#dstd au
levenxa · 3 months
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Blue (Hail)
Gender: Cis-Man
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual
Height: 5’9
Age: 26
Likes: Swearing is his love language—makes him feel cool. Good at combat (yes he will beat the shit out of you for reasonable purposes). He’s a professional ice skater, he makes a lot of money; which explains why he owns a mansion :) He’s great at understanding people emotionally, and following their respectable boundaries. One of his guilty pleasures is charcoal painting.
Dislikes: Super lovey dovey things, when people come to his mansion for no reason, dressing up in stupid outfits. Shitty people I guess. He is terrible at mind games, manipulative behavior, and telling left from right.
Phobias: Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
Weapons/Powers: Ice Scythe, Blue Beams, Glitch Abilities
Backstory: Was abused by his brother still, both emotionally and physically. But he still loves him, he knows he shouldn’t but he does anyways. He was forced to keep up this shitty persona by Stretch which in turn gave him several unstable relationships, being unable to be himself whilst also being horrific at lying. One day they came across a poor woman who wished for even the slightest amount of change. Stretch made fun of them and encouraged Blue to do so as well so he did. But after Stretch left, Blue secretly gave some money to the woman, who thanked him endlessly with a warm smile. Blue for once felt loved and appreciated—even when his whole life he was told to hate love, why did he want more so badly? A few years after the whole world begins to fall apart due to several rips in the timeline, (both Cross’s Timeline & the DT Timeline) Stretch trips and is hanging off a cliff, Blue tries to save him but fails. He’s very upset but keeps on running because he wants to survive; this new found motivation made him discover his ability to teleport. He ended up teleporting to a random city. He found a magazine and found out about ice skating, he then went into many competitions and was really good at it. He earned enough money for a huge mansion and is now rich as hell. He often donates to a bunch of charity centers, he adores the thanks and appreciation he usually gets back whenever he does stuff like that. He also loves helping others despite his brother telling him that it was wrong and that Blue didn’t deserve it. Part of him agrees with that, he still has some buried trauma that is unsolved and instead hidden by a pessimistic and easily angered persona. He is that one aggressively nice person, who will be calm and comforting if needed.
Relationships: He meets Error first, and then Cross. Cross and Error are pretty much companions who just decided to stick with him, and he doesn’t care enough to shoo them away. He prefers his own group the ‘Amicable Brigade’, (Blue, Cross, & Error) over the ‘Unrighteous Surrenders’, (Dream, Nightmare, & Ink). He has probably cussed everyone out at least once.
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whatdoievensay · 7 days
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I used a different colour palette obviously this isn’t their original colour palette!
Also used the chance to get an idea on the spear.
I guess this is in celebration of Moritz showing up!!!!!
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levenxa · 8 days
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Dream (Moritz)
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: He/She/They
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual
Height: 6’4
Age: 124
Likes: He really cares about Nightmare, Pranking everyone around him, He likes it when people pet his wings, Negativity, Karens are free entertainment for him, Cross is somewhat respectable
Dislikes: Crowds, He doesn’t like to beat the shit out of people, Positivity, He doesn't care much about his employees (tries to not care), His dove named Critic is a hellspawn of a pet. Kids are little shits, please go away, Being called childish.
Phobias: Glossophobia (Fear of Public Speaking)
Weapons/Powers: Spear
Backstory: Born pretty much an orphan, was taken in by Nim alongside Nightmare, then taken by several priests—then cared for by no one else, other than a friend (NM). Pre-incident Dream was a lot more bubbly and chaotic, He would always pull pranks on them but they would always pin it on Nightmare instead of him. And that really pissed him off. Eventually, NM met Cross in the village, and they became friends. There was always this hidden feeling of envy Dream had for Cross, but refused to admit it. One day, Dream had decided to take matters into his own hands, and took apples from the tree—taking the power for himself. Dream of course wouldn’t forget NM, and offered him his power as well. NM accepts the offer and they work together on the castle. (nm takes most of the credit) Dream gets hired by NM, and Dream finds Ink while patrolling and hires her for more support. His new mission was to completely destroy positivity, as he believes the inhabitants within the world didn't deserve to have something so great. He has many internal struggles with caring for others because his views are opposing that. They have multiple guards in their newly-found corporation (including finch), that simply mean nothing but pawns to both Gods. Blue, Cross, & Error are fun obstacles to their main mission of bringing on ‘The End of The World’.
Relationships: Loves and supports NM to bits, very respectable. His relationship with Ink is complicated, he doesn’t like her upbeat nature while they go around inflicting misery on others. Ink often debates with him on whether or not the plan is a good idea, but it always ends with a petty argument. He doesn’t care about Blue & Error. When it comes to Cross though, even with previous envy…he does admire him. Cross is what dream would consider to be ‘Nightmare’s type’ and of course he feeds off of that. He is helpful, when it comes to appeasing NM’s needs. Still a nuisance though.
