#distance learning dubai
ishamohan · 1 year
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Awanyu education is the best distance education in Dubai. Their programs are designed to reflect the ever-evolving education scenario and they are authorized to conduct courses from renowned universities.
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lyfeeonline · 4 months
UAE Prioritizes Safety with Remote Work and Distance Learning as Heavy Rain Batters the Region
Sharjah, UAE : In light of anticipated heavy rain, thunderstorms, and strong winds forecast across the UAE, authorities have implemented precautionary measures to ensure public safety. These measures include flexible working arrangements and distance learning protocols. Government Embraces Remote Work: Recognizing the potential dangers posed by the inclement weather, the UAE government has…
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northernnaturalist · 1 year
Killer Whales of Sri Lanka
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Sri Lanka is probably not the first country you think of when you hear “killer whales.” But indeed, they can be found cruising the waters off this island nation if you look hard enough.
Research on Sri Lanka’s killer whales is still in its infancy. Back in 2013, Orca Project Sri Lanka (OPSL) was born, a community science effort founded by scientists in order to learn more about the killer whales around Sri Lanka. They began with only 9 photo-identified individuals, but thanks to the work of photographers, community members, and whale watching companies, the catalog stands at 39 individuals as of 2019.
The project has provided insight into the lives of these mysterious killer whales. Like other killer whales in tropical areas, Sri Lanka’s killer whales are a bit brownish in color, posses very faint saddle patches, and have somewhat shorter dorsal fins compared to their northern counterparts. Information on their diet is scant, but there are records of them preying on sperm whales and beaked whales (and there’s a chance they may go after blue whales on rare occasions).
For several years, the range and movements of these killer whales remained a mystery. Were they “resident” to Sri Lanka, or did they venture elsewhere in the Indian Ocean? In 2015, OPSL discovered one pod of Sri Lankan killer whales, pod 6, had actually been seen in 2008 near Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In 2019, those same whales were documented making the 3,300 kilometer trip a second time. Why might these whales be traveling such long distances? Right now, it remains a mystery.
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Gemmell, G., de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. & Jayatilake. C. (2019). Orcas of Sri Lanka: A Catalogue of Photo-identified individuals. Orca Project Sri Lanka. Online Publication. Released 7 January 2019.
Gemmell, G. L., McInnes, J. D., Heinrichs, S. J., & Wijeyeratne, G. de S. (2015). Killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation on whales in Sri Lankan waters. Aquatic Mammals, 41(3), 265–271
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jordanianroyals · 10 months
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Princess Nejla bint Asem for Vogue Arabia February 2023
By Gina Tadros & Nadine El Chaer
Photograher: Bader Sounnoqrot
Princess Nejla, daughter of Prince Assem, is one of the distinguished women who managed to manage their lives brilliantly, so she succeeded in overcoming all obstacles and challenges and was able to reconcile her work in the field of jewelry design with her status as a member of the royal family in Jordan and her role as a mother.
Princess Nejla went to study media and obtained a degree from Goldsmith University Dubai, but she chose jewelry design because of her passion for this field. Of course, the princess was not satisfied with her passion, so after graduating from the College of Mass Communication, she traveled to Florence, Italy, to study design and wax carving at Le Arti Orafe School, before returning to Dubai to study diamonds at AGI. Thus, the Jordanian princess would have refined her passion and armed herself with knowledge and knowledge to launch into a world of her passion and love since her childhood.
As a child, the princess used to wander downtown in the Jordanian capital, Amman, looking for the magic of the luster and colors of precious stones, and she was often amazed by the splendor of oriental antiques. The Jordanian princess remembers how she used to "exaggerate" the rosaries that fell under her hands to make a necklace or bracelet out of her imagination from her beads. The princess considers that her grandmother, Sultan Mihrimah, was the first to encourage her, and expressed his admiration for what she makes of rosary beads, and her latest fans are her own family, that is, her husband and children. Her husband, Nasser, supports her to be always superior and successful, and due to his work in the field of business administration, he supported and pushed her to transform her passion and ideas into a company.
