#downstairs the Gaang just shrugs at each other and they keep themselves occupied
peony-pearl · 1 year
The Gaang trying to distract Iroh while Katara is helping Haruka the day Rioko is born and they’re like ‘it’s fine! Everything is going to be fine! Sit down and we’ll make some tea and play pai sho and before you know it you’re gonna be a dad again!’
and Iroh’s sitting there like
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flickityfics · 3 years
Chapter 12: Going Out
Zuko and Iroh are having a conversation over Miyuki's wellbeing. Either one not wanting to put pressure on her opening up about what's happened. It's been two weeks since she's been hold up in their tea shop, she spends most of her time in zuko's room occasionally coming out and helping in the kitchens or with customers. Sokka's moved around more often in the past three days, talking and serving some of the patrons that regularly came in.
"I've got the rest of her clothes and paid for her room at the inn, I'm not sure if she'd like to go back but just in case." Zuko shrugged at his uncle with a bag of clothes in his hand. Neither of them we're going to force her out but if she felt like going back they wouldn't stop her either.
Iroh agreed with his nephew, "That's fine, I won't pressure the child to make any decisions right now. We must wait until she is ready and comfortable with what she decides next. The poor girl has been through something quite traumatic and I wish I could take that experience away." Iroh was solemn discussing Miyuki's well-being. "Have you found the rest of the groups trafficking ring?"
"Yes, and there's at least five different rings, they all work together." His nephew informed.
"No doubt all higher-ups. We'll have to do this meticulously or send a message but sending a message might just put them into hiding, it wouldn't stop us but it would take much longer. I'll talk to some people for help and see if we can get them all in one go. We'll talk more about this after I ask around, go and tend to Miyuki." Iroh left Zuko to go up the stairs as he went to open up the shop.
Sokka felt much better staying with Zuko and his uncle. He's been helping in the kitchen, with customers or getting deliveries with Zuko. It kept his mind occupied. At least once everyday he relives what happened to him in that alley, he can't forget their touches, smells, voices, his fear, his weakness and shame. The daily routine with the other two men has helped his mindset a lot, he likes that Iroh taught him how to tend to his mini garden and Zuko teaching him meditations, still his least favorite thing to do but having Zuko bothering him everyday on repeat for it helps. They don't have him stay stuck in his head or hiding in zuko's room often but when his bad days happen they also leave him in peace. Sokka loves the fact that the two can read him so well. He hasn't felt comfortable going outside just yet so he's thankful they haven't pressured him about it. He knows he's lost his job already but he doesn't care at this point. His thoughts are interrupted when he hears footsteps and a knock followed by Zuko slowly cracking the door open.
"Can I come in?" He hears Zuko's rough voice and answers with a grunt that Zuko interprets as a go ahead.
"Hey, I've brought the rest of your clothes. Also paid for your room at the inn if you ever decide to go back, not that you have to of course." Zuko said nervously, not sure if he overstepped bounds or seeming like he's forced her to make a decision.
"Thanks for that, I appreciate it really." And he was really, they didn't have to but they did and he's completely changed his mind about them, they we're good people if maybe misguided at times. "Is uncle opening up now? I'll get dressed and help." He took the bag from Zuko's hand and started sorting through the few clothes he had. He already had some clothes in a small chest of drawers near the corner of the room next to Zuko's own. Zuko left him to change privately no doubt already going to help his uncle. After getting dressed and a quick wash to his face did he made the trek downstairs ready to put on a smile and greet everyone.
Making it to the kitchen, he went straight to Iroh to ask about his duties. "Old man, what can I do today?"
Iroh turned from his nephew to the young miss to explain their tasks for the morning. "I'll have you take orders from the customers as Zuko serves them and you'll be having separate breaks today. Oh and Miyuki you've officially got a uniform, it's not here yet but the order I've made should come in soon." He expressed happily.
Sokka couldn't believe it, he felt like crying then and there. Feeling such care and warmth from people other than his family and friends was unbelievable. It made him miss his own little family.
"Thank you, I can't wait til it comes in but I better not look as dorky in it as Lee does." He joked, from the grin he got back he was sure Iroh was glad that he managed that joke. He's noticed himself, the sad looks he's gotten from the two ever since his attack. He shook off the sadness before it could take over and grabbed a notepad and pencil walking to the nearest table to start his orders.
Things were getting busy as time went by and Sokka loved it, the noise and smells of the shop was a great distraction. He loved talking to the people coming in, his favorites were the old ladies and young women gossiping, he'd sometimes join them at the table to hear all the juicy details, he gets scolded often by Zuko but Iroh would just laugh it off and let him have his fun. The customers themselves loved it. Sokka would talk to the older men about fishing techniques, he'd show tricks to the young kids that parents liked and approved of and he'd get the latest news from teen girls. It was his favorite pastime to rub in Zuko's face how much the customers loved him more. The activity throughout the day was good for him, some days he couldn't bare it but the times when he could enjoy the day was always welcomed.
