#don't unfollow me for this - it's a great idea 😂
and if I wanted to write a ficlet where jamie has a dream (A DREAM) that he's ravished by roy and roy's sister... WHAT THEN?
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brw · 6 months
first of all: i clicked the unfollow button on accident 😭 sorry
i can't see the emoji for the favorite creations thing, so here's a heart❤️
also, if i may request two things:
🤖pick what's easier/most interesting to you (!!!): emma frost. scott summers. scemma. matt murdock. natasha romanoff. doom. doom/reed. carol danvers. magneto. marc spector.
and ofc congrats 🥺❤️ i can't wait for the edits, of mine and everyone else!
and don't worry about time, take as much as you need, i will definitely like these characters in the following months! 😜 and i've been in this hellhole for +10 years... i won't leave either 😂😫)
hii raffa! thank you so much for your lovely message, here is the carol danvers edit :3 i hope you enjoy!
i have quite a few gifsets of yours i really like, but my absolute favourite is this steve rogers one, the no bitches megamind image genuinely makes me laugh every time i come across it, there's messages on discord way back where i linked it to some people bc i really loved it <3
i really like this more comic book inspired avengers one that's framed like a collage, i think it's a really creative idea and the overlapping related images with the faded colours of the gifs themselves to make them look paperish and scanned really invokes the taped together collage vibe. it's a really solid idea!
this elmo one has been living in my head ever since i saw it, it's such a high level shitpost and i was actually so surprised when i saw it only had like 170 notes?? the colours and inverted whites are genuinely terrifying and the kind of like, late night horror documentary vibe is captured really well by the graininess of the footage and the flickering specks. its really creative and i'll be honest is the thing that has made me most likely to go watch american psycho because it's such an odd idea. i would love to study you for this.
fight club is a great movie and i think this gifset showcasing the more overt homoeroticism tinged with the violence inherent is really well done, and the final one at the end with the aubergine still takes me off guard, it's really funny. it feels very invocative of the many film essays written about the theming of fight club which makes it very interesting to think about, and of course the sharpness and colours are stand-out too :)
finally, this goncharov gifset is amazing and one of the best things to come out of that whole meme, i think. the colouring and editing and splicing does such a great job making it look like an actual movie, i genuinely believe you could reverse engineer a movie out of this! despite being from different films, they all go together extremely cohesively and the idea and layout itself is so cool! the first with the overlaid red kremlin! it's such a cool idea and definitely one of my favourite goncharov inspired creations of all time :)
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
What unfollows? what did I miss?
We're referring to Keke and Zendaya unfollowing each other.
Years ago (wow, sounds so weird to say that 🥴) back around August of 2020, fans noticed that both Keke and Zendaya unfollowed each other. Keke unfollowed first, and then Zendaya followed suit, so it led many fans to wonder if maybe smthg had happened btwn them. 👀
Idk what happened (if anything) 🤷🏾‍♀️, or why the unfollows occurred, but last I checked, Z has resumed following Keke, but Keke hasn't resumed following Zendaya. 👀
Then, last year, there were fans who were on twitter trying to claim that Keke was suffering from Institutionalized racism and colorism in Hollywood due to her film "Nope" maybe not performing as well as they had hoped it would I guess? (I have no idea) But fans tried to claim that she doesn't get the same roles in HW as Zendaya coz Zendaya is biracial and light-skinned, yadda yadda yadda.
I think fans were trying to cape for Keke, but Keke felt it came off a different way 🥴, so SHE took to the platforms to basically state that she's BEEN in the HW movie game much longer than Zendaya has (basically lol) and that she is equally as successful, and was working with Oscar winners since she was a CHILD, etc. I'm very very LOOSELY paraphrasing everything coz these aren't her actual words AT ALL.... lol 😆....
But basically the point is I think that Keke took what fans were saying as more of an insult, like "poor you... Zendaya is so much more successful than you... etc", and Keke was trying to set the record STRAIGHT. ROFL 🤣
Personally? I think they're BOTH equally successful and have strengths in different areas, so I appreciate them for various different reasons. 🤷🏾‍♀️
This is why I think it's so important for fans these days to diversify their likes/interests in actors, and to open up their horizons to other actors in the industry and appreciate them. This way, you don't try to make ONE actor your sole everything, and then engage in silly Stan Wars fiercely trying to defend your fave when others bring out that maybe they could improve in a certain area of their acting. 👀
When you diversify your fan pool, you can appreciate a wide variety of actors for various different reasons, and you're not pressed or worried if one actor fave of yours isn't all that great at one area, and another is. You just appreciate them ALL for their unique talents, and you stay happy lol. 😂
I personally appreciate a wide variety of actors and actresses in the industry, and I love it. I can appreciate the strengths that Keke has, while also appreciating the strengths that Zendaya has. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It doesn't become so serious to me in other words.
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first of all, i apologise for the accidental unfollow,
second, how do you create digital art? i love all of them and i've been interested in them for a while. and yours are out of the world amazing!
what apps or websites do you use? did you learn by yourself? is it very difficult? i want to try but i'm also a little intimidated
so can you please help?
Never apologize to me for unfollowing, accidental or not. Your dashboard is for you to enjoy and curate your experience, and if you don't vibe with someone, just unfollow them. Including me.
I use lots of apps to make digital art. I know most of the artists use procreate or Adobe, but I'm a broke ass bish so I use the free ones like Krita and Medibang and Autodesk. Honestly it's about what suits you. You might feel more at home with some apps than the rest, you can try out multiple and figure them out.
I first tried with my fingers on my phone, but I was literally shit at it 😂 I know some people who make amazing art that way though. You can use a stylus, or get a trackpad and pen. You don't need an expensive tab to make digital art, really. And unless you can afford it, I would say you definitely don't need an ipad. Procreate is an amazing app, but getting an iPad solely for that is not really my wheelhouse, though it could suit you, you never know. XP or Viacom trackpads are much cheaper and work really great with your computer.
I did learn digital art by myself, but I did have about 17 years of traditional art training before that. The thing is, it made it a bit harder to transition to digital art because I kept feeling lost with so many different brushes and their uses and layers and stuff. But it helped in a way that I already knew the basics, I just had to learn the digital versions of them.
However, if you don't have previous art experience, then a clean slate can be really helpful because your base is getting made with digital art and you can explore a lot easily. With trackpad the hardest thing for me to learn was to look ahead while my pen moving down on the trackpad. It took me about two months to get the hang of it. it's really not an issue once you get used to it.
Follow other artists on social media, see how they do things. You might not end up doing it, but you get a general idea of how it's done. It's really really helpful.
Like with everything else, you have to start small, then go upwards one step at a time. And have fun too, because if you get stressed about creating art, then the sole purpose of it gets defeated. Hope this helps and hope you have fun too 💙
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