In the beginning, Nejla designed for her family members and friends, and most of her jewelry was from her designs. She decided to settle in Jordan because of the encouragement and welcome she found from her surroundings, and with this decision she had to find a way to promote her business away from her name as a member of the royal family. One day she wanted to take advantage of her position to increase her aura or to raise her status among people, and she says in this regard: “There is no doubt that my family has given me a lot of confidence and contributed to the development of the designs that I am doing. High artistic taste. As for my title, I do not employ it in my professional life. I like to start from being an artist and creator to present what satisfies tastes and satisfies my artistic ambition. Perhaps the best evidence that she does not rely on her surname is her distancing from the illustrious names even in clothing. When asked about the brands she likes, she simply replied: “I do not have a specific brand. I love what suits me and what satisfies my taste. As for jewelry, I love modern designers who have their own fingerprints, and at the same time their designs touch a special feeling in me.
When drawing designs, Nejla takes inspiration first from her affectionate mother, and she always talks about her with pride, saying: “Perhaps the secret of my success is due to my mother (Sana Kalimat)’s constant care for me and her blessing for all my successes and her continuous prayers. My mother and father (Asim bin Nayef bin Abdullah) are My first inspiration in my work, because they are the first to see the designs and have a good taste that supports me in all situations.” The designer princess is also inspired by her surroundings, such as nature, as she loves nature and perseveres in doing activities in her bosom, so she contemplates its details, walks among its parts, and isolates herself in her arms, away from the crowds. She also loves adventure, learning new languages and new skills in an effort to always be positive and enthusiastic. Historical artifacts and geometric shapes, as well as the memories in her imagination, and her ideas regarding the future are all also sources of inspiration that enrich the imagination of the princess.
She confirms that a person is the son of his environment, in addition to her past and her surroundings, she was affected by all that her eyes saw in Jordan of the civilizations of successive ages and what was left of the effects of the Romans and Islamic civilization and its richness in architectural monuments that still dazzle the eyes such as Petra, Jerash, Umm Qais and many others, and all that Jordan contains of treasures. Traveling in the life of the princess is also a source of inspiration, as it is an opportunity to stay in constant contact with ideas that you had not thought of before, and to learn new things, contemplating the beauty of nature that creates inspiration, energy and creativity.
Nejla seeks to choose what suits women's taste, and her designs often meet with admiration and acceptance by her customers. What she hopes most is to encourage women to work and produce and to develop their ideas. In her view, women are the epitome of strength, tenderness and giving, and she admires those who know their goal in life and move towards it with confidence. She explains: “If she is a mother, then her goal is to take care of her children and her home, instill in them the values of goodness and virtue, and contain them with her tenderness. At every stage of a woman’s life, her message differs, but she must at all stages strive for science and culture because we are in an era where it is not appropriate for a woman to be without a cultural and scientific identity.” She bears it from transmitting these values to her children, and she lacks a sense of this greatness to feel that she has a great role in life, and the world is beginning to wake up and feel her greatness and the importance of her role in society, family cohesion, and women’s support for women is a great thing, and it helps this success, and our ambition is to see greater support for Arab women.
In addition to her work in the field of jewelry design, Princess Nejla is the mother of two daughters, Karima and Shayma, and she is keen to plant many principles in them, the most important of which are religion, humanity, honesty, honesty, perfection in work, respect for the other, and taking responsibility for the service of humanity. Anything that contradicts these values is a red line that she totally refuses to cross. The two girls, as she admires the ancestors, their values, and their strength, and is optimistic about the future and the coming generations, and looks forward to the coherent personality of the values.
Translated from Original Article in Arabic
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gktravel · 6 months
The Enchanting Beauty of Uzbekistan's Natural Landscapes
Uzbekistan is a nation where the best parts of nature and history exist together, providing an amazing environment made up of the creative works of nature. This is only one of the amazing views that spreads over Uzbekistan's huge Kyzylkum Desert, which rolls into an endless distance. The beauty displayed by the different regions inside the central Asian gem is simply beautiful; from the remains of the Aral Sea, the Fergana Valley, to the unspoiled nature of the Nuratau–Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve, or the stone decorations at Sarmysh Explore Uzbekistan's natural wonderlands, where rich landscapes highlight the country's rich cultural and historical variety.
