#don't ask me why i bothered making this so aesthetically neat I have no fucking idea
eshithepetty · 1 year
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Mob Psycho 100?? More like Mob 'why are all these characters just different flavors of autistic holy shit'..... 100!!!!!
Click on image for better resolution. Also an ID below, in case the text is too small to read:
[ID: art of Mob, Tsubomi, Tome, Ritsu and Serizawa from Mob Psycho 100, with a list of autistic symptoms below them. The background is beige and behind each character is a square mismatch of colors unique to them as a background.
He is wearing his school uniform and smiling lightly. The background colors are saturated blues, cyans, pinks and reds, which are swirling in a liquid like fashion. Below, text reads:
Polite little autistic boy
flat affect
perpetually confused
attempts to mask, just ends up appearing a different type of ‘weird’ as a result
low empathy, high compassion
really strict moral integrity
didn’t have a special interest for the longest time due to repressing himself
disassociating king :(
comorbid inattentive type ADHD
She is wearing her school uniform, staring ahead with a bored, uninterested expression. The colors behind her are dark and sharp browns, violets and reds. Below, text reads:
masking queen
low empathy
can’t read social cues but has mastered the art of scripting and being polite and pretty to escape ostracization
hard time connecting to people
often acts unintentionally rude/blunt
actually cares a whole lot about people she really considers friends
She is also wearing the uniform, leaning her chin on her hand and flapping the other hand excitedly as she rambles about something. The colors behind her are a bright yellow, green and orange, formed as circles and some sharp edges. Below, text reads:
Weird Girl
stimming galore
special interest in the occult/aliens
finds herself only connecting to people through that interest
emotional dysregulation
comorbid hyperactive ADHD
barely passing grades
probably spends hours on random wikipedia articles
He is wearing a yellow hoodie, looking to the side and finger raised in confusion. The colors behind him are green, orange and magenta, and they are swirling in a kind of square vortex around him. Below, text reads:
just a little hater
sounds /neg
has a selective wardrobe of comfy clothes cause textures,,,
has no idea what friends are
special interest in psychic powers
spoons are a comfort item
denied he was autistic for a long time because “wdym, i’m completely normal. Look how well adjusted I am.”
comorbid OCD
He's wearing his usual suit and smiling, eyes closed with the grin, his hands clasped together at his chest. The colors behind him are cyans, blues, greens and magentas, some lines, some circles. Below, text reads:
gamer .....
self isolation as an (unhealthy) coping mechanism
uses comfort items
emotions also be dysregulating but like,, he’s learning to deal with it
high empathy
missed out on a lot of milestones, but it’s okay, he’s catching up :)
special interest in video games
finds comfort in dark, tight spaces
comorbid social anxiety
End ID.]
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
4, 8, 40
Thank you for your ask! <3
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
sometimes it's prompts, like general or fandom events and i just go with that but those are most often shorts.
for the long form stuff it usually is some kind of offshoot of things that are on my mind at the time but it's kinda random. sometimes it's an aesthetic that i'd seen recently or like a lot and had been thinking about like fairy tale kingdom nightmare castle started like that - empire/regency is my favourite european historic fashion area, or levels - thinking of cyberpunk and looking through tsutomu nihei's early work. sometimes it's some kind of real world issue that prompts a story, like there was a lot of talking about some major elections in the usa at the time that prompted why am i like this?, knov's list was also prompted by some christian hypocrisy news related to sexual abuse plus some anti queer stuff, personal work was inspired by the conversations i have with friends about art, especially recently due to the capitalist cyber horror that is ai generated art. sometimes it's a general vibe, like for instance the pandemic and the isolation connected to it inspired conventional wisdom with its ennui, or like the recent chapters of jjk gave me extreme anxiety so i started writing a sugary fic where i specify in the tags that nothing bad is going to happen. sometimes it's because i think something could work and no one is writing it for me, like my beauty and the beast fic. and sometimes its due to the fact that i'm actually an awful person and i start a fic out of pettiness and spite like i click on a fic because the tags feel so exciting and the fic does not deliver and i give in to the baser instincts of i can fucking do this much better.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
beginning and middle are both fine because i don't really struggle with coming up wit the sequence of events for the story. i struggle with finding the angle for some moments. i hate ends though. i fear ending things, it gives me anxiety.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
that's a tough one because i feel very bad bothering artists even for exchange events, i feel it's ok if i don't get art XD and like idk what makes a good scene for art so i'll be kinda vague.
