#dualty of a man <3
thekavseklabs · 1 year
The dualty of man (thinking about 3 and their creations being so concerning and disturbing and also adorable)
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helianthus21 · 2 months
For the character ask game: 2
, 7, 8 for Katara? 🥰
(was considering asking about a Vincenzo character but i don't wanna accidentally spoil myself more than I already did haha)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
her dualty. like she can be that soft-spoken mom friend at times, but then she will obliterate a man for disrespecting her or nearly go darkside for revenge, we love to see it<3
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i think relating to point 2, that's sth fandom really gets about her. like she isn't marked down as just the mom friend but also not just as a Girl Boss, y'know
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
despise is a strong word but i kinda don't like the zuko/katara ship. like i get the appeal of an enemies-to-lovers ship (it's like my fav ship trope) but sometimes the best friends to lovers pipeline is better
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undred · 3 years
do  u  ever  get  emo  about  glenn  having  only  a  kill  count  of  two  (  2  )  people  and  when  he  did  kill ,   he  cried   ?
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Hey, for some reason the ask is available. Sorry for asking another message but what theme do you like to see Pokemon tackle in the next gen? Gen 3 was about balance, Gen 4 was rebirth, Gen 5 was truth and ideals, Gen 6 was life and death, Gen 7 was change, and Gen 8 was future legacies. I would want to see Pokemon tackle dreams and reality. Maybe have a team who wants to bring everlasting unhealthy escapism to the region. Feeling people can't deal with their problems well. What do you think?
Man, you folks ask me intellectual stuff like this, as if I had like... braincells or something... XD
I really like your idea, by the way, that’d be cool! But hmm... I honestly don’t think much about this kind of thing! I never think about what will happen on the next games or what I wanna see, I kinda just survive until it happens, you know?
To be honest I had never even stopped to think about the theme of each gen before you said that... I’m kinda just like “oh yeah tiny monsters I like.” I’m a simple woman who thinks very little about things... I usually like thinking about characters more, but... I’m not very creative. I prefer to think about characters that already exist. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that my head is completely empty almost 100% of the time. XD I never come up with stuff, the best I can do is examine stuff that’s already there! XD
(I’m exaggerating on the self-depreciation here, clearly, it’s for comic reasons, so don’t worry.)
Anyway... Maybe natural world x civilization? and well, how to reach balance between the two, of course. Or maybe reason x emotions, although gen4 also talked about that a bit. Could also talk about cyclic events, like... the many cycles we have going on in our lives, from life and death to the four seasons or even the days and nights... I don’t know. As I said, I never thought about this subject before, so I’m just kinda listing ideas that come to my mind now. I don’t have any elaborate thought on any of these... But like, on the first ones, the evil guys would want to radicalize the dualty and want to eliminate one of the concepts for the sake of the other, while the answer would be a balance between the two, so that’s kinda similar to gen3... But the thing about cyclic events... Well, maybe a team that wants to break the natural cycles of life or something, all the “history repeats itself” thing, like... maybe they get paranoid about breaking that endless chain of repetitions and seeing what would happen if the world went on “random” mode instead. And thinking about this, well.... Might be something about fate too. An evil group that wants to fight destiny and free people from a predetermined fate, maybe?
Anyway... These are all just random thoughts that came to me now, like... I literally just came up with everything here, so don’t be too disappointed if it’s all trash! XD
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