#enjoy your crazy ass dog akira
mymp3 · 1 year
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doodle dump
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i took round aigis out so all the pictures would be even,.. but thats not fair to aigis, ive added her back in the bonus doodle.
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Getting a Husky - Jason Todd x Reader Headcanon
Requested by @multifandombackpack , “ do you think you can write something with Jason and the reader with a very vocal husky? tysm!❤️”
A/N: I had seriously had way too much fun with this request, I love dogs (got four of them) and this honestly made me really happy. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy, and also send in some more requests! (Got one in the works at the moment, so look out for that!) Can’t wait to hear what you guys think!
~Okay, so Jason was never one for animals, not that he doesn’t like them or anything, he’s well meh about it.
~You on the other hand, well that is another story altogether. Let’s just say that you really like animals, especially dogs. (That’s an understatement TBH)
~Now Jason had been out of the country for about a week, and he was going to be gone for a couple more. You always hated these missions because there was very little contact between the two of you, and you wouldn’t hear anything from him till everything was done and over.
~You were hella stressed to say it simply, but life must go on and you needed groceries.  That’s what led you to walk out in the really cold Gotham night.
~It was so cold, that it was even starting to snow when you were leaving. (You went back inside and got a thicker jacket, you weren’t dealing with that crap.)
~While leaving the supermarket, all plastic bags held in your arms you saw a box on the edge of the sidewalk, and you could have sworn you saw the thing shake.
~If Jason saw what you were about to do, he’d have a hernia, because THAT COULD BE A BOMB WTF ARE YOU DOING, DOLL?!?!
~Be thankful he was many many many miles away doing vigilante stuff, because you checked out what was in that box and you saw a pair of clear blue eyes attached to a fluffy white and black body.
~At first, you screamed because OH MY GOD FLUFFY HUSKY PUPPY and then OH FUCK IT’S HELLA COLD WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE IN A CARDBOARD BOX?! (Be happy that for once, there was no one outside to watch you lose your sanity.)
~You looked once, you looked twice and no one was outside. So clearly, the person who put him in this box was a cruel asshole didn’t want the poor baby.
~So you made a decision. You put on all the bags on the ground and picked up the little guy. You didn’t like how cold he was, and was really small too, you could feel his bones under his skin and he was just shaking uncontrollably. So you unzipped the top of your jacket and put him in there and zipped it up with his head popping out.
~You grabbed your groceries and walked right back into the store, and came out with five more bags filled with puppy stuff. (Food, bowls, a super cute sweater, and a lot of toys.)
~The whole time the little guy was licking your face and making little yips. Let’s just say he was an overload of cuteness.
~You took him back to the shared apartment you had with Jason, gave him a nice helping of puppy food and gave the both of you a warm bath. (He didn’t like it, which led to you taking one as well because you were soaking wet from how much he was trying to get out.)
~The next day you took your little guy to the vet, they checked him out, gave him his first puppy shots and he was all set.
~Two weeks pass, and your little guy has definitely come out of his shell. (He even gained weight, so yay!) One thing that you noticed and were kinda expecting was how vocal he was. It was insanely cute for the very reason that he would howl whenever he wanted your attention and that was pretty smart to you, which led you to name him Akira, (You looked up cute husky names on google, and apparently it means smart.)
~You were in your room cleaning up and didn’t hear the door open, but Akita definitely did and ran straight for the door barking like crazy.
~Asking yourself what the hell got into him you walk out of the room and see your boyfriend staring down at the puppy jumping all around trying to scare him and failing miserably because he’s a little dog trying to intimidate a six foot something vigilante.
~He was back early and was pretty excited to see your beautiful smiling face again. He wasn’t expecting to see a fluff ball yapping at him.
~You patted Akita’s head, which shut him up and hugged Jason.
~He hugged you back but was just staring at the dog (Akita was also staring at Jason relentlessly.)
~“I can see you were busy while I was gone, Doll.” He wasn’t amused but he could tell that you were now attached to the puppy and didn’t want to upset you so he let you keep him.
~Either way, Akita grew on him and he would never admit it but he seriously loves that dog.
