#don't shoot the albatross
jackiepackiee · 18 days
Hey hope I don't bump you at the wrong time ma dude.
Could you write general poly dating headcanons for the flags with a gender neutral reader? I have seen the stormbringer so dry like the Roman Empire at night🙏.
I hope it isn't uncomfortable, and you don't need to write it if you don't want to.
Have a splendid day sweetheart 💋
Okay, let’s pretend reader is 18 so everything actually makes sense. No adults with our Chuuya
𝐹𝓁𝒶𝑔𝓈 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒫𝑜𝓁𝓎
Ft. Pianoman, Lippmann, Albatross, Iceman, Doc, and Chuuya
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For this to work you have to be in the port mafia
How else would you be so lucky to have met all these men?
And, they would never put a civilian in that much danger
Speaking of danger, good luck ever actually being in it
With these six, you may as well have your own arsenal of body guards willing to kill every enemy for your safety
That being said, they all go about your safety a bit differently
Pianoman likes to have you by his side at all times, since he doesn’t see much action. Expect to have him, a leader, tell others to beat up any threats while he spends his precious time with you. He doesn’t want you to see that violence
Albatross is an idiot. He likes to fight, and even more than that he likes to show off. And nothing is better than the holy trinity of showing off you to, keeping you safe, and earning your praise after a fight. He keeps you far away, duh. But he likes to know you’re watching him be the best boyfriend/bodyguard he can be.
Iceman is a secretive man. You will never see one of his jobs, ever. You won’t know a single name of a victim, a location, a time. He would hate for you to have to deal with any of the dark realities of his work. Expect to be sat all pretty in his office while he “takes care” of a man who’s been threatening to kill you.
Doc is your safety net. He isn’t a fighter, and is usually the one around helping the others heal after they defended you. But his job is gory, probably the most. He sees patients with all sorts of nasty injuries. So he keeps you in the part of the infirmary where the window shows to the ocean and the nice nurses talk with you. Away from the scary side he resigns in.
Lippmann is proud to have you around, and will be more bark and less bite. Not to say he won’t attack others, but he would much rather threaten them. Keeping you safe, while sitting getting to hold your waist instead of the hassle of beating up some guys. And his threats work, always. It scares you sometimes, but only a little.
Chuuya is the most protective. Despite being the youngest, he has the most fierce loyalty and would actively burn down an entire enemy base just to see you safe. He doesn’t care if you see him fight, since he knows you know he’s strong. (But he wouldn’t mind looking over to you during a battle just to see your adoring eyes at his skill)
Pianoman, who had just held you in his lap, plopped you down onto the wooden chair before shooting up. Walking to Albatross, who was wincing at the alcohol swap cleaning his wounds.
“What were you thinking?”
Pianoman snapped, and Doc gave him an annoyed glare.
“Yelling at Albatross isn’t going to help him heal.”
“Maybe he shouldn’t thought about that before bringing them into an active battle field!”
Albatross pushed Doc’s hand away from his bleeding wound, and stood up. Face to face with Pianoman.
“I knew they were safe! I’m not stupid, I would’ve known if-“
Before you could hear more of their argument, Lippmann, spun your chair to face him. Tilting your head up by your chin.
“Hey, how about a walk? Chuuya has been dying to go to that new arcade with you, now is a good time.”
Luckily, with such a large group you always had at least one knight in shining armor. Hating to see the boys fight, you left. Trusting them enough to know everything would be okay.
They are all a little different with affection, so every love language you may have is compatible!
Pianoman is a spoiler, always giving you everything you want. He is the most paid in the group, as the leader and the eldest. You want a new outfit? It’s yours. A inanimate dinner? He’s cleared his schedule. He’s a tease too, so expect this romance to be accompanied by a joke about your shy gratitude.
Albatross is a ray of sunshine. The one thing he likes to show to show in love is make your smile. He’s not always joking around, and knows when to be serious. Hard day at work? He’s taking you to the beach on his motorcycle. Fight with another flag? He’s buying you flowers. It’s not only his jokes and silly nature that make you laugh, but his loyalty to his love that warms your heart. Even if he tries to keep that side of him a secret.
Iceman is a classic man, and his love is no different. He wishes to make every moment special, since he knows time is never on anyone’s side. His idea of a perfect moment is the two of you in his apartment. Jazz music playing on some one-of-a-kind record, eating a meal he made, and you smiling and babbling about your day. He’s a domestic kind of guy, with a secret taste for peaceful romance.
Doc is a little clueless. From his time in America studying medicine, he’s seen a lot about romance. But he doesn’t know what is right. So, he does what he feels is best. Looks up ways in his textbooks to boost your serotonin! It’s nerdy, obviously, but it works. Little zoo dates, dinners that are surprisingly healthy yet delicious. He cares for your health, and subconsciously shows his love by taking care of you.
Lippmann is a romantic tease. He knows all about love, having played it in many movies. And enjoys physical contact the most. He enjoys showing you off, not as a prize but more as “I’m so lucky because my lover is the best and they chose to be with me.” He goes a little overboard sometimes… roses every other day can get a bit annoying. Trust me, he’s had a scolding from Doc about taking off the thorns after you pricked your finger.
Chuuya does whatever feels right. He’s shy, and his love is “puppy love.” But that doesn’t stop him, not at all. He wants to spend as much time with you as possible, and will follow you around like a puppy. He enjoys sharing his interests with you. Arcades dates are a must. Whenever he finds out something new about the world, even if it’s general knowledge, he tells you in excitement. Always expect him to deny his blush after giving you a hug or kiss. Speaking of, thank goodness he’s a natural at affection.
Overall? Your life will be pretty chaotic, with a million different dates each week. But know everyday with be filled with love.
And they all work together to make you the happiest.
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seiya-starsniper · 8 months
I don't know if you're still doing the flower language prompts, but I wanted to send about twelve and narrowed it down to two lol.
So for Dreamling: Sunflower, dwarf ("How many ways do I have to confess for you to believe me?") and/or Tarragon ("Here's all the reasons why you shouldn't like me")
🤘 five-and-dimes
@five-and-dimes my beloved, so happy to hear from you!!! <3 I did my best to combine these two because they’re SUCH GOOD PROMPTS and they also fit the @monsterfucktoberbingo theme so well. Hope you enjoy!!!
Square: Cryptid
Flower Prompt Game!
When Roderick Burgess unveils his circus’s latest spectacle, Hob is one of the only spectators who doesn’t gasp or recoil in abject horror at what he reveals.
“Behold! I have captured the omen of Death himself!” Roderick declares loudly. “Many have decried his existence, but here he stands before you!” he gestures to the chained being. “Look upon his horrid form. Does he not strike fear even in the bravest of men?”
Well, he certainly struck something in Hob, but he wasn’t sure that the feeling was fear.
The creature on display was absolutely stunning, if Hob were honest, but he can understand why his appearance would seem a horror at first. The thing certainly wore the basic shape of a man, with pale white skin that seemed to glow under the harsh din of the spotlight, and messy black hair that fell down to his shoulders. But where his feet would be, there were instead large, golden talons with long obsidian nails that dug deep into the dirt below them as the creature struggled to keep his balance.
And his hands. They were barely hands at all, with only four fingers on each, and white nails so long they were practically claws. The skin too, from finger to elbow was ashen black as if burnt, but when Hob looked closer, he could see the skin there shimmered like the rest of him in the light. 
The most significant part of the creature, though, was his wings. They were what Hob expected an angel’s wings to appear like, large and spanning the length of his body. Except, instead of white, these wings were pitch black, with the very tips of them colored a deep red, as if dipped in blood during war. Hob so badly wanted to see the full wingspan of the creature, certain that it would outdo even an albatross, but, understandably, Burgess had completely bound the creature’s wings in both rope and chains in a measure to keep him from escaping.
Burgess cracks his whip near the creature’s feet and he snarls at the crowd, who jeer and yell in response. Burgess cracks the whip twice more but the creature has gone silent, glaring defiantly now at all its unwanted audience. 
When its eyes land on the area Hob is seated in, he swears it is his eyes the creature locks his gaze onto. And oh, even from as high up as he is, Hob can feel the ice forming in those cold blue eyes. It pierces through him like a hot knife through butter, and Hob finds himself willingly drawn in, wanting to move closer, wanting to reach out and touch this magnificent being—
The lights cut out shortly after, ending the show for the night. Hob goes to bed that night and dreams of the creature on the stage, dreams of talons and feathers, and drowning in an ice cold lake the color of the being’s eyes. 
When he wakes in the morning, Hob is resolute. A creature as magnificent as that does not belong in chains. He sets fire to Burgess’s circus arena later that night, and he and the creature (Dream, he called himself) steal away into the night.
“Why are you helping me?” Dream asks him one afternoon after they’ve been on the run for three days.
“Would you rather I left you to rot in Burgess’s circus?” Hob shoots back as he’s skinning the stag Dream hunted and caught them for dinner.
“You had a life in that village, did you not?” Dream says, refusing to let go of the subject and stomping his talons into the forest floor. “Why throw it away for something like me?”