When his lunch break came around he took advantage of Zuko going on a supply run as he himself went upstairs to get his journal. He spent the time on theories and more research. He wished he had his other journals, he liked keeping things organized, each having its own subject and color coded notes but he'll just have to make do and organize later. He jotted everything down, about his incident, his new daily routines and how his mindset had changed about the two fire benders. He kept his journal hidden in his pouch and knew Zuko respected his privacy to never look through it. Sokka spent most of his time in Zuko's room and wrote how they spent a lot of time together, how they opened up more to each other when they both felt they could.
Taking advantage of his alone time also had him write his letters to the gaang and Suki, he just hasn't been able to send them out yet still afraid of going out and also risking the chance of Zuko noticing them so he just left them in his pouch to send later. He doesn't mention what's happened to him to either party, just briefly informs them about his days and mentioning how he's made a friend, who he gets along with really well as well as their uncle. He's not fibbing perse, he'll come clean about everything when he feels the time is right. He finished up his entry, wiping the crumbs from his lunch off the journal placing it back in his pouch underneath a pile of clothes.
Sokka went back downstairs noticing less customers coming in, usually they have people in and out after lunch.
He goes up to Iroh to question him.
"Is it a slow day Iroh?" He asked curiously.
"No, everyone's getting ready to watch the play that's in town, it's their last day in town." The elder explains, "we'll be closing shop early so you can just start cleaning up and have a nice half day off." Iroh suggested as he cleaned up the kitchens.
"Okay, I'll clean the front then head for a bath afterwards." After he finished wiping everything down, sweeping and moping did he go back upstairs to the washroom.
Zuko came back with deliveries in his hands noticing just his uncle eating at a table. He assumed Miyuki was upstairs then.
"You already made dinner?" He asked his uncle as he started putting items away since it was still bit early.
"Yes, I thought it would take longer since it's a dish I've never made before. You can have some and let Miyuki know if she'd like any after she gets out the washroom." He said.
Zuko took the offer to eat first and let Miyuki know later. After they ate he agreed to play pai sho with his uncle. It'd been awhile playing since Miyuki hadn't come down yet, he figured he'd check on her after another loss to his uncle. He got upstairs walking towards the washroom, knocking at the door waiting for a response. Nothing came so he listened quietly until he heard sobbing. He quickly opened the door to hot moisture and steam blurring his vision. Once his vision adjusted did he see Miyuki curled in on herself with bright red and pink splotches on her skin. Getting closer he saw scratch marks that bled on her arms and legs, she was unaware of him as he crouched to her, body shaking with her head on her knees. He stopped the water and grabbed a towel to wrap around her hot skin. Unfortunately this wasn't the first incident, when he first discovered her like this and asked why, she simply told him it was punishment for being so weak. He understood self punishment but it still hurt to witness and he did his best to prevent it but he also didn't want to make her feel trapped or controlled or as if she should be treated like broken glass, needing to watch her every move. So he did what he could at times like this while never trying to shame her when he helped her at her most vulnerable. They walked together to his room while he set her down with the towel covering her appropriately as he got bandages and a salve for her wounds. After getting the needed supplies he came back to her already dressed andsitting on the floor. He crouched in front of her as he quietly and gently as possible wrapped her arms and legs. Once finished, he walked behind her to comb her hair, talking to her softly.
"It's time you go out." He felt Miyuki go stock still at his words, "not alone, we'll go with you anywhere and everywhere you want us to. I want you to feel back in control of yourself, you're letting them win by controlling your daily life. They can't get to you anymore. I'm keeping them prisoner somewhere until I can get all the people involved and taking them all down, it's just gonna take some time." He informed her, he truly didn't want her living in fear and maybe by giving this information she'll feel safer and maybe a bit comforted at this.
Sokka turned to Zuko slowly, knowing he'd absolutely hate giving those men more power over him.
"Can you take me to where those men are?" He asked, voice shaky.
"No." He knew what Miyuki wanted but didn't like the idea of her dirtying her hands with those filth or seeing the side of him where he let out his anger on those men. He left them beaten and broken, their wounds getting infected while only visiting to give them scraps of bread and splashing water on them to get all the needed information from everyone they worked for and every single property they owned. He was going to let them die even with or without the information, he'd find another way. He didn't want her to see that disgusting, monstrous side of him or have her getting consumed by her own revenge like himself. It was a horrible, all-consuming hollow path to go down.
Sokka understood Zuko's reluctance to tell him, hell he didn't think he was really ready to face those monsters, doesn't even know why he bothered asking. He never wanted to see them again just wanted it to all go away and be in denial forever.
