#donnie gets a 7/10 because of the thumbs up
mutantmayhems · 4 months
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i think we need to talk about the boys' dance moves
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Bayverse hcs uwu
1. Donnie is transfemme
2. Donnie and raph are twins
3. Leo is 19, donnie and raph are 18, mikey is 16
4. Raph has an oral fixation
5. Casey's dad is an alcoholic
6. If mikey hadn't told raph about the retro mutagen, donnie would have let it slip to raph on his own
7. Donnie and raph have a really hard time keeping secrets from each other
8. Donnie worked on the retro mutagen for raph after the second movie because she knew how much it meant to him
9. Donnie has rejection sensitive dysphoria
10. Donnie became really depressed after leo shot down his retro mutagen
11. Leo is a bad person uwu
12. Mikey and leo are closer to vern, donnie and raph are closer with Casey
13. April's is a Sapphic asexual
14. Casey's first kiss was a boy
15. Casey is super comfortable with his sexuality, acts gay with the homies, and has bi wife energy
16. Vern is a cishet straight man (derogatory)
17. Casey wanted to be a cop because his dad was, but his dad was highly corrupt
18. Donnie graduated high school 2 years early, he tutored raph and he graduated a year early, leo got held back because of low math grades and mikey dropped out
19. Leo fights with his brothers the most
20. Leo is low on the compassion and empathy
21. Raph, donnie, and mikey all comfort each other when leo steam rolls them emotionally
22. Leo is the only turtle who doesn't have physical touch as one of his main love languages
23. Most fights and problems between the brothers go unresolved, mainly due to leo being a brick wall emotionally
24. Raph has a wide variety of music, but Donnie is the only one who's heard it all since some of it is uncharacteristically soft and sweet
25. When doing physical labor, raph shows up in a shirt but takes it off before working, mikey takes his off part way through, leo doesn't take his off until the sun starts to go down, donnie doesn't take his off
26. Raph's shell gets damaged often enough that donnie made a tool to help keep it closed
27. Donnie gets all sass and sarcasm from hanging around with raph
28. Vern is an incel
29. Leo insists on doing all the cleaning himself because he doesn't like how the others do it, but gets mad that no one is helping
30. Donnies favorite food is Italian
31. Donnie finds creative ways to train because mikey and raph get bored training like leo
32. Raph paces and talks out loud but only when he's angry, donnie and mikey listen to what he's says but leo ignores him until he stops, donnie actually talks to him during it
33. Donnie shuts down completely when upset, not talking to anyone, even raph, though raph will talk to her until she snaps out of it
34. Raph likes to flop into bed after a long day and has broken about 7 bed frames
35. Donnie made him a frame that just holds multiple mattresses high like a normal bed so he'd stop breaking them
36. Raph sunburns easily so his mask covers more of his head
37. Raph and Donnie are Aquarius, Mikey is a Gemini, Leo is a Leo
38. Splinter is an Aquarius
39. Donnie has a little plant on her desk that she waters and it helps her destress
40. Raph has a tattered teddy bear from his childhood, he can't sleep without it
41. Raph sucked his thumb as a baby, mikey sucked on his siblings thumbs
42. Mikey lost his two front teeth running into a wall as a kid
43. Leo is nuerotypical and ableist, the other three are autistic, mikey is adhd, donnie is ocd, and raph is bipolar and has bpd
44. Mikey often eavdropps on leos conversations
45. Mikey is the most self conscious about his looks
46. Raphael openly dislikes vern
47. Raph is really good at flirting, mikey is second best, then donnie, then leo
48. Despite being really into science, Donnie is a firm believer in magic and the paranormal
49. Donnie has named all the team up moves but raph never remembers them. Donnie has a note book with them all listed and has Raph's names for the moves listed below it
50. Donnie is in charge of corraling raph and keeping him in line
51. When raph is upset donnie is normally the one to comfort him or calm him down
52. Raph really wants to enter a strong man competition
53. Donnie knew that raph was afraid of heights and jumped first on purpose to show him it wasn't scary
54. Raph has ptsd surrounding his solo fight with shredder and the lair getting blown up. He struggles with sudden loud noises or quickly movements
55. Raph would get a tongue piercing
56. Donnie has a strong upper body
57. Donnie looks up to April more than the others, seeing her like a sister
58. Donnie is color blind
59. Donnie has super sensitive hearing
60. Donnie made noise canceling headphones for raph
61. Donnie collects cute bandaids with characters on them for mikey
62. Mikey has the slowest running speed and the lowest stamina because he uses the board
63. All team up moves that raph does with his siblings are all named based on what raph calls it cause he never remembers or realizes what the others mean when they use the real name
64. If someone messes with one sibling, the other three become super protective of them
65. Raph and donnie can use their feet like hands to pick things up
66. Mikey loves bugs and has a bug collection
67. Leo is terrified of bugs
68. Mikey has a marble collection
69. Raph was the first one to go out and start fighting crime, then donnie found out and she started finding him crimes to stop then mikey found 9ut and the two went out together. Eventually leo found out, a few days before the first movie takes place
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atmilliways · 11 months
Dreams In Which I’m Dying (14)
parts 14 of 16 | 1030 words | Teen +
Donnie Darko AU | parts 1 & 2 | part 3 | parts 4 & 5 | parts 6 & 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 & 11 | parts 12 & 13 | parts 15 & 16 (complete)
Eddie Munson opens his eyes. He hadn't expected to do that again, being dead and all.
14 - Opens his eyes
Eddie Munson opens his eyes. He hadn't expected to do that again, being dead and all. Everything is soft and white, and a moment later Steve Harrington’s face swims into view.
“Shit, ‘s this heaven?” Eddie slurs. It feels like he’s talking through cotton, like he’s drugged or something.
The vision of Steve blushes. He made Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington blush!
“Uh, no. Starts with an H, though.”
Eddie licks his lips and tries to concentrate. “Horse?”
Steve smirks. “Not even close, man.”
“. . . Hawkins.”
“Well, yeah.”
“Got it in one,” Eddie brags, grinning when Steve shakes his head at him. “Proud of me, big boy?”
“Sure, Eddie,” Steve says dryly. “Really proud of you for being a hero when you promised not to, traumatizing Dustin by almost dying, and being in a coma while we defeated the bad guy. Great stuff, dude.” But his hand is on Eddie’s shoulder, thumb rubbing reassuringly along Eddie’s collarbone through the hospital gown. 
“You missed meee,” Eddie croons. (He’ll circle back to the rest of that when he doesn’t feel lax and heavy enough to sink through the center of the earth.) “Steeeve Harrington missed me.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t cre—” Steve cuts himself off and clears his throat. Eddie has no idea why he’s blushing harder but can’t resist raising a hand to clumsily poke at his nearest cheek. It sets off a dull ache in muscles he had no idea such a simple movement required.
He gets to touch Steve’s beauty marks though. Totally worth it. 
“Okay, I’m gonna wait on telling Dustin you’re awake,” Steve decides as Eddie starts feeling up the bridge of his nose. “You’re too out of it right now, and they just took the last stitches out. But hey, want to meet Supergirl?”
“Like the comics?” Eddie moves on from nose to eyebrows, sliding his thumb repeatedly over one, going with the grain. 
Steve chuckles, and Eddie preens a little because he made that happen. “No, remember I told you we had a friend with super powers?”
“Mm. You said she didn’t have them anymore.”
“Yeah, well. Turns out she got them back, and when you didn’t wake up she went in and brought you back.”
Eddie hums, content with Steve letting him trail a thumb in an arc down the side of his face, rasping over stubble and coming to rest on a chapped bottom lip. “Does that mean I’ve already met her?”
