planeyboys · 11 months
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Featherless, bipedal, Ekranoman.
Part of a limited run of stickers, still some left as of 12/06/23!! 
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youare-number6 · 10 months
Futuristic Ekranoplan Ground Effect Flying Craft - Pt 3
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oshlet · 1 year
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Front, Top and Side of the Hopper GEV. The main propulsive force comes from the pair of hefty turboprops mounted on the fat, squat wings, forming the basis of the wing in ground effect allowing the craft to slide above the terrain at high speed. One can also see the air intakes located below the fuselage powering a tertiary engine providing additional lift and thrust meaning the hopper can take on a wider set of cargoes.
Below the cockpit sits the main survey array for mapping out the terrain as it swoops over. If needed, it can also produce sufficient light to illuminate the ground if needed to during night flights, although this is usually frowned upon as the light could disrupt animal life more than necessary.
On the rear is a small helipad which is usually fitted with a light dronecopter (if one is loaded at all). Such vehicles can loiter and examine patches of ground for a longer period of time, even able to take small samples if necessary. It obviously isn’t a replacement for ground-based science teams, but it can provide extra context for ecologists.
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nelc · 10 months
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mirkokosmos · 1 year
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S-76 SeaDragon - by Ben Procter
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kirmizisinaps · 3 months
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ekranoplans look very distopic and futuristic
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touteytout · 10 months
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last week i had a super vivid dream where i went to this like aviation museum/exhibition and they had this miniature airfield with all sorts of little planes on it. one of them was the km ekranoplan and i got so excited i started telling this old guy next to me everything i knew abt it but he just went :) okay. THEN the owner (?) of the whole thing went and took it and gave it to me like you care about her more than we do and even in my half asleep dream state i was like damn this rules
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rupertbbare · 2 years
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The Aerocon Dash 1.6 Wingship was an American proposal for a 173m long, 1.4k tonne Ground-Effect Vehicle for use as both civilian and military applications.
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wormist-priest · 1 year
Ekranoplan KM testing in the Caspian Sea in the '70s.
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lordfederico · 1 year
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L’ekranoplano, velivolo capace di planare a pelo d’acqua, era il fiore all’occhiello dell’esercito sovietico. Dopo il crollo dell’Urss è stato abbandonato sulle rive del mar Caspio.
Quasi 400 tonnellate di peso, ma capace di abbattere il muro dei 500 chilometri orari. Doveva essere il gioiello dell’aviazione russa, ma con il crollo dell’Unione Sovietica negli anni Novanta è piombato nell’oblio; ekranoplano di classe Lun, un mezzo militare ibrido fra un aereo e una nave
Sebbene l’Organizzazione marittima internazionale li classifichi come imbarcazioni, gli ekranoplani devono la loro fortuna alla capacità di volare a pelo d’acqua. Si tratta di veicoli capaci di viaggiare a poca distanza dalla superficie, muovendosi a un’altezza fra 1 e 5 metri grazie al principio aerodinamico dell’effetto suolo. Una combinazione fra furtività e velocità che li ha resi difficili da individuare sui radar. L’Unione Sovietica ne ha scoperto i vantaggi durante la Guerra Fredda, impiegando il Lun in modo massiccio soprattutto nello specchio d’acqua che la separa dall’Iran, tanto che molto presto si è guadagnato il soprannome di Mostro del Mar Caspio.
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Più lungo di un superjumbo Airbus A380, nonostante le grandi dimensioni e il peso di quasi 400 tonnellate l’ekranoplano Lun era in grado di raggiungere i 550 chilometri orari grazie a otto motori sulle ali. Entrò in servizio nel 1987 ed era in grado di decollare anche con meteo avverso o condizioni di tempesta, conducendo attacchi fulminei via mare con i sei missili stipati nella parte posteriore dello scafo. Il crollo dell’Unione Sovietica bloccò la costruzione di altri esemplari e portò all’abbandono del Lun a Derbent, dove si trova tuttora.
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Cutaway of the Cold War era Ekranoplan from http://www.hisutton.com/Russian-Navy-Ekranoplan-WIG.html.
I'm not even going to try and describe this.
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padparadzha · 6 months
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korabl maket
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youare-number6 · 10 months
Futuristic Ekranoplan Ground Effect Flying Craft - Pt 2
Not many Ekranoplan looking craft in this batch
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oshlet · 1 year
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System-11 Observatory GEV sweeping over the equatorial cactus plains of Sond. The cactus plains have been the core of S-11′s biodiversity program to expand the flora and fauna from the original stock of invasives first used to seed the planet.
Initially, a wide area will be mapped out by observatory GEVs, which mark down zones of interest for more detailed analysis. Later, science teams on walkers will move out for more detailed research, which can then be returned and fed into S-11 biolabs for the development of new flora strains capable of competing with the expansive greenery already present on the planet.
Later goals, after improved biodiversity of flora is achieved, would be introducing new fauna to exist alongside it, which would require additional exploratory and fact-finding phases to ensure the already constructed ecosystem isn’t excessively damaged.
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#UnDiscoPerLaPausaPranzo - #1453 - 9 Maggio 2023 - Ekranoplan - Deutsch-Italienische Freundschaft - 2023 
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