leregirenga · 1 year
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La felicidad es esa isla a la que escapas, en la que te gusta estar, el lugar paradisíaco dónde la alegría se manifiesta, la dicha es algo tangible, la tranquilidad te rodea, la paz está contigo, la armonía se esparce parsimoniosa...
Cada quien decide en qué momento irse ahí, incluso si es en todo momento. La felicidad es ese estado que nosotros mismos nos regalamos y damos.
¡Precioso día para todos!
Leregi Renga
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Of course he’s a fucking space nerd
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 3]
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Part 1
Something’s wrong with the Pit.
It takes Jason way too long to notice it.
The Pit’s never really been silent, just a haze of anger that’s always simmering in the back of his mind. And while it’s still not entirely gone, Jason already being convinced that it will never truly go away, something is still… off about it.
Instead of the usual all-consuming rage the Pit makes him feel, mainly directed at the Joker, it feels… calmer. More at peace. Almost…
While the rage itself is still there, it’s more muted. Like it’s being drowned out by something else. Something that feels like… praise? reverence? admiration?
Jason is unsure what exactly it is that the Pit is making him experience. But he does know who it’s aimed at: the mysterious twink whose murder he still has to cover up.
And that brings Jason back to the corpse in front of him.
If the slightly pointed ears and small fangs the guy possessed hadn’t already pointed towards his hero the dude being a meta of some kind, then the decimation of the Joker with a single punch certainly did it.
And damn, that punch was kinda hot.
Jason shakes his head. If he wants to help the meta dude keep people off his back about the murder, however accidental it might have been and despite the corpse’s identity, then he’s gonna have to get rid of the body first.
And he should probably do something about any cam footage there might be of the incident.
With any luck, the Joker’s escape hasn’t been noticed and announced yet. That should make it easier to cover everything up. Before he does anything though, Jason pauses as he realizes the opportunity he has.
He takes off his helmet, takes out his phone, and crouches down by the corpse.
He takes a selfie.
Jason looks at the picture he took, noting that while he’s not really a keepsakes kinda guy, this one’s definitely gonna be framed, before putting his phone away again. Right, it’s time for him to clean up a clown corpse.
After that, he has to find out who his knight in dirty NASA shirt was.
If not for the promised date, that he is so taking the guy on, then at least to figure out what’s happening with the Pit.
After getting rid of the body, Jason’s next point on the agenda is research.
All he has on the guy so far is a physical description, a possible meta status, and the information that he has a scholarship at Gotham University.
Jason starts with hacking into the cams in the street where the incident took place. To his surprise, all the cam footage in that area around the time of the incident is corrupted. The visual files are overtaken by static and the audio files aren’t any better.
Huh, convenient.
Well, this is just some more proof for Jason’s meta theory. Though it does mean he can’t use the files to run any facial recognition. Oh, well. He’ll just have to hack into Gotham U’s systems then.
Even though the files are pretty useless, Jason makes sure to wipe them all anyway. Just to be safe.
He also makes sure to wipe his helmet’s footage. Despite how corrupted it is, it’s better to be safe than sorry with the Bats. He’s already lucky Babs hadn’t yet decided to hack into his helmet cam yet that night.
Next, he hacks his way into the Gotham U. systems. He manages to limit his search by only looking for first-year scholarship students and after a while Jason’s pretty sure he found the right guy, judging by the school picture.
Mystery twink’s name is Daniel Fenton. 20 years old, uses he/him pronouns. No registered meta status. His address was recently updated to Gotham City, the old address being a city named Amity Park in Illinois.
He took a gap year after high school and recently won a scholarship at Gotham U. He’s majoring in aerospace engineering and minoring in both astronomy and astrophysics.
Holy shit, he’s a fucking space nerd.
Has the Gotham Observatory reopened yet? That might be a good place to take him to while on their date after they’ve had dinner.
Interestingly enough, his ICE contact isn’t a parent or guardian but instead, it’s his older sister. One Jasmine Fenton, who has recently gained a doctorate in psychology, he finds after looking her up as well.
A quick search on Amity Park doesn’t gain him much. Though, after some digging he manages to run into a firewall. A pretty big firewall. That’s protecting anything but the barest of mentions of the city.
Nope, he’s not gonna be dealing with that shit.
