#erev Yom Kippur
73chn1c0l0rr3v3l · 22 days
watching flux on my first mother's day since my mother died. i was watching flux the night she died as well - i paused it to take the call, then called a few different people, then put flux back on.
13's body language as she walks into the Tree And Relative Dimensions In Space reminds me of my own feelings, walking into my mom's apartment.
it was surprisingly apt, since. well.
do you think that 13 mourned tecteun? not the tecteun she knew, obviously - she only remembered the tecteun that was smug at her & then got dissolved. but do you think she mourned the idea of having a mother?
it's weird, because i thought her being dead would make it easier, in a lot of ways? her being dead means she can't hurt me anymore, means i don't have to deal with her hissy fits & her rage & tiptoeing around her moods.
but i just feel. numb.
i can't help but wonder what it feels like, to see the person you know hurt you dissolved in front of you. knowing in some weird way, you're safe, even if you never get your answers
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deerest-me · 8 months
hi ill be back tuesday
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todaviia · 9 months
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dykesynthezoid · 8 months
Whyyy am I having such bad luck today. Was trying to parallel park on a hill and my breaks malfunctioned and I totally crunched this dude’s bumper. He was nice about it but yikes. Then bc of that I was running late to shabbat shuva. My car also has a cracked fuel line and it’s getting to the point I don’t want to be driving it until l can take it in. Then I went to get groceries and somehow spent 30 dollars more than I meant to even though there were lots of things I purposefully didn’t buy. And I didn’t have enough in my bank account so my card got declined and I had to use my credit card. Just. C’mon
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nataliesnews · 8 months
Erev Yom Kippur 24.9.2023
....Yesterday at Sheik Jarrah was one of the most  violent demonstrations I have seen there. At Balfour I saw violence but this was in a very concentrated period and I was right next to it.  I have often seen police violence but today at Sheikh Jarrah was the worst in a long time. As we walked from the car, I said to Varda  about the police  "You can see that they are gearing up to attack ''" and before we got there, a whole pack of them descended into the crowd to grab a Palestinian flag which someone had painted on a piece of cardboard. There were more police there than had been for a long time and also a bunch of gorillas in plain clothes. You could see by their body language that they were looking for any excuse to attack. And they did. 
I saw them throwing down two women to the ground.
 But I was careful not to get caught up in one of the attacks . But  what happens is that suddenly the police decided to attack one person in particular and go into the crowd like bulldozers pushing anyone aside or to the ground who they think are in their way ,. and one of my friends was  pushed by them as they tried to get past to get a flag and knocked her head badly on a boulder. When the police came past and we were helping her you could see the happy smiles on their faces. .When I saw the surge was coming towards me, I got into a sort of niche and a Palestinian stood before me but they did not reach us.
When I looked at the police and their undercover provocateurs, I had  this horrible thought. That I could see them in the SS.
We have Jews who want to build the third temple. The Germans wanted to build the Third Reich. Is this what we have become?
I have to keep looking at this placard which someone sent. The day of memory and Holocaust day.  And then I think but what sort of Israel will I leave behind me. 
At the one place next to a Palestinian house there is a stone bench on which I can sit and suddenly a guy came up to me and handed me spectacles. I thought someone must have dropped them so I tried to put them somewhere safe in my rucksack but afterwards he came and told me that they were  his and I was the safest place he could leave them. Only thing is afterwards I saw the police charging into the crowd where he was although he did not have a sign or anything and grabbed him, throwing him to the floor and I think they arrested him...for no reason whatsoever. I don't know what happened to his glasses. I always wear an old pair when I go to a demo. 
See the video below. The guy in the green is the one who asked me to look after his glasses. But it will also show you the violence of the police
Last night at the Saturday demonstration I sat next to a 89 year old woman who said that even in 1948 things had not been so bad. I am so sick at all that is happening here. I don't understand how all these settlers and people on the right who support the assassin, Yigal Amir, and the murdered of the family at Doma can go to shul to repent. 
These are two of the signs last night...the one saying that our young men should not be serving in the occupied areas and another a little girl who sat in the road chalking the sign which said, "I have love and it will win." I wish I could be so sure.  