Uzbekistan holiday packages from Dubai are guaranteed to provide you with lifelong memories if you're searching for the most exciting and adventurous vacation. These packages will serve as a ticket to a magical place where you may experience the beauty of the Silk Road's journey as well as the charms of Central Asia. Take a complete journey to Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, three ancient cities in Uzbekistan, and step back in time. Saunter through historic city streets, take in beautiful architecture, and learn amazing tales of vanished cultures. So, gather your belongings and allow the beauty of Uzbekistan to be arranged by the top travel agencies in Dubai to create a like new tale of an unforgettable vacation for you.
Here are some of the most enchanting natural landscapes in Uzbekistan:
1. Kyzylkum Desert: Known as "Red Sand" in the Uzbek language, Kyzylkum Desert is one of the largest sand deserts in the world. Impressive features include the huge dunes, the flowing sand, odd-looking vegetation, and an endless view of the surroundings. There are nomadic communities in the desert where one can experience a little bit of tradition.
2. Chimgan Mountains: Situated in the western Tian Shan range, the Chimgan Mountains offer a perfect setting for leisurely and difficult climbing. In the Charovak reservoir area, the numerous snow-covered peaks provide lovely views as well as plenty of opportunities for trekking, skiing, and rock climbing.
3. Aral Sea: Although having suffered greatly due to irrigation projects, the Aral Sea still has an unique beauty. The fact that destroyed ships and fishing boats are left to lie on the sand dunes is sufficient proof that this area has experienced serious environmental issues.
4. Fergana Valley: The Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai mountains encircle the green valley. situated between stunning Uzbek villages, orchards, and greenery. Fergana Valley is not only rich in natural beauty, but also in culture.
5. Nuratau-Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve: It is home to an extensive variety of plants and animals, including wild boar, Persian leopards, and Bukhara deer. It offers a variety of geographical characteristics, including dry lake beds, mountains, and canyons and all excellent choices for anyone who enjoy taking pictures and observing wildlife.
6. Sarmyshsay Petroglyphs: The Navoi region is home to one of Central Asia's largest collections of petroglyphs. These images of ancient rock carvings represent hunts, regular tasks, and religious events, providing an understanding of the way of life of the people who lived there.
7. Chimgan Waterfalls: Another popular tourist destination in the Chimgan region is waterfalls. Many people favour Gulkam, Chorvoq, and Novotashkent waterfalls because they provide a quiet and calm atmosphere.
8. Lake Aydar: Situated in the Kyzylkum desert, this beautiful lake is exposed to burning dry weather. The Lake's natural beachfront is attractive for travellers who like fishing, swimming, and bird viewing.
9. Chatkal Mountains: Every adventurer should not miss these rough and lonely mountains in western Uzbekistan. It has a great track record for being a natural environment with mountain field and hiking paths.
The nation's natural landscapes beautifully capture its lavishness. The landscapes represent more than just natural beauty; they also express tradition, history, and culture as a whole. Whether it's the peace of the icy mountains of Chimgan, the mystery of the disappearing Aral Sea, or the beautiful petroglyphs carved into old stones, Uzbekistan's natural wonders inspire both wonder and respect. Adventurers and environment lovers who visit these locations will see why Uzbekistan is so attractive and memorable occasion. Book packages with best travel agency in Dubai. for more detailed information visit best tourism comany in Dubai.
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Maldives Tour Details: Everything You Need to Know
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Introduction: Exploring the Paradise on Earth
If you're looking for a dreamy tropical getaway, the Maldives is an idyllic destination that should be at the top of your travel list. With its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant marine life, the Maldives offers a slice of paradise like no other. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the Maldives tour details to ensure you have all the information you need to plan a memorable trip to this stunning archipelago.
Maldives Tour Details: A Closer Look                               
The Maldives is an archipelago located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka. Comprising of 26 atolls and over 1,000 coral islands, this tropical nation offers an array of breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders. From luxurious resorts to thrilling water sports activities, the Maldives caters to all types of travelers, whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure.
