#do you think mcc is a planet. or a whole solar system
apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
I am forcibly dragging you back to the stage GIVE ME MORE KNOWLEDGE
OKAY IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT MORE. since i did not watch The Dog's stream i will b referencing this post for most of my rambling.
so like. the first thing that sticks out to me is the canonization of the dream smp, obviously, but also empires. and this is for two reasons: both of these canons already have multiple realities/universes canonized within them. for the dream smp, we have c!cpk, who's a canonical dimension hopper; and for empires, we have shrub, who's backstory consists of her dimension-hopping onto the lands of s1 after her homeland was razed. cpk isn't what i'm gonna really focus on here, because to my knowledge, we don't really know a lot about his backstory (at least, not that i can find on the wiki. it doesn't even mention his dimension hopping, but considering its the dream smp wiki, i'm not surprised). i wanna focus on shrub.
so, shrub's backstory has her world being razed due to aeor banishing cohnal and exor's spirit; however, we also know that exor and aeor were gods in the lands of the empires smp. JUST like mianite, gods seem to exist in multiple (all?) realities, which is a SUPER interesting concept!! i'm using it, combined with mianite, to solidify this as more of a fact than a theory, going by the giga-verse concept. it also solidifies alternate realities existing in general, with c!pk possibly solidifying other realities in general (as in, not mirrors/similar to ours, but completely different realities with completely different people).
it also brings up an interesting possibility of, despite all existing within the same universe, each planet/solar system possibly being made by a different god. it'd explain how the gods were all still real, but how XD was able to make the dream smp and mianite was able to make, well, mianite. there's not "one" true creator, resposible for all of creation and the universe, but multiple ones designated to their own segments of reality.
REALLY focusing in on mianite though, i bring up my all-time favorite piece of lore: our universe is canon to their reality as another alternate dimension. by extension, that means our universe is canon to the dream smp, hermitcraft, empires, everything. and not in the sense that chat is canon, or twitter is canon, our actual reality. where their realities are just stories spun by creators behind a stream, broadcasted to hundreds of thousands around the world for entertainment. cc!ranboo is canon to the mcyt giga-verse, although in a different reality. that's not an au (not in the typical au sense, at the least), that's canon baby!!
i have so many more thoughts about the concept of death and the afterlife and whether it's the same throughout all planets/solar systems/galaxies, the implications of reincarnation and other lives, but that's. for another time. i have brainrotted enough here i think.
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