I keep thinking back to the siren going off 50 years ago/  I was with friends in Tel Aviv and we were so sure it was a glitch. In fact Elisheva had just said that she was going to warm the lunch (we don't fast) and being Yom Kippur, I said to her, "Eli. I think God must have heard you"  Only when we came out of the front door and all the neighbours were down there and they said to us that we were at war did we realise what was happening. Don't forget that being Yom Kippur no one thought of putting on a radio. My friend said.,"I forgot to do the washing." and her husband said to her, "Don't be a damn fool. By night we could be refugees" 
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inmirova · 9 months
feels like the universe (trans people I follow on tumblr dot com) is telling me I should get into tf2 again to spite my ex who tried to convince me playing it meant I was apparently cool with white supremacy somehow
#realizing im the regular amount of insane ive always been and ive just been gaslit into believing im extra insane and unlovable is crazy#what do you MEAN my last delusional episode was over 3 years ago and not like. last december?#what do you mean my professional diagnoses have stayed the same and im not worse worse worse infecting everyone around me??#i can't do it because it would actually be very mean and bitchy of me but i think it would be so funny if i messaged them erev yom kippur#like 'i know you dont celebrate but i wanted to say before the day of atonement that i forgive you and im grateful you left'#dont worry about the thousands of dollars you owe me because id rather not hear from you ever again. im sure you already werent worrying tho#seeing as you havent made any effort to pay it back at all :^) just keep the furniture as a reminder of the time you uhhh.#broke a glass and told me i ruined your life because i was sad a family member died#also it was really cool how you left me and then gave me a ring and then kissed me even though i didnt want to. normal behavior!#glad you finally got a job now that you cant just use my money anymore. crazy how that works isnt it?#ugh i feel evil rn. just thinking about how happy i could be if i didnt respond to their message like i was thinking i shouldnt years ago#i guess i cant be sure. everything would be different. but i wouldnt have been so specifically manipulated by them and id have more money#which would be helpful for like. medical stuff#id still be on psych meds which would be nice bc i do feel like im on an eroding cliffside rn
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byrdierose · 2 years
Today is gonna feel like pulling teeth but at least I look cute
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matan4il · 29 days
Today is Erev Yom Ha'Shoah (Eve of Holocaust Memorial Day) in Israel. It will be observed by Jews outside of Israel, too.
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The Hebrew date was chosen to honor the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. It's also a week before Erev Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'archot Yisrael (Eve of Israel's Memorial Day for its Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), which is itself observed a day before Yom Ha'Atzmaut Le'Yisrael (Israel's Independence Day). A lot of people have remarked on the connection between the three dates. On Yom Ha'Atzmaut, we celebrate our independence, which allows us to determine our own fate, and defend ourselves without being dependent on anyone else, right after we remember the price in human life that we have paid and continue to pay for this independence, and a week before we mourn the price we've had to pay for not getting to have self defence during the Holocaust. NEVER FORGET that in one Nazi shooting pit alone (out of almost two thousand) during just 2 days (Erev Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur 1941), more Jewish men, women and kids were slaughtered than in the 77 years since Israel's Independence War was started by the Arabs. This unbreakable connection between the living and the dead, between our joy and our grief, is often addressed with the Hebrew phrase, במותם ציוו לנו את החיים, "With their death, they ordered us to live."
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On this Erev Yom Ha'Shoah, I'd like to share with you some data, published on Thursday by Israel's Central Bureau for Statistics (source in Hebrew).
The number of Jews worldwide is 15.7 million, still lower than it was in 1939, before the Holocaust, 85 years ago (that is what a genocide looks like demographically).
7.1 million Jews live in Israel (45% of world Jewry) 6.3 million Jews live in the US (40% of world Jewry)
Here's the data for the top 9 Jewish communities in the world:
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There are about 133,000 Holocaust survivors currently living in Israel. Most (80%) live in big cities in central Israel. Around 1,500 are still evacuated from their homes in northern and southern Israel due to the war (back in January, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, there was a report about 1,894 survivors who also became internal refugees due to the war. Source in Hebrew). One Holocaust survivor, 86 years old Shlomo Mansour, is still held hostage in Gaza. He survived the Farhud in Iraq.
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I haven't seen any official number for how many survivors had been slaughtered as a part of Hamas' massacre, despite everyone here being aware that Holocaust survivors had been murdered on Oct 7, such as 91 years old Moshe Ridler. Maybe, as we're still discovering that some people thought to have been kidnapped during the massacre, were actually killed on that day, no one wants to give a "final" number while Shlomo has not yet been returned alive.