It’s a second before Steve answers, which Eddie realizes is because of his thumb on his mouth. He slides it down to his chin instead. “Uh. I guess? She said it's complicated. . . . Not sure what that means.”
“Okay,” Eddie says, mesmerized by the way Steve’s lips move when he talks. “Send Supergirl on in.”
As if on cue, a door across the room opens and a buzzed head pops through to blink big eyes at them. 
Steve smiles at her, waving her further inside. “Eddie Munson, meet Eleven Hopper.”
“Hi Eddie,” the girl says shyly, sliding inside and closing the door behind her, and that voice. He recognizes it from somewhere, but can’t place it. 
“Hey Supergirl,” Eddie calls. Maybe he’s being loud, but he’s not the best at modulating his volume while high and he’s increasingly sure that he’s on painkillers right now. Good ones. Must be why his hand is still on Steve’s face, despite the company. “I’m The Freak, nice to meet ya.”
She gives him a closed-lipped grin as she slips into a chair next to Steve’s. “We have met. Do you remember?”
“Can’t say that I do, sorry,” he admits cheerfully. 
Are you sure?
Eddie knows it’s the Eleven that’s talking to him. Hearing a disembodied voice should terrify him, with everything that’s—
Suddenly, it all clicks into place. Discordant memories of two similar yet very different weekends fit over each other, and the mental vertigo that comes with it is enough for all the blood to drain from his face. He loses his grip on Steve’s impeccable jawline and his arm bangs down onto a hospital bed guard rail, but he barely even notices because Jesus H. Christ. 
“Eddie?” All at once Steve zeroes in on him in concern, reaching to help tuck his arm back on the right side of the rail. 
We do not have to tell anyone, Eleven assures him. We do not even have to talk about it. It can just be a dream. I do not think it will happen again.
“Nn.” Eddie feels incredibly sober all the sudden. He forces his gaze away from Eleven and back to Steve. “Nothing. Just, uh. Realized this is a hospital, right? I got. . . . The bats got me.”
That isn’t all he’s remembered, but it’s in there. 
Something in Steve’s eyes softens. “Yeah,” he says. “I had to give you CPR all the way to the hospital.”
“Sorry I missed that,” Eddie jokes weakly, and means it. 
His glance flicks back to Eleven. 
He remembers Steve pulling him into the RV and kissing him, and he can still feel it, still taste him—but this isn’t that Steve. That Steve had been around Eddie longer, gotten to know him sooner. But this Steve smiles at him the same way, or almost. As though he’s getting there, and it’s only ever a matter of time. 
And the guilt Eddie remembers, about running and leaving Chrissy behind? It’s smaller, unpicked a little by seeing how marked for death she’d always been. Even if it was a dream—which is definitely the least unsettling of the two options—he feels more at peace, because he’d done everything he could.
Maybe he’s just imagining the other option, anyway. He’s seen some crazy shit recently, but somehow getting caught in some sort of fucked up It’s A Wonderful Survivor’s Guilt time loop? No way.
“Sorry,” he tells Eleven, “I don’t. . . .”
“That is okay,” she says, reaching over to pat his hand. “I’m just glad I was able to help. You are very important to many of my friends, so that makes us friends too.”
It feels like such a relief, as though he’d been holding his breath and finally got a chance to exhale.
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goldenspecter · 3 years
Cosmo’s TMNT Masterpost
(Rise, 2003, 2012, and others)
Here’s where you can find pretty much everything I’ve ever made for the TMNT fandom! Fanfics here[haven’t gotten the courage to post fanart here yet], hope you guys enjoy my work. Reblogs are appreciated!
1. Finding my way home(and moving forward)
Out of sheer curiosity, Leonardo and Donatello looked up, and there it was.
A portal.
Had the Universe really taken pity on them? Had it really heard his desperate prayers for one more chance?
It was not like the ones they had seen before, it was an irregular circle made up of several shades of blue, completely different from the perfect and symmetrical pink triangles of the Kraang.
Leonardo and Donatello looked into each other's eyes for a few moments, "Should we go in?" Donatello asked, almost shouting, drawing the attention of the others, who quickly turned to the portal and to see each other, then the two brothers in question.
"It's our best bet, and our only chance," replied Leonardo.
Or rather, with the 2012 kids' home gone, they end up in the Rise verse after a strange portal shows up. Therapy is needed, and start the slow process of healing from their trauma.
(Rise/2012, Work in Progress, written with @keeryd​ )
2. Strawberry Cookies:
"Mikey here was just about to tell me what we could do to cheer Raph up while he's sick," Donnie says. "Mikey continue?"
Now that Mikey had both of his older brothers attention, he grins. "I was thinking we make strawberry cookies!" He does his jazz hands as he says this and is met with looks of something that he can only put as disapproval. "What?"
"You do know that everytime that we have tried to make it-" Donnie starts.
"We mess it up and Raph has to come in and save our butts from burning the cookies?" Leo finishes, "What would be different this time?"
Mikey huffs, "We are doing this so we can cheer him up and to prove that we can do something on our own!" he says, "That's what got Raph sick in the first place!"
Or rather, Raph gets sick after helping his brothers recover from the poisoned pizza puffs. Mikey, Donnie, and Leo take a shot at baking cookies for Raph while trying not to burn their kitchen down.
(One shot, complete)
 3. Chicken Fried Rice:
“I only poured in half a pot of rice,” Donnie complained.
Mikey stared at him, really stared at him before he spoke. “You do realize that rice expands when cooked right?” he said, “You do realize that?”
Donnie was silent, looking away from Mikey.
Donnie makes chicken fried rice. Mikey watches over. Shenanigans and brotherly fluff ensue.
one shot in which Donnie is in the kitchen, cooking rice and Mikey, Mikey is positive he should have gotten Donnies braincell. 
(One shot, complete)
 4. Tea Time with Hortense and Patty: 
"Sooo," Raph starts. She's always been weird with awkward silences. "Are these grandma kinning hours?"
"Grandma hours!" Mikey exclaims excitedly. "Grandma time!!!"
"Ah, if it isn't our favorite girl and her little brother!" Hortense tilts her head over in their direction slightly. "Are you going to join us? We were just about done arguing," she says.
Today is Tea Time. Two old ladies have a tea party, one of them forgets to bring the food, and they are joined by Mikey and Raph. A good time is still had.
(One Shot, Complete)
5. One of those Days
When Donnie woke up this morning, he woke up with the familiar thrum of anger and irritation running through his body with more intensity than normal. Rubbing the crust out of the corners of his sleep-addled eyes, he jerkily grabbed his phone and turned off the alarm. It's one of Those Days, Donnie noted. Those Days where Donnie isn't capable of handling Mikey's over-enthusiastic optimism or Leon's chaotic trickster nature. His safest bet is to hang out with Raph, his calm and mellow demeanor always helped calm down before Donnie went on a rage fest and say anything he couldn't take back.
Or, Donnie and Raph help each other out, balance each other, and make things a little less difficult.
(One Shot, Complete) 
 6. Gift Hunting: 
“It’s Leo. Tiny Leo,” the voice answers. “I need your help with something.”
“What is it?”
“I can’t say until you say yes first,” Leo says. “It’s really important though.”
Angelo is silent, weighing his options. He could say no, he really could-
“Please, Angelo, you’re the only one who can really help me with this,” Leo pleads.
Rather, Angelo and Leonardo go out in the streets of New York to help the blue banded turtle find gifts for his brothers' sixteenth mutation day. Bonding and fluff ensues.
(One Shot, Complete)
 7. Aftermath:
“Raphie bear?” Mikey called out, gently tapping Raph, with relief washing him when Raph turned his head to face him. “What’s the matter teddy bear?”