FAQs about Maldives Tour Details
1. What is the best time to visit the Maldives?
The Maldives enjoys a year-round tropical climate, but the best time to visit is during the dry season, which spans from November to April. This period offers clear skies, calm seas, and plenty of sunshine, making it ideal for beach activities and underwater exploration.
2. How do I reach the Maldives?
Most international visitors reach the Maldives by air. The Malé International Airport, the main gateway to the country, receives flights from major airlines worldwide. From there, you can continue your journey to your resort or desired island either by seaplane, speedboat, or domestic flight, depending on the distance.
3. What are the accommodation options in the Maldives?
The Maldives is renowned for its luxurious resorts that provide a lavish and indulgent experience. From overwater villas with private pools to beachfront bungalows, you'll find a wide range of accommodation options to suit your preferences and budget. Additionally, there are also guesthouses and budget-friendly hotels available on local islands, offering a more affordable alternative.
4. Are there any water sports activities in the Maldives?
Absolutely! The Maldives is a haven for water sports enthusiasts. You can indulge in activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, jet skiing, and parasailing. The pristine coral reefs teeming with colorful marine life make it a paradise for diving enthusiasts, while the calm lagoons provide the perfect setting for snorkeling adventures.
5. Can I experience the local Maldivian culture?
While the Maldives is famous for its luxury resorts, it's also possible to immerse yourself in the local Maldivian culture. You can visit the capital city, Malé, and explore its bustling markets, mosques, and historical sites. Additionally, you can take part in cultural excursions to nearby islands, where you can interact with locals, sample traditional cuisine, and learn about their way of life.
6. What are some must-visit attractions in the Maldives?
The Maldives is home to numerous stunning attractions that are worth exploring. Some of the must-visit places include the vibrant capital city of Malé, the Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve, which is a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, and the stunning underwater restaurant located in Rangali Island. These attractions offer a glimpse into the beauty and uniqueness of the Maldives.
Conclusion: Embark on an Unforgettable Journey to the Maldives
As you can see, the Maldives offers a myriad of opportunities for an unforgettable vacation. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a mix of both, this tropical paradise has it all. From the
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So many people are still talking about wanting to change their lives and I’m wondering whether I even need to. My life is pretty awesome. I’ve never lost a loved one suddenly or unexpectedly. I didn’t even lose a grandparent until I was 17. I’ve never been hospitalized. I’m in good physical shape with no major medical conditions. I’ve never been uncertain that I’d have my next meal or a roof over my head. I’ve never been unable to buy food or clothing or necessary supplies. I’ve never had a huge family issue with family members hating or not speaking to each other. I count my parents, my sister, my grandma, and my cousins among my best friends. I’ve never been hugely betrayed or cheated on or abused. I’ve never been a crime victim. I graduated from college and have an advanced degree. 
I’ve been to over 30 countries, over 30 U.S. states, and 27 U.S. national parks. I’ve been to some of the most recognizable cities in the world, including Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore, Paris, Rome, Prague, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Las Vegas, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Dubai, Madrid, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Venice, and Athens. I’ve watched the sunset from New Caledonia and Aruba and the middle of the Mediterranean. I’ve ziplined through the Costa Rican rainforest. I’ve walked over the border from Thailand to Myanmar. I’ve taken road trips in Europe where I’ve been to 4 countries in one day. I’ve hiked in Patagonia. I’ve dodged traffic in Hanoi. I’ve seen the sunrise over Ankar Wat. I’ve ice skated in the biggest mall in the world on my birthday. I’ve watched New Year’s fireworks in Brisbane, Queensland and Cusco, Peru. I’ve stopped for lunch in Lake Como. I’ve stood on the Great Wall of China. I’ve ridden a train through the Candian Rockies. I’ve been to the place I consider the world’s most beautiful - Glacier Point, Yosemite - 4 times. My family owns property in Florida and the Hamptons so I have a beach getaway about 10 times a year. 