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Out of all Israeli Holocaust survivors, 61.1% were born in Europe (35.8% in the countries of the former Soviet Union, 10.8% in Romania, 4.9% in Poland, 2.9% in Bulgaria, 1.5% in Germany and Austria, 1.3% in Hungary, 4.2% in the rest of Europe), 36.6% were born in Asia or Africa (16.5% in Morocco, 10.9% in Iraq, 4% in Tunisia, 2.6% in Libya, 2.1% in Algeria, 0.5% in other Asian and African countries) and 2.3% were born elsewhere.
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Out of all Holocaust survivors in Israel, 6.2% managed to make it here before the establishment of the state, despite the British Mandate's immigration policy against it (up until May 13, 1948). 30.5% made it to Israel during its very first years (May 14, 1948 until 1951), another 29.8% arrived in the following decades (1952-1989), and 33.5% made Aliyah once the Soviet Union collapsed, and Jewish immigration to the west (which included Israel) was no longer prohibited by the Soviet regimes (1990 on).
The second biggest community of survivors in the world is in the US, the third biggest (but second biggest relative to the size of the population) is in Australia. I heard from many Holocaust survivors who chose to immigrate there that they wanted to get "as physically far away from Europe as possible."
For a few years now, there's been this project in Israel, called Maalim Zikaron, מעלים זיכרון (uploading memory. Here's the project's site in Hebrew. In English it's called Sharing Memories, and here's the English version of the site) where Israeli celebs are asked to meet up with a Holocaust survivor (it's done in Hebrew), and share the survivor's story and the meeting on their social media on Erev Yom Ha'Shoah (which is today). Each year, there's also one non-Israeli Jewish celeb asked to participate (in English. This time around it's Michael Rapaport, he's meeting Aliza, an 81 years old survivor from the Netherlands, who was hidden along with 9 other Jewish babies for two years. He uploaded a preview of his meeting with her here, where he asked her what it means to her to be a Jew, and from what I understand, he will upload more today to the same IG account). This year, there will be an emphasis on Holocaust survivors who also survived Oct 7 (with 6 of the 20 participating survivors having survived Hamas as well). Here's a small bit from an interview with one such survivor, 90 years old Daniel Luz from kibbutz Be'eri:
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Jewish holidays rated by how much fire is involved:
Pesach: burn Chametz Erev Pesach, Yom Tov candles, candle to open the door for Eliyahu. 90% fire 🔥
Lag BaOmer: Big community bonfire. 100% fire 🔥
Shavuot: Yom Tov candles. 10% fire 🕯️
17 Tammuz: 0% fire
Tisha'a B'Av: Some eat ashes just before the fast starts. 10% fire 🕯️
Tu B'Av: 0% fire
Rosh HaShana: Yom Tov candles. 10% fire 🕯️
Tzom Gedalia: 0% fire
Yom Kippur: Yom Tov candles. 10% fire 🕯️
Sukkot: Yom Tov candles. 10% fire 🕯️
Chanukah: Lots of candles. 99% fire 🔥
10 Tevet: 0% fire
Tu B'Shvat: 0% fire
Purim: 0% fire
Shabbat: Shabbat candles and Havdalah candle 50% fire 🔥
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istodayajewishholiday · 8 months
24 September 2023 - 9 Tishrei 5784
Today is Erev Yom Kippur—Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, begins at sundown.
Today is the ninth of the Ten Days of Repentance.
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mavernick2 · 9 months
erev rosh hashanah is almost apon us and as a jew, i want to drop some high holiday hc’s for the kazansky-mitchell-bradshaw household!
ice is ashkenazi jewish, wether it be russian or polish or whatever you want, he falls under being an ashkenazi jew. he’s also not religious, but he feels very strongly about customs and actively takes part in the high holidays.
when tom first brought the shofar out, pete and a very young bradley could not for the life of them work out why on earth tom owned a ram’s horn. it was only when tom gave a small tekiah blast (which had both pete and bradley jump into each other’s arms, which didn’t end up well) that they even realised it could make a noise.
contrary to popular belief, pete mitchell can cook. he just has both autism and adhd and so gets distracted and ends up burning everything. he loves to help tom cook the rosh hashanah meal, even though most of it he spends trying to kiss tom, who is frantically running around the kitchen trying to make it exactly how it was when he was growing up.