“Th-thi-this doesn’t feel real.” Raph stuttered out, his voice cracking as a sob broke through. “I’m not really here. Neither are you and everyone else. I’m still alone with Draxum and his minions. No one’s coming to save me because I was stupid enough to get captured and no one wants such a worthless turtle like me.”
In which Raph was kidnapped and tortured by Baron Draxum and his family has to deal with the aftermath of it.
(One Shot, Complete)
 8. To Be the Eldest
Donnie, the second youngest in his family, wishes he was the eldest for once. Then one night, Donnie gets his wish granted and now he was three small turtles in his care.
Donnie adjusts to being the eldest, comes to some realizations, and makes a promise to his (now) younger brothers.
(Work In Progress)
 9. Wanted: Snaggletooth 
Dr. Noel bent down on his knees in front of Raph, a manic smile that showed too many teeth coming about on his face speaking of pain and suffering that has yet to come. He stretched out his hand towards Raph’s face, placing a thumb under his mouth, pressing into his snaggletooth. “Beautiful. Just as I expected,” he crooned, pulling out a syringe and injecting it into Raph’s neck, pushing the contents of the syringe into his system.
Raph’s eyes fluttered as he started losing consciousness, watching through hooded eyes as Dr. Noel's smile grew even wider, with his last thought right as darkness consumed him being that he hoped his family would find him before it was too late.
Post S2 Finale, Dr. Noel remembers Raphael, his snaggletooth, and manages to find and capture the red masked turtle. It doesn't end well for Raphael.
(Work In Progress)
 10. Dimensional Differences:
They bow. Not like one of those pretentious bows like she would do at Yokai parties and not like the ones she would do with her brothers when they hosted tea parties. They bowed deeply, heads stopping at her stomach, one hand closing around their fists. This spoke of respect and honor.
And that unnerved her a little bit. Why are they bowing so deeply?
“Thank you,” they said in unison. It’s unnerving to April and she felt the uneasiness coming from her brothers too.
“Why are you thanking me?” She said finally, voice sounding foreign to her.
“You saved my life?” Baby Leo said slowly, voice tinged with confusion. “That was an honorable thing to do?”
April blinked, “It shouldn’t be considered honorable for doing what any big sister would do,” she said. “That’s not honor, that’s just being a good older sibling.”
In which April, Sunita, Casey, and the turtles end up in the 2012 verse after a mishap with Leo's ōdachi and stay with the 2012 turtles until they can go home. They find out a lot of things that don't quite jive with them. Some things are the same, some things are different and they're not quite sure how to handle those differences.
(Rise/2012, Work In Progress)
 11. Mind Meld Part Deux:
“Oh thank Galileo that you all are back to normal!”
“What do you mean we’re back to normal?” Raph questioned, pulling back from the hug. Mikey and Leo also pulled back to stare at Donnie. “We’ve-we’ve always been like this?”
Donnie went quiet. He shouldn’t have said that.
“Donnie, what did you do?”
The brothers found out about Donnie’s Mental Intelligence Reprogrammulator. Arguments are had, words are said, words that tear a rift between him and his family, and it’s up to Donnie to earn his brothers’ forgiveness. The only thing is, will he get it?
(Work In Progress)
 12. I'm a little kid and so are you(don't you go and grow up before I do):
The 2003 turtles somehow, someway ended up in the Rise verse, with Rise Splinter and his turtle tots, and stay with them while the boys try to figure out their way home. 2003 Raphael got attached to his tiny counterpart the moment he laid eyes on the tot. (Raph centric)
(Rise/2003, Work In Progress)
 13. Dimensional Self-Isolation
Post S2 Finale, Raph finds himself trapped in the 2012 universe and has a difficult time coping with all of the differences that this world has in store for him. From new villains, unfamiliar familiar faces, and the way the 2012 boys and Splinter treat each other and him, Raph has a heavy plate on his hands during his long term stay.
(Rise/2012, Work In Progress)
14. A Collection of Turtle Thoughts
A collection of drabbles and ficlets about Turtles I've been writing since October 2020. Ranges from humor to hurt/comfort, I have it all.
Requests are open. SFW only though.
(All Iterations, Work in Progress)
If y’all reblog, read, and share my work, I’d really appreciate that! Anything and everything is appreciated, money or not! Thanks folks 🐢💕
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Enquirer, December 14
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Prince William’s secret cancer crisis
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Page 2: Chris Martin is caught between girlfriend Dakota Johnson and ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow who are both hawking sex toys -- Gwyneth is accusing Dakota of copying her Goop brand and she’s letting Chris know it loud and clear -- Dakota signed on as co-creative director with the sexual wellness brand Maude to launch a line of hip sex products and Dakota’s gotten wind of Gwyn’s whining and thinks she’s being ridiculous -- Chris is proud of Dakota and he feels for Gwyneth but he really wants to be left out of this 
Page 3: Martha Stewart has whipped up a new recipe for romance which is red-hot dates with a string of men ordered up online and she may be 79 years old but she’s still cooking with gas in the dating department -- Martha’s getting more dates now than she ever has and she’s saying it makes her feel younger and hotter than ever but all the guys know the deal that there’s no pressure and no commitment and it’s just for the fun and the good company because Martha’s not looking for a relationship 
Page 4: Just weeks after Blake Shelton popped the question to longtime love Gwen Stefani they have something else to celebrate as Gwen is expecting a miracle baby at 51 -- after years of trying and failing to have a child together new photos show Gwen sporting what looks like a telltale baby bump -- after years of enduring grueling rounds of IVF treatment without any success Gwen had given up hope of being able to conceive again and she and Blake even looked into adopting but their baby dream has come true naturally 
* Reba McEntire’s romance with actor Rex Linn is less than a year old but she’s already driving him crazy -- it was wonderful for the first few months but Reba is so controlling Rex is begging her to give him some space -- Reba wants to be together 24/7 and while Rex loves being with her he’s starting to find her a bit suffocating -- Reba also sees red whenever Rex mentions his former fiancee Renee DeRese and she’s worried Rex is talking to his ex when he’s not around and he has a good relationship with his ex and believes that’s none of Reba’s business 
Page 5: Britney Spears lost her bid to have her father Jamie Spears removed from a controlling role in her conservatorship so she’s spending whatever money she can get her hands on to exact her revenge -- Britney is worth about $60 million and she gets a very healthy stipend from that so she’s going through it like water to thumb her nose at her dad and her recent no-holds-barred trip to Maui to celebrate her 39th birthday was more than a little payback because dropping $50,000 on a birthday trip to Hawaii was a satisfying slap in the face to her dad 
Page 6: Matthew McConaughey is taking his midlife crisis to an all-time high by planning to do a stand-up comedy tour -- after baring his soul in a memoir the 51-year-old star is totally gung-ho about the comedy thing and he’s cleared his schedule and hired a coach to work on his timing and punch up his jokes -- he’s written a lot of jokes and tried them out on his wife Camila and friends but they’re already tired of his cheesy one-liners and dad jokes and fart gags -- Camila wants to be supportive but she can’t fake it and friends wonder if Matthew’s lost the plot and others claim he might get more inspiration is he took up smoking weed again 
Page 7: Grieving Bobby Brown worries he’s cursed after the tragic death of his 28-year-old son Bobby Brown Jr. -- his son’s death follows the deaths of his ex-wife Whitney Houston in 2012 and the couple’s 22-year-old daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown in 2015 -- Bobby has suffered through so much pain in his life and it’s left him feeling like he’s cursed and he’s a loving father who always does the best he can and what’s right for his kids but there seems to be no escaping tragedy -- no foul play is expected in the death of Bobby Jr. but the coroner has yes to release the cause of death but Bobby Jr. seemed fit and healthy and had never been a drug user and was excited about a singing career after releasing his first single in September
