#edit: *Mickey mouse voice* ha ha! I’ve made a mistake!
lieutenant-sarcastic · 9 months
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rachelbethhines · 5 years
Quick thoughts on a 130 years in film Part 9
There’s probably a lot more notable films I could have gone with for this year; Phantom of the Opera, Ben Hur, Battleship Potemkin, just to name a few. However my love of Cinderella won out over all of these. I’ll probably cover at least one a decade. And indeed this is one of the more interesting takes on the story I’ve seen.  
Written by J. M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, this charming tale is about a quirky young  woman living in London during World War I. She’s obsessed with the story of Cinderella and desires nothing more than to bring the fairy tale to life. Her odd behavior catches the attention of a police officer who suspects her of being an enemy spy. What follows is a whimsical and yet also somewhat heartbreaking romance.       
I’ll be honest this was a delight to watch. I actually enjoyed this more than any version of Peter Pan. It’s a shame Barrie never novelized this play as I’ve would’ve read the hell out of it. 
The Adventures of Prince Achmed is the world’s oldest surviving full length animated film. I’ve seen it hundreds of times already but it didn’t seem right leaving it out of the marathon due to it’s historical importance. 
The film is utterly memorizing, but it is very much a style over substance type film. A mish-mash of various Arabian Nights’ tales the story is simplistic and the characters little more than archetypes. Some, such as the Witch, can be quite charming despite this. Others however, like the two main leads and their very forced romance, leave a lot to be desired. However, the art is the true star of this film and it’s beautiful scenery and classical puppetry style will leave you breathless. 
The Jazz Singer might just be the most important film ever made. The first movie to feature synchronized sound, it completely changed the industry and how films are made even to this day. Every time you sit down to watch anything on a screen, and you hear music, dialogue, and/or sound effects you owe it to this movie.  
That said the film isn’t nearly watched or talked about enough. Though still a moving and effective film in it’s own right, it’s sadly ignored due to many of the films most important scenes being considered controversial today. The main character, who is white, dons makeup to make himself look black. Don’t mistake me, this is in no way a defense of “blackface”, a shameful practice that rightly belongs in the past, but the past does need to be viewed and discussed. And it needs to be viewed and discussed in both the context of when it was made and the implications it has upon us as a society today. 
The story is about a Jewish man who wants to be a stage singer, against the wishes of his strict and very traditional father who wants him to become a Cantor like himself. Through out the film the main character, Jack, is torn between wanting to peruse his dream career and wanting to make his parents proud. The controversial “blaceface” scene is a very obvious metaphor of Jack hiding his true feelings and his true self beneath the falsities and fantasies of the pretend world of the stage. At the time this was lauded as being progressive, even by other black people, and indeed the actor who plays Jack was a well know civil rights activist, but over time as “blackface” became rightfully less respectable people ignored the movie altogether rather than study the changing attitudes of society and how such important movies both helped and hurt minorities. And indeed while representation of black people in film has grown in leaps and bounds over the decades, when’s the last time you saw a film about Jewish people, and their culture and religion, that was a top grossing film? One that doesn’t double as a world war 2 film or a biblical story. 
Two steps forward and one step back. That’s why it’s so important to remember history, to discuss it, and continue to challenge, question, and promote proper representation on all fronts. If you’ve never seen this movie before I would encourage you to do so if nothing more than to expand you’re own knowledge of representation in film history. 
1928 was a very strong year for silent film. The Wind, Jujiro, The Man Who Laughs are all considered must see classics by cinephiles and I would agree with them. The Wind is perhaps my favorite silent film ever. But as we draw to a close upon the silent era in film I realized I had failed to feature a Buster Keaton movie yet, and that simply won’t due. Therefore I give you the film that inspired Mickey Mouse. 
Buster Keaton plays a simple but heartfelt teen fresh out of school. He wants desperately to prove himself to his estranged father, but complicates matters by falling in love with the daughter of his father’s business rival. 
The story is a little slow going at first, the humor is  kind of dated too, and the romance not very fleshed out and used as simply a plot device more than anything, but oooh the stunt work! Keaton was a master at physical humor and choreographing and staging fantastical acrobatic stunts. The climax with the main hero trying to survive a hurricane is a worth the price of admission alone. There’s more impressive effects, stunts, and dramatic tension in this film than there are in many modern day action blockbusters.   
Well we’re officially out of the silent era. The Broadway Melody (1929) is the first full talkie musical. Unlike The Jazz Singer which still featured silent scenes in-between the songs, this movie is a fully voiced, scored, and sung. Such a technical feat earned it the second Academy Award for Best Picture.   
And it’s rather weak. The songs are few and far between, the cinematography and editing primitive, the sound quality iffy, the acting very stagy and over the top, and it’s all hung together with a very thin story. If you hate love triangles then don’t bother with this one folks cause that’s all it’s got to offer. 
I’ll give the story this though. As much as watching uncommunicative jackasses being idiots drives me up the wall, at least the story has the guts to end on a bittersweet note and not give everybody a happy ending. It’s a love triangle, someone’s going to get left out in the end. And to the films credit that someone is a likable character and not a one note villain.  Kudos. 
Also the choreography is nice. I was particularly impressed by a woman who taped danced in pointe shoes. That’s gotta hurt and is something not even most professional ballerinas can do. And “The Wedding of Painted Doll” while completely pointless to the story is easily the best number in the show. 
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geek-gem · 7 years
Infinite's An Asshole
Just saying I’ve been thinking about this for some time and even mentioned in my last post about Chaos in Sonic Forces. Including when searching up Tumblr infinite sonic forces I’ve decided and even thought more when liking some stuff of finally making this.
Including I thought of making more where it’s other characters from other forms of media.
