#estaque 2
ocombatenterondonia · 4 months
Investimentos em mobilidade urbana e melhorias na frota do transporte público marcam trabalho realizado pela Semtran em Porto Velho
Secretaria atuou no planejamento e execução de mudanças no sistema de trânsito, tráfego e transportes na capital Planejar ações que garantam segurança e fluidez no trânsito e garantir um transporte público de qualidade para toda a população são apenas algumas das atribuições de responsabilidade da Secretaria Municipal de Trânsito, Mobilidade e Transportes (Semtran). Este ano, para organizar o…
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cpiscitelli · 2 years
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L’effetto del vento- #estaque #2 #oilpainting #landscape #only #wind #waterfront #sea #water https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIUPIBsGVz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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| 💊 CÁPSULA INFORMATIVA | 📝 Entre otras obligaciones que están en el Código de Trabajo, el Patrono tiene frente a sus Trabajadores las siguientes Obligaciones Mínimas:
✅️ Enviar dentro de los 2 primeros meses de cada año un informe general de los trabajadores que laboran en la empresa.
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✅️ Proporcionar un lugar seguro para la guarda de los útiles e instrumentos de trabajo.
✅️ Permitir la inspección y vigilancia de las autoridades de trabajo
✅️ Pagar al trabajador el salario acordado.
✅️ Conceder a los trabajadores el tiempo necesario para ejercer el voto.
✅️ Deducir del salario del Trabajador las cuotas respectivas para pagar al Sindicato o Cooperativa.
✅️ Procurar que los trabajadores puedan ser alfabetizados.
✅️ Mantener en la empresa un número suficiente de sillas para que los trabajadores puedan descansar.
✅️ Proporcionar a los trabajadores campesinos su vivienda en la finca donde trabajando.
✅️ Permitir que los trabajadores campesinos puedan tomar de las presas o estaques el agua que necesiten para usos domésticos.
✅️ Permitir a los trabajadores campesinos que aprovechen los frutos de las parcelas donde trabajan.
✅️ Conceder licencia con goce de trabajo en los casos de ley.
👉 Mas Información: 🏛 Despacho Jurídico: 10ª. Avenida 6-19 Zona 1. Quetzaltenango. 📲 WhatsApp: 4170-3868
⚖️ Asesoría Laboral para Patronos y Trabajadores.
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jinlong-holding · 2 years
What is the Cubism in art?
Produced in Paris, France in 1907. In 1908, the critic Louis Vossell's article in "Gill Blass" magazine used "cube" to describe Braque's work, hence the name Cubism. In this article, I'll introduce what Cubism is and how it can represent things on the screen. And ,as usual, display metal tabletop easel would be introduced at the end of this article.
What Is The Main Idea Of Cubism?
Art proposition: Pursue the beauty of a geometric form and the beauty produced by the arrangement and combination of forms. He rejected the traditional method of observing and expressing things from one point of view, and reduced the three-dimensional picture to a two-dimensional picture. Pay attention to the contours formed by straight lines and curves, and the fun and mood of the accumulation and interlacing of blocks and surfaces. Mainly rely on rational concepts and thinking.
The active period was from 1907 to 1914. It is seen as a watershed in modernism. Before 1912 Cubism was called "Analytical Cubism"; from 1912 to 1914 it was called "Synthetic Cubism". Analytical Cubism starts with anatomy and analysis of objects, while comprehensive Cubism uses a combination of different materials to create a new topic, and uses the method of collage of physical objects to make art close to the ordinary reality of life.
Representative figures: Picasso, Braque, Léger.
Picasso (1881-1973)
Famous Spanish artist, outstanding representative of Cubism; influenced by various trends of thought such as Symbolism, Impressionism, Critical Realism, Naturalism and Aestheticism.
Attempting to push Cézanne's pursuit of the beauty of geometric structure to the extreme, he created "The Girl of Avignon", the first of Cubism. The "Girl Playing a Mandolin" created in 1911 is considered to be his mature representative work of analytical Cubism.
From 1912 to 1914, he was engaged in the creation of comprehensive cubism, and his representative work "Three Musicians". In 1915, he turned to neoclassicalism, and was influenced by surrealism in the 1920s. He expressed solidarity with the struggle of the people of the world through art works many times, and made great contributions to the cause of opposing imperialist aggression and defending peace. Dreams and Manifesto, Guernica.
Main Characteristics Of Cubism
First of all, there are some intuitive features, or the early features of Cubism. This "Estaque's House" is an early work of Braque. Braque abstracted the house into a cube, and when you look closely, you will feel that it is a Stacked cubes. Extremely abstract. This is one of the styles of cubist painting, which was heavily influenced by Cezanne.
The next step is advanced skills. The second feature is the road that Braque and Picasso took together. For example, Braque's "Violin and Palette" and Picasso's "Weeping Woman". Depicted objects are broken up, dissected, and then reassembled in whatever way the artist thinks is best.
