#drayton turning to a zorua and just taking a nap on crispin's lap
cheemken · 5 months
Okay I need to share this lil AU I made before I just implode
Drayton is a hisuian zorua! He got isekai’d from hisui when Ingo/PLA protag managed to find a way back to present time! He landed in Unova along w/ Ingo but Drayton landed near opelucid city and was found by his soon to be parents! He was injured when they found him and he certainly didn’t trust them as ppl in hisui never treated him well (his zoroark parents were killed :( ) so they had a bit of trouble nursing him back to health until Drayden made a visit bc his son made a phone call about a weird zoura that was injured
Once Drayton saw Drayden he was literally just pikachu surprised face with stary eyes bc he thought Dreyden looked so cool!!!! So he begrudgingly allows his parents to nurse him back to health but he also sticks to Drayden like glue so he was nicknamed Drayton :)
Once he’s healed up he started causing mischief like zoura tend to do! Although he’s grown to like his parents along side Drayden now! One day he shifted to look like a human child similar to Drayden and Drayden’s son just to cause a bit of mischief and eventually he just starts spending a lot of time in his human form as he finds out being a human is fun!!! Like really fun!! Eventually one day his parents kinda just sit him down and ask him if he would like to be a human bc they notice he stays in that form a lot and become their son (they cannot have biological kids bc fertility issues so I imagine Iris is also adopted!) so he becomes their son and the nickname Drayton becomes his official name!!! Although he still shifts back to a zoura sometimes at home or in private!
I think iris was away training or something when Drayton first arrived and her parents just called her saying they adopted another kid but once she comes back home she’s told the full truth about her new baby bro and let me tell you, THEY HIT IT OFF INSTANTLY!!!!! Vibing together as dragon sibs!!!
Eventually Drayton becomes a trainer which is a little weird at first but all of his pkmn joined him willingly as they wanted to get stronger! Plus having a trainer who’s a Pokemon makes it easier for him to understand their needs and wants! He also enrolls into blueberry Academy for the fun of it as he wants to learn a lot about being human! He absolutely THRIVES in the polar biome as it reminds him of Alabaster Icelands!
No one but his family know he’s a zoura so making friends is a little challenging at first bc his first friend knew he was a zoura and now he’s keeping that part of himself hidden but eventually he meets the rest of the E4 and they all click quite well together!!!
Jeebus this ask is probably pretty long oops and I didn’t even talk about how’d Drayton would be when opelucid froze over, that’ll probably be its own ask lol~Drayton angst anon💛
You've heard of N is a Zoroark, now get ready for Drayton is a Zorua hahaha
That's interesting tho👀👀👀
Cute how he looks up to Drayden so much he wanted to look like a younger version of him hahaha
But also imagine tho if he and N interacts too, like N immediately knows Drayton is a Zorua, bc he thought it was his own Zorua. Imagine N and Iris arguing bc of that tho, N saying how hypocritical it is for Drayton, a Zorua, to disguise himself as a human, to "capture" his fellow pokemon. Ofc, Drayton was quite young during that, he was scared of N, but Iris was there defending him that N has a lot of nerve saying that, considering that he himself has captured pokemon too. N said those pokemon are his friends, Iris shot back how Drayton's pokemon are also his friends, he didn't capture them, they joined him willingly
It'd be cool to see if Iris and N have some sort of beef over that tho, bc ofc, N was kinda misguided at the start of the story, while Iris is rather protective of her brother. Even after things settled down and N tried to atone for his misdeeds, and while Drayton was starting to be comfortable w him, w N even leaving his own Zorua for Drayton, he and Iris still don't see eye to eye
But y'know as a mischievous Zorua, would he even be a slacker in this au? Imagine him turning to a Slakoth sometimes too that'd be cute hahah
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