#do you think gangle from tadc would actually be good at pjsk
serenqa · 6 months
hi im alive🥶
i yet again ended up getting too lazy to open tumblr, anyways here im gonna skytober dump you guys now
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day one - manatees
i had different ideas for this airjsjdhmzof
the background doesn't even match help it just looks like the poor manatee is floating
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Day 4 - butterflies
now why did i skip days 2 and three? well i was supposedly meant to follow my instagram posting schedule ( sat, sun and wed ) so before october i crossed out the ones that werent on either Wednesday or the weekends ( and then proceedingly broke the posting schedule several times on ig, oops )
but uh, i liked this one
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day 8 - camera
this one is meant to show off my very first skykid ocs ( which r still my ocs till now just not moth/butterfly like anymore, my babies grew up D: ) one of them is dead in this photo, try to figure out who ( hint, ITS SAHI THE OEN WITH THE BLUE LOOKING CO- )
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day 15 - flowers
man the jump from 8 to 15..🥶 anyways yeah this was the introduction to sahi, darkness flowers DO count as flowers.. right..?
also even though i hate this attempt at being scary, im gonna show you this just so you guys can laugh at it too
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"sis overdosed on gatorade" -bat
ok next
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day 21 - candle( s? )
i forgor if it was candles or candle, anyways yeah meet my friend aka mothiguidedoneyearagoandonlyfoundout2daysagofromthedayimadethisonethattheyhadover800+candlesandtheiralt900+candles
it feels weird to think that he has already been playing for more than a year now like uhh no i thought you still havent experienced days of fortune yet..??
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days 7, 18 and 21 - concert, fav place and emote
alot of people did aurora for the concert prompt, but i had something else in mind, which was this
modest dancer looks wrong im sorry ahizjsmid
also thats the sparkler emote btw
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day 28 - best sky moment
honestly i have several best sky moments, but i guess this one will forever be a great memory to me- i come home from school, excited to change clothes and get on my tablet for the new season of AURORA, then i go ahead and do the quests and catch up with my moth friends, then bam! my very first pass being gifted to me. even if i rarely wear the pendant now, its something ill always be grateful for.
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day 29 - chance encounter
idk if i even did this prompt right, anyways heres how i found my first moth friend, in gw, hiding from a krill.
i was gonna add the same dude from the candle prompt too since i pretty much met them the same way but i was in a rush to get it done before midnight ( i failed )
and now lastly.. the one and only prompt...
drum roll
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day 31 - mischief!!
yeah, pretty lazy yea? because.. yeah it is, i wanted to do the prompt and i really thought i could get something cool, aand this is the result.
but hey look its t!!!! and some new fellas
ill introduce em soon ig but in the meantime, that's the end of this very very long blog post about skytober, byebye!!
btw just a bonus i think i wrote too much of my thoughts i reached the character limit of my notes app help ( cant share anymore images but one of my notes are currently 16195 characters long )
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