The best way, including the best position, the best depiction angle, the best size, the best shape. Each part, looks separate, in fact, the whole is very strong
The above are the two characteristics of Cubism. The second item is more important. In fact, if you understand the above two points, you can identify which paintings are Cubism.
Display Metal Tabletop Easel
Display metal tabletop easel is made of high quality reinforced lightweight aluminum alloy with nonslip rubber feet for stability outdoors. Easy to install, no additional tools required. Easel height and angle adjustment is quick and easy, as the one touch flip latch lets you instantly set and lock the telescoping tripod legs where you want them. The compact, less than 2 pound travel friendly easel folds down to 21 inches easel and quickly into a shoulder strap tote for easy transport. The leads of display metal tabletop easel are smooth and have good lead degree. An excellent multipurpose easel that the artist can use outdoors as a field easel or indoors as a floor or tabletop studio easel. It is also a great display stand for office presentations, posters and dry erase boards or as a store sign stand etc .
Display Metal Tabletop Easel Supplier – JINLONG HOLDING
JINLONG HOLDING Co,ltd. is located in HONGKONG, which established in 2009, is specialized in producing different kinds of high quality display metal tabletop easel. During past 15 years, we were continue improving the quality of our products, and establish long term and stable business relationship with our customers from USA, Japan, Germany, UK, Korea, Russia and other countries. In the future, we will continue to develop new kinds of display metal tabletop easel, and supply high quality & environmental products in time.
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gondolatgombolyag · 2 years
A szerelem olyan, mint a kölcsön
Az elején kapunk egy nagy adag boldogságot, eufóriát, mindenféle hormonlöketet, hogy aztán a végén a kétszeresét fizessük vissza fájdalomban. Még sosem hallottam ennél akurátusabb szerelemdefiníciót, pedig közel négy éve minden embertől megkérdezem, mit jelent számára a szerelem.
Most, hogy túl vagyok az első olyan madridi hétvégémen, ahol fetrengtem egész nap az ágyamban, és az életemért könyörögtem (rosszabb pillanatokban pedig a temetésemről fantáziáltam, amit meg is örökítettem videóüzenetben a barátaimnak, akik ezt azzal honorálták, hogy "SURE I'LL PUT DESPEINADA ON REPEAT FOR YOU" ) kénytelen voltam szembenézni azzal a ténnyel, hogy folyamatosan arról fantáziálok, hogyha visszamegyek Budapestre, és meglátsz, akkor majd biztos újrakezdődik az a csoda, ami voltunk. Mert a csodák sosem múlnak el. Amúgy meg a lófaszt, minden csoda három napig tart. Szóval félretéve a generális humorizálásomat, valamiért azt gondolom (gondolom a gyász korábbi szakaszába sikerült visszaesnem) hogyha hazamegyek, akkor miután mindketten megjártuk az utunkat, megtettük a felismeréseinket és végiglamentáltuk az életünket, a vonalaink egy adott pontban újra találkoznak, és egymást mellett folytatódnak. Ötletem sincs, mért van ez az idea a fejemben, és összességében még elképesztően dühít is, mert közben látom azt a rengeteg dolgot, ami valójában diszfunkcióssá tette ezt a kapcsolatot, arról nem is beszélve, hogy nekem a bizalmam, még ha nem is érzékelem direkten, de teljesen megrogyott.
De hátha az, hogy ezt leírtam, megkönnyíti azt, hogy elengedjem.
A másik, hogy el kéne intézzem, hogy ősztől is itt legyek, de valamiért roppant bizonytalan vagyok ebben. Mondjuk összehasonlítva a decemberi tudattalan bizonytalanságom, ez sokkal inkább egy tudatos, valós félelem. Mármint akkor tényleg fel kéne adnom a lakásomat ősszel, amit imádok, illetve a munkám vége is be lenne határolva, amit fáj bevallani, de nagyon hiányzik.
Szóval inkább elkezdem a depressziómentő hadjáratom, mert fájdalmasan gyanúsan abba zuhanok bele, és visszanyúlok a gimis énemhez, aki kényszeredetten összeírt 10 dolgot, ami aznap örömmel töltötte el.
1. narancsos csokis illatú szappan, amit a barátaimtól kaptam. 2. hülye spanyol édesség, aminek nem tudom a nevét 3. egy órát sétálni a casa de campo felé, miközben reggaetont hallgatok 4. finnországból hozott édességek. imádom finnországot. 5. lago, ami nem estaque, de az is van ott. 6. nyuszik az erdőben, ami teljesen csodálatos. 7. beszélgetések. mélyek és még mélyebbek. jelenben levősen, nem elvágyódósan. 8.nevetés in general 9. istenifinom tacos mexikói hely, michelada, quasadilla, taco majd turrón. 10. katedrális belső (ahol persze megszólalt a telefonom) +1: kedvenc egyetemi barátommal és a csajával való telefonálás hazafele.
Na, nem is volt olyan nehéz. Abba kéne hagynom a gyászolást, és kiélvezni, hogy itt vagyok.
