khalilg757 · 6 years
No cap I play this shit like eryday my boy @drivebxy Link in comments #driveboy #757music #757musicians #757artist (at Chesapeake, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqppPShHYm-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jnqki77iqewy
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mochamomo · 5 years
Tumblr media
スターのバンドセットを観に行ったよ!最前いただきましてガン見してきた!手元を。DriveBoyもkeishi tanakaも楽しかったー お初のFEVER快適だった (FEVER) https://www.instagram.com/p/B001G7ugp_H/?igshid=d5xve8ghj525
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thiswasme · 10 years
So I just discovered purple means someones tagged you in their post...
ojphoenix tagged me. Who knows when.
Always post the rules - Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones - Tag 11 people and link them - Let them know that they have been tagged
Alrighty I need to make up some questions of my own ey?
01) What is the last thing you ate and was it any good?
I had soya crisps. They were average. 
02) If you could have a magical/super power of your choice what would it be?
Telekinesis. So many applications!
03) What is the oldest possession that you have?
My guide blanket I think. It is a blanket from WW2, my mum used it as her guide blanket and gave it to me when I started. It is comfier than it looks (it looks grey and scratchy) and holds lots of memories. 
04) Do you like your name(s) and why or why not?
I love my names. I've become rather attached to them.  (Jess, Hoopy, Jezabell, thiswasme, Nemo, Goanna, and a couple of others.) 
05) What would your dream job be?
Hiding in a lab working on experiments, and equally going out and promoting science to amazing people!
06) Choose a weapon from anywhere to be your weapon of choice, what is it and why?
Does common sense count? It's such a misused weapon. 
07) Which birthday of yours do you remember the most?
I wanted to have a sit down dinner at home with a couple of close friends for my 16th. Sadly, I don't talk to many of them now, but it was still a great night. But that's not just why I remember it the most. My grandmother (lived on the other side of Australia) came over to visit me and help mum run it. I was talking to her on my way home from the bus stop. Just our usual conversation topics, how school was going, what she was up to, plans for the week, etc. I get home, keys in the door, she asks if I'm almost home (also quite normal, could hear the key in the door), mention that I'm just opening the door, can't wait to get inside and have a shower (Aussie summers!), get the door open, get inside, still on the phone, close the door, walk past the dining room, OMG! She was standing there. COMPLETE AND UTTER SURPRISE. Had no clue that she was coming over or that she was there. Thus, great birthday
08) How do you do whatever it is you do with your hair?
My hair is really really curly. And thick. Like, if I put my hair up, parts can stay wet for days. I can wear it out if it's just been washed, otherwise it generally lives in a bun. Bun-bun. Hair-> Ponytail-> Twirl-> Bun.
09) What do you have for breakfast? (or first meal of the day if you don’t)
Vegemite toast and orange juice or some sort of (chocolatey) cereal.
10) When was the last time you won something, luck or skill based?
I have no idea. This is depressing. 
11) What do you think of Ice Hockey?
I want to watch a (live) game one day, but other than that, no idea. 
Here's 11 questions for flaplikeanowl, totorothenyancat, chrome-local, driveboy, petrichorandpie, nikki-cola, and bronzethumb  or anyone else if you want to answer them.
1. Is there a story behind your tumblr name? 
2. What should you be doing right now?
3. IF you were to get married, would you keep your name or change it?
4. Cola-bottles or milk-bottles? (Lolly)
5. What causes do you/would you donate to?
6. Flash forward 13 days. Write a short story on what is happening.
7. Chocolate Freckles or snakes?
8. Ever seen a snake in the wild? What did you do?
9. What song never fails to improve your mood?
10. Where is the oddest place you have woken up?
11. What is your number 1 piece of advice?
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ojphoenix · 10 years
thnx for tagging me this was actually kinda cool
Always post the rules - Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones - Tag 11 people and link them - Let them know that they have been tagged
1) what is it about your otp that you like the most? blimey um I don't know, that'd require me to know which OTP I like the most? I saw a pairing of Thor and Storm recently and that was pretty damn awesome! Could you imagine how f'n amazing their kids would be???
2) tell me about the sky outside right now the sun set not that long ago and it hasn't gone completely dark yet, it's sorta in that light grey purplish stage, if that makes sense
3) whats your favourite outfit shit um, I don't think I have a favourite? I'm continuously annoyed that ladieswear is far more interesting than menswear is! skirts and boots are hella awesome but I don't actually own many
4) whens the last time you were scared earlier today actually, I left my room wearing my skirt and ankle boots and I was somewhat terrified that grandad would find me because I wasn't sure if he was home or not
5) find the book you like most in your room and read the fourth (4th) line from the thirteenth (13th) page does this count as a real question?? "back in the elevator again." well that was dull. taken from Storm Front by Jim Butcher, book 1 of the Dresden Files, my favourite book series.
