a comment on ao3, it would make my day 💛
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midrashic · 2 years
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midrashic · 2 years
your tag system is so intricate! how did you develop it and do you have any favorite tags or ones with good stories behind them?
ahh thank you so much!! i've been getting a lot of compliments about my tagging recently & i'm glad people seem to be interested in it.
honestly i started doing it because i wished other people would use unique tags so i wouldn't have to see their opinions on things other than what i followed them for lmao. the supernatural / marvel cinematic universe cold war of it all... you can still see some of my early supernatural tags are pretty silly, & right now my tag system is pretty broken because i'm trying to revamp the whole thing to make it more aesthetic and less me-as-seventeen-year-old.
developing a tag system like this is really just... figuring out what tags you will actually use. there are some tags i stopped using because it was too much trouble to try & squint and figure out whether this post fell into this category or that category. i used to have a tag called #just geek girl things, and it was supposed to be for trivia that was kind of academically oriented, but i kept getting it confused with #trivial pursuits, which was supposed to be more like those maps that say the most searched-for animal in each u.s. state. it would stress me out, trying to figure out what belonged in each category, & eventually i dropped them. tagging shouldn't really activate your ocd (i say this as someone with ocd). & the other big part is keeping track of it. i have all my tags in a note to myself which i'm trying to transfer over to a spreadsheet.
fun tag names can come from anywhere! some highlights:
steal! both #relship: we'll always have cuba & #ch: heavy metal broke my heart are both cribbed from this post. (i figured the chances of someone following me & the originator of the tag and the originator still being in the cherik fandom are pretty small, plus i think relship instead of otp: or ship: also adds a level of remove, so if you wanted to filter me out you could lmao); #temp directory: the pornbots are coming from inside the house is a quip someone made about a tumblr problem from, like, years ago, when someone noticed that the only notes ads got were from porn blogs, & hypothesized that tumblr staff ran the pornblogs to artificially inflate post engagement numbers; #hyperfixation: the leveled geocities stretch away is from that "ozymandias" parody that was circulating on here a while ago
some small detail from canon, like logan uses shane to frame its themes so my laura kinney & logan tag is #relship: there aren't any more guns in the valley; my monica rambeau tag is a line from the story carol is seen telling her in captain marvel, #ch: aloutte flew up throughout the night; my yelena belova tag is a line from "american pie," #ch: when i read about his widowed bride
some cool meta someone wrote about a character or pairing that sticks in your brain. like i thought the recurring joke of logan stealing scott's motorcycle in the original x-men trilogy was hilarious, because i'd actually read all-new x-men first & baby scott steals logan's motorcycle in that one, so my scott & logan tag is #relship: a history of motorcycle thievery. #ch: the never-queen of alderaan is from a few fics that dwelt on how leia is forever the princess of alderaan, who will never be a queen, because there is no planet to crown her so. #ch: writers are the enemy for chuck shurley / god is from a refrain that gets repeated throughout postfinale supernatural meta
tags in pairs! like janet van dyne's tag is #ch: float like a butterfly; hope's is #ch: sting like a bee. fitz's tag is #ch: the left hand doesn't know & simmons' tag is #ch: what the right hand is doing
a spin on famous titles or phrases. #hyperfixation: love in the time of amatonormativity is a play on love in the time of cholera; #filed under: your mental health's a joke you're broke your brain chemistry's d.o.a., is, you know, the friends theme; #fandom: unusual medical investigations: princeton plainsboro is of course a spin on those csi titles
lyrics from songs strongly associated with a character or pairing (#relship: the person that you'd take a bullet for (is behind the trigger)), or songs you associate with the character or pairing. my jean grey tag is #ch: gonna change you like a remix, from fall out boy's "phoenix," & my steve + peggy tag, and this is one of my favorites, is from a song from the bonnie and clyde musical that hits all the notes i think of when i think of them
honestly a lot of it is just seeing what associations hit! like my new linguistics tag, #hyperfixation: cunning linguistics, is, you know, an old joke, a middle school joke, but it was what came to mind when i asked myself about phrases i associated with the word "linguistics." #ch: the problem that has no name is an iconic quote from friedan's the feminine mystique, so i used it for mystique. #hyperfixation: and i bless you more life is for queer culture & art, the ur-example of which is, for me, angels in america.
