#e'venna zekiel
hazelkjt · 1 day
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Putting all of my OCs on this post because it's my blog and I can do what I want.
In order we got: Hazel Kha Claire Ashe Derrrinall Evramont Exploding Goldfish E'venna Zekiel
If you aren't aware of what the shirts all represent then this is the perfect chance to do some research! Happy Pride Month everyone!
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the-dancing-coeurl · 20 days
Mayqo'te- Wonder
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"Are these really your ears?" "Yes...they're how I hear...now can you please stop poking them?"
feat: Hazel Kha from @hazelkjt (my main) ---------- E'venna has never seen an Au Ra up close before becoming friends with Hazel, but she's always been curious about how they hear things.
Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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hazelkjt · 4 months
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In as quick as her first match, Hazel had already succeeded in making a new acquaintance, and a new rival: E'venna Zekiel, The Dancing Coeurl of the Coliseum.
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hazelkjt · 5 days
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Hand to hand isn't Hazel's forte. E'venna on the other hand...
feat: my alt, E'venna Zekiel @the-dancing-coeurl
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the-dancing-coeurl · 13 days
Mayqo'te- Quest
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"Alright team, remember! This was a quest given to us by the Sultana herself. We can't afford to fail!" "Can you grow up already? Our mother sent us to buy salted cod, you idiot. Not some some make pretend Sultana." "HEY! Do not talk to your sister like that again, Talia!"
---------- Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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the-dancing-coeurl · 1 month
Mayqo'te- Adventure
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"Nalia, come on. Let's get out of here already. It's an abandoned mine, I could lose my job!" "We're here because it's abandoned, dumb-dumb! No one's supposed to be here, so how could we get caught?" "I think you're missing Bana's point, sis..." "Ven, stop being a worrywart and help me look! There's gotta be something big still down here!"
Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
E'nalia Zekiel, one of E'venna's younger siblings, has always had an adventurous and rebellious streak to her. So it was no surprise to her when she and their brother E'bana found their sister trying to sneak in to the Copperbell Mines to "search for treasure." Knowing it was next to no use to convince E'nalia to turn back around, the two decided the best course of action was to accompany her to keep her safe down there.
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the-dancing-coeurl · 15 days
Mayqo'te- Routine
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Waking up at dawn every morning, E'venna makes her way down to Scorpion's Crossing. There, outside the walls, she warms herself up and stretches. She then sprints ten reps up and down the stairs just outside the Gate of the Sultana. After finishing her run, E'venna returns to the Pugilist Guild to continue her workout for the day. And sometimes, she gets a little visitor.
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---------- Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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the-dancing-coeurl · 22 days
Mayqo'te- Unwind
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"Cannonball!" -E'venna, jumping in "Think fast, Bana!" -E'nalia, taking aim "...Huh? Wait Nali no-!" -E'bana, getting hit
Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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the-dancing-coeurl · 23 days
Mayqo'te- Moonlight
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Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here ----------
E'venna gazed up at the moon, trying her best to distract herself from the bruises all over her body. Another loss in the ring, another poor payout, she didn't even break the top eight competitors this time. It all came at the worst time, just as the deadline for the triplets' tuition was approaching... Ears drooped and tail fell motionless as Venna silently let the tears fall on her face. She couldn't let herself get like this normally, not around her family. She's this unbreakable hero to them, when she loses she's supposed to gets right back up with a smile. She's supposed to...supposed to... Tears drop from her face to her bruised arm, glistening in the moon's pale light. They'd all find a way to make up the difference. Maybe Bana's mining crew found that new ore vein he'd been hyping up for a while? At the very least Venna was sure she could live without a few meals in the meantime...every Gil mattered.
Blinking through the tears, she could barely make out the shape of the moon above. Everything seemed to go wrong today...and yet the moon keeps traveling, with the sun following close behind. Another day is starting. A bright, hopeful new day. Venna smiled as the tears kept falling, keeping watch of the moon as it danced through the sky. A new day...another day they all get to see. That's all that matters.
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the-dancing-coeurl · 28 days
Mayqo'te- Sunshine
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"Off we go!"
Growing up in Thanalan, you either love the sun or hate it. Fortunately for E'venna, it's the former. People would often compare her hair to that of the sun's rays, alongside Venna herself having a bright and comforting presence she extends to everyone she meets.
Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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the-dancing-coeurl · 11 days
Mayqo'te- Reflection
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In many ways, E'venna sees a lot of herself in E'talia. Driven, confident, and a strong sense of responsibility. But she also sees a lot different between them. E'talia can be bitter, and resents the family's state of living. This has been driving a wedge between the sisters as of late as Talia, not wanting to be a burden on her mother and two older siblings anymore, has attempted multiple times to join the Immortal Flames simply to, in her own words "take care of herself." E'venna and E'bana have stopped her each time, wanting her to follow what she wants to do with her life rather than what she feels she needs to do.
---------- Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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the-dancing-coeurl · 2 months
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"You think that oversized butter knife is gonna scare me?"
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the-dancing-coeurl · 3 days
Mayqo'te- Goodbyes
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"...Hey, Dad. It's been a while since we've all come to see you, huh?” None of the family ever got the chance to properly say goodbye to N'zekiel before his death. His carriage was ambushed by Amalj'aa, his tempered remains eventually finding their way back to E'shaya. He was buried just outside the Church of Saint Adama Landama, the family periodically taking trips out to his grave.
---------- Mayqo'te prompt list I was following can be found here And that's Mayqo'te finished! Sorry to end it on such a downer note but this was the only thing I could think of fitting this prompt for E'venna. Doing this has helped solidify her more in my head, before this she was easily my least fleshed out character so thank you for this opportunity!!!
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the-dancing-coeurl · 7 days
Mayqo'te- Memento
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E'shaya didn't approve of E'venna's choice to become a coliseum fighter, and to this day still doesn't. But no matter what she will always, always support her children. Without E’venna knowing, as she would have undoubtedly objected to it, Shaya commissioned an outfit for her daughter to wear in the ring. Can’t be a top competitor without a signature look, right?
---------- Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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the-dancing-coeurl · 5 days
Mayqo'te- Devotion
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She couldn't move, all she could focus on doing was breathing. Dried blood began to wash off E'venna's face as the tears began to fall again. She lost, failed in the final match of the tournament. She kept getting back up, again and again. But it wasn't enough. She wasn't good enough.. When her family came to check on her she reassured them all she was fine, a smile forced upon her face. She couldn't show them. She could never show them. Telling them all she would catch up later E'venna waited until her family had began the trip back home before leaving herself. She only made it part way home before collapsing in the side of an alley, unable to continue standing. E'venna curled up tight on the cold stone ground. "It was still worth it." She tries to rationalize to herself. "For them, it's always worth it." She couldn't give up, not while the people she loved dearly still needed her. And while she didn't win, the prize money for being runner up would surely still be a big help...wouldn't it? Of course it will...anything for them...anything...anything...
---------- Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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the-dancing-coeurl · 17 days
Mayqo'te- Sweet
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E'venna lives for the simple things in life, like indulging her sister E'kalia's sweet tooth.
---------- Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
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