6) have you heard the song ‘cell block tango’ from the movie/musical ‘chicago’ and how do you feel about it? the movie name sounds vaguely familiar but I'm afraid nothing is coming to mind
7) why are you still on tumblr? because it's a fantastic place that never fails to deliver me information and entertainment about things I like :D
8) what is your favourite animal and why? If I could choose mythological, it'd be the Phoenix; it's just so cool and unique and firey and magical and I've always been a fan of things in science fiction involving 'fire' that uses it differently. Phoenixes are sometimes used as an avenue into fire magic that can be used for healing, often for ressurection purposes, unsurprisingly!
9) would you ever considered a polyamorous relationship and what number of other partners would be too high? I believe I might yeah, I'm curious enough to give many things at least a try. No idea how many would be too many because it would really depend on the nature of the relationship? More than 5 already sounds stupid but hey you never know
10) what is your favourite thing about you? my surname, and the fact that it has historical connection to scandinavian vikings and norse mythology, and directly associated with Thor :D
11) do you think dinosaurs are rad?? (please think very carefully on this) hell yeah dinosaurs are rad!
Alrighty I need to make up some questions of my own ey?
01) What is the last thing you ate and was it any good?
02) If you could have a magical/super power of your choice what would it be?
03) What is the oldest posession that you have?
04) Do you like your name(s) and why or why not?
05) What would your dream job be?
06) Choose a weapon from anywhere to be your weapon of choice, what is it and why?
07) Which birthday of yours do you remember the most?
08) How do you do whatever it is you do with your hair?
09) What do you have for breakfast? (or first meal of the day if you don't)
10) When was the last time you won something, luck or skill based?
11) What do you think of Ice Hockey?
And now to tag some suckers... m'lady leprechaun; your eggscellency; goldie; hoopy; punty; the unprepared one; aaaand bear bear! that's 7 I can't be bothered with more, ya'll should get a message in your inbox because I'm not even 100% sure what to tag this with to get your attention ooh wait isn't there some cool thing with the @ symbol now? thelilleprechaun gokai-sheen gold-space thiswasme driveboy notunprepared neat, but did it work?
PS: no one is under any obligation to give a flying fuck about this post :P
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thelilleprechaun · 11 years
Gold-space sent me this
Rules: Always post the rules Answer the questions of the person who tagged you Then write 11 new ones Tag 11 people Let them know you tagged them 1. what is your favourite outfit at home for yourself, and for going out with others? At home- trackpants and whatever t-shirt except in summer I swap trackies for shorts. Going out- jeans and shirt or a dress if going out out. 2. what was the first video game you played and did you like it? Mario Kart on Nintendo 64 and hell yeah that game was fantastic. 3. have you ever (wanted to) cosplay and what as? I'm sure there have definitely been a couple over time but I can't for the life of me remember any of them right now. 4. pick a fandom you enjoy. would you be on the good guys side (jedi, Autobots, Starfleet, Dumbledor’s army, Brown coats, ect…) or the bad guys side (Sith, Decepticons, Borg/dominion/therearesomany, Death Eaters, Alliance, ect…)? why? For pretty much all fandoms I would pick the bad guys just because it seems like so much fun but particularly I would chose the side of Moriarty from Sherlock because screw using incredible brain power for good :P 5. What fictional character’s offer would you accept without a second thought? Name the character, what they are from, and what they are offering. The Masters offer to join him, because why the hell not? It's more my style. 6. If you could travel back in time and return where would you go? Anywhere! Maybe waaay back in time to see things like all the massive ass animals that used to roam the earth, or later on, I would like to be in Ireland and see the druid lifestyle or the time of Ireland's high kings. 7. hold out your arms. extend your fingers. slowly clench them into fists and then let them go. What was something nice you did today? Nice? What is this "nice" you speak of?  I didn't kill anyone today does that count? 8. Stand up. shut your eyes and take three deep breaths. What kind of person do you feel like? A relaxed kind of person, although smelling vaguely of chlorine. (And by this you mean demon and why don't you smell like sulphur?-John) 9. Look around you. Do you like what you see? No, where the hell is my coffee?? 10. are you where you thought you would be 3 years ago? No I was in first year uni three years ago and didn't know where I would be so ner 11. WHAT TEAM? WILDCATS My questions 1. Are you a hoarder? 2. Favourite horror movie (being halloween time and all) 3. You have 48 hours to live, how do you spend it? 4. When was the last time you wrote a letter, pen on paper to someone? 5. If you could be a mythological creature what one would you be? 6. If you could have one weather forecast for the rest of your life what would it be? 7. What was the last thing you bit? 8. Has a book changed your life? If so, what one? 9. Describe your dream house? 10. What song/s make you happy? 11. First three things you grab in a zombie apocalypse?
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