#especially if I get enough people on Patreon to make my self publishing 50-75% of my income
Fanfic Update
WHAT is up with the fanfics?
A lot. A lot is up. Help.
While I did not expect to get sucked into a new ship (Xedgin), I knew at the start of the year that as I got my self-publishing off the ground I wouldn't have as much time for fanfic, but the hope is that now I will be able to finally finish these bad boys.
So, what exactly are these mysterious WIPs?
We have:
Monsterfucker PWP #1
Monsterfucker PWP #2
Oh no! My two angstiest fics had a horribly angsty child!
Hey does anyone remember my podcast episode with @burnthatbridge and I said there was a fic I wouldn't do... yeah about that...
What do Greek mythology and BDSM clubs have in common?
Uno Reverse Card
"I'm 10k into this fic and I don't think I can claim this is a joke anymore."
Xenk and Edgin and the Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Dungeon Crawl
Did Someone Say "Fake Dating?"
The second you tell Edgin he can't have something is the second he's gonna want it he's a thief what the hell were you thinking...
My DM is a Saint (Or: Mads Why are You Reading 'Dead in Thay' and Giggling?)
The plan is to publish the Xedgin fics ASAP, but the Buddie fics will all be unleashed in October, since they have a Halloween-esque theme to them in one way or another. I feel bad that everyone's going to wait almost a year for new Buddie fic from me, but I hope that Fractals from the Lightning Bolt have entertained you in the meantime, and seeing as at least three of my Buddie fics are headed for the 50k+ range at 100mph, I do hope the length will make up for it.
It's gonna be a hell of an October this year. Buckle up. ;)
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