if bradley has school on erev/rosh hashanah, tom packs him a dinner full of sweet things. bradley likes to flex on his friends, as they’re all eating sandwiches and he’s digging into donuts and has a huge pot of honey for his apple.
pete loves to help tom build the sukkah. they don’t spend that much time in it together because of busy schedules and bradley’s schooling, but they try and have dinner together in it.
yom kippur is a holiday that tom likes to partake in by himself. it’s one of the few times in a year where he actually goes to a synagogue, and he uses it to reflect. bradley and pete don’t fast, but they sit and break tom’s own fast with him. (bagels!)
some of the first one on one time that tom spent with bradley was attending the annual simchat torah parade in san diego. it started a tradition for them that only stopped when bradley’s papers were pulled. after bradley reconnects with mav, he tries to with tom, and one of the ways he did that was inviting tom to attend the parade once more.
jewish ice is v special to me and i have a lot more hc’s if you guys ever want more!
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fdelopera · 5 months
Moon Knight on Erev Rosh Hashanah
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I took part in the Moon Knight mystery swap, and I'm writing this fic for @enigmatist17 !
Since it is New Year's Eve (or New Year's Day depending on when you're reading this), I wanted to write a fic for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.
This fic is based on the MacKay comic book series (Moon Knight 2021), and is set several issues before Issue 30.
I wanted to show MK System as an observant Jewish System, since that isn't often explored in depth in the comics. And you just know, Jake "For the People" Lockley is usually the one who schleps their tuchus to shul!
Happy New Year!
“We’re not going,” said Marc, shaking his head, trying to push back the emotions coming from Jake and Steven. “Absolutely not. I haven’t been in years. Not since … well, not since that time with dad. And Jake, I think it was mostly you around that time anyway. You always paid more attention in shul.”
Marc felt a familiar pulling sensation from where Jake usually hung around, when he was close to front. And then Jake’s familiar Brooklyn twang said, “Marc, bubbeleh, I could just knock ya out cold and take us there myself, you know. But I want you to be there. This is for you as much as it is for us.”
Marc felt Steven chime in with his nasally Long Island cadence, “We both want this. Jake and I do. Not for dad. Not for the family. For us. For you. We’re the only mishpocheh that matters here.”
“Well, I guess I’m just the odd man out. As per usual.” Marc shook his head, and absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair. Their hair was greasy and unkept from being shoved under the mask. What else was new. They needed a shower. That was usually Steven’s job, but Marc didn’t want to give Steven any chance to front and collude with Jake to drag them to shul. Not now.
Not with tomorrow being the 1st of Tishrei. The first day of Rosh Hashanah.
“I heard that,” said Steven. “And neither Jake nor I are going to force you to go to High Holiday services. But we bought the ticket, everything’s all set up. Central Synagogue has a beautiful service. It won’t be anything like dad’s shul. The music is more contemporary. The Rabbi and the Cantor are both women. They’ve got beautiful voices. You’ll find a way to pout about it, I’m sure, but I know deep down you’ll enjoy it. Trust us.”
“What about Reese and Soldier? What about Greer? Are we really going to leave them alone for days at a time? Just tell them, ‘See you later!’ What if they need me? What if Hunter’s Moon has to track down another one of Black Spectre’s goons?”
Marc felt Jake’s chuckle erupt from deep within, and he heard Jake’s words wash over him with yellow-colored mirth. “Marc, I think a couple of vampires and a cat woman are more than capable of taking care of themselves without you fucking everything up, don’t you think?”
“Marc…” Steven’s voice echoed softly within, a wash of blue concern pushing against the back of their eyes. “Marc, what is this really about.”
“It just feels like a complete waste of time, with everything we’ve got going on.”
“Hey!” Jake’s annoyance came quickly. “You might not take shul seriously, but I do. This is important for us. We’re Jewish, Marc. Whether you like it or not. And as Jews, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our two most important days. Our holiest days. I know that probably doesn’t mean shit to you anymore…”
“No, no, I’m not saying that…”
“Well, you kinda are. You’re saying that our two holiest days don’t matter for shit. Meanwhile, you’re out on the street, doing the bidding of an Egyptian god.”
“That’s different. I don’t worship Khonshu. I still remember the Aseret Hadibrot, and I know that Number One and Number Two are very important.
“I am the L-rd your G‑d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments. (x)
“See? I still remember what dad taught us.”