* Donny Osmond is heading back to the Vegas strip to do a one-man show without his sister Marie Osmond and she’s fuming over the betrayal -- Marie is still smarting after getting dumped by The Talk and she thinks Donny could have been sensitive enough to at least invite her to join him -- Marie’s jealous co-stars on The Talk drove her off the daytime chat show because they couldn’t handle being overshadowed by her -- Donny will debut his new solo show at Harrah’s in August 
Page 8: Doting Dolly Parton swooped in to save goddaughter Miley Cyrus from a meltdown after Miley trashed her sobriety during a boozy bender -- Miley has been on the wagon for six months after years of indulging in weed and alcohol but the boredom of lockdown pushed her over the edge -- Dolly has been a source of inspiration and strength to Miley during this difficult time and she’s never lectured Miley about her lifestyle only shown her unconditional love and understanding and that’s what Miley’s responded to 
Page 9: Lady Gaga hopes to tango with Brad Pitt and they’re close to making a love connection -- the two have been in deep talks about working on a big-screen thriller and the conversations have turned up close and personal because the two have more in common than people realize -- Brad has always been a huge music nerd and Gaga wants to throw herself into movies in a big way after the success of A Star Is Born -- Gaga is ready to cash out of her latest relationship with businessman Michael Polansky because they quarantined together and things got a little too close for her tastes and she’s now set her sights on Brad who recently became unattached after giving the brush-off to German model Nicole Poturalski -- Gaga’s interest in Brad has not gone unreciprocated because Brad is fascinated by Gaga saying she’s cool and talented beyond words and he’s made it clear she’s his number one choice to star alongside him in next movie and as a result the new duo is set to spend months together in Japan filming the racy thriller Bullet Train and they both think that this will be a great opportunity to see if the chemistry they’ve shared in conversations is real 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Julia Garner filmed her role as a phony heiress in Inventing Anna in NYC, Gary Busey picked up a copy of the National Enquirer at a Malibu newsstand, Jay-Z tossed around a football with pals during a Hawaiian getaway, Heidi Klum shot Germany’s Next Top Model in Berlin 
Page 11: In the latest tragedy to strike the Getty dynasty 52-year-old John Gilbert Getty was found dead in a Texas hotel room -- he was a descendant of J. Paul Getty the oil tycoon who was once the world’s richest man -- the Getty fortune is worth an estimated $5 billion but the family has been rocked by a string of tragedies 
* Gutsy Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman kept his colon cancer diagnosis secret from his own brothers Derrick L. Boseman who is a pastor in Murfreesboro in Tennessee -- but when Derrick called Chadwick to congratulate him on his career the actor broke the tragic news -- Chadwick’s last words to him still echo in his heart: Chadwick said, “I’m in the fourth quarter and I need you to get me out of the game,” which Derrick understood to mean it was time for him to go -- Chadwick died on August 28 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- the scrawny look of the holiday tree at Rockefeller Center revealed something that happens every year -- the tree is always filled with faux branches because that’s the only way the tree can sustain 50,000 LED lights
* Marie Osmond hasn’t spoken to Sharon Osbourne since she left The Talk because Marie and Sharon were professional but never friends
* Scarlett Johansson is worth $165 million while her new husband Colin Jost tops out a $6 million but despite the difference Colin bought both wedding rings -- some men may be intimidated by a wife who’s rich and famous but not Colin and paying the bills is something the two have worked out together
* Woody Harrelson chats with police after a day filming The Man from Toronto in Ontario (picture) 
Page 13: Conan O’Brien is putting on a happy face on his retirement from late-night TV but he was forced out -- after nearly three decades hosting a daily show Conan announced he’s leaving his TBS talker for a weekly variety series on HBO Max but he knew he had to go even before he was asked because he was made aware months ago that his show would not be renewed because the ratings weren’t great and the network was looking to replace him so he started looking for other opportunities 
* Lizzo wailing about the pitfalls of fame in an emotional TikTok post has sent out the alarm among her friends who fear she is days away from a full-on meltdown -- she seems to be hanging by a thread and is trying to numb the pain with endless cycles of comfort eating and she already weighs 350 pounds -- Lizzo’s unhappy with her weight and hates the sight of herself when she looks in the mirror but she’s unable to stick to a diet and ends up binge eating through the night 
Page 14: Crime 
Page 15: Emboldened by his legal victories last year accused sexual abuser Kevin Spacey is denying all the allegations in a 2020 lawsuit in New York against him and demanding the case be brought to trial so he can clear his name -- Kevin is feeling pretty confident after two sexual harassment cases against him in Los Angeles and Massachusetts were dismissed last year and he wants his day in court to prove he is not the monster these charges paint him to be -- in the September suit two male accusers charged Spacey sexually assaulted them when they were 14 and the first accuser alleged Spacey assaulted him on multiple occasions after they met in an acting class in the ‘80s -- in the same suit actor Anthony Rapp charged Spacey invited him to a party at his home and grabbed his buttocks and lifted him onto a bed and lay on top of him
* Serial killer Ted Bundy relived the details of one of his horrific killings in his final conversation before he was fried in the electric chair in 1989 -- Bundy who was convicted of killing 30 women and suspected of doing the same to many more across four states in the 1970s and ‘80s spilled his guts to a psychologist just hours before his execution death and it can be heard in its frightening entirety on the Crimedoor app -- Bundy details the murder of Georgann Hawkins 
Page 16: Accused Jeffrey Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell is under quarantine in a federal pen after being exposed to a guard with COVID-19 and now sources fear she could die before facing justice on child sex trafficking charges next year 
Page 17: Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton’s kids are devastated after their best friend Lupo the family dog passed away -- the beloved dog had become a fixture in family photos but sadly died at age nine leaving Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte and especially Prince George enormously upset -- for George especially this is a tremendous upset as Lupo was his best friend and he has been there his entire life and this is his first experience with loss and he’s been crying nonstop and asking where Lupo is now 
Page 18: American Life 
Page 19: Russia is using a brain-frying microwave weapon to target American envoys in the U.S. and around the world -- a team of doctors and scientists at CIA headquarters determined the mysterious illness that’s plagued embassy workers in recent years was the handiwork of a weapon that can send a mind-scrambling sonic beam through windows and walls from two miles away -- since 2018 the weapon has zapped 26 diplomats in Cuba who reported suffering from migraines and ringing in the ears and dizziness and vertigo -- Some has longer-term effects such as fatigue and loss of vision and difficulty sleeping symptoms dubbed the Havana Syndrome 
* Elon Musk is already designing posh planetary digs for residents of his future city on Mars and he said the first million Earthlings to arrive will live in glass domes -- Musk’s outer-space enterprise is still a little sketchy on details of how to ship a million people to Mars by 2050 and change the atmosphere by terraforming or planting the right stuff to create oxygen 
Page 21: American Pie singer Don McLean’s daughter has blasted him as a verbally abusive tyrant who left her with deep psychological scars -- Jackie McLean claimed her father insulted and degraded her and forbade her from following in his musical footsteps and even threatened to exclude her from his $50 million fortune if she spoke out against him -- despite her dad’s warning Jackie has embarked on a musical career with her husband Shawn Strack forming the group Roan Yellowthorpe
Page 22: Hey, Big Spender! Hollywood’s tippers and tightwads -- Jessica Simpson, Mick Jagger, Rachael Ray, Taylor Swift 
Page 23: Russell Crowe, Donnie Wahlberg, Jeremy Piven, Johnny Depp, Bill Cosby 
Page 25: Justin Bieber is questioning his future in the scandal-scarred Hillsong church after his former pal and pastor Carl Lentz was booted out in disgrace -- the singer has long relied on Hillsong which some have branded a cult and Lentz to help him navigate fame -- Justin’s at a crossroads right now because he definitely felt betrayed by Carl and now he and his wife Hailey Bieber are deciding whether to stay with the church 