favorite tags... i do have tags that i would never, ever change, because they just make absolute sense to me. & i actually had a whole list typed up of some of my favorite tags, and then i realized... my favorite tag is my greg house + james wilson relationship tag, #relship: amazing how fire exposes our priorities. that quote is actually from a different sherlock holmes adaptation, but house's finale conflagration is much more dramatic than sherlock rescuing john from the guy fawkes fire.
thank you so much for the ask!! if you're curious about any tags in particular, i can expound then, but... i have a lot of tags slkdfjsdf.
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midrashic · 2 years
our flag means death, like she-ra, is a show that i thought was great & important but in whose character dynamics i only have a moderate interest and so choose only to reblog the best fanart & meta. however our flag means death, like she-ra, seems to have attracted about 85% of the best fanartists and meta writers working today, so--
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midrashic · 3 years
i’m revamping my tagging system! most fandom / relationship / character tags should stay the same, but other tags will be changing over the next few weeks, and my tags page will not be up to date. hang with me!
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midrashic · 3 years
I love everything about your tagging system. Send ask.
thank you so much!! 💛💛 as usual with the few successes in my life i can’t recommend it enough.
[puts “five internet people have complimented my blog organization system” on resume]
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midrashic · 3 years
i don’t know whether all my new followers are here because of the x-men graphics or because of sam & cas fake dating, but i welcome you. 👋
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midrashic · 4 years
for the next 12 hours or so i am going to briefly revert to being a full-time supernatural blog to honor all the brave clowns out there that fought & died by my side. blacklist “#supernatural spoilers” or “#fandom: the road so far”
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midrashic · 5 years
so--finished a great job, went back to school, ended up in the hospital. as you do.
back on leave now, which means i have time to be a fan again! caveat that my energy is very limited and i may not catch up to all of your amazing fan activities until i am dead. [kisses]
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midrashic · 5 years
[peeks in] so...anyway.
between a flare-up of a recent obsession & starting a new job, i have not. in fact. managed to catch up. un/fortunately, 007fest is starting in--count it!--eight days. so i will mostly just be keeping my eyes closed and sticking my fingers in my ears whenever supernatural content scrolls across my dash for now. ideally i will find some time to catch up in august. this is the last time i’ll ever be able to livemeta a supernatural season, damn it. (also, though, i’ve got a capstone project to do before i graduate in december, so who knows?? maybe i’ll have a mental break and resume blogging under the handle @ms_forfendeiffer.)
til then, i will be figuring out a blocklist to account for the way i have also not seen endgame and will be much angrier about marvel spoilers than supernatural spoilers, doing the timezone reblogs i never did for my last couple fics, and refamiliarizing myself with this prussian blue hellsite, given that my job now involves professionally blogging with this prussian blue hellsite. 😘
kisses, i miss you all (not the 007 friends, i’ll be seeing you soon enough) and would love to chat anytime about anything that does not involve, invoke, or rely on knowledge of 14.11-14.20 x x 
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midrashic · 5 years
[peeks up]
i’ve said this so many times i’m tumblr-blue in the face, but i’m coming back this + next week! for real this time, given that the semester is over and i didn’t drop a single class!! (whether i actually did well in any of those classes is yet to be determined... good things c’s get degrees)
an update on my life: this summer, i’ll be in nyc interning, but because full-time work is so much easier to handle than school, i expect to be pretty active on here during hellatus & 007fest. 😊 so glad to spend this last hellatus with you—all of you—i wouldn’t have it any other way.
going to see endgame tomorrow & get caught up on supernatural over the course of the week, so i expect to be back full-time soon! 😘 stay strong & hunt on, my loves.
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