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Beyond the Blood Tie - Chapter Five.
Another update to see us into the weekend, besties. We have a new character to introduce, and a few little revelations, too. Enjoy! :)
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Previous Chapters - One  Two, Part One Part Two  Three  Four
Words - 5,414
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Edie's POV
Ahhh, shit. You know when you’re so tired, you don’t notice that you didn’t shut the curtains all the way together the night before, and then you wake up to a beam of light hitting you right in the eyes? Welcome to my morning, everyone.  
The alarm goes off shortly after, prompting my agitated grumble. I don't like leaving my pit after only five hours of sleep, but I do have good reason to. I'm going to Vic's for breakfast, to help him enjoy his first day of a long-deserved vacation period from work. He isn't actually going away anywhere; he says the only thing that is calling him is the hammock in his back yard. I haven't seen him for two weeks because our shift patterns have clashed (he works with his brother at the twenty-four-hour grocery store they own) so I'm looking forward to catching up with him.
Eventually sliding out of bed and then falling over where I left my clothes when I got in, I snort laugh at my own ridiculousness, rub a newly carpet burned knee, getting back up again and taking my laundry to put in the wash. I treated myself to a new machine recently, after the one Aileen kindly gave me eight years ago finally gave up. Her husband Mike is one of these guys who enter all those competitions you never think you're going to win, and wins them. He won the new washer dryer just six months after winning a Kawasaki motorbike he and Aileen gave to their eldest son as a twenty fifth birthday gift. Some people have all the luck. Well, I guess I benefitted from their generosity, so I have little cause for complaint.
After putting my clothes in with a few towels and other jeans awaiting the wash, I then go and take care of washing myself. I'm a low maintenance girl, I don't wear makeup unless I'm out socially, and I let my hair dry naturally almost always since it has a nice natural wave to it. I'm still in love with lilac, even if the dead guy I’m punishing continually pokes at me over it. It would seem someone else isn't keen on it either, when he sees me roughly half an hour later.
"Dear god, what did you do to your hair?" Vic exclaims, after swinging open the screen door to me on the porch.
"I fancied a change, I dunno. I never went through that dye your hair crazy colours phase as a teenager.” Heading up the step, I pause to kiss his cheek, continuing into his lovely, rustic home.
"Then why the hell did you start now?" he teases with amusement, giving my damp tresses a little tug as I walk into the kitchen, the smell of bacon, sausages and pancakes becoming stronger with every step, until I'm sitting before the array of goodies at the table, pouring coffee from the pot for us both while Vic fetches the syrup from the microwave. Just as I'm putting the pot down again on its stand, my eyes are distracted by the images on the television. I didn't get chance to turn on the TV and check out the news before I left.
"What the actual fuck? Woah!" I exclaim as I see the images being streamed live from a gas station up in flames, Vic pausing to listen to the news caster before taking a seat opposite me.
"I guess the protesters finally decided to take action. How this kind of behaviour will help though, well I don't know.” Because of course our ties to the East (and their fuel) were well and truly severed over a hundred years ago, the USA has had to use their own stocks of gasoline since vehicles began to be imported again (all Japanese cars, one of the only manufactures left after the disaster) and whereas we all know we've got enough fuel, the USAC are whacking up the costs so much that people just cannot afford it.  
You'd be honestly surprised at the amount of people who use alternative transport, like bikes, or in more rural areas people even use horses instead of having to pay for gas. The prices of it are the reason alone why I don't drive, preferring to either walk or use the bus. Cabs are pricey too, again because of the gasoline.
Okay, I think I need to put the brakes on here and back up to explain a few terms you're about to hear me and Vic discussing. The USAC stands for the United States Authority Coalition, and that is this day and ages' version of a government. It was all formed many years ago by the men and women who became the leaders and figureheads of their towns (or rather settlements) after the disaster, needing to form some kind of unity and routine in law from state to state.  
As the title of the organisation suggests, it is run in coalition. Also, we no longer have a police force, but what is known as the Enforcement Officiating Unit, with Enforcement Officers (or E.O's as they're more commonly known as) instead of police officers. They're fully armed and very efficient at their jobs, and usually great people who are very un-corrupt. That differs a lot from how law enforcement used to be, so I'm told.
"They're ridiculous, to just set it on fire and waste the fuel like that! The USAC will just put up the prices even more now. Oh lord, is that footage of another one? Jesus!" I exclaim, after the coverage switches to a scene over the other side of town to where another gas station has gone up in flames. I just hope no one was seriously hurt, I really do.
"You're right, they will if people keep on setting the stations alight. I haven't checked the national news yet, so I don't know if the protestors are doing the same in other states.” He grabs the remote to change stations to CNN, where we find that gas stations in California, Washington, Virginia and Georgia have also been subjected to arson attacks.  
