#dont have much else to talk abt :p hope ur doing well !! stay safe !!!
divorcetual · 2 months
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hi friends its krista again idk why i keep posting these intros u all know who i am
anyways this is lexi and she’s the worst
there’s some bullets under the cut if you wanna plot with her :-) and her bio is right here
her real name is karlene alexandra gothel, and she is the child of the infamous mother gothel from tangled.
make sure you remember her middle name bc it plays a key role in the story
she definitely does not go by karlene anymore
she goes by lexi instead for reasons that i will explain momentarily
honest it would be best if you didn’t call her karlene tbh you’d probably get punched or spit on not sure which
though she doesn’t introduce herself as karlene gothel anymore so like y’all might be safe from that
okay so the first thing to know about her is that she pretty much hates everyone and everything. i wish i was exaggerating but i promise you that i’m not. she’s genuinely the worst. like, she truthfully doesn’t care about you or your feelings and that will probably never change.
i should probably talk about her birth now though shouldn’t i because like “woah how did gothel have a kid what no way !!” Alright, here’s the story. So, a loooong time ago, a droplet of sunlight fell from the sky and from it grew the infamous magic golden flower that set everything up for the events of Tangled. That night, though, a droplet of moonlight fell as well, thus growing a magic silver flower. I know, creative, right? Anyways, that magic silver flower was never discovered, because it ended up being covered up by weeds and vines. Fast forward to when Rapunzel’s hair is cut and Gothel falls out the window of the tower. It’s implied that she’s dead, but that wasn’t the case. What ended up happening was that Gothel used the last bit of magic she had left and used it to disappear, ending up deep in the forests of Corona. After wandering around for days, looking like a frail old woman who should have died hundreds of years ago, she came across that Magic Silver Flower. You can imagine how shook she was. I know I would’ve been shooketh as hell. She probably thought she was seeing things. anyways she dug up that flower and washed it off in the river to get all the dirt off the roots and then she ate that bitch right then and there.
surprise surprise it turNED HER YOUNG AGAIN !!! and by young I mean like she looked to be in her early thirties.
And then she moved into a village on the outskirts of Corona where no one would find her, and met a man named Henry. Gothel felt absolutely nothing for Henry whereas he was beyond smitten with her. tbh Gothel used him for fun but then she found out she was pregnant so she packed up what little she had and ended up back in her tower.
When Karlene was born, the first thing Gothel noticed was that her eyes were a startling silver color, and the baby’s skin had a sort of ... glowing hue to it? And it was then that Gothel realized just how special this child was, and that the effects of the Moon Flower passed down into her daughter. 
Realizing this was what awoke the greedy side of Gothel, and she felt the need to covet this child the same way she coveted Rapunzel. The only difference was, Karlene fucking despised it growing up. She literally hated that tower. If you were to ask her about the tower now, she’d clench her fists and say she wants to burn it down. She hated that tower so much that when Gothel was away on a trip to the market, she left.
This is both the best and worst thing that Karlene had done for herself. The best, because she was finally free of that godforsaken tower. The worst, because she was only free for a good six hours.
Homegirl took off as soon as she was outside, and ran until she got to a river bank. Keep this in mind, because it’s important.
At that river bank, she was approached by two really big, scary looking dudes. If you’ve ever seen Tangled, I’m just going to tell you that said dudes are the Stabbington Brothers aka the two guys Flynn went to steal the Crown with. 
She tried to fight them off and ended up pushing one of them so hard that he stumbled back, and this was super surprising to the brothers bc that didn’t happen very often. So they talked her into following them (( stupid girl )) and led her to the Snuggly Duckling, where they proceeded to show her the secret entrance into the Mines of Corona. As they got deeper through the mines, they came upon yet another secret door, which led to a tunnel that brought all three of them to a warehouse of sorts. In this warehouse was a giant red mat, and some of the most malicious, nasty looking people you’ve ever dreamed of. Adults, and teenagers alike. 
basically !!!!!! they brought her to an illegal fight club !!! and threw her into the ring without any experience with a lot of money bet on her winning !! and shE GOT THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF HER !!! but honestly karlene is one of those girls who is like definitely not going down without getting a punch in (( even though she’s never fought anyone in her whole life #yikes )) so she got back up and spit blood in her opponents eyes and punched him as hard as she could and ended up knocking this kid out.
she ended up living in that warehouse in like apartments above the room where the ring is and stayed there until she was eighteen and p much became the main event like she was a real money floater every criminal around had heard of her and wanted to face off against her and a lot of them lost but some of them won u kno how it is
BUT THEN GOTHEL somehow heard thru the grapevine where her precious moonlight was and hopped her ass into that warehouse and honestly the sight of her shook lexi so much that she wasnt paying attention to her opponent and got the shit knocked out of her
and when she woke up, she was outside in the grass being scolded by gothel
who pulled the whole “mother knows best” shit on her to which lexi was like “lol hell no” and gothel was all “wow the disrespeCT !! if u think ur so big and bad lets truly see how u do on ur own” and shipped her ass off to wda
where she has been for a year currently
she is very into provoking people honestly like she doesn’t have a fight club here yet (or at least she hasnt found one) and is rlly itching to fight someone again 
she likes to see who’s going to take the first swing
but at the same time she rlly doesn’t care
im so !! abt her so doesn’t care abt anything sighs how will i even deal with this kid
i think im gonna post random fact about her now?
she’s 5′3 and uses her lack of height as an advantage tbh it gives her easier access to punch guys in the dick and chicks in the tit which is always fun
she loves blue raspberry cotton candy ok dont question it
SHE WILL NEVER HURT AN ANIMAL OK SHE LOVES ANIMALS she has a year old gray maine coon and his name is oscar and he’s a dick tbh like he has those hateful eyes
honest meme is oscar likes u then ur doin somethin right friend
her favorite color is pastel pink dont judge
she wears a lot of athletic clothing bc its comfortable and she doesn’t care what she looks like so u kno catch her walking around campus in sports bras and leggings bc why the fuck not i guess
i really love her though and im hoping you guys do too pls come plot with me
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