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odioguinho · 4 years
BBB20. Os primeiros concorrentes do Big Brother
The post BBB20. Os primeiros concorrentes do Big Brother appeared first on Dioguinho Blog.
O Big Brother Brasil 20 está a ter inicio este sábado e já foram apresentados os primeiros concorrentes.
Em Portugal vamos ter o BB2020 (Big Brother 2020) mas ainda nada está definido, e provavelmente não irá ser a Teresa Guilherme a apresentadora. O que sabemos é que será um concorrente por cada distrito.
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Recebam mais quatro integrantes do #BBB20! No camarote, temos Bianca Andrade, a "Boca Rosa", e a cantora Gabi Martins! Promete! Já na pipoca, estão Flayslane, cantora de uma dupla sertaneja, e Gizelly, advogada que promete fazer justiça na casa. O que acharam do elenco até agora? Já tem seus favoritos? Vem ver a lista dos confirmados, clicando no link da minha bio ou no estaque "News"! (Foto: Divulgação/Globo)
A post shared by Hugo Gloss (@hugogloss) on Jan 18, 2020 at 1:02pm PST
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Mais brothers anunciados! O hipnólogo e youtuber Pyong Lee e o surfista de ondas gigantes Lucas Chumbo são mais dois dos participantes do camarote! Será que Pyong vai jogar seus feitiços nos brothers? Kkkk Lucas vai usar seu espírito competitivo para ganhar o jogo? Enquanto isso, na pipoca, temos o modelo Guilherme, que adora uma festa, e o jogador de futebol Hadson, que já falou que está solteiro na pixxta! Vem ver a lista dos confirmados, clicando no link da minha bio ou no estaque "News"! (Foto: Divulgação/Globo)
A post shared by Hugo Gloss (@hugogloss) on Jan 18, 2020 at 1:52pm PST
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OMG! Manu Gavassi poderá adicionar "participante do BBB" no currículo – e quem sabe vencedora do programa também? A cantora foi anunciada como uma das novas integrantes do grupo "camarote". Além dela, teremos a presença de Lucas, um fisioterapeuta que promete colocar todo mundo pra competir pesado no grupo "pipoca". Não vai ter moleza, não! Vem ver a lista completa de participantes, clicando no link da minha bio ou no destaque "News". (Foto: Reprodução/Globo)
A post shared by Hugo Gloss (@hugogloss) on Jan 18, 2020 at 2:12pm PST
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Finalmente! Depois de muita espera, temos os primeiros nomes confirmados no #BBB20! Felipe, um arquiteto de 27 anos, vai entrar no grupo de anônimos, o "Pipoca" – e já avisou que não gosta de ser mandado! Prevemos tretas… Já Babu Santana, de 40 anos, entrará no grupo de famosos, o "Camarote". "Um favelado vai ganhar esse BBB!", avisou. O resto dos participantes será divulgado ao longo do dia na programação da Globo, e claro, em nosso site e redes! Fiquem ligados!!! Vem saber TODOS os detalhes da lista e do programa, clicando no link da bio ou no destaque "News" do Stories! (Foto: Divulgação/Globo)
A post shared by Hugo Gloss (@hugogloss) on Jan 18, 2020 at 11:23am PST
The post BBB20. Os primeiros concorrentes do Big Brother appeared first on Dioguinho Blog.
from Dioguinho Blog https://ift.tt/38ltVdI via IFTTT
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Merhaba! Bugün sizlere 1880 senesinde Paris yakınlarında doğan sanatçı Andre Derain’den bahsetmek istiyorum. Mühendislik eğitimini sanat eğitimi almak için yarıda kesen sanatçı, Camillo Akademisi’ne kaydolmuş ve burada kendisi gibi öğrenci olan Henri Matisse ile tanışmıştır. Maurice de Vlaminck ile tanışmış, ikili tanışmalarının ertesi günü birlikte çalışmaya karar vermişlerdir. 1905 senesinin yaz aylarında Matisse ile birlikte resim yapmak için Collioure’a gitmiş, bu birlikteliğin sonucunda Fovizm* ortaya çıkmıştır. 1919 senesinde Diaghilev’in La Boutique Fantastique isimli balesi için kostüm tasarımı yapmış, sonraki senelerde figür, portre ve natürmort üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Çalışmaları giderek daha karamsar ve klasik bir hale bürünmüştür. Derain, 1954 senesinde araba kazası sonucunda Garches-Fransa’da hayatını kaybetmiştir. (*Fovizm: 1898-1908 arasında Henri Matisse tarafından Fransa'da geliştirilen bir sanat akımıdır. En önemli özelliği, tüpten çıkmış gibi çiğ ve canlı renklerin doğrudan kullanımıdır. Matisse, Derain ve Vlaminck'in Paris'te açtıkları bir sergide ilk kez duyulmuştur.) 1- Vista de Saint Paul de Vence / 2- A Woman with Green Dress / 3- Fishing Boats / 4- Self-portrait with a Pipe / 5- Bridge over the Riou / 6- Portrait of Lucien Gilbert / 7- The Turning Road, Estaque / 8- Self-Portrait with a Cap/ 9- Boats at Collioure / 10- Charing Cross Bridge, Westminster Bridge #andrederain #art #sanat #artist #sanatçı #fovizm #fovism #benibunaannemzorladi https://www.instagram.com/p/BklBvl5hS0f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ts01r3ust0ne
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divulgando-loves · 7 years
Eu escolho o milho 2
Ops não tinha prêmio mas sua consolação  é : 2 AUTORIAS + 1 HEADER (estarei entrando em contato para saber da header)
Tatty   ♦ Vitrine
Destaque quinzenal
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stake (n.1)
"pointed stick or post; stick of wood sharpened at one end for driving into the ground, used as part of a fence, as a boundary-mark, as a post to tether an animal to, or as a support for something (a vine, a tent, etc.)," Old English staca "pin, stake," from Proto-Germanic *stakon (source also of Old Norse stiaki "a stake, pole, candlestick,"Old Frisian stake, Middle Dutch stake, Dutch staak "a stake, post," Middle Low German stake "a stake, post, pillory, prison"), from PIE root *steg- (1) "pole, stick." The Germanic word was borrowed in Romanic (Spanish and Portuguese estaca "a stake," Old French estaque, estache, Italian stacca "a hook"), and was borrowed back as attach.
