#don't mind me screaming about these characters ffff
ineffably-in-love · 5 years
Good Omens Headcanons: Gabriel & Beelzebub
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the tired bosses bonding over their employees being a pain in the ass
outside: lawful evil/lawful good
inside: both chaotic neutral
when they want to restart the Apocalypse, Gabriel arrives there first with his fabulous lightning, but he waits for Beelzebub before stepping up to the gang
ergo: just one more canon evidence that they’re 1) clearly already having some kind of relationship and 2) both drama queens and you’re in big fucking trouble now young man
the fucking looks on their faces as they walk, like ‘shit here we go again’
they’re clearly not afraid/restrained to share their feelings with each other, just look at their worried faces during their convo in ep6
why are they standing so close and why are they so intimate with each other answer me neil gaiman i want a spin off
Beelzebub being strong af and able to lift Gabriel without batting an eye is iconic already and I’d like to submit it to Fanon
enthusiastic Gabriel lifting her to snuggle because he’s a big dumb doggo
Beelzebub realizing that she does not care about her buzzing voice anymore when she’s with him
Gabriel having learned the f-word from her
I love people posting about them knowing each other in Heaven, but honestly them just meeting through horrible job experiences is so much more hysterical and relatable
them meeting on Earth to discuss and Complain™ is pretty much fanon by now and I live for it
I enjoy the idea of a Red Telephone kinda thing, but ‘there are no back channels’ so how do they know when to meet for complaining?
how about: angels radiate great love and other positive feelings, and an archangel’s radiation is so strong that Beelzebub could literally find him on the spot whenever Gabriel walks the Earth
e.g. Gabriel is running in the park when suddenly Earth opens and Beelzebub is like yo I had a super bad day and I need to Complain also you’re bloody beaming today turn it down
or, alternatively, Gabriel using a ouija board and it spelling out ‘U-S-E-A-P-H-O-N-E-D-U-M-B-A-S-S‘ (god i love this thank you op)
B teaching Gabe how to dance to Lasha Tumbai
Gabe making other angels suspicious by humming Friends on The Other Side from time to time
we all crave that reverse!AU don’t we? - sweet sweet angel!Beelzebub with short brown hair - but actually she’s just as savage as before - demon!Gabriel still rocking his purple aesthetics - bearded Jon Hamm!! black turtle neck!! scruffy gabriel - but demon!Gabriel is just another doggo... he’s big and dumb and doesn’t talk much - or au contraire: demon!Gabe being extremly slick and dangerously intelligent uuhhh... like a disney villain but rated r - angel!Beelzebub is a scout/actually Isabella from Phineas & Ferb
I know that red/blue pairs are out right now because of the pastel/goth aesthetics popularity, but we know that these two, at their hearts, are a classic red/blue pair
(hot take: the book versions of the Ineffable Husbands are red/blue as well)
Gabe constantly thinking of new nicknames, e.g. Beez, Buzz, Beelz, Lord B, and Beelzebub just rolling her eyes at them
Ineffable Bureaucracy is super valid and I Do See You, but please please consider: Gabe and Beelzebub as the ultimate mlm wlw solidarity duo
exchanging styling tips
exchanging bad coping mechanisms
post-Armaggeddon’t discussions about what the fuck happened
both of them threatening people to call the other one if they’re pissed omg
‘say that again and I’ll call the hell wife!!!’ vs. ‘do you want me to call the archangel you little shit yeah i mean the big dumb one who does as i say hmm do you want that’
the crack is strong with these two, but please consider angst: - both struggling with their identity as the leaders of their fractions because of their comforting relationship with the enemy - Gabriel and some fucked up flower thing god I love this song - Beelzebub gifting him flowers because she knows he loves flowers - but it’s sad because they’re spreading some virus onto his white lilies - angsty aesthetics: long scarf and coats, lone dark alleyways, rain 
B wanting to smack her head against a wall because this archangel is so fucking dumb but also so charming and nice
Gabe seeing that this demon lord is not a bad person
her reaction to him stealing the eyes of elizabeth taylor
H E I G H T  D I F F E R E N C E
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