~He has a video on his phone with you and a 10 month Akita on your lap (that dog got HUGE in the time he spent with you guys, and he was a lap dog stuck in a big dogs body so the contrast was there)
~He was howling, and it was one of those howls that sounded like he was saying “Mama!” Paws were on your shoulders and head tilted back in the howl.
~You were dying of laughter, Jason was hiding his laughs (and failing), and everyone who saw it at least smiled. Even Damian was smiling.
~Speaking of Damian, when he found out you had a puppy, he demanded asked to meet him and to have him meet Titus.
~Jason was like an overprotective father who didn’t want, “The demon spawn and his crazy dog to corrupt their child.”
~You were touched that he called Akita your child but you thought he was being over dramatic with Damian and Titus. (You got along with both of them very well.)
~Damian loves him and Titus and he are the best of friends. (Plus they were one of the best tag team buddies ever.)
~Either way, everyone loves your guy’s dog and he is so well behaved.
~Well except for bath time, when he was little you could handle him no problem, but as he got older you couldn’t even keep him in the tub. Which led to the responsibility falling on Jason’s shoulders.
~That dog seriously hates baths. He senses it in the air and hides under your guy’s bed, Jason already knows where he is and has to pull him out every time.
~Akita is basically limp, and crying/howling the entire time
~You swear that you hear him say “No!” while Jason carries him through the hallway and into the bathroom.
~The entire bath, he’s crying loudly, breaks Jason’s heart but geez that dog stinks and the bath must go on. Even if Jason gets soaked to the bone while doing so.
~When the bath is over, Jason, you, and even Akita let out a sigh of relief.
~You have towel duty though, and you end up getting soaked, while Akita is now dry.
~Let's just say that you and Jason decide to “Save water” and take a shower together after Akita gets kicked out of the bathroom.
~Back on topic, Akita thinks he’s just a furry person and is literally one of the most spoiled dogs you had ever seen. You don’t care.
~He is your and Jason’s child, and while Jason is out, he is your protector.
~No one is allowed to mess with his Mama.
~Whoever does, gets their ass bit by a very angry husky.
~Jason is very proud of his son and feels better leaving him with her when he’s out on patrol.
~Either way, you both got a very loving dog that is extremely vocal.
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artemiscephei · 7 years
Tagged by @mischasera Name: Artemis
Nickname: Arty. Art. Artychoke.
Gender: Dude
Star sign: LEO
Height: 5′11″ . It always kills me to admit that I never quite made it to 6′.  Makes me feel... small.  But also, it’s just that... number.  It’s like, incomplete. It’s not even half of something... it’s just.... almost there. Irritating.
Sexual orientation: If I find you attractive, because of what you say, do, think, look like - in some combination - I am of the orientation that we should have sex.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw. However I was almost completely evenly divided with all other houses.  Closest runner up was Gryffindor, followed by Slytherin, then Hufflepuff.
Favourite colour: No favorite color to look at, or generally witness.. But I think dark shades suit me. I go for brightish hair.
Favourite animal: When I was younger I thought “flying squirrels seem like they have a great time”.   I became a teenager and thought lions were rad, because I’m a leo.  Very simple.  But they ALWAYS are on the brink of starvation due to their very high metabolism.  And they can’t travel too far from hunting grounds.  And their social structure is a bit combative and uneven.  So I fell out of interest. I met an owl once.  Stared me in the face.  It looked like it knew everything about me - and was not impressed hahahha.  It was the most ethereal experience I’d had with a creature. I wondered what parallels in consciousness an owl and human might share.  Where do we diverge, and where do we meet, thought wise?  With any animal really.  Thanks Owl. I always thought whales have a decent time too, despite needing to always eat, they see more of the world (in ocean) than most creatures ever do. In terms of generality though, hawks look badass.  Deers have rad antlers. Wolves look like, what I’d like to look like. No favorite animal.
Time right now: 12:18am. Time is a human construct, but so is language right?  However spacetime exists whether we do or not, so is TIME, actually a human construct - or just our measure of it? (thanks @mischasera, lol)
Cat or dog person: Cats are like roomates that have their own thing going on, and then might sometimes peek in to check on you. Dogs, are in need of you, and you are in need of them.  Dogs are for those who need an omnipresent pal/sidekick/stalwart adventurer. I can dig em both.  But I prefer to not have any animal companions.  Taking care of others is a bit of a chore. 