Meaning "post to which a person condemned to death by burning is bound" is from c. 1200, also "post to which a bear to be baited is tied" (late 14c.). Meaning "vertical bar fixed in a socket or in staples on the edge of the bed of a platform railway-car or of a vehicle to secure the load from rolling off, or, when a loose substance, as gravel, etc., is carried, to hold in place boards which retain the load," is by 1875; hence stake-body as a type of truck (1903).
Pull up stakes was used c. 1400 as "abandon a position" (the allusion is to pulling up the stakes of a tent); the modern American English figurative expression in the sense of "move one's habitation" is by 1703.
stake (v.1)
early 13c., staken, "fasten to a stake, tether," from stake (n.1). Also "to impale" (c. 1400). From c. 1400 as "support (a vine, etc.) with stakes, provide with stakes or poles."
From early 14c. as "divide or lay off and mark (land) with stakes or posts," now usually with out (mid-15c.) or off . Hence, stake a claim "make and register a land claim" (1857, American English), often in a figurative sense (by 1876). Meaning "to maintain surveillance (of a place) to detect criminal activity" (usually stake out) is recorded by 1942, American English, probably from the earlier sense of "mark off territory." Related: Staked; staking.
Compare Middle Dutch, Middle Low German staken, also from the nouns, and Old French estachier, Spanish estacar, from their respective nouns, which were borrowed from Germanic. Old English had stacung "piercing of an effigy by a pin or stake" (in witchcraft); staccan "pierce with a stake, spit."
stake (n.2)
"that which is placed at hazard as a wager, the sum of money or other valuable consideration which is deposited as a pledge or wager to be lost or won according to the issue of a contest or contingency," 1530s, perhaps from stake (v.2), which is attested a few years earlier, but both the noun and verb are of uncertain origin. Perhaps literally "that which is fixed or put up," either from a particular use of stake (n.1) "stake, pole," or from the notion of "a post on which a gambling wager was placed" (but OED points out there is "no evidence of the existence of such a custom"). Weekley suggests "there is a tinge of the burning or baiting metaphor" in this usage.
Meaning "the prize in a contest of strength, skill, speed, etc." is by 1620s; plural stakes, "sum of money to be won in a (horse) race," is recorded by 1690s (compare sweepstakes). Meaning "an interest, something to gain or lose" is by 1580s; hence have a stake in "have an interest in the turn of events, have something to gain or lose" (1784). The phrase at stake "state of being laid or pledged as a wager; state of being at hazard or in peril" is from c. 1600.
stake (v.2)
"to risk, wager, put at hazard or risk upon a future contingency," 1520s, perhaps from the notion of "place a gambling wager on a post" or generally "put up something to be won or lost at a wager" (see stake (n.2)), though Weekley suggests "there is a tinge of the burning or baiting metaphor" in this usage. Related: Staked; staking.
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wikitopx · 4 years
A coastal town on Provence Provence Côte Bleue, the Martigues became a popular hangout for artists in the 19th century.
They were seduced by its clear light and canals, and Martigues was soon dubbed the Venice of Provence. You can decide for yourself if that’s a fair description, but you’ll definitely fall for the little channels, houses, and bridges around the Brescon Island in the middle of the town. There’s delectable Mediterranean cuisine, arresting coastal scenery and a superlative museum with works by the celebrated artists who settled in Martigues. And for days chilling out in the sun, you’ll never be far from a pristine sandy beach or cute old fishing port. Discover the best things to do in Martigues.
1. Miroir aux Oiseaux
A charming image in many Martigues postcards is this romantic setting at Quai Brescon. It has old wooden boats bobbing in the water beside a small rectangular wharf. And the cobblestone waterfront crowded with ramshackle houses painted in pastel shades.