“Nice, so you can recite the Ten Commandments,” sighed Jake from inside. “But you still don’t seem to understand why it’s important for us to go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.”
“What I do remember is something dad talked about once… This was a while ago. Before he got sick. He was preparing a d’var Torah for Yom Kippur, and there was something he said…” Marc stopped himself before he thought about it more.
“Marc, what is it? What did he tell you?” Steven’s voice was gentle, his blue concern washed over them again.
“You already know, Steven.”
“Well, why don’t you say it, then.”
“It’s silly. Just a stupid thing. Something I heard dad say once. It just, got me thinking. About us. About me.”
“If it’s silly, then why are you trembling now?”
“I dunno. Maybe I still worry that it’s true.”
“Well, why don’t you talk to us about it? We can work through it together.”
Marc sighed and rolled his eyes. “This is fucking ridiculous. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Marc, bubbeleh…” Jake’s thoughts were soft. “C’mon. Try us.”
“Fine. I have to find it.”
Marc grabbed his phone and searched Sefaria for the specific passage. “It was just this one commentary in the Talmud. About Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Here it is. You’ll see how dumb this is. Really.” He sighed dramatically, but he couldn’t quite keep the tremble from his voice.
“The Gemara goes back to discuss the Day of Judgment. Rabbi Kruspedai said that Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Napacha said: Three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah before the Holy One, Blessed be He: One of wholly wicked people, and one of wholly righteous people, and one of middling people whose good and bad deeds are equally balanced. Wholly righteous people are immediately written and sealed for life; wholly wicked people are immediately written and sealed for death; and middling people are left with their judgment suspended from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur, their fate remaining undecided. If they merit, through the good deeds and mitzvot that they perform during this period, they are written for life; if they do not so merit, they are written for death.” (x)
Marc sighed. “That’s it. You get it? That’s why I’m worried.”
“And what about this worries you, Marc?” Steven’s thoughts were patient, even as Marc’s emotions started to rise.
“I’m scared. I’m terrified that something awful is gonna happen. I’m fucking terrified that I’ll be inscribed as one of these ‘Wholly Wicked’ people. Steven, you’ll be fine. You’re one of the ‘Middling People’ after all.”
“Ha! Very funny Marc. And I guess that makes Jake one of the Righteous few.”
“Damn straight I am!” laughed Jake.
“You are, Jake. Jake ‘For the People’ Lockley, of course you’ll be among the Righteous. But me? I dunno. Somehow I’m convinced that if I go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I’m going to die.”
“Yeah, Steven?”
“Headmates can’t die, Marc. At least, not without the body dying. And so long as you’re not planning on jumping out of a third story window…”
“No, no. It’s not that. I don’t know what it is. I just feel. Overwhelmed. By something. Something is weighing me down. I know headmates can’t die, or at least, not like that. But I just feel like something is coming for me.”
“Marc, what you’re feeling is grief. And guilt. And shame,” said Jake, his voice softer now. “We need to practice Teshuvah. Repentance. Being wrong. Telling the people we’ve hurt that we know we’re wrong. Explaining why we’re wrong. Asking for their forgiveness. Asking three separate times. Being prepared for them to say no each time. Being prepared to walk away. For that to be the closure we get. But Marc, we gotta start somewhere.” (x)
“I'd rather get punched in the face. Actually, I’d rather take a thousand hits than go through that.”
“Yeah, buddy. I know you would. But we don’t got that choice. Not when it’s the thing that is keeping us from being a Jew. Not when you believe that you are literally going to die because of your feelings of guilt and shame. We need Teshuvah.”
Jake sighed deeply from within. “Marc, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are sacred. They have always been our holiest days. Our Ten Days of Repentance. The Days of Awe. But do you know why they are so important?”
“Probably. I’m sure dad told us.”
“Because of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai.” (x) (x)
“Wait, which one was he?”
“Ribaz. He’s the rabbi who pretty much saved Judaism.”
“Oh. Right. After the Temple…”
“Yes. The Temple. This is how dad used to tell it...
"After the Romans besieged Jerusalem. After they set fire to the Beit Hamikdash, our holy Temple. When we had no place left to offer up sacrifices to G-d. What would we do? Especially on Yom Kippur. Without the sacrifices at the Temple, how would the Jewish people be able to repent? How would we be forgiven of our sins each year? How would we continue to be Jews?