Page 26: Viola Davis has revealed how growing up poor in Rhode Island affected her self-worth saying what comes with poverty is invisibility and we just want to be somebody desperately -- Viola says her feeling of I’m Important helped drive her career which has led to an Oscar and two Tonys and an Emmy 
* Hollywood Hookups -- Vanessa Hudgens is dating Cole Tucker of the Pittsburgh Pirates, Jordan Fisher and Ellie Woods married, Luann De Lesseps dating Garth Wakeford 
Page 27: Nicole Kidman has revealed there is only one cure for her desperate struggles with loneliness which is in the arms of husband Keith Urban -- Nicole said she practices psychological discipline to keep her career and home life separate but isolation still plagues her 
* Dallas star Linda Gray is mourning the death of her son Jeff Thrasher at the age of 56 -- she’s heard from some former Dallas colleagues who have rallied around her and expressed their condolences -- no cause of death for Jeff has been revealed 
Page 28: Cover Story -- Prince William is trapped in a cancer nightmare after medical tests have led doctors to suspect the heir to Britain’s throne may be fighting a slow-moving form of the deadly disease and now the 38-year-old royal and his family are terrified he is in severe danger and medical experts are monitoring his health for any symptoms of the illness -- there’s talk around the palace the prince’s decision to reveal he tested positive for COVID-19 during the spring is really an attempt to explain away his condition because doctors found something funky when they checked for the virus -- if William’s health takes a turn for the worse it could further erode confidence in the monarchy which has already endured Prince Andrew’s sex scandal and the defection of Prince Harry -- when William’s doctors dropped their cancer bombshell his wife Duchess Kate Middleton locked herself away with just their kids for five days and she’s practically had a breakdown but she’s learned to be a royal and is now coping very bravely and confronting the future with steely resolve but she is urging William to mend fences with his estranged brother Harry
Page 32: Health Watch 
Page 36: Jessica Simpson is preparing her windpipes for a post-pandemic musical comeback -- she hasn’t released an album since Happy Christmas a decade ago but wants to storm the pop charts once again and recruit some of her wider family to give her a disco edge because Jessica has always looked up to Diana Ross who is sister Ashlee Simpson’s mother-in-law and Jessica has been bugging Ashlee to hook her up with Diana and she thinks they could do an incredible duet 
Page 38: Paul McCartney has taken a seething jab at a two-faced gold-digging mystery woman in his new song Lavatory Lil but insisted it’s not about his ex-wife Heather Mills 
* Lil Wayne’s ex-girlfriend fears he will go insane behind bars -- the rapper is a convicted felon banned from possessing a weapon and now faces up to 10 years in jail after federal agents in Miami caught him with heroin and cocaine and ecstasy and marijuana and a gold-plated gun -- former girlfriend Melissa Howe says he won’t cope and it took him years to get his life back to normal after his last trip inside so for it to happen again for him to be put behind bars it would really get to him mentally 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- American Music Awards -- Kristin Cavallari, Christian Serratos, Paris Hilton, Dua Lipa, Bebe Rexha, Megan Fox 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- LeAnn Rimes holding a dog on Hallmark Channel’s Home and Family 
Page 47: Odd List 
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evenstevensranked · 6 years
#5: Season 3, Episode 1 - “The Kiss”
Season 3 begins with a bang -- bringing us one of the best, most memorable episodes the show has ever produced! Louis and Tawny accidentally kiss at lunch and the two decide to start dating!!! AHHHH! Everything's great until Tawny has to kiss Zack Estrada (yes, the saga continues once again) in the school play. The subplot is all about Donnie, who feels like a broken human because he never cries.
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This is it, guys. The Top 5. The home stretch. The crème de la crème. Let’s go. 
This episode was a really big moment in my childhood. I was going through some old VHS tapes I found not too long ago, and came across one with this episode on it! That’s how you know it was a major deal. The first minute or so was cut off on the recording, and this was before all of our TVs had in-depth guides at our fingertips -- so I had no idea what episode was going to be airing. All I knew was “Even Stevens is up next!” So as soon as I saw it was the kiss episode, I popped in that tape and recorded this thing ASAP. I was a tweenage hopeless romantic with a crush on Shia LaBeouf. Of course I had to record the episode where Louis gets a girlfriend. 
It opens with Louis and Tawny at lunch together being adorable, trading snacks and sides until each of their lunches are completely different from what they started with. When suddenly, Tawny ~gets something in her eye.~ The oldest cliché in the book! I love it. Louis gets reaaal close to Tawny and goes diggin’ for gold in her eye, eventually identifying the “thing” as a soy cookie crumb. That’s when some person bumps into Louis and thankfully Tawny’s lips are there to break his fall.
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The two are in absolute stunned silence once they break apart. It was a magical moment, clearly, as you can see. Ren interrupts their mutual daze by walking over with Zack Estrada and Tom in tow, reminding Tawny that she has a fitting for the school play. This does a hard cut to Louis’ room after school that day. Twitty dramatically spits out his drink when he hears the news: “DUDE! THIS IS HUGE YOU KISSED TAWNY?!?!” 
I’ve mentioned before that Even Stevens comes across as more of a ~bro show~ in comparison to the majority of Disney Channel shows which typically follow a teen girl as the lead. This is why I love rare moments like this scene between Louis and Twitty. Two guy best friends freaking out about one of them kissing a girl for the first time. I feel like we never see this on Disney Channel anymore. It feels so real and genuine too, especially for these characters. Louis isn’t entirely sure if it counts as a kiss though, so Twitty demands to get the facts straight. (“Kissing is like basketball, either the ball went in the hoop or it didn’t!”) He asks Louis how long he kissed her for and Louis guesses it was a “one-Mississippi” length. Twitty rejoices. 
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“SWISH, DUDE! You kissed her!”
Louis is elated. Both of them agree that Louis + Tawny = Beautiful. (Can’t argue there!) So much so, that Louis starts to skip around with happiness. One of my favorite parts of the whole episode is here, when Louis takes a moment to think about how Tawny might be feeling. He has a mental breakdown when he realizes “Wait, whoa. There she was... Eating her lunch... and I, like... JUMPED on her! For all I know, Tawny’s disgusted by me!” Louis Stevens is the kind of guy we all deserve. I know it’s such a small thing, but it’s something that has aged amazingly. This line stood out like a sore thumb to me given today’s political climate and the Me Too era. I’ve said a million times that this show has aged super gracefully because it really has. It’s not entirely perfect though. No show is without its blemishes. There are some things we haven’t made it to yet in the countdown that have definitely not aged very well, but we’ll get to that later. Let’s just say, this one little line shows that Louis has grown exponentially as not only a character, but a guy in general, and sets a good example. Twitty vows to go on a “fact-finding mission” for Louis to figure out how Tawny feels about the situation. 
Tawny is still back at school rehearsing for the play which was written by... you guessed it! REN STEVENS! This woman does everything. How does anyone else even have a job at LJH? Ren is in charge of everything ever. Ren’s brilliant and totally not boring play is about Abigail Adams, played by Tawny, and her relationship with John Adams, played by none other than Zack Estrada! Knowing these characters and their history, it’s clear that Zack is still into Tawny to some degree. Coach Tugnut is there because they apparently pay him $92 to be the theater advisor. I love how specific that amount is, lol. He has no problem telling Ren that her play is a pile of trash and needs to be spiced up if she wants to sell any tickets.
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I love how Tom is playing the “lowly manservant.” He’s ridiculously dedicated to staying in character at all times throughout the episode. Tom’s the best. Tawny’s pattern mixing though. A plaid dress with red and black striped tights and Docs? She was so ~alternative.~ I love it. 