For the cherry blossoms at the top, the jetty has a strange iron gas lamp and at night you can look over the Galiffet Canal to see Saint-Genest Church illuminated. This spot has captured hearts for hundreds of years and was immortalized by painters like Félix Ziem, André Derain, Raoul Dufy, and Camille Corot.
2. Le Quartier de l’Île
Saint Sébastien, Baussengue and Galliffet are the channels that make up the most beautiful area in the city. They surround Bresle Brescon and take inspiration from the nickname Martigues, Venice of Provence.
The yachts, painted houses, bridges and restaurant terraces create a very evocative setting for you to wander the aisles. From the dock at Jonquières, you can also catch a free shuttle boat that takes 13 minutes to reach Ferrières at the start of the Baussengue Canal.
You’ll make four stops along the way and get a photogenic perspective on the town throughout.
3. Église Sainte-Madeleine-de-l’Île
The church at the end of Canal de Saint Sébastien on Île Brescon is in that extravagant Italian Baroque style and is protected as a “historic monument”. Work was completed in 1680 and there are a few furnishings inside that go back to the earliest years.
One is the marvelous walnut pulpit from 1694, and you have to get a good look at the chapel frescos, painted by the Catalan-born French artist Michel Serre in the same year. Serre was active around the Marseille area and was chosen as the official painter of the French Galleys by King Louis XIV.
4. Côte Bleue
This length of coast south and east of Martigues is where the pale limestone mass of the Estaque Range slips into the Mediterranean. If you’re planning a day at the beach you’ll come to one of the coves on the Côte Bleue, in an area that got its name from the vivid blue of the Mediterranean against the rock.
The exposed cliffs give it a rugged atmosphere, but also help protect sandy beaches from wind and surf. There are four Blue Flag beaches just 15 minutes from Martigues, and a selection of quaint harbors and family resorts to discover on excursions.
5. Parc de Figuerolles
By the Berre Lagoon, there’s a 131-hectare space where tourists and residents of Martigues can recharge their batteries. Decked with scrub and pine forest there’s small plains and valleys for walks, horseback rides, jogging and mountain biking.
The municipal greenhouses are also here and there’s a designated botanical path with 50 types of plant.
It’s a small wonderland for youngsters as there’s a tourist train, imaginative tree-house playgrounds, an educational farm with 300 animals and pony rides offered by the equestrian center.
6. Plage de Sainte-Croix
One of Martigues’ four Blue Flag beaches, this small but perfectly formed sandy cove is about ten minutes in the car from the center of town. You can park at the top of the cliff and then duck through a forest of stone pines and down a stairway etched in the rock to this heavenly beach.
There are few signs of civilization apart from an old Chapel of Saint-Croix and a restaurant. The beach has fine sand and although there are rolling waves, the gentle slope makes the water safe for small kids to paddle in.
7. Musée Ziem
Martigues Art Museum is in town. It was set up at the start of the 20th century when Félix Ziem donated several works just before he died. Ziem had fallen in love with Martigues in the 1840s and moved into a workshop in the town so he could paint the picturesque canals that became his trademark.
You can ponder some Ziemien landscapes of the Martigues, as well as his descriptions of Venice and Constantinople. The Marseille school is represented by Loubon, Guigou and Jean-Baptiste Olive, and also features scenes of Fauvists like Picabia, Derain, and Dufy.
8. Galerie de l’Histoire
To get up to speed on Martigues’ rich history come to the Town Hall. The ground floor has been turned in to a mini-museum with 500 square meters of exhibits explaining the different phases of the town’s growth.
There are interactive displays, models, a handful of artifacts and photos, all matched with descriptions. The oldest pieces go back as far as 11,000 BC and you’ll travel to the present day to find out about the future projects in store for the city.
Possibly the most compelling part recounts the 1800s when Martigues became fashionable with painters like Ziem.
9. Plage du Verdon
Just around a headland from Sainte-Croix is the slightly larger Plage du Verdon. And where its neighbor is just right for grown-ups to relax on, this beach is better if you have teens and children with you.
It’s at the base of a cove that cuts several hundred meters inland, and this helps keep the sea currents and winds out.
The beach is supervised all summer long and there are ample facilities like bars and restaurants, volleyball courts and a place where you can hire a pedalo and go on a little cruise around the cove. Like Sainte-Croix, Verdon has earned the Blue Flag several years running.
10. Chapelle Notre Dame des Marins
Up twisting tracks through Mediterranean woodland is a chapel that has been a pilgrimage site for Martigues’ residents since the 1600s. Dedicated to “Our Lady of the Sailors”, it’s a place where mariners would travel to say prayers and leave votive offerings before embarking on voyages.