(thanks to @whatdoievensay for designing them & helping me out with this project! >:D)
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levenxa · 9 days
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Nightmare Les Ténèbres (Null)
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Bisexual (achillean preference)
Height: 5’5
Age: 124
Likes: Reading, Kale his adorable cat, Christmas, Emotional Intimacy, Control
Dislikes: Taco Bell, Too much chaos and ruckus, Terrible fashion sense, Scaring people, Halloween, Pranks
Phobias: Entomophobia (Fear of Insects)
Weapons/Powers: He has a Moon Staff, it helps with teleportation :)
Backstory: Born pretty much an orphan, he was taken in by Nim alongside Dream, then taken by several priests—then cared for by no one else, other than a friend (Dream). Pre-incident NM always looked up to the power of negativity and often studied it. He knew how important being a guardian was, and how lucky and powerful he was considered to be. Unfortunately, his knowledge was considered a threat to the people who wanted the apples. And that led to the constant bullying, which also resulted in him hating Dream for pulling these stupid pranks that the villagers would keep blaming him for. Dream was just so chaotic and unhinged, and he was more calm and intelligent. He met Cross in the village, and figured he wasn’t originally from it since he looked so unique. They befriended each other because they were more alike than expected, and often hanged out as a result of that. One day, Dream was spotted taking apples from the tree & taking the power for himself. And once NM was aware of the situation, Dream offered him his power as well. NM ends up accepting the offer mainly because of his knowledge, as well as an urgency to escape. The aftermath left them being even more than Guardians, but Gods. With this much power, he could take over the entire village, and maybe even the world. NM officially escaped the village, and went into creating his castle. He ended up taking in Dream as a secondary follower, and Dream hired Ink for more support. They have multiple guards in their newly-found corporation, that simply mean nothing but pawns to both Gods. Blue, Cross, & Error are nuisances to their main mission of bringing on ‘The End of The World’. Which was brought up by both NM and Dream as a deserved fate for how cruel humanity was. With all of the bullying, disrespect, and abuse…why should they have a chance at life?
Relationships: Blue & Error are enemies, supporting a useless cause. Dream and Ink are just followers who will help him achieve success in eradicating mortality. Cross is a distant friend, who is now completely fighting against him for no reason other than ‘selfishness’.
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levenxa · 14 days
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Ink (Dex)
Gender: Cis-Woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Height: 5’7
Age: 23
Likes: Hugs, Painting, Sculpting, Hanging out with friends, Dream & Nightmare
Dislikes: Pointless destruction, Yelling, Loud noises, Insults
Phobias: Autophobia (Fear of being Alone)
Weapons/Powers: The Brush & a hidden Dagger for back up!
Backstory: She came from the same military grounds, but they trained her into becoming a really *positive* person, so that when she talked to outsiders—she wouldn’t seem suspicious. One day she accidentally escaped, and found herself in the evergreens. Dream was scouting the place, and ended up finding her there. Well, she was hired on the spot, especially when given the notice that she previously was a military weapon. Her and Dream have opposite goals, despite being on the same side. Ink wants everyone to be happy, and Dream wants everyone to suffer. Nightmare is their moral compass, and he tends to waver between both ideologies. Ink sometimes omits ‘Toxic Positivity’ because it’s all she’s ever known. She tries too hard to impress others, and puts others' needs before hers. She can’t decide for herself, and mainly relies on Nightmare for guidance. She fights, because she feels like she has to, but in reality she’s one step away from leaving the kingdom entirely. (hence one of the routes where she does end up leaving and joining Blue’s team instead ;)
Relationships: She doesn’t know Hail that well, only recognizes him from the secret meetings Dream has with him. She would like to befriend Knit, but gets the impression that she doesn’t really like her, which makes her afraid to press on. Sevver is really nice, they get along swimmingly! Nightmare is her guiding light, comforting her in times of need. Dream is an acquaintance that she assists constantly. It’s her job after all. She doesn’t hate Dream, they just have different viewpoints.