Hob shrugs. “I’m a widower with a dead son,” he replies. “Not much of a life by anyone’s definition. Besides,” he adds, “You looked like you needed saving.”
“So it’s pity then?” Dream snarls, unfurling his wings to their full length. They brush against the nearby trees and the sheer strength of their muscles snap a few branches clean off. Hob realizes he had been right about Dream’s wingspan. It was wider than that of an albatross, and they were absolutely gorgeous. 
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” Hob says before he can stop himself.
Dream stumbles back and retracts his wings, clearly caught off guard by the revelation. 
“You don’t mean that,” Dream says, looking anywhere but at Hob. He’s got a furiously red blush that starts at his cheeks and seems to crawl all the way down to his chest. It makes him look even lovelier.
Hob smiles despite himself. “Maybe that’s why I saved you,” he chuckles. “Maybe I just wanted you all to myself.”
“Then you are an even bigger idiot than I thought,” Dream replies, before he stomps off. 
On a particularly cold night, Hob wakes to find himself covered by one of Dream’s wings.
“This means nothing,” Dream mutters, even as he presses his chest to Hob’s back. 
Hob can’t help but grin like a fool. He reaches out to run a finger along the bend of the wing that’s currently serving as his blanket, and delights when he feels Dream shudder behind him.
“Your secret’s safe with me, you big softie,” Hob chuckles before he falls back asleep, feeling more content than he has in years.
They’ve been on the run for almost a year before Burgess and his men manage to catch up to them. They’re cornered at the bottom of a valley, and Hob knows if they can make it to the river and cross it, they’ll be all right. Burgess’s men are all on horses that wouldn’t dare cross the rushing waters. 
They’re almost to the clearing when Dream stops suddenly and says, “Leave me.”
“What?! No, I’m not leaving you!” Hob exclaims. “Come on, we’re almost at the river—”
“Burgess’s horses will cross the river,” Dream replies. “He’s desperate to get me back, alive or dead. And you are tired.”
“I’m fine,” Hob insists. 
“You’re not!” Dream argues. “You’re practically limping and you—you have done more than enough for me. If I leave you now and fly north, they’ll stop following you and come after me instead.”
“Sorry sweetheart, you’re stuck with me,” Hob replies, pulling out his sword and getting ready to fight as he hears Burgess’s men grow closer. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
“Don’t be an idiot!” Dream yells. “Roderick Burgess had been hunting me long before we met, and he will continue to do so until one of us is dead. You cannot possibly want to be on the run forever.”
“And if I do?” Hob asks. “Dream—how many ways do I have to tell you I want this—want you—before you’ll believe me?”
Dream hisses, and before Hob can say anything else, he finds himself lifted high into the air as Dream takes off with the both of them, rushing at full speed towards the river. His long white claws dig into Hob’s skin and Hob holds on for dear life as he buries his face into Dream’s neck to avoid the whiplash of the wind.
When they finally land, Hob can no longer hear the neighing of the horses, or the yell of Burgess’s men. Dream practically drops him to the ground, and Hob realizes the other had used the last of his strength to get them to safety. Before he can collapse, Hob catches him, and after a quick look around, manages to find a small cave that they can use for shelter for the night. 
“That was bloody brilliant, love,” Hob sighs happily once they’re inside and lying side to side. “Think I just fell in love with you all over again.”
“You really shouldn’t,” Dream mumbles. “Love me, at all. I have caused you nothing but harm, and you will always be on the run so long as you stay with me. I cannot give you any of the comforts of a human life, not money, status, or a family.”
“I know,” Hob replies gently, taking Dream's dark hands in his. “I’m not asking you to. I told you before, all I want is you. You can give me all the reasons you want about why I shouldn’t, but I’ll still choosing you.”
“Idiot,” Dream says, but his tone is fond. He then wraps a wing around Hob and scoots closer, so their bodies are flush against each other. “Though I suppose you are my idiot.”
Hob smiles and presses his lips to Dream’s. “As long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
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queenlucythevaliant · 1 month
Okay, here we go. Rating literary allusions in Taylor Swift songs:
The Outside: "I tried to take the road less traveled by /but nothing seems to work the first few times/am I right?"--Starting off pretty well! She tried to take the road less traveled by, but it didn't make any difference. 8/10
Love Story: Whole song allusion to Romeo and Juliet-- All those 2008 jokes about Taylor not having read R&J weren't funny then and they aren't funny now. It's a fun, satisfying subversion. However, I am going to dock points for the fact that Romeo and Juliet aren't a prince and princess, just rich. 7/10
Love Story: "You were Romeo/I was a scarlet letter"--Is the Juliet character in "Love Story" being publicly shamed? Did she do something scandalous? There are zero other lines in this song to suggest that she did, and a fair amount of evidence that she didn't. This allusion confuses rather than clarifies and tbh this is the one people should've made fun of in 2008. 2/10
New Romantics: "We show off our different scarlet letters/ trust me, mine is better" --Hooray! She figured out what the book is about! This is a beautifully executed allusion, where "scarlet letters" represents a mark of something shameful which, in a fun subversion, is being shown off with pride. Fits the song really well. Most improved award, 11/10
Getaway Car: "It was the best of times, the worst of crimes" (A Tale of Two Cities) -- Goes in the category of "fun wordplay, but doesn't really mean anything deeper" 5/10
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: "Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year" --This is a perfectly serviceable allusion, but not a super interesting one. Sub "Gatsby" out with "nostalgic" and the song wouldn't change at all. She could've done a lot more with the reference, given the subject matter of the song. 6/10
cardigan: "I knew you/tried to change the ending/Peter losing Wendy" -- This works! You get a sense of Betty losing her innocence and choosing to leave James and of it being inevitable somehow. Plus, it imbues the song with a lovely fairy tale quality. 10/10
illicit affairs: "take the road less traveled by/tell yourself you can always stop" -- To take the road less traveled by is to do something risky, unpopular, or unfamiliar, not just to take a route through town where you won't run into people. Not totally egregious, but the regression from Debut is disappointing. 4/10
invisible string: "and isn't it just so pretty to think/ that all along there was some/ invisible string tying you to me."(The Sun Also Rises)--Ugggggh. Okay, so "Isn't it pretty to think so?" is this sad, tired, ironic note in The Sun Also Rises. Brett tells Jake, "We could have had a damned good time together" and Jake says "Isn't it pretty to think so?" because their whole situationship was never going to work. It's not a positive thing; it's pure, bitter Lost Generation irony. Completely out-of-place in a song about how two people we're supposed to believe will actually work as a couple. This one drives me nuts, and I don't even like Hemingway. 0/10
happiness: "I hope she'll be a beautiful fool/ who takes my spot next to you" (Gatsby)--Saying this about an ex's future SO is so... off. Like, the reason why Daisy hopes her daughter will be a beautiful fool is because it's easy. The two situations have nothing to do with one another, and not in an interesting way. 1/10
The Albatross: whole song allusion to "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," but most notably "She's the albatross/ she is here to destroy you"--The albatross in the Rime is a good omen. The Mariner shoots is for no reason, and the albatross's death is the ostensible source of bad fortune. I wrote a whole separate post on this here. That said, culturally "albatross=bad omen" is common enough, so whatever. 3/10
I Hate It Here: "I will go to secret gardens in my mind/ people need a key to get to/ the only one is mine" -- I like this one a lot. Exactly the right vibe for the song, trying to escape something miserable by going somewhere pleasant. The key is a nice touch. Poor Archibald. 10/10
The Prophecy: "I got cursed like Eve got bitten" --No Taylor, that's not what happened. Famously, Eve was the biter in that situation. 0/10
Cassandra: whole song allusion -- correct me if I'm wrong (I haven't actually read the Illiad), but my understanding is that Cassandra died fairly far into the Trojan war, and not by burning. 4/10
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punkascas · 4 months
okay, so i don't want to, like, Start Something or whatever so we're doing a barely-tagged, separate post. i also realise this is mostly pointless because others have already said what i'm going to say, and did it better, with far more grace, and sound less like an asshole than i do.
but jesus louise helen christ, the weird fucked up ideas people have around abuse and personal responsibility and the effect of trauma. like as an abuse and csa survivor, it genuinely alarms me to read posts that use arguments i remember my dad making. like, i'm assuming most of this rhetoric comes from gen z — maybe that's inaccurate; maybe that's unfair. but right now i'm very much Having A Moment Here that the kids aren't alright.
no 22-year-old should be repeating the same awful, manipulative, logically and morally bankrupt justifications for violence and torture my dad says. like literally what's in the first two episodes of ofmd s2 is torture.
i love ed; he's an amazing character. taika is hella wowza top marks acting him. but like.
torture, my dude. physical and psychological. trauma. harassment. that we see the lasting effects of through s2.
just. i. what??
so here we go, okay. have too many, zealously highlighted screenshots so i can dig into details.
cut to save your dashes. content warning for discussions of abuse and trauma (if that wasn't obvious), as well as spoilers for ofmd s2.
