#dr. kat
piqtescue · 1 month
pls tell me someone else has seen this😳
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nyoomkitty · 6 months
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katsotherworld · 8 months
Is Cecilia the retroactive reason why Amanda riggs all of her traps to be unwinnable? She's so pissed that the one person who should have been safe was killed and her killer was then left alive. Like is Cecilia killing Gabriela the crux of why Amanda doesn't believe anyone is redeemable. I need to rewatch this whole series in order now.
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freakartack · 1 year
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wario where?
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randomthunk · 5 months
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Every January I reach the point where I've been watching a constant stream of MST3K episodes since Thanksgiving, so I just have to draw something. Dr. Forrester is fun since he has such a strong look, including a ponytail in the early seasons because mullets.
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tkowl-art · 7 months
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Love this cast of characters so much
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mlgmi316 · 9 months
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Wartin or whatever his name was & friends
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jesterificart · 9 days
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i love you warioware
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wariofranchisefanblog · 9 months
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I love how much new art they are doing for Move It. This is a lot more than usual for a new WarioWare.
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skillbattle · 11 months
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i like a new series you all know what that means
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 months
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Next with the redesigns we get to the WarioWare cast! which oh god there's so many people here what the fuck! anyways! Here we have basically the cast of the og with two from later games. The Warioware cast designs are peak so not a lot is changed, but hey, I still changed some things, so let's get to them! (shoutout to the official WarioWare website it was so useful!)
Mona and Joe are the easiest since they keep themselves more or less the same - still the deliverywoman extraordinaire and her lovable boss. Mona here like everyone else is a bit older - a college student, majoring in archaeology, and has upgraded from a scooter to a motorcycle (quite literally upgraded, Crygor took her scooter and turned it into a bike). Joe keeps himself more or less the same, except a bit afraid of losing the best employee he ever had.
The man with the beat Jimmy T and the silly lil alien, Orbulon! With the former I just added some stars on his pants and also gave him melanin, because frankly the bright colors work better with darker skintones and the Mario cast is pale as milk, some variety is nice. for Orbulon I just put him in his human disguise's cute little minidress, because we stan a gender-non-conforming king. Fun trivia: Jimmy has beef with Waluigi over who has the better dance moves. They get along otherwise but if there's dancing happening it is ON. SIGHT.
Diamond Taxi's speed demons, Dribble and Spitz! I similarly didn't change much, just more detail on shoes, Dribble wearing his coveralls differently, and their earrings, which are actually their wedding rings, because look at me in the eyes and tell me these two aren't fucking. that's right you can't. Spitz finally got to publish his novel! It's doing better than Dribble expected.
Mad Scientist and Beleaguered Karaoke Robot Assistant Duo, Crygor and Mike! The levels at which Crygor is a cyborg vary SO OFTEN I just gave him the full helmet, a robotic left hand and a robotic foot. Mike I only changed up a smidge and changing his face to an LED display for better emoting. Still Penny's loving grandfather, he's gently trying to steer her towards a focus on the mechanics rather than chemistry, believing that she can achiever her idol dreams without having to rely on questionable homemade beverages. Mike on the other hand encourages to focus more on chemistry out of the selfish desire she can make a drink that will give HIM a perfect singing voice lol.
Nintendo Fanatics 9-Volt and 18-Volt! For fun I gave them the real names of Nikola and Edison. Now middle schoolers, they still enjoy skating and Nintendo games. I did the same with 18-Volt as what I did with Jimmy T. 9-Volt's helmet is more clearly a firefighter helmet - it's his dad's old model that he gifted to him.
And to finish it off, Kat and Ana! I wanted both of them to have more unique color palletes, and as a further distinction Kat has freckles. Like the rest they're a bit older, now elementary-school kids, and while he's not in this post they also get along a LITTLE better with Leo.
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katzdxd · 3 months
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another screenshot redraw, this time dr. fox!! + something I did while trying to figure out how to draw her
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nyoomkitty · 25 days
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I love this YouTube channel
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duckapus · 7 months
WarioWare Incorrect Quotes Collection
Wario: Boil up some Mountain Dew, it's gonna be a long night.
5-Volt: That is the worst thing you could've possibly said.
Ashley: Cauldron Boil and Cauldron Bubble, Baja Blast to Fuel My Trouble...
Jimmy: Why do you challenge them?
Spitz: Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
Wario, after meeting Mona the first time: I've never been an inspiration before.
Wario: Not sure if I like having this much responsibility.
Mona: What did you two do?
Mona: You're not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
9-Volt: Why would anyone hate Wario?
Lulu: Maybe because they met him?
Red, Texting: Ashley, there's a really big moth on the bathroom door, can you come get it?
Red: Please Ashley I'm gonna cry.
Red: Ashley
Red: Ashley?
Ashley, Texting: Hello, this is the Moth. You're next.
Lulu: I have no parental figures to tell me not to wrestle bears.
5-Volt: It's me, I'm that parental figure. I'm telling you now; Do Not Wrestle Bears.
Orbulon: I had too many magic beans.
Orbulon: The magic beans are coursing through my veins!
Dribble: Uhhhh, Orbulon?
Mike: Ignore him, he ate seven containers of Tic Tacs.
(During WarioWare Snapped)
Wario, handing forged Health and Safety approval stickers to Kat and Ana: Okay kids, plaster these on anything that looks like a lawsuit.
Ana: Wario, is this legal?
Wario: When the cops aren't around, everything's legal!
Dr. Crygor, trying to learn internet slang: So Yoink is just the opposite of Yeet?
Penny: Yes but it's just as fast.
Mantis, also trying to learn internet slang: *nods solemnly* The Stars Yeeteth, and the Stars Yoinketh away.
Cricket, looking out the window: I wonder if a fall from this height would be enough to kill me on impact.
Doris 1, with the tone of someone with Experience: It isn't.
Ashley's Parents: We raised a perfectly well-functioning child.
Ashley: Oh, I have a sibling I don't know about?
*Mona, Cricket and 13-Amp are sitting in jail together*
Mona: So who should we call?
13-Amp: I'd call 5-Volt, but honestly I feel safer in jail.
Cricket: *sighs* And Master would probably see it as some kind of learning experience.
Mona: ...Wario?
13 and Cricket: Wario.
Wario: Clearly, this is the Stars' way of punishing us.
Jimmy T: I thought you didn't believe the Stars are divine beings.
Wario: I do for the bad stuff...
Cricket: Sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Cicada: That's okay, I didn't throw it.
13-Amp, reading from an online quiz: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for ten million coins?
9-Volt: You stab me, then when my leg gets better we buy all the games we want!
18-Volt: Oh! You stab me too, then we can have 20 million!
9-Volt: Good thinking!
Wario: While I'm gone, Jimmy, you're in charge.
Jimmy: Groovy!
Wario: *whispering* 5-Volt, you're secretly actually in charge.
5-Volt: Obviously.
Cicada: Dear diary, my teen angst bullshit now has a body count.
Captain Syrup: So, who exactly is in charge here?
Wario: Well, on paper I'm the CEO, but in practice it's usually whoever yells the loudest.
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whereismyhat5678 · 8 months
can you draw Werner werman x dr kahl with their robots please?
To whoever sent this WEEKS ago, I am so sincerely sorry-
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Also about their robots- I really didn’t know how I would make them fit so I just drew them together separately…and-
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The background still looks bad to me but ZAM DID I HAVE FUN DRAWING KAHL’S ROBOT- and Katzenwagen was fun too, he’s adorable 🫶
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jefpoo421 · 11 months
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This is WarioWare: Move It! at the beach
it looks like lost official WarioWare promotional art: take a glance!
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