As we eat our breakfast, watching the news unfolding as Enforcement Officers arrive to the scenes en masse to control the unrest, we witness it all becoming a hell of a lot worse. The arson attacks lead to protestors fighting with the E.O's, rubber bullets being fired left and right, enforcement dogs barking at the end of their leashes, burning debris being hurled into the road and endangering people trying to pass the area safely, mounted E.O's falling off their startled horses and being dragged up the street. It is, without a doubt, fucking mayhem out there right now.  
"Good golly! Someone's going to be busy over the next few weeks!" Vic exclaims, nudging my leg with his soft slipper covered foot, shaking his head at the images on the screen.
"I was just thinking that! I will be, you're right, which means we're probably going to have to take in two per chamber. Great, that's all I need, a human sack of crap and the vampire to deal with," I mutter into my pancakes.
"Oh, you got a vampire in right now? Ooooh, I don't envy you! What's he like?" Vic questions curiously, spiking a sausage with his fork and using it to mop up some maple syrup.
"He's an asshole," I begin while chewing through a mouthful of bacon. He laughs immediately, probably more at the disgruntled look on my face more than anything. "Seriously, he can't just take the punishment. He yaks on and fucking on at me, trying to bring me down or figure me out, but that's not all. The first night I was in there with him, he tricked me and I ended up getting attacked." I then finish, watching Vic's eyes widen.
"He attacked you? Son of a bitch!" he exclaims angrily. "But you look alright, I can't see any scars on you or anything."  
"The vampire we have overseeing his punishment gave me a few drops of her blood to heal me. That's where it was, all along here. He nearly tore a chunk of me away with him, it took three silver throwing stars to the back flung by Ahmed to get him to let go," I further explain.
"Well, I hope you gave him hell for it," Vic states, sipping his coffee.
"I went back in there and chopped both of his arms off," I reply casually, making him burst into hysterics.
"That's my girl," he praises fondly, shaking his head as he laughs. "How fast did they grow back, by the way? I don't know much about these vamps; they creep me out too much to even want to learn anything about 'em!"  
"They're about half grown back now. It'll take time because we're not letting him rest properly or giving him what he requires in blood either, in an effort to keep him under control. I haven't noticed him getting much weaker in the week he's been with us for now, though. He's trying to play mind games with me, and he's winning. He can feel what I'm feeling, you see. When he attacked me, it wasn't to hurt me, it was to get his blood into me. Vampires can form blood ties with humans, which is something I've been reading up on since it happened.  
“What happens is, that when their blood goes in your system and vice versa, they're able to pick up on your emotions, just like I can pick up on some of his, flashes of his memories, too. According to what I've read, the more blood in the system, the stronger the bond. He only bled into the wound he inflicted on my shoulder a little though, so it isn't that bad," I explain for him.
"Well, he sounds like he's all rainbows and bunny rabbits," he begins sarcastically and somewhat darkly. "Won't he get further punishment for doing that to you, attacking you for such gain as this blood tie?"  
"Yeah, he did. Me chopping his arms off. No, seriously though, there's nothing anyone can do now he's done it. It'll last for a while, apparently, and then it'll begin to fade after time unless the blood is topped up, which it definitely won’t be. I just have to deal with him playing with my head for the next seven weeks, which I'm not looking forward to. I'm a week in, well eight days to be exact and already, I just can't wait to see the back of him," I grumble sourly. I really cannot fucking stand that vampire.
"Why'd you let him get to you though, letting him play with your head? If you just ignored him, no matter what he felt, you wouldn't be dignifying him with a response to anything nasty he has to say to you. I assume that's what he's doing, being spiteful?" Spiteful. Yep, that’s Angel, alright. He is spite personified.  
"See I tried doing that, but he's too smart for it to work. Also, some of the things he tells me are so interesting that I find myself drawn in, and it's hard to stop that. And yeah, he's spiteful. He rips it out of me over everything he can pick at. I’m an idiot, my tits are too small, my hair looks stupid,” I begin.
"I agree with him about the hair. Ouch, little tyke!" he interrupts me with, receiving a foot to his knee under the table for his comment over my hair.
"I could continue with the insults, but I'm not going to bother. It's him picking up on shit that I really don't like," I voice, while reaching for my coffee.
"I know I always taught you to never be a quitter, but if this is really bothering you then why not just switch with another punisher or something?" he suggests, giving me a concerned look.
"Because of what you always taught me, that quitting is for losers and I'm no loser. Also, doing that shows him that he's won, that I can't handle his taunting and I am not having that. No one does that shit to Edie Bailey and wins, no one. I just have to stop myself from finding the things he says interesting, because he's working me out so much more than I even realise, and he's dropping things that I think he's worked out will interest me. Like I say, all mind games. Vampires are famed for it, so I've heard," I reply strongly, determined that I will not let him get the better of me.
"Well, you stick to your guns, and keep me informed over how it's going. Man, is it a beautiful day out there. I think I'm going to get out and cut the lawn, and then move a few of those shrubs over to the shade as they're not doing well over in the sunnier part," he says, changing the subject to that of his beloved back yard. He really puts in the effort, and as a result it's incredibly beautiful.