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re: ed knew what he was doing was wrong and felt guilty about it at the time:
we have no on-screen, textual examples of this. not in the dialogue; not in the acting; not in the blocking; not in the cinematography or music. nothing.
knowing the crew are overworked and kind of traumatised by all the violence, ed bribes them with cake. because, as we know, cake like tea fixes everything. only ed wasn't even with them to share in the eating of the cake. he made izzy responsible for that. he doesn't give the crew a break; he doesn't choose less ethically-fraught prizes to hunt. there is not one scene of ed talking directly to the crew — until he points a gun at each of them.
we see ed crying (and drinking, and rhino horn-ing [way to help further extinction, man]) but it's always paired with shots or flashbacks that reference stede. ed is still all up in his feelings about stede, and ed confirms this when he tells frenchie the myth about albatrosses never needing to return to land. ed cannot go back, does not want to go back, because he was rejected. (like, stede is literally landed gentry, come on!) all he wants to do instead is stay at sea committing to this unhinged version of unstable, sadistic piracy.
but okay, okay. say we ignore all of that. let's say ed does feel sorry and guilty and ashamed of his actions. he knows what he's doing is wrong and unfair and cruel. that it's harming others. that it's particularly harming the dude that ed has, for better or worse, basically spent his life with (izzy; i mean izzy). ed… still continues to do the things! how far off are we at this point from the definition of malicious? you know action x hurts person b and then you do it anyway. is that honestly a better, happier, more ethically defensible reading of the character?
re: the crew didn't mutiny because they love ed despite his violent, sadistic actions.
mutinies were a thing, yes. but both historically and in the world rules established by the show, mutiny is disincentivised through threats, distraction via extra work, and corporeal punishment. we see both ed and izzy use all three of these to try to prevent the crew from disobeying orders. they didn't wait until the storm and izzy shooting ed to mutiny because they understood or sympathised with ed; they took the chance to kill him then because that was the first real opportunity they'd had. the reward finally out-weighed the risk given that ed was going to kill them all that night anyway.
again, we have no scenes, no dialogue, no visual or audio cues to tell us that the crew understands or loves ed — excluding izzy, obviously. fang could also be on that list, if you take into account his personality and his behaviour both in s1 and later in s2 in the fishing boat scene. but in the first two episodes, we only see the crew show trauma responses around ed. they talk about him but almost never to him. and when they do have a direct conversation with ed, it is either confrontation or head down, submissive, "of course, blackbeard; anything you say" placating. i'm so baffled where the show points to any sign of love from the crew towards ed before his "death".
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re: ed can't be held responsible because he was suicidal.
uhm. no. hard no. a harder no than stede's brazilian cherry wood mast. fucked up people do fucked up things but part of being an adult is owning your fucked-upped-ness and not fucking up others while you work on unfucking yourself. children, children are not fully responsible for the impact of their actions on others when they're deep in their feelings, especially if they're feeling their feelings as a trauma response. this is because literally their brain cannot do that kind of control. it doesn't have that software pack installed yet. ed does have all the adult updates installed, even if he isn't running them at that moment. he has no right to take out his feelings on other people: to maim them, to psychologically torture them, to abuse them, to work them to exhaustion. to kill them. he does not get a free pass to do suicide by abused employees. (like suicide by cop but more indirect and passive and harmful.) talk about passive aggressive.
secondly, ed is not just passively suicidal and happy to find new risks that might end his life. he is very purposefully taking izzy with him (see: literally removing the bits of izzy that would help let him walk away from ed; the fact that ed becomes actively suicidal only once he thinks izzy is dead; the whole keeping izzy's corpse in front of his and stede's beach shack i mean inn — the codependence, she runs deep). ed is also putting the crew through the same risks, the same isolation, the same danger. both stede and izzy agreed that ed had gone full scorched earth policy. you don't get forgiven for the murder part of a murder-suicide pact just because of the suicide part. not to mention that no one (once again, you could potentially argue izzy as an exception) was good on a murder-suicide pact with blackbeard.
and then to say the crew felt guilty? i assume i'm misreading that. the crew. felt guilty. for ed's actions. that is, if not victim blaming and if not darvo, a very close inbred cousin of them. like hapsburg jaw inbred close.
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re: ed healing and his view of himself as a monster.
to heal means, in part, to accept responsibility for the harm you've caused, whether it was intentional or not. it means making amends. it means building or rebuilding relationships where possible. it means putting the other person or persons' feelings and boundaries and need for safety above your desire for absolution or forgiveness. it means working through your own guilt and shame and anger (or whatever drove you to act the way you did) in a separate space, not with the people you hurt, but someone who can be a step removed, more impersonal and objective to help you reflect and face hard truths as needed. i say this as both someone involved in activism and community reparations and as an abuse survivor who has done nearly 30 years of therapy learning this in order to not hurt people. it's not ed's fault he's fucked up just like it isn't my fault i am. but it is on me, like it is on anyone, to make sure i limited as much as possible the harm i can cause to others because i learned some awful but very effective tricks at a young age to survive.
ed does not really do any of the above. he doesn't say "sorry". he speaks in generalised language. he complains about the cat bell (which he seems to wear only for one day, given the implied timeline with lucius and pete's engagement). i have a model ship on a stand that says "this is a safe space ship" as a joke because i work for the government and have written press releases that sound just like ed's "apology". where you take no responsibility and encourage "the culture" to move on.
so, really, my question becomes: ed sees himself as a monster. in s1, we had enough balance between ed's current actions and his referenced past actions to see this belief as likely untrue. in s2 though — i mean, is it? is that an unfair or inaccurate belief? i can understand how carrying that belief can get in the way of ed's growth and eventual healing but like. from an outside perspective of ed-the-fictional-character. he's not a "good" person. he's capable of and has done and continued to do horrible, cruel things. ethically, can you argue with that statement about him?
re: ed trying to destroy relationships because of his self-worth issues and instead the consequences of his actions proving that he's loved.
this is the point that made me go: right, no, i need to respond. i need to say my piece about this. izzy and the crew suffering ed's violent tyranny and then sticking around on the revenge anyway afterwards is not a sign of love. it is not showing love to bear pain for someone. it not showing love to let someone mistreat you, threaten you, hurt you, maim you. their actions are selfish and done to give them feelings of power and control over you. lying back and thinking of england to get through it is not love. it is absolutely a survival technique. but it is not love when you do it at the expense of yourself or others.
i also disagree that ed was trying to push people away or break his relationships with others. we know from s1 that ed is fairly blasé about whether crew members die. again, we don't see any friendly or intimate exchanges between ed and any of the crew to imply any kind of relationship there beyond "tools who accomplish ed's goals". the one exception, as always, is izzy. and as previously stated, ed seems bound and determined, in a very conscious way, to bring izzy into death with him. ed does everything in his power to make izzy want to kill ed, or at least agree that it's best if ed dies, and to want to kill himself so ed doesn't have to die alone. that isn't ed breaking that relationship; it's making it permanent in a really fucked up shakespearian way. the only relationship we see ed waffle between wanting to keep and wanting to push away is stede. after his corporate "apology" and the fishing trip with fang, all of ed's dialogue is with stede and a little bit with zheng until izzy's death scene. the crew loving ed just isn't a thing, at least not one we're shown. not from either side. ed's relationships are with stede and kind of, sort of with izzy (because he does manage to, if not fully break, do some major damage to that).
love did not save ed. ed wanting to live, because stede came back, because he didn't want to jump off hornigold's cliff in the first place, saved ed. izzy saved everyone else.
so yeah: that's it; that's the post. the rhetoric that abuse is love or that abuse can be "cured" with love or that trauma isn't lasting and serious and has impacts on people's daily lives is just. wild. wild.
and terrifying.
my dad was born in the 40s. why is anyone born in the 80s or later still defending this mindset? it honestly, truly freaks me out.
guess it's good i have a fucking therapy appointment on monday.
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raayllum · 1 month
"i, carrion" as a callum song 🤝 "the albatross" as a rayla song
If these heights should bring my fall Let me be your own Icarian carrion If the wind turns, if I hit a squall Allow the ground to find its brutal way to me If I should fall, on that day I only pray, don't fall away from me
Cautions issued, he stood Shooting the messengers They tried to warn him about her Cross your thoughtless heart Only liquor anoints you She's the albatross She is here to destroy you She's the death you chose You're in terrible danger
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tomatoland · 8 months
The TopMew scene that was cut was redundant. We already know top is remorseful and Mew is angry. So I’m not surprised it was cut. He should have kept in the other Top scene though where he turned down the hook up. That would have been more impactful for the character.
Oops, I totally did not see this until now. I doubt you are still around, anon, but I’m going to answer this because I finally organized my thoughts.
I wasn't referring to just the break room scene in that post. It's a cascading effect. There is Mew's softened dialogue in EP 6 confrontation, the two previous cut TopMew scenes, and the break room scene. The fact that Jojo said he wish he kept those earlier two TopMew scenes should not be the case. He should not be regretting anything. Everything he wants to show us, should all be on the table. It is HIS art vision. And if they were not editing the episode the same week as it aired, he would have been able to realize that he wanted to put those scenes back in and done so.
