#dump the potatoes in
ecstasydemon · 1 year
bitches love me for my simple yet delicious soup
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awkwardsonicphotos · 1 year
One thing that has happened recently with sonic that I adore is when Sonic does things real hedgehogs do.
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Curling up when nervous where only his face is visible. (Obviously sonic is brave by nature so you would hardly ever get this. But still cute.)
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My hedgehog, Thistle, sleeps like this. Half curled up.
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Hedgehogs are nocturnal and can not see well at all during the day or in bright rooms. If I turn on a light my hedgehogs freeze in place and just stand there like a deer in headlights.
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But hedgehogs do navigate their surroundings very well in the dark thanks to their amazing sense of smell and hearing! Even if a hedgehog is blind they can get around surprisingly well! So sonic using his ears to listen for danger is very accurate hedgehog behavior.
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And finally, sonic constantly face planting is also very accurate for hedgehogs. Hedgehogs have terrible depth perception and sense of height. If you have a pet hedgehog you should always be around them and watch them carefully so they don’t walk off high ledges or fall off of tables or beds. They will also just run right into walls. While their quills are amazing for absorbing the shock of falls if they land on their face or belly it could be fatal or lead to severe injuries. Thankfully, Sonic is very sturdy.
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thepaleunicorn · 3 months
Kinda sketch dumping because I feel bad for not posting for so long (my uni’s grip on me is pretty severe haha)  
It's a lot – some of them were made like before 2024 but for some reason they were forgotten – nevertheless, I like them 
A lot is just small au sketches that I'm unable to write down? So, they are... drawn... angsty ones, spicy ones – you name it. My brain was rotting severely + i was really depressed
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Still, I tried to draw something fluffy, but it came out as something sad and creepy :/ 
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Some were ok
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hyrules-warrior · 1 year
Ellie and Joel share food and water constantly
First it was more out of convenience and necessity. Passing a can back and forth to share bites of it’s contents, sharing handfuls of berries picked while walking, breaking jerky in half to share, taking bites off the same cooked rabbit. Sharing means less cutlery, less dishes, less cups more space to carry other important things. They share water equally too, drinking from each other’s water bottles at an even pace to make sure they both keep the same amount in their packs should they ever be separated. One won’t ever be without water unless both are. 
Then Silver Lake happens and it becomes a need. Seeing Joel eat first means the food is safe and not people. Watching him eat from the can first, take a bite of the item before passing it to her, kill/dress/cook the meat in front of her. All of these things mean the food is not people. Joel would never let her eat people.
Getting back to Jackson it has become habit. Also a comfort. A familiarity when so many other things have now changed. There is plenty of food, enough for multiple meals a day and full individual plates for both. But they both still share, taking their individual portions and putting them together onto one plate to eat from. Pushing both portions of foods they know the other likes to their side of the plate (the middle of the plate is to share). They share bites from the same piece of fruit passing it back and forth without thought while doing other tasks. Treats are offered by spoonful or handful without needing to ask for a taste. They still share water and other drinks too, keeping each share even until empty. Joel even lets Ellie take sips from his coffee or alcohol if she wishes, though she rarely wants to drink his burnt shit water and any alcohol she has tried so far tastes gross.
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juicyspacesecrets · 2 years
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pick up your boy and your other boy and your other boy and-
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dreamings-free · 23 days
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whovianderson · 9 months
Small Potatoes reaction: MSR edition
“Scully, should we be picking out china patterns or what? THEY’RE SOOOO MARRIED
Not-Mulder: we never really talk much
Scully: what, like really talk? No, no we don’t
Not-Mulder: what’s stopping us?
They’re finally acknowledging it! Ohhhh this is going to have a lasting impact on their relationship, because Scully is realising that she DOES want to trust him with that side of things now that she’s been given the opportunity…
“I’m seeing a whole new side of you Mulder, I like it” on the surface, that hurts, because it’s obviously not him she’s seeing. But to be honest, I think Blundt is just channeling what he’s observed that the real Mulder wishes he could be.
God, they could barely look at each other in the next scene…
“Treat yourself, god knows I would if I were you” MULDER LISTEN UP
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artsydroopybun · 8 months
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Yeah, so JJK rot. Mostly OC done today
Style mimicry but I gave up anyway, last two are more accurate-ish. S1 vs S2, I like both.
