#do I have the energy to deal with busybodies if I tag Megri
duchessanon · 2 years
Revenge by Tom Bower - final thoughts
I’m tired, v tired. This book was a mission to finish but I did it with some skips in the pre-Henri years. Here were my thoughts on finding freedom 2 years ago as comparison.
Were there juicy revelations?
I guess the Reitmans story was the most promoted one (she was allegedly an asshole to the people she worked with and stole some shoes).
The big one for me was that Camilla is a royal racist (allegedly!). But bower isn’t clear on it at all. First he said cam made comments about future archies hair, then he says Megri suspected she’d been racist towards Archie. But he doesn’t mention if cam said the skin tone comments so idk what’s going on here
There were a LOT of editing issues in this book. He said Megri started dating in July, then he said June. He called Omid Omar. He got basic details of clothes wrong. Those are ones I picked up as a non-meg follower. I would guess there are more and it reduces the credibility
There were a lot of references in this book and that was good to see. HOWEVER when u look into the references, a whole load are tabloid articles who used unnamed sources. Plus for all his piss taking of Omid being their “spokesperson”, Finding Carolyn Freedom was cited a LOT.
Tom Markle thinks he’ll die at 80 and other repetitions
Not once, not twice, but three times did I have to read that markle men die by 80 so Tom thinks he will too. There was a hell of a lot of repetition. Especially bc he would talk about issues mentioned in Oprah throughout the book. But then had a whole chapter on Oprah where it’s all repeated. And sentences were literally copy and pasted too which was getting on my last nerve.
I couldn’t get out of my mind that this man called meg a brazen hussy bc she waved from a car. It was clear he didn’t like her and there was a lot of misogyny eg painting her as a witch that put a spell on Henri. That was pissing me off at the start. But later on it got more balanced bc during her royal life there were a lot of defence for her. To give him credit he used a lot of those views in there. Overall though, he h8s them both IMO!
Q from @betweenfrocksandbooks - it bad? Is it passable? I read FF I'm pretty sure this one can't be worse. It can't be, right?
It was loooong. Bc the og finding freedom was out in 2020, this felt 100x longer with those extra 2 years. Honestly I enjoyed FF more bc of the unintentional comedy of the stupid over-descriptions of everything. This one was a lot more factual but the constant citations made it more like reading a Wiki entry than a flowing narrative. Plus it was bias against meg in the way FF was for her. So I guess it’s personal preference.
Anyways I’m NEVER READING A ROYAL BIOGRAPHY AGAIN. Until Henri’s autobiography. Goodbye xo
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