#dont get me wrong i love violence and gore but its how its portrayed that matters
Stumbled on the series Altered Carbon a few days ago. I'm only five episodes in, but so far so good. The concept is exceptionally whumpy, but the execution is fairly standard for mainstream TV (handwaved injuries, trauma not really acknowledged). It's also a cyberpunk setting that goes heavy on world building, so naturally I love that.
(mini review with some spoilers beneath the cut)
- Whumpy premise. Rebel/mercenary is taken out of prison by a rich guy who wants to hire him (and who almost verbatim claims him as his property)
- Interesting world, colorful and visually fun
- The concept of resleeving (transferring a person's consciousness into a new body) is used for both comedy and horror and it's great
- Episode 4 is like 30% torture chamber
- The way they illustrate "body death" as cheap makes a lot of sense to me for the the setting
- There's an AI hologram character and I love him
- Has the gratuitous violence, nudity, and gore that's become typical for "adult" sci-fi. I don't mind it, (and I love the fight scenes) but half the time it seems like it's just for shock value
- excessive amount of sex scenes. Also makes half the female characters sex workers, and has a few instances of 'violence against women as a plot device'. The extent doesn't seem necessary aside from the "gritty" vibes these shows feel like they need to be taken seriously
- most of the romance feels forced
- oh and the male lead is literally drugged and sexually assaulted, but afterwards it's almost played like it was consensual??
- yeah yeah it's typical for sci-fi protagonists to be super tough and unflinching and it's part of the character but holy cow the lead has minimalist reactions to pain
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deathordesire · 4 years
Sunlight (4/?)
Pairing: Daenerys Targaryen/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: Daenerys’ Death, angst, hurt/comfort, gore, violence, Smut between women in later chapters. 
Summary: You arrive in Winterfell, and the time has come for Daenerys' meeting with the Queen in the North.
Notes: Due to what happened in the TV show, this is how I believe Dany would have reacted. Please dont send hate, I very much love the Starks. (There is no death.)
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3 
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After the dining was over, the tables were being cleared for the true reason for Daenerys' visit. 
Sansa's blue eyes meet yours, and with a nod she stands, "Your Grace, shall we-"
The Hall doors jolts open—voices rendered silent as the Princess Arianne strides into the room. 
Behind her were at least a dozen sellswords, the gold of their armor emulating the designs of her gown. 
You stand in surprise, kneeling to greet her. "Princess," 
Arianne joins you at the table, smiling at your greeting,"Y/N," she says softly.
"Khaleesi," she says, nodding to Daenerys before sitting beside her. 
All but Daemon move to join Danys soldiers at the tables, he moves to join you at the other side of Arianne. 
"Princess," Sansa nods, continuing her greeting to the Northern Ladies and Lords. 
"Her Grace has come to ask for peace between us, and take away the North's Independence." 
Many voices from Northerners spoke up at once, all of the mumbling about her motive and reasons—but Daenerys holds up her hand and slowly the Hall quiets. 
Sansas jaw sharpens at her silence, "What is it you need of us, Your Grace?" She speaks through cold lips.
Aryas face was impassive, the only movement she made was to look at Sansa for her reasoning. Trying to gauge what her sister was doing. 
 But Sansa gave her no hint or emotion,  only meeting her eyes before turning back to Daenerys. 
"Jon is your family, and as a sign of peace—I have come to ask for your blessing to take my revenge." Dany's face was cold as she spoke, her body trained to not portray and weakness or vulnerability. 
But you saw the tensing of her shoulders as she spoke of her revenge, the deep breath she had taken at the pain in her chest. 
And you grit your teeth at the fact that she was forced to relive her death for court politics. A part of you wanted her to slaughter the rest of those who had betrayed her, then they would see her true wrath. But the days of glory and vanity had passed, and Daenerys once again was left with only herself to believe in. 
At Daenerys' words— Sansa was silent, both her and Arya held no surprise at the queens demands. 
But at the actual statement spoken aloud, half the room erupts in shouts. Lords and ladies howling in rage. 
"What of the innocents?"  "The children dead!" "Jon saved us all!" Simultaneous shouts of anger shouted from the Lords, your own soldiers silent.
It made you want to scream at them, to call on your soldiers and have them thrown outside for behaving like children. 
"Kill the bitch again!" 
You jerk at the Lord’s words—picking up your spear and pointing it at the heavy lord who had shouted. 
The man sneers as he looks at the spear—eyes flashing back to meet yours with a flushed face. 
Sansa lifts her hand—silencing them. "Calm yourselves, do not act like feral hounds in this Hall." 
Daenerys' lips press tight as she turns to you—her hand curling around the crook of your elbow. 
The soldiers on your side were also tense, the Unsullied in the corners gripping their weapons silently.
Arianne was quiet, her hands wound together as she tries to hold her tongue. But she held no surprise at your actions, in fact you were merciful at what she would have done to him. 
Dany coaxes you down with soft touches and fire in her eyes as she lowers your arm. 
The hall was silent for a few moments before Daenerys turns back toward the Northerners,"I admit my transgression of Burning Kinds Landing. " 
"I had no knowledge of the Wildfire beneath the city, for such loss and devastation—I am sorry." Fingertips pressing into the wooden table. 
