#dw performance of this manner is not mandatory in my country's legislation for unis if it was I would have to because ✨academic validation✨
chloeseyeliner · 1 year
my sociology professor has been giving off wild mr. Keating vibes from the very beginning of the semester.
last week,he even commented on a girl's tote bag that has "carpe diem" written on it and asked her to tell the whole class what it meant to seize the day for her.
(rip to that girl,I would probably die were I her but she seemed quite fine with it and her answer was really great.
honestly,the way the guy said these two little latin words that made me enter this movie's world in the first place,two and a half years ago,the tone of his voice...was so.mr.Keating.it.hurts.)
so,you can imagine my utter excitement when today,two months in,someone said something (very specific,I know,but I cannot remember what they were talking about now,I am sorry!) and the guy answered,smiling:
"Dead Poets Society it is today, then,guys,okay,I guess!"
like,I was so right about him.
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