“Ribaz was a wise old rabbi. He stood and wept as he watched the Temple burn. The flames went higher and higher, late into the night, casting evil shadows upon the land. And he looked to the Tanakh for guidance. He turned to the Nevi’im. To Hoshea. And there he found the wisdom he sought.”
“For I desire lovingkindness, not sacrifice; devotion to God, rather than burnt offerings.” (x)
“I remember,” muttered Marc, his thoughts blending with Jake's, remembering their father’s voice. “Hoshea 6:6. And with that, he knew how we would carry on as Jews. We would offer up lovingkindness, prayer, and Torah study. That is how we show our devotion to G-d.”
“Yes!” thought Jake, nudging Marc from the headspace. “And that’s why we gotta go to shul tomorrow. Ribaz didn’t save Judaism just for us to be a slouch about it! So we gotta go to shul tomorrow to get our name in the Book of Life. So we can be sealed on Yom Kippur. So we can start the process of doing Teshuvah. We gotta reach out to Frenchie, Marc. And I miss Gena and Crawley so damn much. It’s gonna be really hard. But we gotta start somewhere. We gotta start repenting to them. And we gotta mean it this time. Let go of some of that ego you carry around your neck. It’s weighing all of us down.”
“Jake’s right,” thought Steven. “We don’t know what the future will bring, Marc. But we gotta start.”
Steven began humming a tune that pushed out in little breaths through Marc’s voice. It was a tune that Marc knew but couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“What is that?” thought Marc, directing the question at Steven. “That sounds like…”
Steven pushed closer to front, and continued humming, a little louder this time. Some words came through Marc’s lips in Steven’s voice.
“Who by fire? And who by water? … Hmmm hmmm hmmmm… and hmmmm hmmm hmmmmm…”
Marc coughed, cutting off Steven’s song for a minute. “Oh, it’s Leonard Cohen.”
Marc could feel Steven’s smile from inside the headspace. “That’s right, Marc. And you know what it is, right?”
“I do. Yeah. Yeah. Who shall live and who shall die. His version of the Unetaneh Tokef prayer.” Marc began to sing softly. (x) (x)
And who by fire?
Who by water?
Who in the sunshine?
Who in the night time?
Who by high ordeal?
Who by common trial?
Who in your merry merry month of May?
Who by very slow decay?
And who shall I say is calling?
“But teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah shall avert the severe decree.” Marc took a deep breath. “I’ll go. I will. For Ribaz. And I’ll do it for you Jake… I’d do anything for you. You know that. And yeah, you too Steven. Even though you’re a pain in my ass. I’ll do it for you. We’re mishpocheh.”
“And for you, Marc?” asked Steven, whispering the words through their lips.
“Huh. Okay. Fine. For me too. I’ll go be a good Jew. Ha! Dad would be so proud.”
“We’re not doing it for him,” thought Jake.
“No. Okay, no. You’re right. We’re not. I’m not. We’re mishpocheh. We’re doing this for us.”
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
via ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime
(( Note Israel Realtime does not post updates on Shabbat or Holy-days (Israel time) UNLESS life threatening / saving. ))
Chief Rabbinute instructions with Risk Adjustments
Erev Shabbat - Parshat Acharei Mos Leviticus 16:1 - The name of the Parshah, “Acharei Mot,” means “after the death of”.  Following the deaths of Nadav and Avihu, G‑d warns against unauthorized entry “into the holy.” Only one person, the kohen gadol (“high priest”), may, but once a year, on Yom Kippur, enter the innermost chamber in the Sanctuary to offer the sacred ketoret to G‑d.
🔅Shabbat Times here -> https://www.myzmanim.com/search.aspx
.. the NORTH - including extended areas of Krayot, Haifa, Afula, Safed- MEDIUM-HIGH, rockets or suicide drones at any time.  Safety precautions REQUIRED.
.. NEAR-GAZA - including Ashkelon & Ashdod - MEDIUM-HIGH, rockets at any time. Safety precautions REQUIRED.
 - REST OF THE COUNTRY - LOW - we are at war, there may be unexpected attacks.  Have a plan if there are alerts.
➡️ MAMAD LIGHTS ON… leave the lights on, on Shabbat,  so if there is an alert you don’t have to turn them on.
➡️ TAKE A PHONE WITH YOU… when sheltering or leave one on in the shelter.  If you must call for help, have a way to do so quickly.