"But my remorse will not bring back innocent lives."
She meets Sansas gaze with fire in her eyes, "Have you not done the same to those who have betrayed you? Even when you loved them."
The eldest Stark fixes her eyes on her like a wolf zeroing in on its prey. "The North did not ask Jon for murder, nor did we plan in your demise at The Red Keep. You are denying them the Queen they chose." 
Arianne stands, her brightly painted gown burning like a beacon in the dim hall. "Were it another Queen, you—and your brother would have been killed for your actions."
"Daenerys Targaryen gave you mercy, especially when it was your tongue that spoke the whispers that broke the faith, was it not Lady Sansa?" 
Sansa opens her mouth after a moment of thinking, but Arya cuts her off with quick words. "I love him—Jon," 
Her voice is strong as she meets Sansas eyes, standing to address the Northern Lords and Ladies. 
Their posture softens at her words, it was clear they respected her as much as they did her sister. 
"I do not want a war with more of our people dead. Jon has made his choice. Do not let him take you with him." She sat down in her chair, leaning back with a grim face. 
You knew how much she loved Jon, and with her decision—she was forced to choose between The North and her own brother. She had chosen his death. 
They quiet at her decision, a few nodding in silence. 
"Your-My Lady," Brienne speaks to Sansa loud enough for all of you to hear. 
"Her Grace could have killed us all for being in the council, she could have kept Lord Brandon as leverage. Yet, she brought him home to you without harm. I could not say the Lannisters would have done the same." 
Minutes pass with tense mumbling and Sansa staring into the fire.
Finally she speaks, "The Lannisters are dead, and for that—you have my gratitude," she continues, "It is not an easy decision, Jon is our brother—and much more to others here. However Arya speaks true, he has made his choice. We will not interfere with your revenge."  She affirms, clasping her hands together. 
Ser Davos stands at her declaration, greeting both women in the room before turning to Princess Arianne. "Princess, what news of Dorne?" 
She greets him with a smile, "Do you speak of Her Graces' betrayal, or of this alliance Ser Davos?" 
"Forgive my boldness. We all wish to know what Dorne's plans are?" He sits back down. 
You held back the snicker rising on your tongue. 
"Dorne deposed the Prince because of his betrayal to Her Grace. I now hold Dorne." Her eyes pass over the room, "The seven Kingdoms never truly cared for us, and yet we are here."
"We have suffered." She throws her hands out with her words, "It is time that we are given the respect we deserve, and we will Aid Daenerys Targaryen with Fire and Blood."
Daenerys and Arianne share a mutual look of respect.
But Dany did not hide her anger, leaving the Hall with tight lips and a heavy stride. You watch her meet Drogon as he lands outside. He senses her distress, scales bristling and wings spreading against the unknown threat. But his eyes were on hers, and it brings a smile to your face at his love for her. 
Princess Arianne curls her arm through yours, gaining your attention to speak as you walk through the halls. 
➳ ➳ ➳
You knock gently at Daenerys door,  opening it at the lack of protest. She stood by the window, her back to you—braid falling down her back. 
"Y/N," she greets, voice almost a whisper. 
"What is wrong?" You ask. 
"A dragon has no remorse, no second thoughts for what they have done." She turns to you—eyes red with tears,"But a Mother weeps." 
You rush to her side, cradling her face with gentleness you had forgotten you possessed. "We will find the sun," you whisper, "In a child's smile, in the stars that light the sky." 
Dany pushes her face into the crook of your neck as a reply, although silent—you can still feel her chest shaking with her cries. You clutch at the back of her dress, your teeth gritting together at her pain. 
"Will you speak to me of Naath, and the butterflies?" You ask, wiping her face with your sleeve. 
She nods to you, a laugh on her lips. "Yes," her voice still wavering, "I will tell you of Naath, and the butterflies." 
You kiss her cheek gently, pulling back to begin unlacing your gown. She watches you with her violet eyes, unweaving her braid and setting the dragon pin on the end-table. 
She waits for you before getting into bed, her hand outstretching silently to join her. You take her hand, folding your arm underneath your head to face her.
Dany pulls the covers over you, her hand grasping yours, "The Naathi people were gentle, and kind. They took us in with warmth and we shared many meals. At night we watched the stars, and there was no talk of war or death." 
Her pale hair was like a Halo around her head in the dim light. And you thought in that moment perhaps Daenerys was, the love that you had sought your whole life. 
She blinks slowly, purple eyes crinkling as she imagines Naath. "The sun was warm, and there were so many different butterflies. Blues and purples, such was the beauty of the Naathi people themselves too." Her face lights up at the thought, and you smile at her sudden happiness. 
You wanted to see her smile like this always, to experience life as she was meant too. Without pain and hate. But that was not a fate either of you had been given. 
"Missandei spoke to me of Naath.. It was as beautiful as she said." she looks down, guilt weighing heavily on her mind, "I only wish to hear her voice one more time." 
You reach for her curls, running your hands through her hair to comfort her, "And you will. When you are old and grey and surrounded by lemon trees." 
Her eyes widen, then close with the rise of a sad smile on her lips. Soon after she was asleep, and you hoped her dreams were of Missandei and all those she had lost. 
Enjoy my writing? 
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