"Do you want a hand?" I offer, getting up and taking his empty plate with mine over to the sink, running water into the plugged basin when I get there.
"You, you who hates gardening and leaves the grass until it's almost as tall as she is before she goes out to mow it?" he snorts, laughing with much amusement. It's at this point I have to proudly pull my phone from my pocket and show him the pictures of how my garden currently looks. "Oh wow, who'd you pay to do all that?" he adds when I show him the pictures of the cut grass and the newly dug flower beds around the perimeter of my yard.
"I'm proud to announce that this was all my own effort. I realised that after finishing my decorating project I was left with a lack of anything to do, and you know I like to keep busy, so I thought fuck it, no more excuses, I'm doing the yard work! And that's just what I did," I tell him proudly, returning my cell to my pocket with a smile.
"In that case then, there's an extra pair of gardening gloves in the shed, you go find them while I clear up in here. You don't have to do the dishes, go on, go." I’m shooed away from the sink, Vic grabbing the dishcloth and waving it at me. I do just that, heading through to the back door, scratching his lovely old dog Sadie on the head as I pass her, lying in her usual spot across the back porch.  
I have a really nice rest of the morning with Vic, helping him move the shrubs and also planting a few of the trays of flowers he has waiting and ready, even being given the ones he has no room for to plant in my own bare beds. On my way home, I take a bus to the local hardware store and plant nursery, buying myself some more bits and pieces that I have to take home in a cab, to the tune of thirty dollars for a ten-minute journey. Ouch, looks like the gasoline crisis is much worse than I'd envisaged. Envisaged, my word of the day and there we go, I just used it.
I then spend an hour in my own garden getting everything planted, remembering what Vic said to me about not watering them when the sun is at its hottest, as the water will heat up and scorch the plants, so make a mental note to go back out there this evening with the hose pipe and give them a good dousing when the ball of fire in the sky has set. After fixing myself a huge sandwich and a bowl of fruit for lunch, I then settle down on the couch and have myself a bit of a nap, setting my cell alarm to go off at 6pm, so I have plenty of time to do chores and get ready for work.  
Just as my eyes are blinking shut, I get one of those strange hallucinations I've been having, one of those flashes of memory being played through my head because of the blood of the vampire they belong to being in my body. The memory I see as ever is through his eyes, of a beautiful woman with a pretty tattoo across her throat smiling at him, kissing his shoulder, reaching to run her hand over the head of the sweet little baby he holds on his lap. It’s gone almost as quickly as it came.  
I wonder if they were his family, when he was human? Probably. Actually, I don't even care, if I'm honest. I'm more bothered about getting in a few more hours of sleep before I have to go back to work and be taunted by him all over again.
Angel's POV
"No way, no fucking way! I ain't going in there with him, that's a fucking vampire, fuck off! No, no, no, no! I don't even belong here, those fucking E.O cunts started on me!" Those are the screams that disturb me from my rest, my state of switched off, which is all I'm able to achieve. I haven't slept properly in a week because of these damn chains around my ankles and throat, and now I have to suffer a problem with overcrowding here at the Correctional Department, because of wide scale rioting over gasoline prices or something. I didn't pick up much of the talk from outside of this chamber I've been hanging in for just over a week, since I've been resting as best I can between punishments. I feel weak and tired almost permanently, and now I have to share my quiet space with this noisy fucking human.
"He's bound in silver so he can't even move, let alone get to you. You should have thought about all this last night when you were torching a gas station and beating down female E.O's, shouldn't you? Dumb bastard,” Ahmed, the gigantic Arab tells the man as he hauls him in and then shackles him to the ceiling and floor a few feet down from where I’m standing.
"Wow, brave man attacking a female. What, the male E.O's too scary for you, pussy boy? Humans like you nauseate me," I spit coldly, without actually looking at him.
"And that's about the only thing to come out of your mouth in the last week that I agree with." Ahmed states, while pointing a finger at me, before turning and leaving the chamber.
"A vampire lecturing me about morals towards women, hah!" the man (and I use that term loosely) next to me exclaims, while I turn my head all I can to eye him.
"Even I draw the line at striking a female. You want to show that you're top dog? Find the biggest guy you can and beat the crap out of him. Don't pick on a woman thinking just because they've got tits, you'll win. You're about to find that out in painful detail, though," I smirk, before shutting myself down again and not listening to anything else he has to say while I prepare for Edie's arrival. I could feel the sunset a few hours ago (we have a built-in sense for sunrise and sunset) so there's only another couple to wait before she gets here, and I'll be in worse pain than I am all of the time. Now, I suppose you're thinking I'm quite the hypocrite for what I just said to the human, but let me explain.
You're probably thinking how I could have those kinds of morals when just last week, I attacked Edie. I didn't attack her to hurt her, I attacked her to bleed into her, and that's it. I would have done it to any punisher I'd have had, male or female. So, as I was saying, I never hit women when I was alive and I'm not about to start now I'm dead. Sure, I adhere to far fewer morals than I did when I was human, because being dead has made me have little to no conscience, but not striking women is something that stuck with me.
