oveliagirlhaditright · 4 months
Also, not Cordy totally saving the day during this one moment in the Angel novel "The Summoned," during this "The Three Stooges" like moment that Angel and Doyle have. LOL
This girl, Terri Miller unwittingly got involved in this murderous cult, and Doyle has befriended her and convinced her to tell him where the cult is meeting (which changes every week).
But for some reason, Angel thinks that Doyle can't handle this alone (even though this is essentially just a reconnaissance mission and nothing should go wrong--they're not planning to take anyone on in a fight or anything--as Doyle's just going to pretend he wants to join the cult), so he decides to follow Doyle and Terri (without telling them: he doesn't want to make Doyle think he doesn't believe in him) and just watch what he can see from his car.
Cordelia for some reason finds herself bothered by Angel's plan to follow Doyle--and then she herself decides to follow Angel, all the while berating herself for doing so and not just letting herself just have a quiet evening at home--but you know what? It's a good thing she did!
Because the cult people do not like Doyle at all and beat the crap out of him, and eventually throw him in an elevator. And Wolfram & Hart is there and they taze Angel and toss him in an elevator (the same one Doyle eventually is put in). So it's a good thing Cordelia was there to be able to find her guys and help them both limp back to headquarters. XD
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, October 22
ANYA: No, you see, usually, when there's an apocalypse, I skedaddle. But now I love you so much that instead I have inappropriately timed sex and try to think of ways to fight a god and worry *terribly* that something might happen to you, and also worry that something'll happen to me and then I have guilt that I'm not more worried about everyone else but I just don't have enough, I'm just on total overload and I honestly don't think that I could be more nervous than I am right now. XANDER: (offering her a diamond ring) Care to wager on that? Anya, you wanna marry me? (little pause, then she slaps him) Can I take that as a maybe?
~~The Gift~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Virgin Sacrifice (Anya x reader, not rated) by prose-for-hire
Party of two (Spike x reader, not rated) by prose-for-hire
Born Again (The Fanged Four x reader, not rated) by council-of-readers
Halloween Tradition (Angel x reader, not rated) by prose-for-hire
Poem: Hair Die (Spike, not rated) by merelyspecters
Wishes and Kisses (Anya x reader, not rated) by council-of-readers
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Respite (Buffy, Joyce, Snyder, Spike, PG) by badly-knitted
[Chaptered Fiction]
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with a little daring do - one long chapter (fem!Spike/Buffy, E) by lovelyorbent. COMPLETE!
Side by side, Chapter 1-2 (crossover with Supernatural, Scoobies, Cassie Newton, T) by Bl4ckHunter. COMPLETE!
Sunnydale Serenade, Chapter 1 (Spike/Buffy, G, in Italian) by TheRealJeanGenie
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Hope, Chapter 22 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by Wonder and Ashes
Blood and Black Lace, Chapter 1 (Spike/Buffy, R) by SlayrGrl
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Playlists: Buffy Summers, Spike, Spike/Buffy by losstinspace
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Embroidery: Solving All Her Problems by Sticking Things with Sharp Objects (worksafe) by Garlicknottodaysatan
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Postcards: Heavy Skin (Spike/Angel, M) by girlpire
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Villains is such a stupid and tonedeaf episode by cantigasdetanjaouia
Rewatching season 6 ten years later has proven a chore by cantigasdetanjaouia
[“Selfless” really hurts, huh] by cantigasdetanjaouia
thoughts on As You Were by grimreapergirl
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Lie To Me by JustDaggers
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PODCAST: Still Pretty 132. All the Way (S6.06)
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"Respite" by badly_knitted recced by petzipellepingo
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Rec request: Tara and Faith friendship fics? requested by OtherwiseFortune4
Fic search: Can’t Find this Particular Meta Fan Fiction (Buffy in the Halloween Episode dresses as a geek) by TimeTravelinc
[Community Announcements]
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A Trip Down Memory Lane 2018 and a reminder that the banner contest ends this Saturday at seasonal_spuffy
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A Trip Down Memory Lane 2018 at seasonal_spuffy