Zack is trying to ask Tawny out for a root beer when Twitty crashes the rehearsal and not so subtly tries to ask Tawny about the kiss, skirting around the issue by nervously asking stupid questions instead like “where are your parents from originally?” But of course, Tawny is freaking awesome and has no time for anyone's bs as usual. She literally says “I’m gonna stop you. Because eventually, you’re going to ask me about the kiss Louis gave me today at lunch. If he wants to talk to me about it, he can talk to me without your help. Tell him to meet me at his locker 10 minutes before first period,” YAAAASSSSSS! TAWNY IS NO NONSENSE AND ONE OF THE GREATEST FEMALE CHARACTERS ON DISNEY. Praise. 
The next morning Louis is waiting for Tawny at his locker and you’ve undoubtedly seen this screenshot of when he notices her walking his way: 
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Smooth. For whatever reason this is one of the main images that comes up as a “Louis Stevens” search result, therefore nearly every single nostalgia article uses it. It’s kind of annoying. 
Louis and Tawny have a preciously awkward conversation, talking about how they both couldn’t sleep because they were up thinking about what happened. They’re also sort of skirting around the issue until Tawny puts her foot down once again: “Look, Louis, I like you. I always have. Since the first day I met you.” I am melting. Louis is so freaking happy and says “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?! WE COULD’A BEEN KISSIN’ UP A STORM!!!” Oh, wow. They immediately start dating and I’m a puddle of goo. Also, this happens. Which... yeah, lol. 95k notes. Wow. 
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The first gif tho. Louis when Tawny was saying “I like you.” HOW GENUINE IS THAT FACE?! Shia won an Emmy for this so there is justice in the world. But yeah. They are so pure. :’)
This leads into a montage that spans possibly 3 days or so, showing us Louis and Tawny interacting as a couple. I hate that this is all we get. They should’ve stretched this montage into 3 episodes instead tbh. I live for this crap. 
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“Hey, babe. Want some celery?” 
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“Only 15 more hours ‘til I see you!” 
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"Thanks for walking me to rehearsal.” “Oh, anything for my beautiful lady.” 
QUALITY CONTENT. Also, gotta love how polite Louis is being by wearing that hideous sweater Tawny knit for him. 
I love this episode because we get to see actual ~Boyfriend Louis~ for the first and pretty much only time, and man is it something. Once again this show nails the awkwardness of Junior High relationships. It’s so intense when you’re 14, right?! There’s no such thing as casually dating. You have to be all in, 24/7. It takes over your life because you’re not really equipped to mentally handle a serious relationship at 14. This is why I never get tired of watching TV teen relationships. They’re always endlessly entertaining to me. 
After watching a cheesy 1940s “Casablanca” knock-off romance movie with the fam, Ren realizes the “spice” her play needs is the passion of two people in love. She rewrites the play to make it more exciting and even adds in a passionate kiss between Abigail and John... a.k.a. Zack and Tawny... for the big finale. UH-OH! We’re introduced to Donnie’s little subplot there because Steve, Eileen, and even Beans -- bawled their eyes out at the movie but all Donnie could do was burp after stuffing his face through the whole thing. He starts to question “what’s wrong with me?!” because he felt no emotion whatsoever.  
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Ren announces the script changes at the rehearsal Louis walked Tawny to a few screenshots above. Coach Tugnut observes Louis and Tawny’s obvious couple-y vibe and tells Louis “First girlfriend? Get ready for a lifetime of pain.” Oh, god. That’s the last thing you should tell Louis Stevens. He starts freaking out and it only gets worse when he hears Ren tell everyone about the addition of the big kiss and Zack cheers “YEEEEEAHHHH!!!!!! *transitions into a cough to cover his excitement*” Because as I mentioned, it’s clear that he’s still into Tawny. I feel like if it was anyone other than Zack, Louis might be okay with the kiss. There’s just something about this guy that he absolutely cannot deal with. We first saw Louis' jealousy over Zack and Tawny way back in Season 1 with "Easy Way" and then "Strictly Ballroom." We also see Louis become super jealous over Twitty's friendship with Zack towards the end of the series. Also... I swear, I did not plan for 3 out of 4 episodes in The Zack Estrada Saga to end up in the Top 10 and be counted down in serial order. Pretty cool that it worked out that way though, haha.
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Louis feels that Ren’s rewrite is “too predictable” so he decides to write his own ending for the play and presents it to Ren at home that night. He envisions the story concluding with Abigail running to her husband and giving him a haircut. HAHAHA! Anything but a kiss! “I’ve never seen it before!” he says. Welp, he’s definitely right about his idea being unpredictable! lol. Imagine?! Of course, Ren can tell that Louis is actually just freaking out about Zack kissing Tawny and Louis is like “Are you trying to embarrass me in front of the whole school?!” -- But, would it really be that bad though? Would people taunt him like “lol ur girlfriend kissed another guy” or something? Because, like... It’s just a play. But then again, it is middle school. So. 
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Louis is super down about the whole thing and Tawny finds him sulking on a bench the next day. She’s all “Hey, Cutie Pants! I’ve been looking all over for you!” -- ‘Cutie Pants’ is a little too far, lol. She brought Louis her “Tater Slabs,” which he declines. Side note: Are those supposed to be a form of Tater Tots? Because I feel like Disney Channel has a million different names for Tater Tots. They call them Tater Slabs here. These days, they’re calling them Baby Taters on Andi Mack. It’s just a constant reminder that “Tater Tots” is a registered trademark that Disney can’t say without coughing up the cash, lol.
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Tawny asks Louis if something’s the matter and he’s like “I think you should quit the play” and pulls a bunch of bogus excuses out of his butt as for why. Tawny being Tawny cuts right to the chase: “Does this have anything to do with me kissing Zack?” I love this bit. She reassures him that all they’re doing is acting, it’s not real -- and there’s only one person she really wants to kiss. She asks Louis to promise he’ll be okay with it and Louis’ response of “Alright. I promise,” is the softest, most sincere thing I’ve ever heard this character say. It warms my heart every time. Tawny heads off to rehearsal and Louis is feeling prett-ay swaggy knowing he’s ~the only man in Tawny’s life~
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I CAN’T DEAL WITH THIS. I also never knew what he was saying here, but I think I just realized he’s mouthing to himself “I’m the only one she really wants to kiss” 
Louis was just accepting the fact that it’s ONLY ACTING until he sees the newly unveiled poster for the play that features a cozy picture from dress rehearsal. 
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CUT TO THE PLAY! It starts with a bit where Tawny/Abigail calls Tom’s character Renee “a loyal and faithful manservant.” Tom originally had a speech, but Ren cut it in her rewrite. So he milks his time on stage by saying “Thank you, thank you, thank you” repeatedly to Abigail. It’s great. Tawny and Zack are up there acting really well together! Louis’ whole family is whispering about how great their chemistry is and Louis is quaking. 
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One of John’s lines in the play is that he will think of Abigail “on two occasions... when my eyes are open, and when they are closed,” -- Is that a Babyface reference?! HAHA. Louis can’t take it anymore so he goes running backstage and I’m not sure what he was planning to do, but he ends up going completely insane. He somehow managed to steal Tom’s costume right off his back and goes running on stage demanding for John to leave before kissing his wife goodbye. It’s so cringeworthy. I can’t help but laugh though when Louis says “You must come with me at once! You gotta send her a postcard, email, or something! We gotta miss rush-hour traffic!” LOL. 
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Ren: “How did Louis get your clothes?!”
Tom: “He can be very persuasive...” 
What could Louis possibly have said to get Tom to strip?! Omg. 