That's what I meant by pacing and confirming the storyline is progressing the way he wants. But what is happening is one cut in one episode is leading to another cut in a future episode because there is no basis for the action anymore. As a result, we are losing overall continuity. And who knows what else they'll have to cut because of the editing choices they've already made. Which is why I am worried, they won't have the scenes left to make this a satisfying TopMew reunion at the rate they are going.
I wish we didn't have the interview where Jojo said that because it's making me not trust him with TopMew anymore. If he realized earlier that those scenes didn't fit, they should have done re-shoots but instead we just have cascading cuts.
Removing all these scenes is removing depth from TopMew. It is making them into surface characters. And none of this deleted footage is canon so there is that too.
Yes, definitely, the scene were Top is trying to move on is incredibly important to learning about Top and how he feels about Mew. And they should have kept that regardless of what random people in the fandom think.
But even the deleted scene of Mew's revenge fantasy of wanting to physically hurt Top from episode 7 is important because it provides a basis for his violent thoughts and words in the break room scene. I wish they had shown it at least the TopMew portion as a flash like an intrusive thought while he was in the tub. Everyone has intrusive thoughts, right? No one could fault Mew for that.
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So by not showing us that Mew has had violent thoughts, now Mew's anger in the break room scene seems to come out of nowhere so it no longer fit.
I don't agree about the break room scene being redundant. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
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So instead of knowing that Mew is still incredibly angry and therefore his actions are irrational, what we got was Mew saying "okay" to trying it again with Top here by the pool and then at the end of the episode, inviting Boeing to go wakeboarding with them and saying shit like this to him.
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Oops. I meant to cut the collage below in half, but I’ve already hit 10 images, so read left column and right column separately.
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Now, Mew just seems wishy-washy. I would rather have seen the depth of Mew's pain and rage then absolutely nothing at all, his indeterminable poker face however sweet it looks.
Mew being wishy-washy/indifferent or just deciding to get back at Top on any given random day means their relationship doesn't have a viable path forward right now. Because if they cannot communicate honestly and vulnerably about what happened with Boston, their relationship cannot ever heal and get healthy. They'll just always be stepping around the cracks. This is the albatross I was referring to in this post.
Mew has never broken down and cried. We've gotten the lone tear, here or there. And we know from this BTS that they have footage of Book crying his heart out. As the viewer, we haven't seen it because Jojo is not painting us a picture.
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But removing the break room scene also removed depth from Top too and TopMew's relationship in general.
It shows us that Top is really sorry and willing to show with actions not just with his words that he wants Mew to move forward, so THEY can move forward. Him being unsure of how to handle a wrathful Mew, but still wanting to try. Him saying he already talked to Boeing, since Mew is deeply insecure about him. Him holding Mew's hand and trying to break down this fortress Mew has built around his heart piece by piece.
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The song I posted of what I thought the scene could be saying if it had stayed in. Top's POV: "Love, I don't know how this shit works, but I know we could work things out if we just work together." And that's the key phrase "work together."
And this appeasement photo and answering a fan's tweet that we're going to see happy Mew soon. Jojo thinks we're so dumb.
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All I want to do is scream back, "But are they ever going to TALK?!" TopMew cannot just solve this with sex. We need soul vulnerability. And I'm bloody annoyed because prior to episode 10 that is literally all they needed, but instead TopMew went backwards.
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swallowedbyfandom · 27 days
Penelope wakes from the void feeling lighter than she has in years. Colin Bridgerton had been an albatross around her neck, without the partial bond tugging on her senses she is blissfully free. She staggered over to her mirror to undress and inspect herself. She would rather be unmarked than bare any trace of Colin on her body.
She stands naked as the day she was born in front of her mirror laughing in wild delight. Fate has finally been kind to her. No longer shall she languish as a prisoner to half her soul. She has a glorious new soul mark made up of beautiful flowers with beautiful meanings. She will grasp this new opportunity with both hands. She will not allow a single Bridgerton back into her life, not even Violet. She is free they will not shackle her to the betrayer of her soul. Never again.
The last thing Portia expects to see when she goes to check in on her daughter is finding her Penelope standing defiant, proud, and naked in front of her mirror with tears of laughter and joy in her eyes. Those joyful eyes shoot over to her in the mirror and suddenly her Penelope is a different creature all together. There are no traces of joy only rebellion on her face.
"I will run away and marry a footman before I allow you to entrap me into marriage with Mr. Bridgerton. I don't care what benefits you think it will bring our family. I have been freed from a bond that has choked me since I was a girl of ten. I will not go back."
Harshly Portia retorts, "If you had told me you were both partially bonded I would have had you married, instead of wasting my resources debuting you."
"Please you would never have believed me. When have you ever believed a thing I say? It is too late now, I will not live your life. You represent me as the only child you had after Papa betrayed your bond. You settled for treating me ill instead of having the courage to turn your back on him. I will not make the same mistake."
"I am your mother, you will do as I say."
"I most assuredly will not. You gave birth to me but you have never been my mother. I will drag our family's tattered reputation further into the gutter before the whole of society if you interfere with my love life. You will find I have nothing left to lose but my freedom and there is much I will sacrifice to keep it."
Portia can see it in her eyes, Penelope will burn everything and everyone to the ground to avoid marriage to Colin Bridgerton. Hell she may enjoy burning it all, in retribution for what she has endured. Her youngest daughter is a stranger to her. She loves Penelope she does but she also hates that Penelope is a child born from a severed bond. She is a reminder of betrayal and weakness to her.
"Do not test my resolve, mother. I promise you will be appalled by the lengths I go to and the spite I harbor. I want to be left alone during the off season. Next season I will pursue the marriage mart in search for a husband. I will arrange my own sponsor and chaperones."
Portia exits with rage and pride burning under her chest. She will wash her hands of Penelope unless she does something that causes a scandal. The sooner she leaves the better. Still Portia is going to make Colin Bridgerton regret surviving the bond, he ruined her ball and overshadowed her marvelous fireworks display.
Penelope watches her mother leave with relief. She will not allow anything to taint her new start. She pulls her nightgown back on and calmly rings her bell for food, tea, and a bath. There is much she must accomplish today. She must put out her paper, make plans to leave Mayfair before Colin recovers enough to call on her.
She needs time to grieve, plot, and heal. She needs to learn how to put herself first. Who is she? What is she, when she is not busy being the other half of Colin Bridgerton's soul? What is her future, now?
She knows she must grow a thicker skin. The Ton will be dissecting her every move searching for weaknesses. All will be searching for that elusive reason to explain why charming Colin Bridgerton did not want her. She will not take the blame for this. He had acknowledged their soul bond when he was twelve and she was ten. Then he had gone off to Elton and returned a distant figure. Somewhere along the way he changed his mind and decided he could do better.
She could not be gracious about his rejections any longer, with the severance she no longer has to. She is so very tired of being gracious of other people's faults. He is not hers anymore, she shall not concern herself with him or his family in anyway other than avoidance.
She will be gone from Mayfair tonight. She will miss most of the Bridgerton's but she has to move on. A clean break from her once fated family is a price she is willing to pay. She shall send a farewell for Lady Violet to thank her for her years of kindness but that is all, she can afford. Perhaps she will send Lord Bridgerton a note so he can keep his family away from her. Yes that would be best the last thing she needs is dutiful Anthony Bridgerton deciding she is his responsibility. She will have to nip that nonsense in the bud.
She sets her maid to packing her belongings for a long trip. She has discreet travel arrangements to make and some documents to drop off. Thank god she already had forged identification documents in the event she was discovered as Lady Whistledown. She will be able to disappear without the Bridgertons tracking her down.
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midnightshaze13 · 1 month
⋆⭒˚.⋆The Albatross: metaphor, what does it represent and what is the lyric about ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Albatrosses are truly remarkable. They spend most of their lives at sea and can spend over a year without touching land, actually sleeping with a part of its brain (while the other part navigates). Unlike other birds that use thermal airstreams, albatrosses take advantage of the airstreams generated by waves in the ocean to fly. That's so very cool to not have to move a muscle for days simply because they don't even need to.
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They are also long-lived flying animals (to 50 years, compared to 20 years for most sea birds).
Historically, the albatross was seen by sailors as omen of good luck. It symbolized salvation because it appears just as wind picks up to move the ship ahead in the sea. 🧭🌬🚢
But the presence of these huge sea birds on a sailor's voyage was often misleading. Albatrosses usually fly and nest in coastal areas, so seeing one could meant having land nearby. But the albatross is an animal that can travel for miles and miles, go for several days/weeks flying without moving their wings, as said before, which could mean that there was no land to be found for miles and miles around the ship, there was no landing near in time.
These birds then went onto ships and boats to rest after weeks of not finding ground where to land.
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Sailors, due to desperation and fear of what sometimes was interpreted as bad omen, from months at sea, entertained themselves by capturing albatrosses. And although the albatross was considered an omen of good luck to sea men, the misleading of their presence caused the mariners to shoot them. ⚓️
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Then, the simbology of albatrosses, we largely know from literature - perhaps most famously from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1798 poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".🕯
The poetic use of that bird image is introduced metaphorically to represent a psychological burden (most often associated with guilt or shame) that feels like a curse. 🪽🏹🪶
The sailors symbolize society, which rejects and discriminates against poets because they do not identify with their spiritual side, they shoot before they can understand about you. ✒️📜🪔🌅
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The last curiosity is that most birds are monogamous, very few mate for life. For the albatross, once a mate is selected, it is generally for life.