It's a coward's pursuit, men beating women specifically because they're women. It fails to impress. I know I expressed a desire to strangle my punisher when I first came in, but hey, the bitch had just chopped my arms off. I was annoyed. Mentally unravelling her will suit me fine, though. I have to find some way to keep myself amused and make her time in here as unpleasant as possible. I'm not taking this lying down. Chained up maybe, but lying down? No. I won't verbally submit unless I'm forced to by liquid silver.  
I'm only being unpleasant to her because she's torturing me, she and the rest of the humans here have me in a position I don't want to be in. Otherwise, I'm pretty much indifferent to her. She doesn't much interest me.
Alright, fine. I’m lying my fangs off.  
When I tell her she's ugly and trashy, it's to dent her and nothing more. She's very attractive to me, she has beautiful blue eyes, muscular arms, a nice ass, and I know I'd enjoy fucking her. God damn, right now I’d piledrive her right through this steel floor, I’m so fucking horny. I don’t like going without sex, it makes me cranky. There's her anger, too. I really like it. It arouses me, and I like the fact that she fights back verbally against me, even though she can't win.  
She has tremendous spirit, but I still don't like her all that much. Mainly because she's beating me senseless five nights out of seven, obviously. Still though, I'd like to haul her off to bed and fuck her for about a week. What pisses me off is the knowledge that I can't. I could seduce her, absolutely no problem. I've done it to vampire women who've hated me in the past, and I know that even through her curiosity, Edie hates me for definite.
I just can't have sex with a human full stop. I have a slight problem with it, and have had that problem manifest itself a grand total of fifty-three times now. Quite simply, if you're a human and have sex with me, you won't survive it. I can't control myself at the point of orgasm, suffering a complete loss of control, and whoever I'm with gets drained dry. This is why I don't have sex with humans any longer, and if I slip up and do, it’s always with the false belief that 'this time, I will control myself’ before I bring them to my bed. But still, they never leave it alive, and I’m left with a corpse to bury before the dawn.
Despite what you might think, I’ve always felt a little bad for them. Vampires can still feel guilt, but more than that, I just feel pissed off for myself that I can't enjoy living flesh. One good thing about being in here is not having to listen to whichever human EZ brings home with him, screaming her lungs out while he performs the sexual equivalent of bludgeoning upon them. He does it just to piss me off half the time, the bastard. I still miss that bastard's presence, of course I do, he’s my brother.
I miss Ursula the most, though. I miss picking a period in time, a specific year or even month and asking what she was doing at that very point. I've learned an awful lot from just sitting and listening to her talk about times throughout the thousand years plus she's walked this earth. As a human, I wasn’t the most intelligent of people really. That shit had changed drastically in my death.  
So yeah, I suppose this is why I'm so hard on Edie, other than the fact she's putting me through massive amounts of pain. She doesn't interest me to talk to, and I want to fuck her and I can't. There you go. I can feel my mood getting lower as the hours pass now, a week with only half the blood I should have had making me feel like shit. Yet another reason behind my vile mood, I'm hungry and tired. I'm not overly friendly, but I'm not usually this angry. I'm merely bad tempered some of the time.  
As I've said before, I don't mind humans all that much, and in my line of work I have to be people friendly to a degree. Some assume just because vampires are dead that we need no money. In a way that is true, but you will find a large population of us who actually do have jobs. My present career differs greatly from the one I had while I was alive. I wouldn't want that again now even if I could have it. Being an outlaw without the MC, nah. Brotherhood was part of the reason I joined in the first place, that sense of belonging. I haven’t even ridden a motorcycle since before I was turned. No point, with how fast I move.
My current job is something where I can put my artistic side to use. I've always been talented with art and drawing, something that Ursula brought out in me more (she is a talented artist and then some, the portraits she draws look like they're photographs) until I became so good that I decided I needed to do something with it, so I did. I am one of the three owners and operators of the all vampire run tattoo shop, After Dark. Yeah, it’s a cheesy name, but it fits, since we obviously don’t open during daylight hours.
It's actually a thriving shop if you're willing to only have your appointment between the hours of sunset and sunrise, mainly because as vampires we're much quicker than humans in the application of tattoos. This is what makes us popular, as well as the fact that the designs by me, Eric and Salvatore (Sal to his friends) are the best in the whole of Las Vegas. Our skills cannot be beaten, hence why we've a waiting list that stretches into June next year. Even with me being away for two months and having to cancel all my appointments, it won't dent the business much. I'm good enough to wait for.  
Ahhh, I smell a woman coming my way, a very specific one, too. Edie is here. I can detect her scent as soon as she walks into the building, even from down here. I know where all the humans are when they're here at any given time, because I've picked up on their scents.
"Well, what do we have here then? According to your arrest sheet, you're a man who likes to pick on female E.O's, including stabbing one in her left breast with a broken bottle, and throwing another into a pile of burning debris. Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with you," she chuckles, after walking in and approaching the human, his rap sheet in her hand.