Tom goes running on stage like ^ that in an attempt to save the play somehow and says “Excuse the undergarments, m’lady! I was under the cherry tree napping!” which was always one of my mom’s favorite lines, haha. Tom tries to drag Louis off stage but the entire play officially goes down in flames when Louis starts fighting Tom off of him. He goes rollin’ all over the stage, knocking down everything in his path -- completely ruining the set. It’s funny, but I also feel so bad for Tawny. Ugh. 
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After Louis destroys the whole shebang, he tries to play it off by doing this... which is truly hilarious: 
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Louis meets up with Tawny outside after the play and the two have such a dramatic conversation. I love it. Louis apologizes: “You gotta understand... I tried to be mature and cool. And the next thing I know, I’m up on stage wearing Tom’s pants! I’m really sorry.” It’s way more sincere than it sounds. Louis decides that he’s not ready for a relationship. This is actually such great character development for him. Interestingly, he’s mature enough to realize he’s NOT mature enough to seriously date someone. As upsetting and frustrating as it is to see the two break up, it’s also really satisfying to see him own up to his immaturity. This creates a true arc for when they finally get together in the series finale. It feels earned. Like they’re actually ready that time around. They decide to go back to being just friends for the time being. Before they part ways, however, Louis decides to leave Tawny with a super suave kiss?! What the heck?!
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This was the biggest kiss of my entire childhood between two TV characters aside from Lizzie and Gordo at the end of The Lizzie McGuire Movie tbh. Everyone was expecting that Lizzie/Gordo kiss though. THIS one was outta left field here! This is so weird to me! He’s super smooth with Beans’ cousin later on and here he’s kissin’ Tawny like a pro. Idk, man. 
The episode ends with Donnie finally crying over that Babyface lyric: “When his eyes are open, and when his eyes are closed......... THAT’S ALL THE TIME!”
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And that’s it! 
Gaaad, this episode is a classic. Like I said, it was a pretty big deal for 10 year old me, let me tell ya! I feel like it’s definitely one of the most memorable episodes ever. Not to mention, it technically has 3 plots (Louis/Tawny, Ren writing the play, and Donnie) and ALL OF THEM ARE INTERTWINED FLAWLESSLY! I gotta commend that. The only department I’d say this episode is lacking in is quotable dialogue. But that’s it really! It checks every box for me otherwise! This episode and the finale probably had a lot to do with Season 3 being my favorite as a kid, haha. 
What are your thoughts on this wonderful season opener?! Please add to the conversation via Disqus belowwww!
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donaldresslerfanfic · 6 years
Mission Impossible 4.
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Content.
Word Count: 1766
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Thirty Seven.
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
"Everything set?" Kate Kaplan asked next to me, I looked in my purse and handed her a picture.
"Yes, everything except that f-"
"Language" she reprimanded me.
"Effing" I corrected "horse statue".
She took the picture and walked to the door where she intercepted Raymond.
The walls, letters on them, the tiles on the floor, decorations, lights, furniture, everything was set.
Raymond talked with Kate for a few seconds and then walked inside, inspecting everything.
He motioned at me to the door that was supposed to be Dr. Huffnaggel's office, behind him was Aram clutching his laptop to his chest.
"I need you to access the elevator system to make sure that when that agent presses 6, the elevator takes them to 8, where we'll be waiting."
He talked to Aram some more, and while he set up near the wiring that connected to the systems, he turned to speak to me
"You've done a magnificent job Maggie. Thank you"
"Thank you, I've always wanted to play Mission Impossible."
He frowned at me, I rolled my eyes a bit. Just like Donald.
"In Mission Impossible 4, they change the numbers of the Abu Dhabi building to fool a buyer. Though this is like, a whole other level."
Raymond kept his eyes for me for a bit.
"I'm sorry. I know me telling Ressler about Samar was what led to Liz's arrest. But I wasn't going to lie on her behalf. Not to Donald"
"I understand that. I already ask you to lie for me and the fact that you're still helping, the fact that you're loyal, means a lot to me"
I gave him a small nod and looked to the side.
"Everything is set so, I should bounce. I told my sister I was only going to be out for two hours. You've got this from now on right?"
"I do. Thank you Maggie"
I smiled a little and walked past him, giving him a slow pat on the shoulder as I exited the room.
Once I was out and back home, I checked my messages before entering the house.
I knew Don was probably busy, but I was worried about him, he hadn't come back to sleep last night and he needed to eat and such. Or maybe I was worrying too much.
When I opened the door Talia greeted me with a big smile. I smiled down at her and closed the door behind me.
"Hey cupcake, what are you up to?" I said placing my hand on her head.
"Are we going out soon?"
"Yes, we are, let me check on your mom and dad and we'll go out. Where do you wanna go?" I gently pushed her towards the kitchen where I was going to get something fresh to drink.
Madison and Ethan were up, having breakfast was Ella and Nathan on the dinning table.
"When's Uncle Don going to be home?" Talia asked looking up at me. I could only make her sit at the table and move to sit beside her
"I wouldn't know sweety, I'll call him to see if he can join us today, but he can definitely join us tomorrow" I assured.
After this whole thing Donald better get a day off tomorrow.
It was a beautiful sunny day outside and we spent it flying kites and having a picnic near the Lincoln memorial and the Potomac park, the girls had fun and I spent the evening holding my little nephew, that way my sister could also rest.
My sister really knew how to bring the moral down, as soon as we went back to the house she sat me down in the lounge chairs in my back yard, and told me
"I want to sell the house"
I understood, I really, really did. My sister's family was getting bigger, she needed the space, Nathan had his crib in her bedroom and my nieces shared the room.
I really got it, but that was the house both of us took our first steps, we did our kindergarten, middle, and highschool homework on that living room, where we threw parties with and without my family, where my dad fended off two burglars when we were twelve, where my sister threw her bachelor party and I had my graduation dinner. That house had my dad written all over it and I didn't wanted to let any of that go.
I couldn't stay next to my sister after that, because I knew she would state the case on why we should sell it, and she would make sense. My 'i don't want to' would be illogical and childlike, so I left
I don't know why I always took off after a fight or a confrontation, but I did.
I didn't get very far, I was about to cross the third block street when I was startled by screaching on the pavement, then a car next to me turned on reverse.
The tainted window rolled down and I saw Don looking at me with a frown. Great.
I walked to the window and gave him a little smile
"Where are you going?"
I just made a gesture with my hand and made something up while I crossed my arms at my chest.
"I was going to get ice cream for dessert" that was a stupid lie, I didn't have my wallet on me and I couldn't tell him to drive back, I didn't wanted to see my sister, not now.
"The nearest ice cream shop is 10 blocks away" he pointed out.
"I know, I wanted to walk"
"Get in" he said leaning to the passenger door and opening up for me.
"It's okay, I wanted some fresh air" I said closing the door again.
He roller the window back up, then stopped the car.
I saw him walk around it and beep the alarm on. I just couldn't believe how stubborn he was about getting me to talk, but I appreciated it.
He just held my hand in his and walked the remaining 7 blocks in silence, I didn't wanted to bring more situations down to him, not now that he'd finally finished this hunt stuff.
Once we were in the door of the ice cream shop, I stopped and stood in front of him.
"I lied" I confessed.
"I know, but we're here, so might as well" he grabbed me by the waist and led me in. We sat in one of the booths on the back of the shop.
It was surprising how much Don knew me, most of the times I thought he was oblivious to a lot of things, but he was actually very perceptive. He ordered himself a coffee and he ordered me the most disgustingly sweet, diabetic coma inducing ice cream there was on the menu. I ate it all, of course, because sweet things were my thing, and the sweeter, the better.