aesthetically my two favourite fics are fairy tale kingdom nightmare castle and levels, i also love the outfits killua wears in why am i like this and knov's list - because those are all teen kid having fun outfits.
also i've been talking with my friend how i'm not super sure what exactly aesthetically my recent jjk fics are and it'd be neat if some artist drew it and decided for me XD
because like one in my head is like fantasy attire and like that's not very helpful maybe more terry pratchett, maybe more tolkien or maybe more dnd like fantasy aesthetic XD honestly not super sure.
the other could aesthetically draw from any asian culture, regardless if more to the east or the west of the continent. it's a non specific au, i didn't feel like doing research for it but it has a harem and historically there were harem like structures all over asia so that's the general direction where my brain goes when i think of the aesthetic vibes for it. but also like i don't want to choose favourites because historical asian fashion is so beautiful, like you can pick any region any period and it's just breathtaking.
Get to know your fic writer!
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stuckstucktrolls · 1 year
dumb fantroll ask meme, even numbers for teags
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Do you have any strange fascinations?
some Trolls would say my inTeresT in rainbow drinkers, buT I JusT Think They're neaT.
What if your favorite part of the body? Why is it your favorite?
aesTheTically? necks and sTomachs are nice. everyone has Them, They can be equally aTTracTive on all Jenders and in differenT shapes or sizes.
What are your guilty pleasures? How would you handle it if someone found out about them?
maybe some of my uh, casual reading. I Think iT would depend who iT was and how They reacTe'T. iT's noT like iT's anyThing awful buT some people geT weird abouT romance novels....
Other then your own blood color if there any color you have strong feelings for, negative or positive, and why?
Jade, for reasons already known. I've always found Teals fucking annoying on averaJe. and I'm noT fond of yellow alThough iT's noT exacTly anyone's faulT There. I guess I also have a Thing for geTTing piTch wiTh Tall ass purplebloods buT I have no idea how ThaT happened.
Any fears? If so how hindering to you are they in everyday life.
I am cauTious abouT undead and I Think ThaT's a fairly common sense Thing To worry abouT.
Are their any secrets your keeping, yes or no? What if someone found out your secrets, how much would you do to keep it secret.
There are, and I have and will conTinue To kill should I need To.
Do you have an event in your past you regret? Would you change it if you could, if so how much do you think it’d change how you were today?
daTing mark, I mighT have haTe'T myself a liTTle less in my early adulThood....
Would you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted. How much do you like the company of others? Do crowds bother you or do you like the social energy.
inTroverTe'T. I like groups if I know The Trolls involved. groups of sTranJers make me nervous acTually, and I prefer one-on-one Time wiTh Trolls I'm close To. ironic considering I have a fairly larJe number of friends now >:J
How do you feel about pailing? Does it have to be a close bond, or a more casual thing to you.
in piTch iT can be casual. buT I'm monogamous in red and even if oz and I weren'T maTespriTs righT now, I'd probably Take Things slower wiTh someone in red Than piTch.
Are you easily jealous? How does jealousy make you feel?
I don'T Think so? >;J iT would have To be very specific siTuaTions To geT me Jealous like ThaT.
Is there any hobby you’ve given up but with you could try again one day?
recenTly, I sTarTe'T wriTing again. does ThaT counT?
How organized are you? Are you nit picky, or easy going? Are you ok with messes or does everything have to be tidy?
fairly organized buT I Tend To leave a few Things in piles around The hive unTil I feel bad abouT iT and clean iT up.
Do you have any addictions or anything you just can’t live without?
I suppose I do and I'm working on.... biTing back a biT.
Do you believe in second chances? Would you give someone who wronged you a second chance?
iT depends on The person and whaT They did buT I guess ThaT means yes overall.
Do you fear your own mortality? How much does the idea of dying scare you, or have you accepted it’s going to happen one day?
probably noT as much as I should if I go by oz and 'khena's opinions.
Do you have any problems with touching others? Do you not like being touched. Are you a touchy person?
I can be Touchy wiTh cerTain Trolls buT I don'T like being surprised. I Tend To geT sTabby.
Do you feel like you have to prove yourself? Do you feel you have a reputation to uphold or do you not care about how others see you?
a biT yeah. probably a hold over from when I was hemoanonymous, buT I'm noT as bad as back Then
Are you a creative troll? Is there anything you like doing to express yourself? Drawing, sculpture, ect?
wriTing and dance!
Do you have a bad temper? How hard is it to control your temper if you even try.