"Thank you for taking care of them." Sokka didn't know quite exactly how Zuko took care of them and couldn't care less, it meant he could hide in his own bubble. He trusted Zuko keeping him safe, he tried not to leave him alone to his own devices that he greatly appreciated from the other teen boy. Sokka's pretty sure he would've lot his shit more if it wasn't for Zuko and his uncle watching out for him. Maybe it was time to get out, not be so afraid and controlled by someone not here anymore, as long as he wasn't alone though. Zuko hasn't left him, he's been there through his nightmares, sleepless nights, when he's been a zombie or hurting himself and Zuko never shames him for it just always stops his borderline mania from hitting a boiling point and whispers comforting words with a tight hold.
"Okay, I'll try." He agreed.
Zuko gave a small smile, glad that he could encourage this next step with her. "Let's watch that play we've been meaning to."
The three came out of the play in good spirits. Sokka came out feeling a lot better, happy that he could enjoy a play, food and a crowded place. He looked to Zuko who was listening to his uncle talk about the play, the jerk looked so uninterested but he knew Zuko was listening intently even if it didn't look like it, guess that's why a lot of people misjudge him. Sokka was enjoying the night air in what felt like forever, he liked having this control back. When they get back to Zuko's room, he'd like to discuss more training, he was ready to face the world again and become stronger, braver.
When the two teens were back in the room Sokka watched as Zuko got ready for his mediation and followed suit with what became their nightly routine. When the two finally got done and ready for bed did Sokka bring up his idea.
He looked over to Zuko and asked, "I'd like to get back to training and start practicing along with uncle also." He suggested over to Zuko who looked back to him silently, seeming to contemplate his suggestion.
"We could do that, uncle and I can even attack you at the same time to help with multiple people surrounding you." Zuko was already thinking up strategies for the next training session, there were so many moves, combos, holds and reverse holds you could do and that was without any bending which Miyuki will have to learn later as a non-bender herself. "Uncle will also have a lot more teachings to offer, it'd be good to have his input when we fight."
"Haha, I'm excited for the plans you're firing up there in that head of yours." Sokka expressed as he poked Zuko's forehead.
He had to admit he liked when Zuko scrunched his eyebrows when he concentrated. The fire bender was handsome when he really gave the guy a good look over, Sokka could admit that... not really outwardly to anyone else but arrgh actually maybe this is something he could discuss with Suki, with his weird forming feelings when it came to being around Zuko. Sleeping next to Zuko was something else entirely, they ended up on top of each other, far away and not even near touching or one of them holding the other, Sokka's even had a few awkward times with Zuko's ehem  manhood pressed to his ass and sometimes he couldn't even lie to himself how nice that actually felt. He thought he was crazy for finding it arousing and even comforting at times especially with what happened to him just two weeks ago. Was that normal? Was that okay? Sometimes he hated himself for feeling aroused, like some kind of disgusting shameful pervert. Why would that be okay, right? He tired of hating himself, tired of the phantom touches he gets thinking of those scumbags. He was sick of pulling on his hair painfully, scratching at himself and just overall causing himself pain remembering back to that night, it's like hurting himself kept him distracted from trying relive or prevent any flashbacks from then, he knew he needed healthier outlets. Now he was headed into bad thoughts central, which screw that, he needed comfort. Asap. If whatever he felt with Zuko was comforting enough, he would take that over being disgusted with himself and his stupid painful memories.
"Hey, I need cuddles." He demanded as he turned onto his side. He watched as Zuko closed whatever book he was reading and putting it off to the side. Sokka couldn't help the smile that spread across his face when Zuko faced him and opened up his arms. He wasted no time snuggling into the fire benders arms, he welcomed Zuko's scent and cozy yet comforting strong hold. He sighed in relief being molded into the other's body, he could feel the bit of scruff Zuko had growing on his chin, heated skin that was warmer than his own and he craved it all. It was such an unexplainable feeling he got, like his insides wanted to burst or express something but he couldn't with words or actions but it was there wanting release but also not knowing where to go, he hated not knowing how to pinpoint it but also loved the feeling strangely enough.
Anyways, there's no way his manly pride would admit that he liked being the little spoon. But whatever, his thoughts were only for him so he was going to enjoy the safety he felt in the other teens arms. He was also going to enjoy the blush he got from Zuko everytime he squeezed and rubbed his body against his own, it was purely fun entertainment. Maybe Sokka could even talk Zuko into being more intimate with each other, he's been curious about what kind of exploring they could do to one another. He'd taken care of himself in the washroom whenever he became aroused but his womanhood would still be achy and pulsing, wanting something to fill his insides, he explored with his fingers getting use to something inside but never feeling enough to grip onto or ever quite reaching what his body ached for. Sokka so planned to talk about this and hopefully it's accepted well but for now he'll wait and enjoy the comforting embrace while listening to Zuko's breathing as it lulled him to sleep.
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