starmotions · 1 year
tagged by the kindly wizard in a yellow raincoat @hungerpunch to share my lock screen / last song listened to / last pic saved to camera roll / last pic taken. mwah ty lolily! 😘
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this was fun hehe. i no pressure tag @hanjisoonie @fromadifferentphase @alexenglish @crent-trimm @lomku @welcomingdisaster @jebiwonkenobi @docdracula @echeveria2 @dirigibleplumbing @theroadverytravelled @nothinggoldwilleverlast ! 💌✨ to you all
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kaioumichiru · 1 year
Tagged by @echeveria2 ^^!!
lockscreen / last song listened to / last pic saved / last pic taken
Cheating with the last taken cuz it’s my friend and I don’t wanna do it without her permission!
Tag: @payslipgig @happiemoment @allegrantares @68bears
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alexenglish · 4 years
angel i'm so glad u tagged niall's video as gender direction it's all i can think abt 😔
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dearmrsawyer · 4 years
OMG HBD JAMILA!!!! i hope you have a lovely one! :o)
YUZU thank you so much!!!! You’re an absolute gem :D
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warpedtourniall · 5 years
echeveria2 replied to your post “me when i have to write stuff set in LA: People From LA Please Don’t...”
nooo as a LA-ian i was genuinely so impressed with the LA bits of farm fic
oh my god that’s so reassuring ;~; i’m a new yorker and i’m always so taken out of it when nyc settings don’t feel true, but ive never properly been to LA so i’m always just making stuff up!! 
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wepush · 7 years
echeveria2 replied to your post “i hope louis retweets the chicken nugget tweet :))))))”
let us all join together in unity and pray for louis to be able to express his blatant and continuous disgust and disapproval of those who seek to abuse and harass him
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tommot5 · 7 years
8, 12, 25, 44, 47
8. Favorite interview?kldfsjfklj you know what, I have watched those lirry sugarscape interviews a million times over. but I’m a fan of any of the mitam era lilo ones too, especially that one with the twitter questions where louis was staring at liam like he wanted to raise children with him and then said What was the question? :)12. Favorite era (UAN, TMH, etc.)?i have fondness for WWA, everyone looked nice & like lesbians, and midnight memories is my fav record of theirs, so... plus, i love watching the opening video over and over again25. Blonde or brunette Niall?BLONDE..... but i like the colorblock look a la You & I mv. i just think ideally it would be a lil more blonde than it is right now. but he’s so htoit doesntmatter44. Would you rather watch Louis/Harry alone together or Niall/Harry alone together?WHAT! A! QUESTION! THIS IS REALLY HARD!!!!! i think i’d rather watch louis and harry alone together, because i really need to know for my purposes how they interact naturally now. with niall and harry you can kind of pick up on that more in public i think but louis and harry don’t ever........ talk to eachother.......i want to see how they Hang Out. but wow narry would be interesting too.
47. If you could choose any three people to go with to a 1d concert, who would they be? niall, harry, and louis, leaving liam to do a show all by himself
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gryphll · 7 years
echeveria2 replied to your photo “@amazingphil THANKS FOR NOTICING ME!!!!”
ahh congrats!!
thank you yuzu!!!!!! this is a great payment from the universe after i bombed my hamlet test today
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slugart · 7 years
did a few of thiese, thanks @everydaylemoncandy @aeolian-harp @echeveria2 and @guavas
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alexenglish · 4 years
@echeveria2 replied to your post “honestly, to toot my own horn, Let It Be Lightning really was THAT...”
one of my faves i truly love it so much
pleeeeeeease, that means so much to me 🥺🥺🥺 and obviously it wouldn’t be the same without the yuzuslug one of a kind cover, you two really brought it to life  
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wepush · 7 years
echeveria2 replied to your photo “thankies beanos ! @slug2 @citricac1d @lostwondergirl addendum: would...”