I know with the lyrics in Infinite’s theme seems like he has a tragic back story. Which seems very nice I like that. Yet what your about to read is very harsh yet funny. The characters even make some 4th wall mentions because they don’t give a shit. Including just I keep thinking Infinite is just the biggest asshole…also it may have some of my own thoughts in it.
Please be aware of not just spoilers but very…brutal and kind of dark things said in this that might bother you. Yet supposed to be done in a funny way.
Infinite to Shadow.
Infinite: Your whole existence is the reason why everyone on the Ark died. You are basically the reason why Maria died. Basically you killed your own family by existing.
Shadow: *looking disgusted and pissed off* how dare you.
Infinite to Sonic.
Infinite: Your up beat positivity and outlook on life sickens me. One of these days your gonna break down and realize how much of a failure you are. Your the reason why I exist and why the world’s gone to shit being taken over by Eggman and me. It’s all your fault.
Sonic:…the game hasn’t released yet and I don’t know if I know you in anyway. Also the breaking down thing I’m feeling depressed at times I’ll think about it…or wait till I see what the game has to offer.
Infinite to Chaos.
Infinite: All Chao’s deserve to die. Your a piss ass guardian and Chao’s are weak and deserved to be slaughtered to out right extinction.
*Chaos now instead of one middle finger and now puts up his arms, forms huge hands and puts up both middle fingers with his eyes looking like he’s pissed*
Infinite to Metal Sonic.
Infinite: You a weak copy of the real Sonic. You will never beat him and never be the real Sonic. Your life is filled with misery, your father hates you because you fail to do the one thing you were born to do. I’m surprised you haven’t decided to end your life yet. You will always the worst thing Eggman has ever built.
Metal Sonic: Must…kill…now. *puts up both middle fingers and his red eyes flash*
Infinite to Zavok.
Infinite: Nobody will give a shit about your achievements in Sonic Lost World. You will always be forgotten and never considered one of the greats. Even people didn’t know who you were in the E3 trailer. Shows how much of an impact you left because you hardly left an impact.
Zavok: *sigh* it’s true. *He looks down to the ground just being all depressed as fuck*
Infinite to Dr. Eggman.
Infinite: I find it embarrassing of working for you despite the game isn’t out yet. I don’t care how threatening you are and what achievements you’ve done in your life. Your a weak villain who can never beat Sonic until now and you had my help. I’m surprised you haven’t committed suicide yet. In fact Ken Penders is more of a villain then you and we all hate him.
Dr. Eggman: Orbot hold my beer. *Left hand gives beer to Orbot* Exuse me while I get the Egg Dragoon and kill this sorry exuse of a villain WHO SAID KEN PENDERS WAS MORE OF A VILLAIN THEN ME!
Infinite to Silver.
Infinite: I honestly feel sorry for you. Your birth is so tainted in a game were sick of joking about. Yet our memory still stays strong remembering your horrible exuse of a debut. Unless Sega and Sonic Team reinvents you in canon. You’ll forever be taunted and your potential will never be reached and remain as a joke forever.
Silver: I’m sorry ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY! *Has tears being formed in his eyes*
Infinite to Mephiles. Had to look on Google twice for Mephile’s name.
Infinite: I don’t care what people say. You were never the greatest Sonic villain. Your such a dumbass that you would of killed Elise at any chance. I don’t care if you wanted to be an asshole just for the sake of it. The way you are written. Also even when Elise dies old everyone’s gonna die anyway. Your plan is so flawed…you just fucking suck and the game you debuted in sucks.
Mephiles: *sigh* I know. *Like Zavok just looks to the ground being depressed as all fuck*
Infinite to Classic Sonic.
Infinite: I don’t care if your pandering. You have no exuse to me here with your pandering ass even if I talked about that. Your a God damn punk ass who was inspired by Mickey Mouse and Felix The Cat and might never speak in this game maybe.
*Classic Sonic just looks sad with tears forming in his eyes. Along with his mouth being messy*
Infinite to Buddy the wolf the custom character.
*Buddy just falls to the ground crying sobbing uncontrollably kind of like a baby but in his own voice*
Sonic: Jesus Christ Infinite what the fuck is wrong with you!
Infinite: What I’m an asshole!
Sonic: You didn’t have to make him cry like that my God seriously you made him feel more like shit then the others.
Infinite: I’ve been wanting to save the worse for him cause he deserves it.
Sonic: This is just GeekGem speaking isn’t it.
Infinite: What if GeekGem is Infinite.
Sonic: What.
Infinite: Or Jessie Eisenberg is Infinite.
Infinite: Damn it I just hope I’m really cool and I pick up buildings and throw them at people and me screaming I AM THE DEVIL I AM SATAN! Yeah I need to chill out and wait but I’m still an asshole.
Sonic: Damn it just Jesus Infinite.
Went to tags by mistake on that last part when choosing the word Infinite. To be honest the Classic Sonic part I don’t mind as long as they well the dimensions thing is an explanation.
Yet the custom character. I actually said in my head looked when making the you don’t deserve to be in this game I thought in my head or some shit the design looks cool. Seriously my head saying random shit okay it does don’t lie to self.
I’ve even made a post saying when I play the game I will make my own opinion about if I like the custom character or not. Saying I will not do anything special by just making the custom character look like what he’s been looking like. Because I rather not give a shit. Just don’t like to myself I could hate it or not.
We just have to wait and see. I wanted to make these pretty maybe not as harsh ha normal to smile yet well the funny parts are of how characters react Infinite’s insulting basically roasting them.
Well got tags down and forgot to mention Sonic Mania fuck it that looks good as fuck just as Sonic Forces and some new messages 4 by the same person scared me when getting the tags down.
edit this is funny read what I typed. Also fixed oh to or on the Jessie Eisenberg part
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