#do NOT come into my seabear circle
eddiesrichie · 7 years
Headcanons for the losers club being paranormal and ghost hunters. (Saw the counjerin movies today, which made me think of this)
okay first off, richie is shane from buzzfeed unsolved there is no argument to this. he denies each and every thing that happens. lights flicker? outage. someone possessed? really good acting lessons like this boy is in denial 
richie walking into every haunted house EVER “hey there, demons, it’s ya boy.”
eddie is ryan from buzzfeed unsolved 
eddie is such a damn scaredy cat people wonder why he even agreed to be a part of this fiasco. a wind catches onto something and he is SHOOK with terror and fear 
like the hairs on his arms stand on end
honestly i can imagine bill holding a cross in his hand everywhere he goes. he’d definitely end up being a priest to be able to expel a demon from someone. 
mike would be the skeptic with a normal gun, ready to fight whatever HUMAN tries to play a trick on them because ghosts aren’t real guys
ben and stan would be the camera holders. i can definitely imagine them being those two dorks from insidious who are total nerds arguing back and forth about the supernatural. 
“it has to be poured in a circle!” “i’m not making a seabear circle, ben, shut up!” 
“ghosts don’t possess you, stan. demons do.” “you know what? i HOPE a demon possesses you.” 
beverly is really adventurous and is usually the first person to enter the house, alongside Richie who is a complete skeptic. these two would definitely just say a bunch of jokes to one another as they scope out the house. they do pranks on the other losers especially eddie because his FUCKING FACE WHEN HE GETS SCARED
bill and eddie are pretty much the professionals and are ghost experts by this point. 
*voice comes through on a detector* “oh my god was that will smith?? SOMEONE CHECK THE NEWS!” “shut the fuck up richie”
stan would look into a spooky, dark room, shake his head and walk away “yeah, how about no.”
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relykstudies · 7 years
Reading a Book for School
When you get assigned a book for school, it is essential to read and understand the text, but this can be difficult in a lot of ways; you might enjoy it and read it without stopping to analyze; you might find the book boring and have difficulty retaining the reading; you might not have the best memory.
These can all be detrimental to your understanding of the text and your grade.
So, I’ve decided to share a few tips regarding staying engaged and understanding the reading!
(This ended up being quite long, so the actual information will be after the cut.)
Annotating the text can help you mark places to come back to, stay engaged, and find evidence for required topics.
A good way to do this is by using highlighters and a pencil.
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I needed six colors for my purposes. I also used a sticky note to mark my place and goal for each reading session to keep me motivated.
If you required as many colors as I did, it might be helpful to have a legend. Mine was written on the inside cover of my book.
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(Sorry for the bad quality, I took these pictures on an android phone; the topics I highlighted were Literary Elements, Symbols, Plot Points, Thematic Ideas, Conflicts, and Character Development.)
I also used the highlighters to mark the sides of the pages on which I used the colors. This made it easier to access the information that I needed to have for school.
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Actually Annotating
When annotating a book, keep in mind that highlighting is only useful if done correctly.
Don’t highlight everything. Not only will you not have any focus/specific things to come back to, you will also run out of ink.
Highlighters should be used when necessary. For example:
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Highlighting Whole Sections?
It may, however, sometimes be necessary to mark an entire section, as in the case of “Plot Point” and “Conflict”; to save ink and allow for more highlights in the section, highlighting like in the next example can be useful and more efficient.
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It may also be helpful to supplement the highlights with notes.
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Here, I supplemented my “Character Development” highlight with an explanation of the character trait I was marking. (I also shortened the character’s name from “Santiago” to “San”. Shorthand can be helpful and more efficient.)
Staying Engaged: Active Reading
By looking for specific things to highlight, and by taking notes, you can engage in an activity referred to as “active reading” by one of my previous English teachers. 
Even so, simply looking for the academic features can cause one to get bored and lose focus. A way to combat this is by writing down personal thoughts on what is happening in the text.
This makes it much more fun and forces you to actually relate to/analyze the book and how it affects you.
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(The text says “It’s the opposite of a seabear”... because it stayed inside a circle in the sand as opposed to staying outside of the circle... this may seem weird, but anything to keep you engaged!)
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(Text: “well, *censored*; nothing like a death-threat to ruin the mood :(” My internal monologue often includes cursing, so I wrote some in my book. It’s important to have authentic reactions to keep you engaged, but it’s censored because I don’t know if people want to read that.)
Above all else, just remember to have fun and persever!
Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you found it useful!
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