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iz-does-art · 6 months
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Is it necessary? No, but drawing Michael Sheen as a gnome was quite fun.
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zhoras-bitch · 1 year
I was gonna tear the TNA spinoff idea apart until I realized. If we get to play as Sam Dalton. That means we get to be Sofia Russo's fiancee.
Anyways, The Dalton Affair is an 11/10 idea most anticipated book of 2023 PB please take my money.
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bledf1rst · 6 months
what if i,,,, re-imagined celestine into a dnd/bg3 oc
for context: they are a trigun oc that i've put my blood sweat and tears into developing but i've also been playing around with ideas with a friend on bringing them to life in an actual dnd campaign so . . . win-win, yes????
they'd be a magical construct. a golem of sorts, that used to be human. but they've been alive so long they've kind of forgotten what that's like. they're also a terrifying-af bounty hunter!!!!
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remotus11 · 2 months
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Made martian breakfast hjhhfhfhcjbkbkvivx
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mrfoox · 4 months
Me and my brother playing survival games is a treat
Me, all time no matter what: can I farm? I want to grow things. I want to make a farm
My brother: I'm going to build haha. Oh shit I'm starving to death?
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
Omg the Colin thing in season 6 is the most irresponsible thing his and Logan's friend group did, and they actually jumped off of a cliff with no proper support or safety precautions! Maybe it's because I'm from another country so I know how disorienting a new place can be even with knowing the language in it but the fact that a) NONE of the guys in the group were like "uh guys maybe we need to leave the girl be in her own country", b) none of them thought of what they would possibly do with her once she was in a foreign country to her that's the size of half a continent, and c) they were all annoyed and inconsiderate of her when it was clear that she didn't speak the language and didn't even know how to navigate in such a big place, just tells me everything I need to know for how they really behave. Like people can go on and on about how fun the LDB is but the show gives us numerous examples (even within the revival) that they truly would put another person's safety or even their own in jeopardy if it meant "having a good time" in the rich people's sense. Even the club scene in AYITL is so obnoxious because it's just a bunch of grown men annoying other attendees in the dance place and then being all "I'm buying the place so that you people can't get a piece of it!", like genuinely what an asshole
No but seriously when you are or have been a foreigner what Colin did goes from being a dark joke to downright horrifying. Not only did he drag her over to a country where she doesn't know the language, he flew her across the globe. It's not like he took her over to London, where she could always grab a one-hour-ish flight or even a train (because yes you can do that in Europe), he took her across the Atlantic Ocean to a country with some serious border control (no Schengen in the US) and then expected her to what? Hang out? Apparently this girl is a milkmaid who only speaks Dutch (which btw stereotype much) so I'm guessing she doesn't have the resources to book a flight back home or the ability to get a translator who can help her do it. Call me dramatic, but in a much much darker show this could have been a trafficking storyline.
The whole situation just really points out how Colin and the LDB not only don't care about anyone but themselves but genuinely view other people as sources of entertainment that they can push around however they want until they get bored and just ignore them. Like, did Colin think to maybe arrange for her to get home safely? Did the thought of telling him to, or to not let him take her to the US in the first place, even occur to Logan and Finn?
And these are the same people who hold a public party celebrating Rory's felony. The same people who apparently steal boats themselves all the time, and so much more. The same people who claim that a meticulously organized bungee-jumping event in ball gowns is somehow closer to real life than anything in Rory's life. The problem isn't them being rich people who have fun. It's that their idea of fun is doing literal harm to other people through theft and manipulation and almost kidnapping, all the while ignoring the incredibly expensive and important degree they got into Yale to actually work on and waiting for their parents to bail them out of jails and pay their university to keep them on for yet another year and spit in the face of higher education again.
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kof-xiii · 11 months
binge watched mana-sama's cooking videos last night and it's so fucking funny how chaotic he cooks he's jus like me fr
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wormholxtreme · 1 year
As someone who rps a 616 based Happy Hogan and an OC heavily attached to Tony Stark I have 0 Tony Stark interactions and that's a shame
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