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DoyleCordy, an AtS fanfiction archive, is being imported to the AO3
[Fandom Discussions]
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Oz thoughts by glowyjellyfish
I never hated Kennedy but I really think she just never should have happened by megryan1989
the introduction of ethan rayne in btvs was so…..interesting. by cosmicrhetoric
For the character thing: Anya Jenkins (BtVS) by imaslowlearner-butilearn
My problem with Spike by cantigasdetanjaouia
[Spike recruited a bunch of bewitched human children???] by marsmorpheus
Anya/anon matchup headcanons by council-of-readers
[Re: Bangel or Spuffy, lol? Also, what did you think of Buffy's decision to activate all the potentials?] by missbrunettebarbie
Is the "Vampire Slayer" an archaic title name? by EvaWolves
Do you have real-world relationships that remind you of those in the series? by MissIscariot
Fun Call-Back: Season 1x10 and 6x7 by GrayGhostReborn
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Is it possible Cordelia would have taken the Wolfram & Hart offer? (cont'd) by xii22loop, Myheadsgonenumb
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If OMWF were in a different season... by Garlicknottodaysatan
Once more with feeling, One year later by Jumpy-Comfort
I think Ford as a villain would have been better to have been stretched over the season by JustDaggerz
Lindsey's best moment hosted by ScroatusMalotus
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twodrunkencelestials · 11 years
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Since Cordelia receiving Doyle's visions was actually the catalyst for every bad thing that later happened to her (A.K.A. the Jasmine arc), has anyone written an AU where Angel or the whole A.I. team go back in time and make sure she gives them to Groo, like it was prophesized she should have? (And the Jasmine stuff can't happen then, if Groo has them.) And then in obviously still needing to be able to know what these visions are, and what the Powers That Be are trying to tell them, they convince Groo to stay with them and to become a permanent part of Angel Investigations?
Or maybe a similar idea to all of this... but one where the author thought the visions weren't that important after all (which is definitely a stance one can take, because: Jasmine arc and The Powers That Be wanting the Twilight prophecy in the comics to happen. And how many people died there?), and then maybe had Angel or the team go so far back that Cordelia never got the visions from Doyle at all?
If the former fic exists, I imagine the author had Cordelia comforted that she is useful to the team without her visions? Because while she did take them on in "Birthday," largely in seeing the alternate universe where Angel had them drove him insane, and selflessly not wanting that for him, I do think there was a bit of Cordelia not wanting to be the "Zeppo" of her team, ironically, and that's part of the reason she thought she needed them.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 4 months
I love in this one Angel the Series book I just read, how there was this demon who looked like the person one desired most to whoever saw him (when he gained enough power to be able to do that again: long story, that).
And Angel Investigations learned about this demon, and that he was targeting certain people and killing them, so they of course decide to use Cordelia as bait. And when they're scheduling this meeting, the demon asks Cordelia what her dream guy looks like (she then says a mix match of some celebrities), and lo and behold, the guy she met online just happens to look just like that! It must be destiny, and they have to meet!
So Angel, Cordy, and Doyle all go to the location, prepared to see the guy they saw in the webcam (Cordy is by herself waiting for her "date," while Angel and Doyle are waiting in the wings to jump in when they need to)...
Except that when the demon gets close to Cordy, he turns into who she actually desires: Doyle. And then Doyle ends up seeing two Cordys standing beside each other, essentially. And Angel sees Buffy, of course. LOL
Edit: This was the Angel book "Avatar." :)
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Wait... but what if the Boom comics bring Dolye in and do more with him?
But I also feel like they might not do this for obvious, sad reasons, of Glenn Quinn no longer being with us.
But maybe they might if they’re still using Lorne (who’s actor, Andy Hallett, also passed away: may they both rest in peace). Though Lorne, of course, was in the show a lot more than Doyle was: once again getting into some sad reasons there, that I’m sure other Buffyverse fans know.