"If you think I can be intimidated by some little bitch with pastel purple hair and no tits, then you've got another thing coming," the human replies with a snort, spitting on the floor.
"Funny, that. He said more or less the same to me when he came in, when he had both arms still,” she replies, gesturing to me with a pointed finger. Aha, that was pretty clever, I'll give her that.
He’s defiant in the face of her assertion. "Well, I'm not him.”  
"No, you're not. You're several rungs below him in the food chain, in fact. If I have no problems putting him in his place, you don't pose any issues for me. Now, shut your mouth. Actually, you've no need to. I'll shut it for you.” Recoiling her fist, she swings hard, punching him straight in the jaw, her right first following the left before the left follows again and so on, until the chamber is filled with the sound of her raining blows upon his face.  
"I'd have loved to have gotten my hands on you out there in the riots, I'd have torn you to bits in five seconds flat, bitch," he taunts her with as soon as she stops punching him.
"You really think so, huh? Okay, I'll let you keep on thinking that." She changes up her attack tactics to kicking, spinning off one foot to throw the other straight into the side of his ribcage. His beatdown continues while he carries on taunting her, using anything he can to try and piss her off, with none of it working. He's truly pathetic, but it’s as I hear his words and taunts that I suddenly I’m given something to think about. I have lowered myself in the insults I have personally thrown at Edie. Hearing them all handed back to her through the mouth and words of a human, and such a lesser human to myself, it's made me see that in handing her the same insults, I am lowering myself to his level. Pond scum level. Fuck. Ursula would be ashamed, and that is what smacks me the hardest.
I know what she'd say, I can hear her voice in my head. 'Angel, we do not lower ourselves in our retort to petty insults. Unless you can say something of significant cleverness with that mouth, it is best you keep it shut. Be dignified in your spite, my child.' That's exactly what she'd say to me, I know it. Messing with her head over her intellect, or lack of it, and getting her to say far more than she wants to me at times are all I should resort to. I know Ursula would tell me to just take my punishment without even acknowledging the human at all, that as a vampire I must find that aloofness to them and the situation. I struggle with it, though, that part of my nature is yet to mature, even though I turned a hundred this year.
I think I've got a little better, so much in the fact I can at least tolerate a human without wanting to kill them if they annoy or piss me off (for the most part) even if I can't control that impulse when having sex with them. This is why I don't do that any longer. Fuck, I'd do anything to fuck someone right now. Not that I'd be much good. I'm surprised I have a libido at all, I feel so weak, and lack of blood means I couldn't even get hard. We physically can’t, unless we’re fed.  
The constant touching of silver to my skin is enough to drain me of my strength, Ursula's blood that I drank from her wrist before I was brought here now all worn off. Vampires seldom drink of each other, but when we do this is the only way, a creator giving their offspring blood if they need it. Any other dead blood will kill us. That was what made me that extra touch malevolent and powerful when I first arrived. It is also why I'm stronger than most vampires my age (EZ for example) because I was made with such ancient blood.
Still though, that strength fades from me with each day that passes. I have to endure sharing space in this chamber with many more humans, who all get on my last nerve, and of course, I also have to endure more pain from Edie, loathing her for every single ounce she inflicts upon me with such gusto.  
I was wrong when I said she wasn't built for this job, for she's very enduring with her punishment. She doesn't tire, and with each time she inflicts pain upon me or a human that comes here and passes on again, her tenacity grows. She shows me two things in the first three weeks I'm here. The first is that she's much stronger than I even realised, and the second is as that while her strength remains constant, mine continues to weaken.
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Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Denim: USA Manufacturers’ Efforts
Denim is an American staple. It’s been around since the mid-1800s and has long been associated with American culture. But recently, denim manufacturers have been working to reduce their environmental footprint by reducing chemical use and increasing recycled fabric content. This shift has given rise to more environmentally friendly products — both domestically made and imported — as well as increased awareness among consumers about what they’re wearing on their bodies.
Environmental considerations are on the rise for apparel manufacturers in the USA
Environmental considerations are on the rise for apparel manufacturers in USA. One of the most common ways that denim jeans are manufactured is by using dyes, which can be toxic and harmful to workers when they come into contact with them. With this in mind, many companies have begun using less toxic dyes that allow for safer working conditions for employees.
Some brands have also made efforts towards reducing waste by using recycled materials in their products or creating more sustainable packaging methods.
USA apparel manufacturers are striving to create more environmentally friendly denim and denim products.
In addition to reducing the environmental footprint of denim manufacturing, Clothing manufacturers in USA are striving to create more environmentally friendly denim and denim products. They are working to reduce chemical use in the production process, reduce water usage and dyeing waste, eliminate toxic dyes, and increase recycled fabric content.
American manufacturers have made efforts to reduce water usage in dyeing processes, as well as dyeing waste.