Despite not being able to get more on Amity Park itself, Jason does manage to find some social media accounts of some of the city’s residents. One of them being Daniel’s.
But when he tries to take a look at any of the posts, all he gets are errors and endless loading screens. The firewall that’s protecting Amity Park also seems to be protecting all of its residents. Even former residents.
Right. That’s enough of that for today.
One thing Jason does note is that the twink’s preferred name is probably Danny, judging by the account bio.
At this point, Jason’s stuck on whether or not he should try his luck by going to Babs or Tim to see if they can find out more about Danny.
While they might be able to get through his hometown’s firewall, it would be hard to convince either of them to keep any information they find from the Bats if they knew why exactly Jason had taken an interest in the guy in the first place.
Whether that reason was because of the clown murder, the weird happenings with the Pit, or because Jason really wants to take the cute twink out on a date.
Though he could potentially try to bribe Replacement to do it for him, no questions asked, if he brought him some of that ‘Deathwish’ coffee for his services…
But, knowing him, the nosy fucker would probably ask questions anyway, stick his nose into Jason’s business, where it really doesn’t belong, and then proceed to tell the Bats regardless of any threats Jason would have sent his way.
However, on the other hand, Jason’s pretty sure Replacement still owes him a favor.
Hmmm… He’ll keep it in mind as a plan B.
He already managed to gather enough information to take Danny out on that date anyway.
While in the line to get some flowers for Danny, Jason decides to text the Bats group chat a vague message on how he won’t be patrolling Crime Alley tonight.
He’d rather not be dealing with panicked Bats crashing his date because they thought something was wrong because he hadn’t been seen patrolling, nor checked in with any of them. Or worse, nosy Bats stalking him and his date to see if he’s ‘worthy’ or some shit.
And if Jason texted them right after the announcement of the Joker being gone from Arkham was finally made?
Well, then that’s their problem, Jason resolutely decides, already reveling in the chaos as he mutes the chat and turns his phone off for good measure.
After paying for the flowers, and trying not to intimidate the shopkeeper because he’s in his Red Hood gear, Jason makes his way back to his motorcycle outside. After double-checking Danny’s address, he takes off.
Time to take the twink out on a date.
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cafeconcremora · 27 days
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I'm sorry I had to do it
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mr-cactis · 8 months
Ignorando a versão gakuen dele porque eu odeio aquilo
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Ya hice este post pero es imposible usar la teoría de generaciones (específicamente la de los Boomers, milenials, zoomers, etc.) para cualquier tipo de análisis serio político o social, porque son términos hechos exclusivamente en un contexto estadounidense y son solamente aplicables allá (capaz en Canadá y capazz en algún otro país del primer mundo)... es totalmente ridículo aplicarlo al resto del mundo, un adolescente en Argentina vivió los 70 de una manera totalemente diferente que un estadounidense, o un chino, o un egipcio.
Por ejemplo el mismo término baby boomer hace referencia al baby boom que ocurrió en EEUU después de la segunda guerra mundial. En un país como en Argentina, que no entró en la guerra, decir que hay "boomers" no tiene sentido. Y encima nadie se pone de acuerdo cuando empiezan. Los millenials empiezan en los 80? 90? terminan en los 2000? 2010? Nadie está de acuerdo, es inútil.
Y ni siquiera son aplicables en EEUU porque cada generación está compuesta de diferentes clases sociales con distintas experiencias de vida. Una familia de clase baja o de una minoría en EEUU seguramente recuerda los 60-70 de manera muy diferente que una familia clase alta anglosajona.
a lo sumo podés encontrar algunas tendencias de la cultura mundial (por ejemplo, la contracultura de los 60-70, la expansión del internet, etc.) pero nada muy útil.
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marfian · 4 months
(Actualización) nuevo nivel de desesperación desbloqueado: me están depositando el sueldo en (indeterminadas) cuotas.
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shield-o-futuro · 1 year
Scarlly e Logan vocês já fizeram uma pegadinha contra a Anya?
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Scarlett: Nós já fizemos sim. Não foram muitas ainda, mas já aconteceu. Ainda bem que ela não se incomoda com isso, porque do contrário nós teríamos muitos problemas.