(thanks to @whatdoievensay for designing her + helping me out with this project! :D)
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levenxa · 15 days
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Cross (Sevver)
Gender: Trans-Man
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Height: 6’1
Age: 24 (estimated)
Likes: Compliments, Potted plants, Chess, Blue & Error :)
Dislikes: Has sensory issues, Doesn’t like altercations,
Phobias: Catagelophobia (Fear of Being Ridiculed)
Weapons/Powers: Huge Sword
Backstory: Cross wasn't the one responsible for the death of his family members, Gast (xGaster) was. Gast pretty much bans/throws out Cross permanently from his own timeline and into another. That other timeline was Pre-Incident, or where Dream and Nightmare were before the Apple Incident. He befriends Nightmare secretly as he acts as one of the villagers, but the main difference is that he was kind. They hung out very often and Cross did notice this strange aura/vibe from Dream but chose to calmly appreciate him anyways. That was until the Apple Incident, where Cross watched his one true love take this dark power offered to him by his childhood friend. Hoping he wouldn’t take it, he watches the other villagers run in fear. Nightmare takes it, and Cross steals one last glance before leaving that place (timeline) entirely. Cross later regrets leaving him there because of what a hellscape they promote in the near future, but can’t do anything about it. He moves timelines AGAIN to where Error and Blue are. He befriends Error first, they live together and are kind of dysfunctional until Cross forcefully moves out, telling her that she needs to get help. She does and they end up reconciling again only for Error to introduce Blue. Blue is relatively chill but veryyyyy pessimistic. Blue offers to have them stay in his place and they agree because free rent? Absolutely. Cross is pretty much the reason why the other two even know about the two immortals fucking up the world. The news about Dream and Nightmare wreaking havoc in multiple worlds spreads across the multiverse and then the quest to stop them begins.
Relationships: He is fond of Blue, they work together after all. Then there’s Error, he doesn’t like it when she makes fun of him, but in the end she always apologizes. He thinks she’s very sweet, despite her chaotic nature. He actually does like Ink, even when she works for the evil guardians. He has a soft spot for Nightmare but still goes against him, and Cross doesn’t like Dream at all.
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levenxa · 2 months
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Error (Knit)
Gender: Cis-Woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Height: 5’9
Age: 25
Likes: She likes to knit, Jumping, Hanging out with Blue, Making fun of Cross, Being very silly
Dislikes: Coffee, Lack of communication, Ink
Phobias: Autophobia (Fear of Abandonment)
Weapons/Powers: Strings
Backstory: She had a pretty average life in terms of financial stuff. She has still gone through Error’s entire charade of horrific events, stopping at her love with Blue (she only sees him via performances) She ends up finding a random partner who treats her like shit, who eventually leaves after more horrific toxicity & gives her abandonment issues. She believes that her lover leaving her and every other bad thing that has happened to her are the worst possible things that could ever happen. Nothing else could be worse, so in return, she acts really happy and upbeat. In an almost unnerving way. She thinks her life is perfect now, and that nothing could taint it. Not anymore. She’s a huge fan of Blue and often watches his ice skating performances, she also visits his mansion often (she can pick locks). She thinks he is the coolest person ever, a bit irritable, but very exciting to be around. Having met Cross only a few times, her attachment to him grows rather quickly, so she offers up a shared apartment. He takes it, a dysfunctional relationship happens, he moves out to give her some time, in which she does better herself. After she becomes a bit more stable, she and Cross end up becoming friends. The news about Dream and Nightmare wreaking havoc in multiple worlds spreads across the multiverse and then the quest to stop them begins. She’s there for fun, excitement, and to fight for her teammates.
Relationships: She meets Blue first, but as a fan through his ice skating performances. He is so cool, to her at least. Then there’s Cross. She likes to make fun of him, and they often have their moments of bickering. It isn’t easy to see, but she does make an effort to care about him, and he also does so with her. She doesn’t like Ink very much, despite having similar personalities. There can only be one type shit. She’s relatively chill with Nightmare, but he’s constantly annoyed with her constant banter. Dream refuses to make connections. She is not exempt from that.
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whatdoievensay · 6 days
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Come on! Don’t you like dancing?
I ice skate, not dance.
Same thing!
Welp! I finished it
Hope ya like
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levenxa · 10 days
Are there gonna be any canon ships when the rest of the characters come out?
Nope! The ships are free for interpretation! :) 🫶
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levenxa · 2 months
Just realized knits eyes and they are fucking adorable
So true!! She’s so silly fr,,, 💥
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levenxa · 3 months
i have all of the refs done, now i need to finish up the information….😞
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levenxa · 3 months
You’re back :DD
YEAHHH‼️‼️ I’m so excited to release The Disarray 😈
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levenxa · 3 months
working on another ds au….yipp
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levenxa · 7 days
Wait since In the og ds pre incident nm had a crush on dream but dream rejected him, what about in pre incident disarray?
It’s definitely the other way around in Disarray! Moritz likes Null, but Null isn’t exactly ready for a relationship. (he’s too busy trying to end the world 🥰)
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levenxa · 8 days
I'm confused- you said the NM sees hail as a enemy but then also there's a post saying that hail gets invited to the castle and has secret meetings with dream and stuff soooo what's going on there 🤨
Also love ur character designs sm!!!!!!
Sorrryyy,,, some of the lore changed last minute when I was doing Moritz’s information! :,)
Null may dislike Hail, but Moritz is completely neutral about Hail’s existence. He finds the entire ‘battle’ between them entertaining. They don’t meet up unless they’re in battle, or come across each other in public!
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levenxa · 9 days
Are you almost done with Moritz?
Mhm! I’m going to post him tomorrow! ^^ (if i remember :,)
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