Favourite fictional character: Hmm.  Hmm.  I liked Kaneda’s attitude in Akira. The world is ending due to a huge government conspiracy, that made his best bud Tetsuo a weapon of apocalyptic proportions. Govt: “We need your help, he might listen to..” Kaneda: “Yeah whatever fuck Tetsuo. I’m his big bro, and he was talking smack to me?  Fuckin punk took my G’Damn motorcycle too, I’m gonna...” Govt: “ O_O.  Your friend is highly dangerous and...” Kaneda: ...kick his fuckin punk ass is what I’m gonna do.  Little bitch.  He’s my bro, and I love him.  But boyyyy, is he getting these hands.” I also enjoy Sora, from Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is the cousin of Final Fantasy - a series that has over the years, become known for it’s brooding, stoic protagonists.  Their happiest guy, Tidus, has bouts of unchecked, crazy teen rage whenever his father is brought up. However, not Sora. This guy just laughs everything off, and is generous, and kind as fuck.  He’s giving, and good natured.   Dialogue between him and his homeboy Riku (the fan fav) (follows the ff broody hot silver haired guy mold). Riku: SORA, we’re not gonna make it.  What were we thinking.  Darkness resides in us all, blah blah blah. Sora: (interrupting, in matter of fact tone)  You just gotta think positive, Riku. I don’t think that moment was meant to be hilarious, but I was in stitches.  I like that he wasn’t a fatalist. Lelouch Vi Britannia. Ok.  Ok. This guy tries to bring down the govt, with his best friend - but also trails off to get revenge.  It’s hard for me to get into why I like him, without giving away to much of the show.  Because I dislike a lot of his character traits.  He’s overly flashy, and a showboat, and just seems a bit of a dick. BUT under that, he’s obviously a stellar human being, as seen by the sacrifices he makes for a cause that he sees as saving humanity.  And ultimately it consumes him and he fails.  But he fucking tries, he cries, breaks down, falls apart, gets back up, keeps trying, and is stalwart, because this matters to him. I’m not sure if the audience was meant to like LeLouch, but if we were, I fell for it.  I think he’s great.
Number of blankets I sleep with: It’s more about blanket density for me.  I like to feel like I’m sleeping under a lead barrier - not matter the temperature.
Favourite singer/band: Bt. Luna Sea. Periphery. Shiina Ringo. Erykah Badu. Ital tek. Kaki King. Animals as leaders. Dir en grey. Lupe Fiasco (though I don’t really like anything passed The Cool).  Kanye west. Kendrick Lamar. Starkey. Plastic tree. Sugizo.
Dream trip: Mountaing climbing. Sky Diving. Cave exploring. Various Locations.
Dream job: Rockstar, Innovator. I’d like to somehow have the time and energy to perform high volume, exciting rock shows, all the time, and make dope music for the world - while also helping build infrastructure, and social solutions to our real world human problems. I believe that our energy crisis, water shortage, food shortage, racism, classism, sexism and population expansion are all challenges that can be overcome through engineering.  We look at the root cause of things, and their effects chain, and find areas where things can be re routed.  I think we need to do that on a global level - and nothing excites me more than thinking of how to implement these re routing strategies.
When was this blog created: No idea.
When did your blog reach its peak: Do I have followers even? 
What made you decide to make a tumblr: I always wanted to curate a personal gallery of art and ideas that matter to me - so if anyone stumbled into it, they’d know things about me, that couldn’t be discerned by asking questions.  I know that experiences influence as well - so I hoped that the act of finding the “pieces” for my gallery would influence me, and those who come though my gallery would be influenced as well. Tumblr is the affordable digital model of this dream.
Why did you pick your url: It’s my name. At the time I had a semi popular up and coming band in the East Coast U.S.  It was made to be easy to find, by folks who liked our music.
Tagging: @optimorph @post-futurism @milesnoah @arottenpeach @crisryan @dresdencodak @dictatorofchina-blog-blog @jasminnows @jevsie @jamie-nostalgic-fantasy @kandra-art @kitsukitsu @moonboy9999 @provocative-verbalist @patrikofbataar @wingedemperor
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