➡️ LEAVE ON AN ALERT METHOD… Leave on silent channel or stream on computer or phone, or alert app. 
➡️ SAFE TO GO TO SYNAGOGUE? - Follow instructions of Homefront Command and your City!
— HIGH Risk - only go to a synagogue that has, or preferably is in, a shelter.  Otherwise pray at home.
— MEDIUM Risk - best to only go to a synagogue that has or is near a shelter. Where is it?  Have a ‘when there is a siren’ plan in mind.
— LOW Risk - there will possibly be sirens, what’s your plan?  Have one or choose another synagogue.
➡️ PLAN YOUR SHELTER PATH TO/FROM SYNAGOGUE - If an alert goes off en route, where will you go to be protected if on the way?
➡️ IN SYNAGOGUE, WHERE IS THE SHELTER?  Does it have capacity? - If an alert goes off in synagogue, KNOW where you will go.  Walk over and check the path and capacity.
➡️ ARE YOU SLOW?  - In High Risk areas, stay home.  Medium and Low risk, have a plan if there is a siren.
➡️ CHILDREN?  Discuss with your children what to do in case there is a siren.  Leave young children at home in High risk areas.
— If you have a gun license, it is a MITZVAH to carry your gun on Shabbat, even without an eruv. 
— Try to have AT LEAST one armed person in every synagogue.
— Have Pepper spray? Or a Knife (small size, approx. width of palm, as allowed by law)? Carry it - we all remain at risk of terror attacks. (Note pepper spray, knives etc will not be allowed to enter govt offices, hospitals, malls or any security controlled site, and your workplace may require you to register.)
— If sirens are heard in the middle of the Amidah, one must go to the shelter.  After, restart Amidah from the beginning (others rule to start from where you stopped). 
— Can’t get to shelter, LAY DOWN, all the way, hands on head (reduces risk by 80%).
— As per Homefront Command, wait AT LEAST 5 minutes (Homefront says 10) before exiting shelter or getting up.
— Every synagogue needs a PHONE ON for immediate use on Shabbat.  And with a red alert app in case it is hard to hear sirens.
— You may carry and keep a cell phone on in your pocket.  Set to silent, and set red alert apps to “override silent mode”.
➡️ DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL POLICE !! - If anything suspicious, CALL POLICE immediately!  Dial 100
➡️ ALL INSTRUCTIONS FROM HOME FRONT COMMAND and your City must be strictly obeyed.  If instructed to shut yourself in, do not leave the house even for prayer.
It is a mitzvah to take actions to protect and save and preserve life on Shabbat, not a violation.  But ONLY actions which do so.
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justtogetthrough · 9 months
On the 25th I’m taking the day off work for religious reasons for the first time ever. Because my field of work is so dominated by Christians there’s a part of me that reeeeaaallyyyyy wants to specify it is Yom Kippur and that is why I’m out of office. But I’m so early in my learning and I don’t want people to ask me questions/feign interest and then discover I know fuck all/am early stages of reconnecting and then embarrass myself.
I’ll be spending 5 hours at synagogue on that day on paper, so actually it’ll be more like 7 or so. I’ve never sat through that much religious service before but my region rarely gets a cantor down anymore and if I skipped this year idk how soon I’d get to celebrate the High Holidays.
I’m nervous as all fuck (first service is Erev Rosh Hashanah in two days) because I find talking to people hard at the best of times. But right now I’m tits deep in grief over a cat and burnt out from work and my local Jewish community skews very elderly, so idk how conversing with anyone is gonna go but. I need a community. I want to feel rooted to this earth even if it means exploring the religious side of my heritage after my mother did her very best to teach me as a child that organized religion is the worst thing to exist. She robbed me of a community growing up and I am trying to piece one together.
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celticjewish · 8 months
I was planning on going in person to Yom Kippur services for the first time and fasting again but now it’s erev Yom Kippur and I have a full blown sinus infection and idk what to do because none of my local clinics are open until tomorrow and it’s an hour and a half drive to the synagogue for me
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femmchantress · 8 months
Me, joking: (Husband)!!! Are you making yourself a PB&J? On Erev Yom Kippur? That’s not very repentant of you.
My husband, who isn’t Jewish: That’s my secret. I avoid Yom Kippur entirely by making the deeply strategic decision of not being a Jew.
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