The chapel is charming enough, and a document of how things used to be in Martigues. But your main motivation to get here must be the big picture. The Berre Lagoon, the Martigues and its canals and the Estaque Mountains all wipe out before you.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Marsa Matruh
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-martigues-709031.html
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visitandoespana · 5 years
Hoteles en Santa Eulalia – Ibiza
Hotel Fenicia Prestige Suite&Spa Hotel situado junto al río de Santa Eulalia, a unos pasos de la playa de Santa Eulalia. El hotel dispone de restaurante Oriental Monsoon, “Puig de Missa” grill restaurante, restaurante Buffet Fenicia, conexión a Internet, piano bar, bar salón, bar piscina, piscina con jacuzzi, rodeada de amplias terrazas y suntuosos jardines y SPA.
Hotel Sol S´Argamassa Hotel situado en primera linea de mar, junto a la playa. A 100 mts. de Cala Martina. A 1,5 kms. del centro turístico Es Cana. El hotel dispone de restaurante con buffet de desayuno y cena así como show-cooking (cocina en vivo), piano bar, dos piscinas exteriores ambas con sección para niños.
Hotel Tres Torres Hotel situado en la Bahía Ses Estaques en Santa Eulalia del Río. El hotel dispone de restaurante buffet de la dieta mediterránea, bar piscina con terraza, terraza solarium, piscina.
Hotel Goleta Hotel situado en primera línea de la Playa d’en Bossa. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, cuatro salas de conferencia, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños, piscina interior climatizada, parque infantil.
Hotel Tres Carabelas Hotel situado en primera línea de la Playa d’en Bossa. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, cuatro salas de conferencia, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños, piscina interior climatizada, parque infantil.
Hotel Santa Eulària Hotel situado directamente sobre el mar y a 800 m de la playa. El hotel dispone de Wellness y Fitness Spa, piscina y piscina infantil, tenis de mesa, billar, bufet de desayuno, cena con bufet frío y caliente, cocina en vivo, bar salón con terraza y servicio de snack.
Hotel Seaview Contry Hotel situado a 100 metros de la playa Port d’es Torrent. El hotel dispone de dos bares, restaurante, snack bar, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños, jardines, parque infantil, sala de juegos para niños.
Hotel Club Playa Hotel situado en Cala Llonga, Santa Eulalia, a 50 metros de la playa. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños. jardines, parque infantil, sala de juegos para niños, tenis de mesa.
Hotel Sol Ibiza Hotel situado Junto al mar, en una zona tranquila de Sta. Eulalia, rodeado de jardines. A 300 mts. del puerto deportivo. El hotel dispone de buffet de desayuno, restaurante buffet, restaurante con servicio de show-cooking (cocina en vivo) y rincón italiano, bar restaurante piscina, piano bar, piscina cubierta, gimnasio, jacuzzi, baño turco, sauna o rayos UVA.
Hotel Club Siesta Hotel situado en Santa Eulalia, en la Urbanización Siesta, a 500 metros de la playa. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños. jardines, parque infantil, sala de juegos para niños, gimnasio, minigolf.
Hotel Coral Playa Hotel situado en Es Canar, Santa Eulalia, a 200 metros de la playa. sus habitaciones están completamente equipadas y con aire acondicionado. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños. jardines, parque infantil, sala de juegos para niños.
Hotel Playa Dorada Hotel situado en Cala Llonga, Santa Eulalia, a 20 metros de la playa. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños. jardines, parque infantil, sala de juegos para niños, tenis de mesa, billar.
Hotel Panorama II Hotel situado en primera línea de la playa Es Caná en Santa Eulalia del Rio. El hotel dispone de restaurante a la carta, terraza solarium, piscina, piano bar, pista de tenis y parque infantil.
Hotel Panorama I Hotel situado en primera línea de la playa de Es Canà en Santa Eulalia del Rio. El hotel dispone de restaurante a la carta, terraza solarium, piscina, piano bar, pista de tenis y parque infantil.
Hotel Miami Hotel situado sobre la magnífica playa de Es Caná. El hotel dispone de restaurante buffet climatizado, barbacoa al aire libre, Bar-Salón, Bar-Piscina, bajada directa a la playa. Piscina para adultos, piscina para niños, parque infantil.
Aparthotel El Pinar El aparthotel se encuentra situado en la tranquila playa de Cala Llonga, situada a 5 km de Santa Eulalia, sus apartamentos están completamente equipados y con aire acondicionado. El aparthotel, dispone de: bar-restaurante con una magnífica terraza con vistas al mar, una amplia carta, piscina con solarium, pista polideportiva y un parque infantil para los más pequeños.
Hotel Ses Estaques Hotel situado en primera línea de mar próximo a una de las ciudades más importantes y bellas de Ibiza, Santa Eulària des Riu. El hotel dispone de restaurante buffet, un restaurante a la carta junto al mar, una magnífica terraza con jardín, piscina, bar, solarium y dos jacuzzis, mini golf, tenis, ping-pong, billar.
Hotel Playa Imperial Hotel situado en Cala Llonga, Santa Eulalia, a 20 metros de la playa. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños. jardines, parque infantil, sala de juegos para niños.