No wonder why it was written “I now belong to a higher cult of mortals, for I have seen the albatross” by Robert Cushman Murphy, 1912.
About the song:
The Romantic movement became categorised by the intense emotions of awe, wonder, and terror when experiencing the beauty and sublimity of nature.
In the spirit of the Romantics, Swift likens the ‘wild wind’ to women like herself, an untameable force of nature, inspiring both fear and beauty. It is this untameable force that so easily blows out the flame of the candle, a man-made object effortlessly extinguished by the power of the natural wind. The ‘wise men’ in the song reprresented by the candle, are those who should be wary of unruly women for they will be their downfall.
The opening line of the song sets up the song’s theme of men being warned about ‘destructive’ women.
Furthermore, in Coleridge’s poem “The Rime of the Mariner” wind plays a role within the narrative. The mariner shoots the albatross following the ship because he believed it to be a bad omen. The crew were initially angry with his act, believing that the albatross brought the wind that led them out of the Antarctic. The south wind that blew them north then began to send them into uncharted waters where they became stranded, tormented by thirst.
Throughout the song, Taylor creates a tone of suspicion; a theme of people warning men about women like herself. She appears to be painting herself like the albatross, a creature that represents the aforementioned bad luck and shame. In “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” it is the sailor’s act of killing that creates disaster, not the albatross itself. Taylor uses the suspicious tone to show how blame is pointed on ‘the albatross’, showing how men point the blame on women they’ve been warned about instead of acknowledging their own actions.
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starboy-acer · 2 months
“no grave could hold my body down. i’ll crawl home to her” [Jay Ferin x You!]
(this is the angsty one of my albatrio x you btw. i know you jay ferin fans. i know what you are. story is below the cut)
(and to my irl... if you read any of this and send me any lines from this, i will block you /slightly silly)
you wake up on the deck of the albatross. you're cold, soaking wet, and in pain. you attempt to pinpoint where the pain is coming from, but it's difficult to do. you try to push yourself up, but your ribs begin to scream in pain. you let yourself fall back down and stare up at the sky. then, you notice the loud, crowded voices of your captains.
"JAY, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" you hear chip's voice get to a level that you've never heard before. you've never heard this much anger from him. you could almost feel his emotions radiating off of him, sending waves through your body. "YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS SHIP KILLED. SERIOUSLY, WE TRUST YOU TO BE LOGICAL AND RESPONSIBLE, AND THAT WAS NEITHER."
you rack your mind for what he could possibly be referencing. you assume that your injuries have something to do with this. being a barbarian, you get hurt plenty, but it's always intentional and subsides soon after you heal up. this pain was different. you could gather that you, and the crew, were severely harmed in combat. obviously, you had been taken by surprise and immediately knocked out. if you were there for the battle, you definitely would've remembered it as you like to relish in your battles.
"EVEN THEY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SO RECKLESS, AND THAT'S LIKE, THEIR WHOLE THING." you could tell chip was talking to you and you felt jay's eyes on you. chip took a deep breath. you couldn't see what was happening, but you could tell from gillion's silence that he was comforting chip in some way.
"jay," gillion broke the tense silence. "i know that things get difficult when your family shows up, but-"
"but what, gillion?" jay interrupted, clearly sobbing from the tone of her voice. "but. what. what could you possibly say right now. i fucked up. i fucked up so bad that the literal tank of our crew got knocked out immediately. i fucked up so bad that the ship almost got completely wrecked. i fucked up SO BAD that i almost got you all KILLED. so what, gillion. but what."
you knew that jay needed someone in her corner right now. you could hear her sobbing and her voice breaking as she tried to speak. you knew that you needed to get up, push the pain aside, and be with her right now. so, you stood up. everyone looked to you as you winced loudly and grabbed the railing of the ship to keep yourself up. you looked down to where you were laying and saw a deep red puddle. you knew that was your blood, but that wasn't a new sight for you. you didn't care about how injured you were. you didn't care to seek medical aid first. you cared about jay.
"holy shit." chip said while looking at you. "you're alive?"
you looked at him and squinted in confusion. "yes, i'm alive. why would i not be alive?"
"you don't remember?" gillion asked as he walked over to try and help you stand upright. "i used the last of my healing magic just to keep you from dying. i apologize that you're still in pain."
"ah, you're fine, gill. it's not like i've never-" a searing pain rushed up your body from your ribs. they were clearly broken, shattered even. you winced and your knees buckled. gillion catches you and carefully helps you sit upright against the railing on the deck.
"dude, you need to rest. you can't do anything in this condition." chip said as he walked up and crouched beside you.
"resting won't make my ribs magically piece back together again overnight." you shoot back. you didn't want to rest, not when jay is under fire like this. "don't mind my injuries right now. i'm more focused on who the hell you think you're yelling at over here."
chip just looked back at you absolutely dumbfounded. "how long have you been laying there listening?"
"long enough to hear you screaming at jay."
jay was turned around and wiping the tears from her face. you could tell that she didn't want you to see her in this state, but you absolutely did not care. the sole reason you were even on this ship was jay ferin. you would always be in her corner. you had her back even against navy during training as kids. it was always you, kira, and jay ferin. the officers were always hard on her and her dad was the worst of them all. you earned plenty of harsh punishments over the years from standing up to the authority figures in your life when they would be anything negative to jay or kira. you were their protectors. you were the first person that jay went to when she was leaving and as soon as she said that she was leaving, you were already packed and walking out of the door with her. she is your best friend and your entire world and you would never let anyone harm her.
chip tried to explain himself before gillion interrupted and finally told you the whole story. what you remember is that while you were in allport- which is usually dangerous enough with your high bounties, but you needed supplies- jay saw kira again, and she was with faye and jayson ferin. by the time the crew found her, she was already too close to them. jayson was clearly saying something to her while kira had her hand on jay's shoulder and faye stood there listening. jayson immediately spotted the crew, but his eyes almost shot to you.
"kira, jay. your best friend is here." he said with frustration dripping off the words 'best friend'. kira's eyes widened as she stared you down. her hand dropped from jay's shoulder.
"you... you're alive?" kira said with genuine shock.
"what are you doing here, kira. what are you doing with... them." you said back, gesturing to the ferins.
"what do you MEAN what am i doing here? i'm navy. i've always been navy! you used to be navy too. you AND jay. before you just... left me."
"we didn't leave YOU. we left NAVY. and before i speak one more word, you need to decide between us and navy, ki." you used the old nickname you had for kira. as kids, jay had trouble pronouncing her 'r's, so you started calling kira by 'ki' and let jay catch on. eventually, jay's slight speech impediment went away and you did away with the nickname when you were teenagers as jayson ferin always said it sounded "childish".
kira shook her head and looked down. "don't make this hard, please. you guys could just come back and we could be us again and i wouldn't have to choose."
"choose." you stated. the words pierced kira's heart and you could tell.
"i choose navy. i've always chosen navy. it's my livelihood and i'm not going to leave it for you." kira held her head up and balled her hands into fists.
"then, i'm gonna need you to get away from jay. right now." you stepped towards jay before jayson held a hand up.
"step any further and i will not hesitate to hurt you or your crew."
"i am not scared of you. i never have been. you should know that very well, jayson."
"that is ADMIRAL ferin to you."
"hard to say that when there's so many already. navy is practically crawling with faye's spawn."
faye just looked over to you with a slight smirk. you haven't met jay's grandmother often, but when you did, you immediately got an awful vibe from her. your hatred for her has only grown over the years.
"jay, just come back over to us. you don't need to go with them!" chip called from behind you as he stepped up to stand with you.
"it's not your destiny to go with them! you're walking a better path than them." gillion stepped up beside chip.
jayson's eyes were locked on you. "you have one last chance to turn around and let me talk to MY DAUGHTER in peace. choose wisely."
you looked at chip and gillion as they nodded at you. you pulled out your battleaxe and felt your blood run hot as you entered a rage. a firey aura surrounded you and your eyes began to emit a slight glow. "i've never backed down from you, even when i was a child. and now, you're gonna feel what that old rage feels like now."
before you could even charge him, you felt a heavy weight fall on you that sent you to your knees. there was nothing above you, but it felt like a boulder was dropped on you. you heard your spine crack as pain shot up your back. then you fell to the ground.
"after you fell, we all kinda backed up. gillion wanted to fight, but i could tell that this wasn't a fight we were gonna win and told jay to come with us back to the ship. jay just... zoned out. her dad told her to attack us and she just... did. ollie picked you up and we had to fight to get jay. our crew against jay, jayson, faye, and kira was not a pretty fight at all. we nearly died, multiple times, and we only managed to get out because gillion did some mind trick on jay, picked her up, and we ran." chip said, helping gillion to bandage up your wounds. jay had already left to go have some time to herself. you wanted to go with her, but she told you to just stay there and she'll talk later.
"i cast suggestion and 'suggested' that she freeze and stop attacking." gillion added.