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manaosdeuwu · 7 months
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cantoghalpon · 8 months
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Para aí dunha vez
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leregirenga · 5 months
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“Viaja, Así sea cerca, a un pueblo
A una reserva, la gente cree que viajar es ir a Paris o New York.
Viajar es escaparse a otro sitio, donde puedas olvidar por un momento lo que te atormenta, para emprender la aventura más difícil
y el destino más retador posible.
El retorno a tí mismo.”
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tratandodesanar · 2 years
me gusta saber que sin importar el tiempo que pase, sin importar nuestra historia y todo por lo que hemos pasado, sin importar los meses de distancia entre vos y yo, sin importar nada, estás y estoy, estamos, como si todo fuese algo irrelevante, porque el cariño, las risas, la confianza se mantiene; te quiero siempre.
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davgudgeon · 1 year
davey eu te daria um olho como prova de amor
... Eu não sei como realmente me sentir com essa prova de amor. Fico preocupado com isso... Não seria masoquismo da sua parte? I mean, a gente pode apenas enfeitiçar uma bila com desenho de olho de gato. Eu não me importaria de enxergar só com um, afinal, se Merlin decidiu que o destino me retiraria um olho, então é porque realmente não era pra eu enxergar com o par que tenho. Já escapei uma vez, se escapasse duas seria muito conveniente.
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alien-girl-21 · 1 year
"Eso fue missasogino" 😭😭
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grccve · 1 year
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           “Esto no es justo”. La pequeña loba refunfuña, una pesada exhalación abandonando los labios. Durante el transcurso de la mañana, cada hora ha parecido eterna y su poca paciencia no le da tregua como para sentarse a esperar un milagro. “Prometiste que iríamos con mamá pronto. Pero ya es la hora del almuerzo, ¡y seguimos aquí! ¡Déjame ir sola, por favor! De todos modos, conozco el camino”.  ╱  ( @smileflowcr​ )
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smileflowcr · 2 years
arin mi policía favorita(?), háblame de tus pasatiempos, de las cosas que te gustan uwu
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“Me gusta ver la ciudad en la noche, cuando las luces brillan como si fueran estrellas, desde lo alto de un rascacielos.” debido a su crianza se le había privado de cosas que podían hacer feliz a cualquier niño. Según su estricto padre, un policía no necesitaba distracciones en su vida que se interpongan con su labor. “Al mirar el paisaje me recuerdo a mí misma que solo soy una persona más del montón, alguien que no destaca en alguna área o que ayude a esta sociedad a seguir avanzando. Alguien... que es humano, que siente emociones por más que le prohíban y que quiere encontrar su razón de existencia.”
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“El futuro nos tortura y el pasado nos encadena. He ahí porque se nos escapa el presente.” Gustave Flaubert.
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Un paso a la vez Debo verlo de la mejor manera posible, forzarme a olvidar, enfocarme al presente, no titubear, nada ni nadie es indispensable. Hare mi papel, mi responsabilidad, no renegare ni me arrepentiré de las consecuencias de mis decisiones. Hoy acabó. Así es la vida y a nadie le importa, solo a mí. Un pequeño cambio exterior cambia el interior personal. Esta noche me decido a dejar todo mi pasado atrás, porque no hay nada ni nadie que me haga completamente feliz sino yo mismo. No será ya más una preocupación buscar felicidad, no cuestionare siquiera los giros del destino hacia mi vida. Las cosas pasan por algo y solamente eso, pasan y se quedan atrás. Siempre habrá situaciones donde salgamos perdiendo, otras donde ganemos, nos engañen, nos traicionen, reencuentros, nuevas amistades, nuevos amores, pérdidas de trabajo, nuevos trabajos, porque todo cambia, nosotros debemos aprender a adaptarnos constantemente a esos cambios y salir lo mejor posible adelante.-----¡Cuanta razón!----- Se acabaron las prisas, las carreras. La vida debe llevarse con tranquilidad. No volveré aferrarme a cosas, lugares, personas, donde ya no encajo, donde mis relaciones ya no existen. No seguiré continuando mi vida a pensar en los “por que”, en los “hubiera”. Son círculos que deben cerrarse. Es hora de desprenderme de lo que ya no está ni volverá a estar en mi vida. Un paso a la vez. “El futuro nos tortura y el pasado nos encadena. He ahí porque se nos escapa el presente.” Gustave Flaubert
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