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, October 24
ANGEL: I know you can't help me, but could you maybe not root for the other team? SPIKE: Hey, I'll root for anyone with half a chance of taking you down a notch. ANGEL: What is your problem? SPIKE: You are, ya ponce! You're my problem. You got it too good. You're king of a 30-floor castle with all the cars, comfort, power, and glory you could ever want; and here I save the world, throw myself onto the proverbial hand grenade for love, honor, and all the right reasons, and what do I get? Bloody well toasted and ghosted is what I get, isn't it? It's not fair. ANGEL: Fair?! You asked for a soul. I didn't! It almost killed me. I spent a hundred years trying to come to terms with infinite remorse. You spent 3 weeks moaning in a basement, and then you were fine! What's fair about that?!
~~"Just Rewards,"~~ Angel, Season 5, Episode 2 (Series Episode #90)
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
None to report.
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Crumbs, "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" (25/?) - (S6 Canon AU; Buffy/Spike, Ensemble; FRMA) by Holly
Sweeter El Paso, Texas, "Party, Party, Party - Part III" (7/?) - (BtVS/AtS Human Babyfic AU; Buffy/Spike, Amy, Andrew, Anya, April, Gunn, Cordy, Dawn, Faith, Fred, Giles, Jenny, Jonathan, Joyce, Lilah, Lorne, Oz, Sam, Tara, Wes; FRM) by rkm
Rating Info
Fiction Rating Key Here
"NR" = "Not Rated"
Authors' given ratings usually trusted, but "general audiences" and "K" or "K+" are increased to "FRT" because of original BtVS/AtS series' ratings. Occasional stronger ratings given when chance glance shows they're needed. "F-bomb" and/or gratuitous coarse language marked as FRMA-AL, no matter how used. Graphic depictions of human-on-human violence and/or abuse deferred to next day's editor for private life reasons. Thanks for understanding. :-)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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STILL: "The Zeppo" Stunt Doubles shared by Robosl0b in buffy subreddit
ARTWORK: "Showtime"- for me one of the most inspiring episodes (Buffy w/Ubervamp) by dollheadpolka in buffy subreddit
STILL: New fan here! Finished btvs and angel and I miss them already (shared fave Spike moment) by pobodysnerfect23 in buffy subreddit
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VIDEO: “Behind Blue Eyes” fanvid for Giles (Giles, Buffy; T) by certified-diplodocus
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MUSIC VIDEO: "It Doesn't Matter," by Alison Krauss, cover (WOW.) by Marty Eli Bower Music
VIDEO: Xander Funny Moments by Faith Victoria
[Reviews & Recaps]
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VIDEO PODCAST: Flunking The Written: "Ted" (AUDIO ONLY) by Megan and Kimberly ("Flunking The Written")
VIDEO: Buffy! The Vampire Slayer, Reaction, S03E18, "Earshot" (NSFW-AL start to end) by SoraMiyano
VIDEO: "To Shansu in L.A." (1x22) and One Year of The Sunnydale Review (1 AtS review, discussion of doing Buffyverse podcasts) by Wicked Good Podcasts (Jillian and Brian)
VIDEO: Analysing Buffy | BTVS S01E10 "Nightmares" | "Buffy the Slaypire" (intro, fun summary, analysis) by What the Pop EDITOR REC!
VIDEO: There's a Slayer Handbook? ("Ted" discussion; John Ritter credited as "Jason" Ritter) by Glitter Budget (Anjannette and Jess)
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More Links Than a Bag of Sausages recced by petzipellepingo
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My Tweets (James Marsters news, photos, links) by dontkillspike
[Community Announcements]
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DoyleCordy is Moving to the AO3 by AO3 Admin
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How Buffyverse Top 5's 2020 Session Will Run (NOW OPEN THROUGH NOV 3 2020!) by yourlibrarian in buffyversetop5
[Fandom Discussions]
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Would Giles Have Killed Dawn in S5? by PurePotential6 in buffy subreddit
What was the inspiration behind the "Go Fish" episode? by NorsacceBerlusconi in buffy subreddit
"Once More with Feeling" (TRIGGER WARNING RE: Willow/Tara spell compared to assault) by binxlyostrich in buffy subreddit
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
None to report.
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