"yeah, that. but anyway, we ran to the ship, but they just chased us. they destroyed half of the port trying to attack our ship. they even got a couple of hits on the hull. it's not awful, but it's not good either. we have to hope that we don't run into anything before we get to edison kingdom. alphonze needs a repair too, so we're just gonna kill two birds with one stone."
"we are not killing birds." gillion shot chip a glare and you giggled slightly before wincing in pain again.
"gill, it's a metaphor. it means that we're doing two things at once."
"that makes so much more sense. i didn't want to believe that you were killing birds with stones."
after getting bandaged up, you went to the captains' quarters and took a nap to try and heal up a little, same with chip and gillion.
you woke up a good few hours later. chip and gillion seemed to have turned in for the night and were resting peacefully, but you didn't see jay. feeling significantly better, you walk onto the deck to see jay sitting against the mast. you walked to sit beside her and she stared off into the distance.
"are you okay, jaybird?" you called her by your special nickname for her. when you called her that, it basically meant 'i'm here for you, tell me anything'.
"i'm not, hawk." jay replied so quietly that it was almost a whisper. hawk was her nickname for you, similar to jaybird. she called you that because hawks are generally hostile to anything bigger than them, incredibly intelligent, strong, and they're loyal. you're just like a hawk. "i froze. i keep freezing. i shouldn't be on this ship. all i do is endanger the people on it. i keep putting everyone in danger."
"jaybird," you moved to face her head on and you grasped the sides of her face to force her to look at you. "you're not a danger. you are not the danger on this ship. we constantly get thrown into danger whether it's gillion and some weird sea creatures, chip with his whole black hole in the sea thing and trying to find his old crewmates, or it's you with the navy. or hell, US with the navy. the navy isn't fond of our crew for a hell of a lot of reasons, and you're not the main one."
"don't lie to me."
"i would never even dream of it."
jay paused for a moment. she knew that you were telling the truth, from your perspective anyway, but she didn't know what to believe. she looked down and started to cry again. you pulled her in close to you and she curled up in your lap, burying her head into your chest. you're the only person she's ever been so vulnerable with. you're the only person she can consistently trust, and she knows that.
you began to caress her hair, twirling strands around in your hands. you felt your heart squeeze, but it wasn't any pain. you had long pushed aside your feelings for jay because you believed that it would cause tensions or conflicts in your further adventures, but as you watched her sob into your arms with the moon beautifully highlighting her orange hair and her face glistening with tears, you knew you had to tell her.
"jaybird, i have to tell you something." you started and jay just slightly looked up at you. "i... fuck, i don't know how to say this. basically, i have some... feelings for you."
"wait, you do?" jay sat up, genuinely confused. "how?"
"what do you mean?"
"how could you like someone like me?"
you scoffed. "well, for starters, we've been friends for years and years. we grew up together. i've watched you go from a scared kid under navy's boots to an absolutely gorgeous, strong, powerful woman. you're a damn good shot and everytime i watch you fight, i just admire you even more. we've gone from me protecting you all the time to fighting together and protecting each other. you're also just so so gorgeous. i love how the color of your hair complements your skin tone and your blue eyes. when you fight, your hair gets all disheveled and falls in your face and it just makes you look intimidating and... i don't know, it just does something to me." you kind of laugh at that last part because you didn't intend to say that, it's just what you were thinking.
jay stares at you, jaw agape, as her eyes widened. you look back at her as your heart races. you don't know what she's going to say at all. except, she doesn't say anything. she just leans over and kisses you. instinctively, you wrap your arms around her waist as she sits in your lap. she runs her hands through your hair and pulls away.
"so... that's probably good, right?"
"yes, idiot." she smiled as she kissed you again. she kissed you like she had been waiting her entire life to do so. she kissed you with such desperation and passion that you were convinced she has had feelings for you for a very long time, maybe even longer than you have for her.
you both decide that it's time to get some real rest and head into the captains' quarters. gillion was asleep in his barrel while chip was asleep in his bed right beside the barrel. instead of going to your bed, you decide to curl up with jay in hers. you were both turned to face each other. you played with jay's hair, occasionally kissing all over her face, while she made sure she was as close to you as she possibly could be. it didn't take long for you both to fall asleep. you dreamed of her and, of course, she dreamed of you.
"wait, so," chip looked at jay with a confused face, clearly about to say something incredibly stupid. "anastasia. what's all that with her. like the romantic dancing and stuff."
you looked over at jay, feeding into the stupidity. "i was charmed! i also happened to be very nervous about asking you to dance!" she looked at you while she talked.
"hmm," chip and gillion looked at each other and nodded like they were agreeing with each other. chip finally spoke up. "me personally, i wouldn't take that. would you, gill?"
gillion shook his head "absolutely not!"
"okay well gillion, you don't like women. chip, women don't like you. i am not taking girlfriend advice from two men who don't get bitches."
chip and gillion dramatically clutched their chests as they pretended to be hurt before jay actually threw a stone at both of them, causing them to fall over.
"WE'RE NOT KILLING THE BIRDS WITH STONES, THE BIRDS ARE KILLING US!" gillion yelled out, referring to jay as 'the birds'.
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quagmireisadora · 6 months
Dear Jonghyun
I ran away from you. Or tried to.
Parts of me got left behind, permanently burnt against memorable parts of you. You changed their behaviour, their properties, their every identifiable aspect that made them mine. Now those parts are not something I can claim with any pride or entitlement. 
I ran away like I run away from other painful things, leaving traces of me in every failure and every mistake. I ran away because all other choices had closed off after a certain point, leaving only one. 
Sometimes I host questions—questions that I can't voice to anyone else for fear of... judgement? Dismissal? Allegations of insanity? I don't know. I am afraid of talking. I am afraid of saying what I feel. I'm afraid of thinking. I'm afraid the parts I salvaged are changing too, slowly corrupting until my own body is unrecognisable to me. I'm afraid of changing but also afraid of remaining unchanged.
You were good. You were clean. We believe these things about you because they are easy to believe. You're easy to accept this way. There was once a man of gold, I like to say. But you're also a stranger. You're also a complete unknown. You're also meaningless, like everyone else in an expanding universe. You were good. You were clean. You were a man of gold. I write you this way because I don't know anything about you. I don't understand anything about you. What keeps me up is that I never will. 
What if more of you takes more of me? What if I slowly erode until I am nothing but a mass of grief and self-reproach? What if my love becomes my loathing? That's not right. That's not fair. That's not what I want at all.
You are my albatross. I am your mariner. Between my voyages I shoot you down, again and again and again... then wear you like an anvil around the neck. I need to be free. I have to find ways to be free. I have to keep running.
It's not your fault, even if I sometimes convince myself of it.
One day I'll accept it all—that I don’t know, that I had no control, that I tried not to care. One day everything else that I do know and do control and do care for will be all that matters. One day I will become free of change, free of guilt, free of you. One day I'll run towards something else. 
Until then I carry you. Until then, dear Jonghyun.
수고없이 사는 곳 고생없는 세상 속 그 자리로 가자. 그 세상에 다시, 새���게 만나자.
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formlessvoidbeast · 4 months
List of Lupin III Part 2 Episodes (that I liked enough to make my partner watch them)
Part 2 of Lupin III has Many Episodes, but overall I found it fun and charming (in a dated kind of way). Please be aware that this is a very old show, and there are still instances of racism/sexism/etc in these episodes (though the worst have not made this list).
I have decided to share the whole list of episodes I noted down to make Partner watch with me as I have been devouring the show entire, much like a snek, but I have also bolded a couple of my Extra Favorite ones.
I cannot speak to the quality of the dub versions, as I have only watched with Japanese audio and English subtitles. I don't think Part 2 is a bad place to start if you want to get into Lupin. It is a very silly show full of shenanigans, which has been bringing me a great deal of joy over the winter.