tbh just an author's note would suffice for me, but an in-fic explanation def wouldn't be bad
probs is, there’s not a good way to work in an explanation into the fic and also something inside me just rebels against that, sighs. 
thank <3
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tommot5 · 6 years
still the one & tell me a lie
Still The One: Who was your first fave and who's your fave now?I was a harrie off the bat!!!!!! now i’m a louie!!!!!!Tell Me A Lie: What's your favorite interview?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImIy1TLRdf8
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replicarters · 7 years
there’s a lot of memes floating around that need doing by me but i’ll do this one first even though it’s giving me deja vu
* nickname: god going into high school it was chrissy, then somewhere in the middle of high school i said “never again”. didn’t have one for a while until @echeveria2 and @slug2 bestowed upon me “steen” and it makes me feel very uwu * star sign: listen i looked up my sun/moon/ascendant and here’s what i got: obviously i know taurus is my sun, but my moon is still taurus and as for the ascendant, the most common answer seemed to be sagittarius but there was one that insisted cancer. idk which one is right. @little-brisk what do i do. anyway i just think the double dose of taurus is hysterical. everything makes sense now. don’t move me from the middle of this road that i am sitting on. * height: 5′8′‘, still not tall enough as my favorite ladies and i think it’s all i’m gonna get. taller than most of you though which is fine but it does nothing good for my back as i unconsciously try to come down to your level. * time rn: 8:56 eastern * last thing I googled: summer time, as in what they apparently call daylight savings time in the eu * fav music artist(s): i just don’t have favorite artists. did you sing a catchy song? great i’ll take it. * song stuck in my head: jumping by kara, the greatest loss of 2016 * last movie I watched: moana! i loved it * last tv show I watched: MMMMMMM IIIIT WAS BECKER. i just want to say for the sake of my own sanity that there was at least one name among the becker staff who came from the hallowed grounds of murphy brown. IT’S FINE. * what I’m wearing rn: my skin over the darkness in my soul * when I created this blog: i think september 2009, yooooiks * the kind of stuff I post: pretty girls and surrealist humor. i think it’s called “stoner humor” in certain circles. * do I have any other blogs: @fuckyeahsamanthacarter and @steensvoicebox, which Maybe i’ll post on again this year? i’m shy and busy * do I get asks regularly: no i do not * why did I choose my url: i specifically remember wanting to feel powerful and unconcerned with others’ feelings * hogwarts house: hufflepuff, my cozy home * pokemon team: i know i answered this the other day, instead i’ll say i bet you’re wondering what the pokemon teams are for our friends on a space station, well do not fret my friends because that post is very much coming, courtesy of me and ya girl @rootmacklin with special thanks to @bracas * fav color: purple * average hours of sleep: seven and i want more all the time * lucky number:  14 * favorite character: WHO IS MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE CHARACTER ANYMORE? i don’t know, so many things have changed * number of blankets I sleep with: as many as i can tolerate without feeling crushed so usually 3 * dream job:i’m starting to wonder if i don’t really care anymore, if i just want to go to a day job that’s fine and keeps me secure and then come home and fuck around * following: 54 and so many of these are inactive now :( * number of posts: 14,410??
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alexenglish · 5 years
@echeveria2 replied to your post “Sometimes I wonder if Niall switches between female pronouns and...”
me n u at every opportunity: Niall Is Bisexual
it’s our message to spread to the masses!!
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wepush · 7 years
happy BIRTHDAY di!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you & i hope you have a lovely lovely birthday. i hope you eat something good and listen to a song you love and see a lot of things that make you happy ❤️🍊💛💚💙💜
hi yuzu!!!!!!!!!!! do you know!! my honey made yuzu ice cream the other day and apparently it was amazing and i haven't stopped thinking of you since tbh ! so cute that you are you but also you are a fruit. what a wholesome, pure aesthetic that matches you To A T. love how you share your bold colors and hazy dreams and precise telescope observations, but most of all, love you. i had some mushrooms and crab and listened to walk the moon on your behalf and was very content. thank you so berry much
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