Donnie just quietly and patiently sat next to me in the booth while I spooned away at the ice cream, giving him a few glances. Halfway done I just looked at him defeated and sighed.
"I don't want to talk about it right now" I said, he moved his hand from my waist to my cheek and pulled me in by the chin to his lips
"I know" he gave me one short kiss "but that doesn't mean you have to be alone." He cupped my cheek with his hand, rubbing slowly my cheekbone with his thumb. "I'm here, just like you were there for me when I also didn't wanted to talk about anything"
With one last sweet kiss on my forehead, he pulled back but still held me by the waist and closer to him.
Once we were done there we did get some ice cream for dessert, then trekked back to my place.
I really didn't wanted to jinx this family visit with what my sister brought up, so I just focused that next day on having a great time with my nieces, or rather tried, they were all over Donald as soon as we came to my place, playing Guess Who with them and Monopoly with me Ethan and Talia, the oldest one.
The night before my sister left, while I was sitting in our bed and watched how brushed his teeth with the door open, realized that maybe I was being a little selfish with the house thing but I also wanted someone to validate me in not wanting to sell it.
When Don finished and walked in the bedroom, turning off the light on his way out, I began to fidget with my hands.
"Can I talk to you?" I asked, he sat down in the bed next to me and moved to covers to scoop in closer.
"Of course, what's wrong?"
The sentence came out right. "My sister wants to sell my dad's house" but the implications, and everything that meant, it made my chin tremble.
"And you don't want to?" He asked, I looked at him and gave him an obvious look
"Of course I don't want to" I declared "you don't know the amount of things that have gone down in that house, literally my whole life, my dad's life. He's still in that house to me, how can she even think to sell it?"
"Well" he said, I just sunk down in the pillows and covered myself with the sheets. He snuck his arm below my neck and pulled me to his chest, holding me by the back and cuddling me to his chest. "If the money the house gets why don't you buy her half from her and keep the house to yourself?"
I just made a twist of lips and held myself closer to him.
"I panicked okay? I didn't think about that"
He snorted a laugh and patted my back
"Don't laugh at me" I scolded him, lifting my head up and giving him a frown. He really tried to not laugh at my disproportionate angry state, and he did it, he gave me a short nod, but I knew that as soon as I placed my head back on his shoulder her let out a little smirk. "So, what should I do?"
"It's my rightful duty as your boyfriend to be on your side, so no, don't sell the house."
"And rationally?"
"If it has to happen Mags, it will. You might just be delaying the inevitable"
I just twisted my lips in distaste.
"Everyone is trying to ruin my goddamn future wedding"
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atmilliways · 11 months
Dreams In Which I'm Dying (4-5)
parts 4 & 5 of 16 | 856 words | Teen +
Donnie Darko AU | parts 1 & 2 | part 3 | parts 6 & 7 | part 8 | part 9 | parts 10 & 11 | parts 12 & 13 | part 14  | parts 15 & 16 (complete)
Chrissy Cunningham is dead. She went with her boyfriend to the big drunken jock shindig at the old abandoned Benny’s after Eddie stood her up, where something happened. The police haven’t released details yet, but Lucas, when given the phone to call his parents, slipped in a call in to Max, short and to the point: “Code red. It’s different from last time, but it's bad.”
4 - Hyperventilating
Eddie Munson is hyperventilating. 
One minute he finds out that Chrissy Cunningham is dead. She went with her boyfriend to the big drunken jock shindig at the old abandoned Benny’s after Eddie stood her up, where something happened. The police haven’t released details yet, but Lucas, when given the phone to call his parents, slipped in a call in to Max, short and to the point: “Code red. It’s different from last time, but it's bad.”
The next minute, he’s drowning on dry land because Chrissy had come to him for help. He’d said he would, too, and then what? Hadn’t followed through with it because of a strange feeling? 
If she’d been at the trailer park with him instead of at that party, would she still be alive? 
Someone guides him into the back room of Family Video and onto a couch almost as questionable-looking as the one on his front porch. It’s Steve Harrington, of all people, pushing a Styrofoam cup of water into his hands and telling him to “Breathe, man. You’re going all blotchy.”
Then Steve sits next to him, close enough to smell his cologne. He puts one hand on Eddie’s shoulder and tells him that it’s not his fault. That Hawkins is as cursed as the rumors say, and they’re sitting on a powder keg of alternate dimension fuckery and government conspiracy.
“I’ve signed three different NDAs so far,” Steve adds, “so I might get disappeared for telling you all this”
Eddie isn’t exactly sure he believes any of it, but that’s a lot of details to make up just to fuck with him. “Shit, then why the hell are you?”
Steve shrugs. “Because you don’t need to blame yourself for whatever’s going on. I trust Lucas, and last time was pretty bad. Either the same thing could’ve happened to anyone else at that party, or it could've happened to her in your fucking house.”
“Trailer,” Eddie corrects automatically. He doesn’t know why that’s important. 
“Okay, wherever. My point is, bad shit happens, and once it starts happening you’ve got to stay sharp. Guilt doesn’t make you sharp, it just fucks you up.” The look in Steve’s eyes says trust me, and Eddie finds that he does.
He wonders if there’s someone Steve feels guilty about. There have been a lot of deaths and disappearances in Hawkins over the past few years, so it’s not like he’s lacking in options.
“Right. Sure, okay.” He’s not okay about anything right now, but he gulps water and tries to get his heart rate under control.
Steve’s hand still on his shoulder, one thumb rubbing reassuringly along his collarbone, doesn't help.
5 - Mixed up in this
Eddie Munson doesn’t know how he got mixed up in all this. But, between his tenuous connection with Chrissy and stories Wayne told him as a kid about Victor Creel, he's only digging himself in deeper.
What happened to her sounds horrible. Lucas meets up with them, and the tremble in his voice as it all tumbles out in excruciating detail, he’s going to have nightmares about it for a long time.
Eddie doesn't envy the kid, though he's a little concerned for himself by how easily he can picture it. He’s startled out of doing so by his fucking watch going off again—BEEEEP, BEEEEP! . . . BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
Next thing he knows, Nancy Wheeler is in it too; her assistant editor was the second victim. She speeds off to research the Creel murders for clues, reluctantly taking Robin with her for safety in numbers. Steve insists on it, but to Eddie's surprise doesn't offer to go himself. Instead of chasing his ex, he opts to keep chauffeuring Eddie and the kids around, which . . . sure is a choice.
As they wait at the car while Max does whatever she’s doing at her step-brother’s grave, Eddie gives up on being a good role model and lights up a cigarette. He sits on the hood of the car, still warm from the drive over, and doesn't know what to make of Steve settling beside him again.
“How’re you holding up?” Steve asks. 
It’s an unexpectedly considerate question. They’re as far as two people can get from being friends without being enemies—but Steve has been surprisingly nice all day. Eddie offers him the cigarette, which he accepts.
“Oh, you know.” Heels propped against the front bumper, one of Eddie’s legs begins to bounce. “How are you, after a fourteen year old bullied you into driving her around town?”
Steve shrugs, passing the cigarette back. “Happens more often than you’d think. I’m pretty used to it.”
Muffled from inside the car, Dustin says, “Robin’s going to be mad at you for smoking, Steve.”
Without looking back at him, Steve casually flips Dustin off. “See?”
Eddie can’t help snickering. At both their expenses, really, because it’s both kind of funny and kind of sad how normal they’re being about all this shit. The sun is out, making the day feel almost warm. 
Five minutes later Steve goes to check on Max and finds her eyes rolled back into her skull. When they finally flutter back forward, she plummets back to earth with a bone-chilling shriek. Eddie leans away and throws up behind Billy Hargrove’s tombstone, the taste of cigarette smoke and bile mixing all stale and disgusting. The sunlight is already fading.
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