11 - "A Gift for the President" / "The Sleight Before Christmas" 12 - "The Great Chase in San Francisco" / "I Left My Mind in San Francisco" 20 - "Goemon's Revenge" / "The Last Mastery" 25 - "A Rose and a Pistol" / "Shot Through the Heart" 32 - "Lupin Dies Twice" / "Lupin the Interred" 41 - "Search for the Treasure of Princess Kaguya" / "Heroes and Vixens" 44 - "The Vanished Special Armored Truck" / "Lion, Cheatin' and Stealin'" 48 - "Lupin Laughs at the Alarm Bell" / "Vault Assault" 57 - "Computer or Lupin?" / "Alter-Ego Maniac" 58 - "The Face of Goodbye at the National Border" / "Gettin' Jigen with It" 61 - "The Flying Zantetsuken" / "The Yam Is Mightier Than the Sword" 66 - Order: Shoot to Kill!!" / "Beauty and the Deceased" 72 - A Skateboard Murder Mystery" / "You're Sapphired!" 79 - "The Lupin Funeral March" / "Baton Death March" 80 - "The Last Gift in Prison is Cup Ramen" / "Everybody Loves Ramen" 81 - "Fujiko, Men Are a Sorry Lot!" / "Fujiko, Men Are a Sorry Lot!" 82 - "Rescuing Pops" / "Hostage Rescue Operation: Daddio" 84 - "Leave the Revenge to Lupin" / "Leave the Revenge to Lupin" 98 - "The Day Pops Was Gone" / "The Day Without Daddio" 99 - "The Scattered Magnum" / "Fighting Jigen" 102 - "Lupin, Do You Like Chanel?" / "Lupin, Do You Like Chanel?" 110 - "Fujiko's Candid Photo" / "Sharp Shot! This is Fujiko" 112 - "Goemon's Close Call" / "Danger! Goemon" 116 - "When's the 108th Bell?" / "Has the Bells Rung 108 Times?" 129 - "In Jigen, I Saw the Gentleness of a Man's Soul" / "The Kindness Of Jigen is Seen" 134 - "The Climactic Lupin Arrest Operation" / "The Surrounded Summit Strategy" 137 - "The Magnificent Team-Play Operation" / "Team Work" 142 - "The Big Favorite Disappeared at the Grand Race" / "The Disappearing Favourite" 143 - "The Miami Bank Raid Anniversary" / "The Miami Bank" 145 - "Wings of Death - Albatross" / "Albatross: Wings of Death" 148 - "The Target Is 555 Meters" / "The Target is Five Hundred and Fifty Five Meters Away"
If you only watch one episode of Part 2 -- make it 145/Wings of Death- Albatross, but if you are going to watch more than one episode for the love of the gods don't watch that one first it will set your standards much too high for the rest of the show.
edit to add: a number of these episodes after 98 can be found on youtube! And in fact youtube has much better subtitling on their subbed episodes than crunchyroll, so I recommend watching them there instead if possible.
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rphunter · 1 month
looking for 21+, literate writing partners for an elder scrolls roleplay
hello!❤️i am a 25 year old lady from the USA looking for some new threads set in the elder scrolls. i request that you be 21+, literate & fine to write against flawed, troubled characters. i also have a full-time job as well as some pretty hefty projects i am working on on the side, though i am very communicative via whichever platform we end up on and will always try to let you know if there will be a shift in activity level from me.
i am preferential to the 4th era (the time period for Skyrim) though i do not mind where the characters are, or whether it adheres to any one theme or guild or plot.
i am looking to write against original characters with my own. i have a handful that I am hoping to flesh out through writing. as i mentioned above, these characters are flawed, troubled individuals in their own ways. i am a huge sucker for character development, overcoming albatrosses and grappling with struggles such as addiction, emotional shortcomings, past trauma or even just nihilistic tendencies. i do not have any strong preferences one way or the other as far as pairings go, but i'd prefer to refrain from pre-determining the relationship dynamic (bottom, top, et cetera) and instead allowing them to develop their dynamic authentically. i am a big sucker for romance, and using it as a tool to better my characters, but i also do not need it to enjoy the thread. i am happy to include smut, but would prefer it at least be balanced with the plot (80-20 in favor of plot, though honestly i'm fine with 60-40 as well).
some of my favorite plot themes include that of political scandal or intrigue (dissidents, corruption, et cetera), adventure, romanticism, et cetera -- i know that's vague, but i don't want to write a book lol. i am more than happy to share some specific plot ideas once we get to chatting! i figure we can talk about characters first, and go from there.
i can write anywhere really, i don't mind where we end up. i haven't done anything on tumblr itself in ages, but i'd be totally open to it if you could be patient with me setting up a blog specific to it first. i'm happy to write on discord, email or even google docs or something similar. if any of this sounds interesting to you please feel free to interact with this post and i will shoot you a message.
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squadron-goals · 9 months
Letter by Leutnant Hans Joachim Wolff to Leutnant Lothar Freiherr von Richthofen
                                                                                        Airfield, 25 April 1918
Dear Richthofen! I still can´t believe that it´s true. I feel as if I had a nightmare. But it must be true, because everyone is talking about it. Just don't think about it, otherwise you have to cry. I can sympathise with your pain, nothing could cut deeper than the loss of your brother. The greatest pain a person can feel. We all, even the youngest mechanic, grief. We mourn the loss of a man who was everything to us, to whom we would have given anything. But unfortunately we were not granted the opportunity to prove our unbreakable loyalty to him. I in particular am deeply unhappy. I have lost more in him than just the great role model he was to everyone. I loved him like a father. I was happy when I was allowed to be with him. Especially in the last time, this was the case. We talked about a flight to Freiburg and Speyer. It was to take place on 24 April. Herr Rittmeister wanted to go to the Black Forest for a few days on a hunting trip and then to the Pfalzwerke. And now all that is to be no more. How everything will be so different now. Really everything was allowed to come, except that. Fate was too cruel. On the evening of 20 April, he shot his seventy-ninth and eightieth. Late in the evening, around half past seven, we took off again. A division lying near Villers-Bretonneux had asked for protection. We had hardly arrived when we encountered a whole bunch of Sopwith-Camels; we immediately attacked, of course. Hardly after a second the first one was on fire, immediately afterwards the second, not long after that the third. I didn't get mine, unfortunately. - By the way, I now have nine kills - Herr Rittmeister had two, one for Leutnant Weiß, who now leads our squadron and has eighteen kills. Herr Rittmeister must have been terribly pleased with these two kills. After the dogfight he went down low so that everyone could see his red machine and waved to the infantrymen. Everyone knew who was on the plane, and they had all seen the burning Englishmen shortly before. Enthusiastically, everyone waved and waved their caps. When Herr Rittmeister landed, he clapped his hands and rejoiced, saying: "By golly, eighty is a decent number.“ And we all rejoiced with him and looked at him admiringly.
That happened the night before, then came the fateful morning. We started around three quarters of twelve in the morning in two chains. The first chain: Herr Rittmeister, Leutnant Freiherr von Richthofen (Wolfram), Oberleutnant Karjus, Vizefeldwebel Scholz and me. We had hardly reached the front when we saw about seven Sopwith-Camels below us on our side in the Hamel area. Apart from the five of us, Jasta 5 was still in the vicinity, but much further on this side in the Sailly le Sec area. Above us there were still seven Sopwith-Camels, but some of them attacked Jasta 5, others stayed above. One or two came at us. We started to fight. In the course of the fight I saw Herr Rittmeister near me several times, but he hadn't shot any down yet. From our chain, only Oberleutnant Karjus was with me. Vizefeldwebel Scholz was fighting with the Albatrosses in the Sailly le Sec area. Leutnant von Richthofen was apparently not quite in the picture yet, since it was about his first air combat. While I was fighting with Oberleutnant Karjus against two or three Camels, I suddenly saw the red machine next to me shoot at a Camel, which at first let itself spin, then pushed away in a steep dive towards the west. This battle was already taking place on the other side beyond Hamelet. We had quite a strong east wind, and Herr Rittmeister must have also not thought of that. Now that I had some space, I occupied myself a little more intimately with a Camel and shot it down. While the Camel was falling, I looked around for Herr Rittmeister and saw him still chasing the Englishman at an extremely low altitude about above the Somme near Corbie. I shook my head unconsciously and wondered why Herr Rittmeister was pursuing an opponent so far beyond. While I was still trying to observe where my kill fell, I suddenly hear machine gun fire behind me and am attacked by another Camel. On the side, this was a pro who put about twenty hits into my machine. When I was rid of him, I looked around for Herr Rittmeister, but saw no one, except for Oberleutnant Karjus, who was near me, but not quite in the picture yet either. That was when it started to get scary for me, as I should have seen Herr Rittmeister. We circled the area for some time, were also attacked again by an Englishman whom we pursued to about nine hundred metres above Corbie, but there was no sign of Herr Rittmeister. I came home with bad suspicions. There were already reports. A red triplane landed smoothly northwest of Corbie. - That another Englishman could have shot him down from behind was out of the question, I could vouch for that straight away.
That would have been the most terrible thing for me, as I considered myself to be Herr Rittmeister's personal protection. - Herr Rittmeister is said to have shot down the Englishman, then he wanted to pull up, but suddenly made a steep glide and landed smoothly. So now there were two possibilities. The machine was overstrained, a valve has popped out, and the engine already at a standstill. The other possibility was hits from the ground in the engine. But he must be alive, and that eased some of our pain. Yes, we were happy for his parents, who were able to see their eldest son again after the war. And then the next day Major Hähnelt came and told us that Herr Rittmeister had died. That was impossible, that couldn't be true. And then I had a terrible suspicion. A rumor that has been going around for some days. You cannot land a triplane smoothly with a deadly injury. But there are Australians lying there who saw the Englishman being shot down, and suddenly the triplane had to land there. No, it's unthinkable. Are all people really that brutal? You will probably get more detailed information about it. And if it is true, then the German people will collectively demand accountability. And we, the Jagdgeschwader Richthofen, especially his Jasta 11, will prove to the English that even if Richthofen is dead, his spirit will live on with us forever. They will be surprised. - I wish you a speedy recovery. Hopefully you will soon be at the front leading us from victory to victory. Because we only have one thought, and that is to avenge your great heroic brother. And again, my heartfelt condolences. With the best regards Your Hans Joachim Wolff
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undertale-museum · 4 months
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1Feb24 complete
When Trigger Warnings not given, marked with *** if necessary.