In the denim industry, dyeing is a major part of the process. Most dyes are water-based and therefore require large amounts of water during the dyeing process. This can be quite expensive for companies that do not utilize efficient methods to reduce their use of this resource. Some companies have switched from using conventional dyes to more environmentally friendly ones; others have simply reduced their overall usage by making changes in their processes such as reducing agitation times or using less toxic chemicals during washing procedures.
Apparel manufacturing companies in the USA have also begun using less toxic dyes, which allow for safer working conditions for employees.
Apparel manufacturers in the USA have also begun using less toxic dyes, which allow for safer working conditions for employees. This is an important step in reducing the environmental footprint of denim, as well as ensuring that workers are not exposed to dangerous chemicals. There are many ways that we can all help reduce the environmental impact of denim. The first step is to be aware of how our clothing affects the planet. Once you know how much water, energy and chemicals it takes to make your favorite pair of jeans, you can make informed decisions about where and how they were made.
In addition to these efforts, some manufacturers have started using recycled materials or sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton and hemp in their production processes. If you want to buy jeans that are better for the environment, look for labels like “organic cotton” or “fair trade.” These terms indicate that the cotton used in your jeans was grown without pesticides and herbicides, which means less water was used in production.
Denim has a long history but there are ways to make it better for people and the earth.
Denim is a versatile fabric that can be used in both casual and dressy clothes. It’s been around for centuries, first made in France in the 19th century and worn by cowboys as they worked on cattle ranches across America. Today denim is considered one of the most popular clothing items in the world — but this popularity comes at an environmental cost: jeans require enormous amounts of water, chemicals, and energy during their production processes. In order to make one pair of jeans, it takes about 2,900 liters of water. This is equivalent to the amount of water six people drink in a day. Denim production also uses a lot of chemicals, including dyes and bleaches.
Over the past decade, there has been a shift toward higher-quality denim.
Over the past decade, there has been a shift toward higher-quality denim. The demand for higher-quality jeans has increased as consumers have become more educated about their purchases and are looking for items that are produced by sustainable clothing manufacturers. The trend toward higher-quality denim is apparent in recent research conducted by Cotton Incorporated which showed that “87% of consumers believe it’s important to know where their clothes come from.” Consumers are also more likely to be willing to pay more for a pair of jeans that is ethically sourced. The demand for higher-quality denim has increased as consumers have become more educated about their purchases and are looking for items that are ethically manufactured and sustainable.
In the United States, most denim is manufactured overseas.
In the United States, most denim is manufactured overseas. In fact, the majority of jeans are made in China and India — two countries with a long history of textile production that have a skilled workforce and an abundance of natural resources for producing textiles.
However, some brands have begun to manufacture their products closer to home again. In 2014 Levi Strauss & Co., which has been making blue jeans since 1853 when they invented them as workwear for miners in California’s Gold Rush era (their first customers), announced plans to open two new factories in San Antonio and 4 other cities across America by 2018 with the goal of bringing 10% of its domestic manufacturing back from overseas within five years.* The company cited rising labor costs abroad as one reason for this shift towards domestic production; another factor was increased demand for quality American-made goods among consumers who want more transparency about where their clothes come from.*
The U.S. market for denim milling, fabric dyeing, and finishing is estimated at $1 billion annually.
The U.S. market for denim milling, fabric dyeing, and finishing is estimated at $1 billion annually. The number of manufacturers in this industry has increased significantly since 2004, with most new entrants coming from Asia and Eastern Europe.
The global demand for cotton-based textiles is forecasted to grow at an average annual rate of 2 percent through 2020 (compared with 1 percent between 2005 and 2010). This growth will be driven primarily by emerging markets such as China and India where rising incomes are fueling increased demand for high-quality clothing items such as denim jeans.
Manufacturers are working to reduce their environmental footprint by reducing chemical use and increasing recycled fabric content.
The goal of reducing chemical use is to reduce the environmental footprint of denim manufacturing. This can be achieved by reducing water usage and dyeing waste, as well as increasing recycled fabric content.
· Reducing water usage: Water is an important resource, so it’s important to use it wisely in all steps of the production process — including washing and drying raw materials before they’re spun into yarns; dyeing fabrics; washing finished products; rinsing out excess dyes after dyeing; and cleaning equipment after each use.
· Increasing recycled fabric content: It takes less energy to recycle old clothes than it does to make new ones from scratch (and recycling also reduces landfill waste). Plus, it takes fewer chemicals when you start with pre-existing materials versus creating all new ones from scratch — which means less pollution overall!
While some US manufacturers have made strides in reducing their environmental footprint, there’s much more work to be done
While some US manufacturers have made strides in reducing their environmental footprint, there’s much more work to be done. Here are some things you can do to reduce your own environmental impact:
· Buy less denim, especially if it’s not made from organic cotton or recycled materials.
· Wear clothes longer before replacing them with new ones and donate unworn items to charity or second-hand shops instead of throwing them away (this also saves money!).
· Shop at local businesses that source locally-grown materials whenever possible; this helps support small businesses and keeps money circulating within the community instead of being shipped overseas — and often results in higher quality items as well!
