#does it count as Audrey Bourgeois salt if I just give her new and even worse crimes against children?
wisteriasymphony · 4 months
...this isn't actually Claudrien related. BUT IT'S LORE!
Pairing: Chloé & Adrien Summary: Adrien is forced into attending a charity ball with his parents, but at least there's someone else there his age. (Pre-TWEOS; circa 2001. Adrien is approximately 11 years old)
I'll admit, the conclusion isn't super satisfying since it was only a lore drabble, but I think it puts Chloé & Adrien's childhood relationship into good context. It also expands a little on the repercussions of, uh... Audrey Bourgeois's actions. (And, to an extent, lack thereof as the Agrestés were all but happy to cover it up.)
tag list: @dayochoco @everything163 @cutepastelstarsalior @myriadmi @joshua-the-phoeinx @wuhuislandresident @mxacegrey (HAHA FOUND YOU YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME ANYMORE)
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