Hotel Cala Llonga Hotel situado junto al mar y rodeado de pinares, en la ladera de una montaña y a pocos metros de la tranquila cala que le da nombre, Cala Llonga. El hotel dispone de restaurante tipo buffet con platos de cocina internacional, restaurante con terraza, dos bares, piscina situada junto al mar con solarium, jardines y terrazas que bajan directamente al mar, pista de tenis y de voleibol.
Hotel La Cala Hotel situado en el centro turístico, a tan solo 50 metros del Puerto Deportivo y del Paseo Marítimo y 250 metros de la playa de Santa Eulalia del Río. El hotel dispone de bar-cafetería. restaurante con servicio buffet. piscina con solárium.
Hotel Cala Nova Hotel situado en una zona tranquila, rodeada de pinos, frente de la isla de Tagomago. En las proximidades se encuentra Es Canar. El hotel dispone de restaurante tipo buffet con cocina en vivo “Show Cooking”, dos bares: uno situado en el lobby y otro en la zona de la piscina con servicio de snack. Salón social, dos piscinas circulares una de ellas especial para los niños, terrazas solarium, miniclub y parque infantil, pista polivalente de deportes.
Hotel Don Carlos Hotel situado a sólo 50 m del mar, a 2 Km del pueblo de Santa Eulalia y a pocos kilómetros del pueblo de Es Canar. El hotel dispone de restaurante buffet con cocina en vivo “Show cooking”, tres bares: uno situado en el lobby, otro en la zona de piscina y el tercero junto al mar, piscina con zona separada para los niños, terrazas solarium.
Hotel Atlantic Hotel situado en Es Canar, a 300metros de la playa. El hotel dispone de bares, restaurante, snack bar, piscina exterior para adultos, piscina exterior para niños, jardines, parque infantil, sala de juegos para niños.
Hotel Ereso Hotel situado en el centro turístico de Es Canar, a tan sólo 200 metros de la magnífica playa de Es Caná. El hotel dispone de bar, restaurante con servicio buffet, dos piscinas con solárium, parque infantil, amplias terrazas y jardines con pinos y palmeras.
Hotel Caribe Hotel situado en una zona tranquila de Ibiza en Es Canar. El hotel dispone de terraza solarium con piscina para adultos y piscina infantil separada, parque de juegos infantil, pista polideportiva, ping pong y mesas de billar, bar restaurante con servicio de terraza.
Hotel Riomar Hotel situado a 10 metros de la playa, con vistas al Mar y a la montaña, se encuentra ubicado en la población de Santa Eulàlia des Riu. El hotel dispone de comedor buffet para el desayuno y la cena, al estilo más internacional, restaurante buffet, barbacoa al aire libre, bar-salón, bar-piscina, bajada directa a la playa. piscina para adultos, piscina para niños.
La entrada Hoteles en Santa Eulalia – Ibiza aparece primero en - Visitando España.
from – Visitando España http://bit.ly/2HxfXuq
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Pintura. Los Ismos: Fauvismo.
Para empezar, hablaremos del significado del nombre que lleva este estilo o movimiento artístico. Fauvismo proviene de la palabra francesa “fauve”, que significa ‘fiera’, definición dada por Louis Vauxcelles. Se expresan los sentimientos mediante la intensidad que cada color posee. Es un movimiento principalmente pictórico y, hasta cierto punto, centrado en el óleo. Se trata de una corriente más expresiva que realista.
Entre sus características podemos encontrar las siguientes:
° Evitan mezclar los colores en la paleta, cayendo con esto en la técnica del divisionismo. ° Los contornos están marcados incluso con tonalidades oscuras, o directamente con negro. ° Sentían una principal atracción hacia las características de las culturas de África y Oceanía, como lo eran los roleos de tatuajes, las máscaras, la desnudez y todos los aspectos visuales de estas culturas. ° La luz manifestada en las pinturas, se producía a través de los colores, y no por medio de las sombras. Se omitían los claroscuros y la perspectiva.
Cuando hablamos de los Ismos, así como de cualquier movimiento artístico, debemos resaltar generosamente la intervención de sus creadores, debido a que gracias a sus opiniones, criticas y obras, fueron desarrollando los estilos artísticos que hasta la fecha tenemos el gusto de apreciar. 
En el caso del Fauvismo, sus principales exponentes son:
1.- Henri Matisse. Una de las principales figuras del arte en el siglo XX,
En sus obras, omite totalmente los aspectos decorativos, centrándose solamente en objetos o representaciones humanas con muy fuertes expresiones simbólicas.
2.- André Derain. También incursionaba en los campos de la escenografía, danza y atrezzo.
Después de algún tiempo de producción, retomó un estilo tradicional en su pintura.
3.- Raoul Dufy. Gracias a la influencia de Braque, sus obras contenían un cierto aire de cubismo, el cuál dejó tiempo después para volver al fauvismo, con el que implementó colores decorativos y escenas elegantes.
4.- George Braque. A lo largo de toda su trayectoria artística, Braque prefirió plasmar en sus obras a la naturaleza muerta, incluyendo en estas tras algún tiempo el uso de los collages, los números y las letras. Sus inicios en el fauvismo se vieron influenciados por Othon Friezs.