Denim is a durable and versatile fabric that has been around for centuries. The fact that it’s still popular today shows just how well it works for clothing and other items like purses and jeans jackets. However, there are some problems associated with this material — namely, how much water it takes to make denim from start to finish. This infographic explores what manufacturers can do to reduce their environmental footprint while continuing production in the United States.
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4cconsulting · 1 year
GOTS Certification : Training - Consulting Provider - Global Organic Textile Standard
Global Organic Textile Standard Overview
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibers, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. The aim of the standard is to define world-wide recognized requirements that ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer
In USA the clothing’s certified by GOTS are only termed Organic
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Scope And Applicability Of GOTS
Textile products that contain a minimum of 70% organic fibers can opt for GOTS certification. GOTS is applicable to entire textile supply chain.
It is applicable to industries processing, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of all textiles made from at least 70% certified organic natural fibers.
Textile processing, manufacturing and trading entities.
Retailers selling GOTS Goods to end consumers may also voluntarily apply to become GOTS certified.
textile processing facilities that have processes such as ginning, spinning, weaving/knitting, dyeing & printing and stitching
GOTS Training
Our team of GOTS Consultants offers a customized GOTS training program on GOTS for
GOTS Requirements
GOTS certification requires use of organic fibers certified by standards from IFOAM family (95% for “organic” label and 70% for “made with organic” label) in addition to requirements specified related to:-
Socially responsibilities
Quality Assurance System
Ecological Environment Conditions
Safe Working Conditions
International Labor Organization criteria
Toxicological criteria
Depending on the processing stages performed, the policy should include procedures such as to monitor and minimize waste and discharges.
A program for continual improvement.
Wet processing units must keep full records of the use of chemicals, energy, water consumption and waste water treatment, including the disposal of sludge.
Benefits Of GOTS Implementation
Processors and manufacturers that receive a GOTS certificate of compliance are authorized to accept orders for GOTS compliant processing / manufacturing in their certified scope.
Certified exporters as well as traders are authorized to trade GOTS textile products that belong to the scope of their granted certification.
Entities that receive a GOTS scope certificate are free to advertise their certified status on the market.
Become listed in the GOTS public database on the website. Gaining End users trust in the products Organic Authenticity.
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adelinefaettv · 2 years
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Dubby has partnered with me to give my viewers 10% OFF their purchases of Dubby clean gamer energy drink products! Click here to be taken to Dubby's website and don't forget to use my code ADELINEFAE10 to get 10% OFF your purchases. [Full Disclosure - As an affiliate for Dubby, I receive compensation if you purchase through the links in this post or use my code.]
So Who and What is Dubby?
DUBBY is a clean energy drink that is made to give you focus with no crash, jitters, or angst like other energy drinks. We also have no maltodextrin fillers and don't use artificial dyes. DUBBY contains vitamins, amino acids, a nootropic, and 150mg of caffeine. Our product is made in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility that strictly adheres to GMP manufacturing guidelines. We were founded on April 15th, 2021 and since then have created and grown a very awesome community of streamers, content creators, and gamers.
Dubby Fun Facts
Zero sugar, maltodextrin filler, artificial colors or dyes, secret formulas, hidden ingredients, and it's gluten-free.
All our flavors are unique and custom-made by us. You'll never taste our taste anywhere else.
The drink comes out to about $1 per drink or less, much cheaper than Starbucks or canned drinks.
Made in the United States of America.
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Solvent dye is soluble in an organic solvent, mainly used to impart color to different products, including solvents, waxes, and plastics. Hydrocarbon fuels and lubricants are some other leading applications of solvent dyes. In addition, there are solvent dyes explicitly meant for use in fuels. These dyes are insoluble in water. These solvent-soluble dyes are widely used across the coating and ink industry. Chemicals that can easily dissolve in other chemicals and form a solution are called solvents. They cannot, however, be dissolved in water. These dyes are completely soluble in organic solvents, which means they will not form a separate layer or residue. The ability of the dye to completely dissolve is important to achieve a consistent color.
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In addition, there are solvent dyes explicitly meant for use in fuels. These dyes are insoluble in water. These solvent-soluble dyes are widely used across the coating and ink industry. Chemicals that can easily dissolve in other chemicals and form a solution are called solvents. They cannot, however, be dissolved in water. These dyes are completely soluble in organic solvents, which means they will not form a separate layer or residue. The ability of the dye to completely dissolve is important to achieve a consistent color.
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lori11hen2ry · 5 months
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Best Sublimated Drawstring Bags
If you are a bag retailer the you should know about this. Also stocking up this type of bag. If you know more then visit us. https://www.oasissublimation.com/wholesale/dye-sublimated-drawstring-bags/
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katieswan193 · 2 years
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allen5031 · 9 days
Aniline Price Trend, Chart, Index & Forecast Analysis 2024
Aniline Price in USA
United States: $1786 /MT
The aniline market prices varied throughout Q4 of 2023. Initially, prices increased due to low inventory levels, but by December, the cost of aniline in the USA stabilized at $1786 per metric ton.