Reminder: check tags on fic regardless of it tw’s given or not.
[21] A Fixed Debt (+18, ***)
By undertailsouls3x (196k)
January 1 2017 - April 6 2020
Sans, Edge
Sans is dropped in Underfell
[22] Six Skeletons, One Store Clerk
By mccloudydayz (249k)
August 24, 2017 - Jan 7, 2024
Reader, Sans, Paps, Red, Edge, Stretch, Blue +
Domestic, multiverse shennanigans
[23] Aggre(g/v)ation
By Llama_Goddess (180k)
July 9th, 2018 - August 3, 2020
Reader, Sans, Red, Skull, later Mobfell
Domestic, lots o’ shippin’
[24] Panic Room
By coco_finny (206k)
October 5th, 2018 - October 15, 2019
Swapfell Sans, Swapfell Papyrus, Reader
recovery, domestic
Note: past-slavery, past s-abuse
[25] A Little Bit of Medicine [series]
By Skerb (46k)
September 11, 2018 - Feb 28, 2020
Depends on fic (Sans, Red, Stretch, Edge)
Fluff to naked canoodling +18
[26] Meant to be Mine (+18)
By Catsitta (14k)
October 23, 2018 - Dec 16, 2018
Sans, Red
+18, kink
Tw: non-con, stalking
[27] Sweet and Spicy (+18)
By Ravvi (25k)
Feb 21, 2018 - July 12, 2022
Swapfell Papyrus, Swapfell Sans, Swapfell Grillby
Tw: non-con, kidnapping
[28] Don't Shoot The Albatross
By Gypsum Lilac (RyftWyrd) (29k)
March 3, 2019 - July 2019
Reader (enby), Edge
Mafiafell, 1950s
[29] Burn Me Down
By Gypsum Lilac (RyftWyrd) (22k)
October 20, 2019 - November 11, 2019
Edge, Reader
Fast food domestic, mental health
[30] On Top of the Bone Pile
By Lyrjok (422k)
January 13, 2019 - Jan 2, 2020
Reader (in band), Red, Edge, Blue, Stretch, Gaster Sans
Harem, eventual smut
Note: stop at 90
[31] The Soldier and the Carnal Skeletons (+18)
By Writers_War_Zone (113k)
March 10, 2019 - Sept 8, 2019
Sans, Red, Horror, Blue
Animal instincts, harem, kink dynamics
[32] Dirty Laundry
By popatochisp (162k)
April 20, 2019 - June 7, 2020
Swapfell Sans, Swapfell Papyrus, Reader
Domestic, romance
[33] just buisness [series]
Catsitta (37k)
December 27, 2020 - October 2, 2023
Sans, Papyrus, Red
Mature themes (no sex), sugar daddy red
[34] Bitty and the Beast
By Dreaming Mystic (59k)
July 12, 2020 - October 9, 2020
Ink, Axe (Horrortale)
Bittybones, beauty and the beast style, kidnap style
Note: bookmark
[35] beast.
By alchemic (49k)
August 19, 2020 - Nov 27, 2021
Reader, Red
Beauty and the beast stalker style, financial trouble reader
[36] Sleepin' with the Fishes
By Catsitta (28k)
May 22, 2022 - Jan 20, 2021
Red, Edge, Blue, Stretch, Sans, Papyrus
Mermaids, Mafia, Mobtale
Note: tw kidnapping
[37] For the Forgotten Ones ***
By I’m_Sorry_Buddy (491k)
December 12, 2022 - Nov 11, 2023
Ink, Nightmare, Killer, Horror, Dust, Cross, UTMV ensemble
~Ink showed up late and the universe is overwelmed with corruption, lot of worj to do~
[38] Good Boy (+18, ***)
by this_is_my_alt (133k)
feb 23, 2020 - october 25, 2023
Gaster Baster Sans, Fellswap Papyrus
[39] The Things You Haven't Told Me ( ***)
By Nanenna (28k)
Sept 28 2018 - December 14, 2018
Underfell Ensemble
Note: teen pregnancy in past
[40] storm (+18)
by nilchance (2k)
Nov 3, 2020
_one shot
Farmtale Sans, Horror
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clefclefairy · 23 days
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 hi i wanna purchase all the jojo opinions and if you have any for the mcu then those too
oh god lol okay. look. i have been in some godawful fandoms. the mcu was objectively worse on a larger scale but jojo fandom was an absolute tar pit. just people whose parents weren't even fucking born when the series debuted hotly debating if the 15 year old bodybuilder lookin ass bitch could fuck another teenager. just absolute raw insanity. if i ever meet the guy who pitched voltron to netflix i'd shoot them in front of everyone who loved them, i can tell you that much. and if you don't understand the throughline there i can't help you, i've been in fandom too long. it's so weird to have tumblr hot takes on this bc i was basically in the trenches on twitter for this one. I met awesome people and literally, my fucking partner of almost 4 years in the midst of this, but holy fucking shit did this series just bring out something insane in people, and not in a good way. that's calmed down somewhat, but like...what a time!
actual hot takes about the series? god. stone ocean was screwed so hard by netflix. i feel like the backstory reveal at the end. you know the one. if you don't....don't even worry about it! but that was the albatross around this thing's neck and always will be. do I think it was inherently a bad writing choice? no. do I think it was....not as delicately handled as it could have been? god yes. and it is almost next to impossible to discuss for about nine million reasons so uh, truly one of the backstories of all time. part 7 rules just go fuckin read it you don't need to know anything about any other jojo series. it's really incredible seeing how much araki's grown and changed as an artist. that's not really a hot take i don't think but like. it's so good!
hottest take: dio is both a lot more interesting than he gets credit for and incredibly overhyped. what do i mean by that? wouldn't be a hot take if I explained it, yeah?
I should've gotten my ass out of the mcu the second it was obvious none of the avengers were just going to hang out and be friends. it's incredible watching this stupid fucking franchise wallowing in the worst excesses of everything bad about comics, and it only took them 12 years to rot to this degree versus what took cape comics arguably 80 years to reach! uh...congrats?
also i will never forgive steve/bucky for ruining steve/tony. that should've been the main mcu yaoi ship they've been fucking for decades it's insane how much of that back and forth was just ripped away because the mcu doesn't know how to be homoerotic because it isn't nearly artistic enough, that was all sebastian stan and good for him but also god dammit man, you ruined everything!
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ducksbellorum · 10 months
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Hopeless Wanderer
a camino de santiago mix - september 2022 - arranged by ducksbellorum
awake my soul - mumford and sons How fickle my heart and how woozy my eyes I struggle to find any truth in your lies And now my heart stumbles on things I don't know My weakness I feel I must finally show
white blank page - mumford and sons Oh, tell me now, where was my fault In loving you with my whole heart? A white blank page and a swelling rage You did not think when you sent me to the brink
footloose - kenny loggins I gotten this feeling That time's just holding me down I'll hit the ceiling Or else I'll tear up this town
one day - matisyahu Keep on movin' though the waters stay ragin' In this maze, you can lose your way, your way It might drive you crazy But don't let it faze you, no way, no way
hey there delilah - plain white t’s Oh, it's what you do to me A thousand miles seems pretty far But they've got planes and trains and cars I'd walk to you if I had no other way
hopeless wanderer - mumford and sons I will call you by name I will share your road But hold me fast, hold me fast 'Cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
by my side - godspell Where the horizon lies And the land sinks into mellow blueness Oh please, take me with you Let me skip the road with you
weight of living pt 1 - bastille Your Albatross, let it go, let it go, Your Albatross shoot it down, shoot it down When you just can't shake the Heavy weight of living
weight of living pt 2 - bastille All that you desired, when you were a child Was to be old Now that you are here, suddenly you fear You've lost control
paradise - coldplay Every time she closed her eyes When she was just a girl, she expected the world But it flew away from her reach and the bullets catch in her teeth Life goes on, it gets so heavy
the servant song - richard gillard We are pilgrims on a journey, We are trav'lers on the road; We are here to help each other Walk the mile and bear the load.
you gotta go - trail to oregon You gotta go when you gotta go Close your eyes, give it a shove Go! You gotta go It's time to let go of your love
the road - starry Ev’ry step in a new direction Waiting for the resurrection of the light But even in the dark, the road is bright The road is bright
a new way to walk - sesame street It's a little bit of strut and a lot of smooth And a little bit of bouncing fine My chin is up, my feet don't stall When I walk my walk, I walk real tall
as it was - harry styles Seems you cannot be replaced And I'm the one who will stay, oh In this world, it's just us You know it's not the same as it was
get me to the church on time - my fair lady But get me to the church on time If I am dancing roll up the floor If I am whistling right out the door I got to get there in the morning
starman - david bowie He told me Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie
four five seconds - rihanna Now I'm four, five seconds from wildin' And we got three more days 'til Friday I'm just tryna make it back home by Monday mornin' I swear I wish somebody would tell me
porto sentido - rui veloso E é sempre a primeira vez Em cada regresso à casa Rever-te nessa altivez De milhafre ferido na asa
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