I'm usually amused when Trolls Try To piss me of buT some of my piTch quads are a biT Too good aT iT. I Tend To hold grudges in The rare case someone who isn'T a parTner succeeds in Ticking me off.
You get lost, what would you do? What course of action would you take to find your way?
I'm preTTy good wiTh survival sTuff so as long as I can find a source of waTer and avoid undead, I can hunT and geT myself orienTe'T preTTy easily To geT back To somewhere I know.
What is your favorite scent? Are their any scents that trigger memories for you?
The painT akhena makes. or The way oz smells like good cooking and incense and blood and someThing comforTing.
I guess weT howlbeasT reminds me of my wrigglerhood. iT's nosTalJic
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graegrape · 3 years
//rwby crit
I... really hated this episode. I feel like, in terms of writing, this was worse than even "Rest and Resolutions" from Volume 5, which is my least favorite episode in the entire series. Yes, I'd really go that far.
Let's list this episode's accomplishments:
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• The main characters beat Ironwood to (not-) death for 2 entire minutes, just to hammer home that he's definitely a villain! You're supposed to hate him! (Pushing that aside, too, it's just really strange to have the fight at the start of the episode and then explaining in detail how it happened for 4 minutes.)
• Additionally, why didn't you just have an Ace Ops vs RWBY rematch and an Ironwood vs Qrow fight? Weren't they building up to an Iron//qrow fight? Or was that.. nothing? (Me and my friend have been hyped for the fight the entire volume, so, this is kinda...)
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• Now, with Ironwood dead in jail, Volume 8 leaves the viewer with no sense of tension and no proper threat. Why is there the need to evacuate the citizens of Atlas and Mantle, anymore? We've been shown 3 Grimm since Salem's whale went down, but is that it? Huh? (Also, god, I wish Ironwood was just dead instead.)
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• Team RWBY enters the vault (which is conveniently not guarded by anyone!) and summon the spirit of the relic, Ambrosius. To give some credit, I really like Ambrosius! He was fun, and had a refreshing personality. Problem is, this episode is actively made worse by his presence and abilities.
• So, we're here to save Penny. To rid her of the virus. So, what does RWBY do?
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• They fucking make her human.
• Now, Grae, why does this bother you so much, you may ask? Well, let me tell you:
• Penny has always been "human". That was her entire development in Volume 2, her arc in Volume 7. She's proven that she is already a "real girl", despite her body not being quite like everyone else's. (Side note; I personally read this as Penny being autistic-coded. And with this... thing... there's some actively awful shit here. Though, I'm aware this probably wasn't CRWBY's intention.)
• Also, this line from Yang:
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• I get it, it's supposed to be a cute lil' "I've got a prosthetic/I'm disabled too, I'm not any less human than anyone else!", but... ew. Ew. So, Yang's mechanical parts make her 'no less human'. Penny's body makes her 'no less human'. But they go on to "cure" Penny of this body - and still go on to state that Ironwood's prosthetics actively make him less human? I just. Yuck.
• Next up, possibly my biggest problem with this episode:
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• Those. Stupid. Fucking. Doors.
• Now, the idea of the doors doesn't bother me on its own. In fact, I kinda like the inbetween dimension concept! The aesthetic looks really neat, and the 'don't fall down' line from Ambrosius makes it seem mysterious and dangerous. But, here's the thing.
• If the heroes had this plan, couldn't they have used it in Volume 7? Couldn't they have called Ironwood in Volume 8 and told him about this plan? Was nobody on Ironwood's team smart enough to figure this stupid-ass plan out? These shite-arse doors make the heroes and Ironwood both seem like morons for not working together and makes Ironwood's interesting sacrifice at the end of Volume 7 completely pointless.
• Additionally; the doors rescue everyone. Every. Single. Person. You know how the writers told us this was gonna be a Volume 3 in terms of stakes? Well, suprise! No one dies! Not a single fucking person! Not even NPCs! All because of these,
• Shitty
• Fucking
• Doors!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Now, ain't that a Subversion of your Expectations (TM) ! You love those! We do too! Let us give you fucking 50 of those in one Volume!
• To sum up the episode; it all felt very.. "And conveniently!"
• And conveniently, Winter's on our side! And conveniently, Marrow's semblance works! And conveniently, Penny's a human now! And conveniently, Ironwood is in jail! And conveniently, there are STUPID FUCKING DOORS leading every single person to safety!
Also, they nerfed Ironwood's ass. Unforgiveable.
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Anyways. Adios. Let me know if u agree with me on any of this, would love to hear what other people have to say on this dumpsterfire of an episode. Thanks Eddy.
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