5.- Maurice de Vlaminck. Sus obras se centran en la naturaleza, pero sus coloridos paisajes podrían llegar a ser confundidos con los del pintor holandés Vincent Van Gogh. Raramente hizo retratos. 
Los inicios del fauvismo nos llevan al periodo comprendido entre 1894 y 1897, cuando Matisse, Marquet y otros artistas se encontraban en el taller de Gustave Moreau, en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de París.
Además de Francia, podemos atribuirle gran parte de la influencia para el desarrollo del fauvismo a Bélgica, por los fauvistas de Brabante.
Desde mi perspectiva como estudiante, el fauvismo es uno de los primeros estilos que realmente ha llegado a despertar un cierto interés en mí. Debo recalcar que esto no significa que otros estilos o movimientos no resulten interesantes, sin embargo, como en todo, mi opinión y gustos son diferentes al de las demás personas. Es el estilo de pintura que en un futuro me gustaría intentar poner en práctica, pero antes de ello, alimentaré mis pocos conocimientos con más datos relevantes respecto al fauvismo.
Las vanguardias artísticas históricas.
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“Tres personajes sentados en la hierba” - André Derain (1906).
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“L Estaque” - George Braque (1906).
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Bodegón con platanos - Raoul Dufy (1909).
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“Mujer con sombrero” - Henri Matisse (1905).
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“The Girl from Rat Mort” - Maurice Vlaminck (1905 - 1906).
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maisontailleu · 3 years
Jean Estaque & Les Amis de Jacques LAGRANGE lui rendent hommage du 2 octobre au 14 novembre 2021
en présentant une exposition intitulée “DE TOUT PREMIER ORDRE”
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CHARTRES "les anges sur la cathédrale" — Huile sur toile 22 x 14 cm — Collection particulière
Jacques LAGRANGE n’était pas seulement le scénariste de Jacques TATI. Il était surtout un grand peintre, figure majeure de la 2° école de Paris, où il a collaboré avec les plus grands. Son œuvre et son implication dans la vie creusoise nous ont laissé des souvenirs impérissables et nous tenions à le mettre en lumière car il est toujours dans nos pensées.
Ses amis vous invitent le samedi 2 octobre dès 15h Vous pourrez les rencontrer et partager avec eux le verre de l’amitié
Ils seront heureux de vous recevoir pendant la durée de cette exposition
Vernissage le samedi 2 octobre 2021 dès 15h
Exposition visible du 2 octobre au 14 novembre 2021
Tous les week-ends et jours fériés de 15h à 19h & sur rendez-vous au 05 55 80 00 59
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vilapedra · 7 years
Bela Lugosi está morto as instituições estão mortas as bordas de veludo vermelho envolvem os caixões de liberdade seu castelo é gigante sua tumba tem espaço pra todo seu querer Bela Lugosi está morto volta para seu caixão sangrando em seu espaço pessoal ele repousa com sua pele pálida estaque estaque meu peito me cuspa água benta quebre meu caixão Bela Lugosi vaga eu quero seu sangue e sua vida me aponte sua cruz quero sentir algo Bela Lugosi carece
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1/ Village des Goudes : une impression de bout du monde dans ce petit village au bout de Marseille, quelques restaurants avec vues sublimes : La Baie des Singes, Le Petit Port. Pour y aller : il faut prendre 2 bus, soit du Vieux Port ou du Prado pour aller jusqu’à la Madrague de Montredon, ensuite le bus 20 direction Cannelongue.
2/ Calanque du Port d'Alon : l'une des plus belles calanques de Marseille. Y aller très tôt ou tard pour éviter la foule. Si vous n’avez pas de moyens de locomotions, il y a plein de compagnies de de bateaux qui font un tour des calanques, cela vaut le coup !
3/ Ile du Frioul : des navettes partent du vieux port, la balade est super. On peut aussi visiter le Château d’If et il y a un petit resto snack dans le Château au bord de l’eau.
4/ Manger des Panisses à l’Estaque, quartier le plus typique mais aussi le plus excentré de Marseille. Des bateaux y vont du Vieux-Port.
5/ Se perdre dans les petites rues du Panier et goûter à la glace à la Navette chez le Glacier du Roi  4 Place de Lenche, 13002 Marseille
6/ Louer un vélo public à côté du David à la plage du Prado et remonter toute la Corniche jusqu’au Vieux-Port. Et si après, tu ne veux pas déménager à Marseille, faut qu’on parle.
7/ Faire un cours de Yoga, dimanche matin à 9h sur la plage du Prophète - 10€ par personne ou chez Io (c’est chez toi yauyau), le nouveau temple super cool du bien-être à Marseille ! Cours de yoga dans un hamac le samedi à 9h ou Vinyasa à 11h. Info ici. Vous pouvez aussi essayer le Yoga sur Paddle chez Yoga Karma sur réservation 20€. Infos ici. 
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