The latest report by IMARC, titled "Aniline Pricing Report 2024: Price Trend, Chart, Market Analysis, News, Demand, Historical and Forecast Data," delivers a comprehensive analysis of Aniline prices on a global and regional scale, highlighting the pivotal factors contributing to price changes. This detailed examination includes spot price evaluations at key ports and an analysis of pricing structures, such as Ex Works, FOB, and CIF, across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa.
Aniline Prices December 2023:
United States:  $1786 /MT
South Korea:  $1575 /MT
Belgium:  $1465 /MT
Report Offering:
Monthly Updates - Annual Subscription
Quarterly Updates - Annual Subscription
Biannually Updates - Annual Subscription
The study delves into the factors affecting  Aniline  price variations, including alterations in the cost of raw materials, the balance of supply and demand, geopolitical influences, and sector-specific developments.
The report also incorporates the most recent updates from the market, equipping stakeholders with the latest information on market fluctuations, regulatory modifications, and technological progress. It serves as an exhaustive resource for stakeholders, enhancing strategic planning and forecast capabilities.
Request For a Sample Copy of the Report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/aniline-pricing-report/requestsample
Aniline Price Trend- Q4 2023
The aniline market dynamics are primarily influenced by fluctuations in feedstock availability, logistical challenges, and demand from downstream industries. Throughout the fourth quarter of 2023, the aniline market witnessed significant price volatility driven by a complex interplay of factors. Initially, prices surged due to constrained supplies from exporters, compounded by reduced production rates. Concurrently, logistical disruptions, exemplified by lowered water levels in the Mississippi River and consequent shipment restrictions, further strained the supply chain, affecting product supply rates in North America. Despite these supply-side pressures, consumption rates from downstream Minnesota diversified industries (MDI) industries and dye manufacturers remained moderate. However, as the quarter progressed, a slight shift in stocking practices among regional buyers in anticipation of the holiday season led to an improvement in market inventory levels. This, coupled with increased supply rates towards the end of the quarter aided by improved logistics due to heavier rainfall and the consequent rise in the Panama Canal water levels, saw prices retracting, enhancing the sensitivity of the market to supply-side constraints and demand fluctuations.
Aniline Market Analysis
The global aniline market size reached 9.9 Million Tons in 2023. By 2032, IMARC Group expects the market to reach 15.2 Million Tons, at a projected CAGR of 4.70% during 2023-2032. Moreover, in Asia, the aniline market stimulateds global trend but is distinctly influenced by regional production capacities and demand-supply dynamics. The quarter began with tight feedstock availability, notably impacted by OPEC+ and Russia crude oil production penetration, affecting key aniline producer China. This was further compounded by heightened demand for Nitric Acid from agrochemical manufacturers, straining the supply chain. However, as the quarter progressed, improved benzene availability and escalated production rates amidst moderate downstream demand allowed for some market recalibration.
Meanwhile, in Europe the aniline price dynamics were similarly complex, influenced by feedstock availability, downstream demand fluctuations, and broader economic factors. Early in the quarter, aniline production rates were immersed due to scarce Nitric Acid supplies, rising due to high demand in the agrochemical sector and upstream natural gas price escalations. However, the situation eased towards the end of the quarter, with improved feedstock supplies and decreased demand for Nitric Acid allowing for stabilization in aniline prices, despite the combination of fluctuating feedstock availability, varying demand from downstream industries, and broader economic factors like the impact of a housing market downturn on the wood furniture market, played a crucial role in shaping aniline prices.
Browse Full Report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/aniline-pricing-report
Key Points Covered in the Aniline Pricing Report:
The report delivers the following key findings, alongside a comprehensive breakdown of prices by region:
Aniline Prices
Aniline Price Trend
Aniline Demand & Supply
Aniline Market Analysis
Demand Supply Analysis by Type
Demand Supply Analysis by Application
Demand Supply Analysis of Raw Materials
Aniline Price Analysis
Aniline Industry Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities
Aniline News and Recent developments
Global Event Analysis
List of Key Players
Regional Price Analysis:
Asia Pacific: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Hongkong, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand.
Europe: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Finland, Czech Republic, Portugal and Greece.
North America: United States and Canada.
Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.
Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Iran, South Africa, Nigeria, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco.
Browse More Pricing Reports by IMARC Group:
Ethylene Dichloride Price Trend
Coal Price Trend
Note: The current country list is selective, detailed insights into additional countries can be obtained for clients upon request.
About Us:
IMARC is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact us:
134 N 4th St. Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA
Tel No:(D) +91 120 433 0800
United States: +1-631-791-1145 | United Kingdom: +44-753-713-2163
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myselfariana · 2 years
How Long Should Compression Socks Be Worn?
Compression socks can also be used to avoid certain dangerous disorders and give relief from numerous medical difficulties. We have the answers to your questions regarding the benefits of wearing compression socks and how long you should wear them.
Visit at https://bit.ly/3yGXDdc
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