I have an apartment with my own washing machine and dishwasher. I have a job I can work remotely whenever I’m sick or otherwise need to be away from the office. I have coworkers I actually look forward to seeing. I have a cat who loves me. I live about 30 seconds away from a bakery, ice cream shop, Mexican restaurant, pizzeria, and bagel shop, and within walking distance of three grocery stores. It takes me about 4 minutes from my door to the train platform to get to work. I say this just to point out that my day-to-day life is almost absurdly easy. 
Some people would look at my life and think there are still things missing from it; I don’t have my own house, I don’t have kids, I’m not married, I have very few friends who aren’t from work or family, I don’t have my own car, I don’t make six figures, I’m still just an “associate” without a prestigious job title or ranking within my firm. But I still have a lot that most people don’t. I need to remind myself of that at times, because sometimes I even feel unsatisfied. I never feel like I’ve learned enough; I’ve never read enough books or watched enough movies or practiced enough hobbies to please myself. I often feel happy doing activities alone, but sometimes I wish I had a close friend my own age to hang out with just once a week or so to make things more interesting. I live somewhere convenient, but there are trade-offs; it’s loud, there are too many lights obscuring the sky at night, it’s crowded, it’s not where I want to be forever. I haven’t even figured out whether I’m serious about doing some of the things I say I want to do; move to the West Coast, open my own law office or other business, conduct research and write articles, buy my own house where I can have chickens and a root cellar, climb mountains. Maybe I’m just too complacent a person deep down? I fear that. I’ve found that a decent life can be a trap; if things are good enough, you can start to genuinely wonder if it’s worth it to work any harder or take any more risks to make them better. Let this be a reminder that nobody’s perfect, I guess; I have a lot that’s enviable but I still don’t have all the answers.
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merrock · 1 year
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face claim: Dacre Montgomery.
full name: Owen Ryder Anderson.
nickname(s) / goes by: Ryder.
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man.
sexuality: bisexual.
birth date: October 22, 1994.
birth place: Boston, Massachusetts.
arrival to merrock: September of 2022.
housing: suburbs.
occupation: waiter & artist.
work place: The Garden & From Brush to Canvas. family: cousin, Greyson McVey.
relationship status: single.
Ryder likes to think that there's a little bit of every place he's visited wrapped up inside of him. Having traveled the world and partied with the elite, Ryder has developed the kind of personality that can make him easy to hate -- unless you really get to know him. He's good looking and he knows it, and has a real talent or the art that he makes, but both of those things can lead to him walking through life with a chip on his shoulder. Snarky and rude when provoked, but brings a six pack to every party he's invited to. A good guy who likes to hide it.
WRITTEN BY: Katie (she/her), est.
Growing up, Ryder never really knew what his father did for a living, and despite the fact that he’s an adult with career aspirations of his own, he still doesn’t really know. Born on October 22, 1994, the only child of a socialite mother and someone that his friends joked was in the mafia for a father, Owen Ryder Anderson has never, ever looked or acted like an Owen, and will openly scowl if he is called anything but Ryder. A colicky, finnicky baby, he kept his nannies and nursemaids from getting much sleep, and his parents on their toes all through his younger years, especially when he began to draw on the walls of the arts and crafts room. (Looking back, his parents have said that they should have known he would grow up to be an artist.)
As he was growing up with the silver spoon wedged firmly between his lips, Ryder’s parents were growing further and further apart, finally divorcing when he was only five or six years old. Or beginning to divorce – it was a very long, painful, drawn-out, messy process, for which most of the experience, he lived with his mother in Boston. His pre-teen years saw him frustrated with his life, acting out, mouthing off, refusing to pay attention in school, and by the time the divorce was finalized and his mother was ready to live her new, lavish lifestyle, she was also ready to send her son packing, and Ryder headed off to live with his father on the road. He had a private tutor that traveled with them, excelled in one on one studies, and began to really hone is passion for the one thing that made him happy and feel at peace: art.
It was a natural conclusion for Ryder to enroll in school, and he was accepted into the Massachusetts College of Art and Design after graduating from his high school program, settling back into his life pretty happily, making a lot of friends and making strong connections with fellow artists as he studied his hardest to really develop the passion he loved so much. Still, during his breaks and long weekends, he traveled with his father, helping him with business trips, enjoying warm beaches during the winter, and being able to learn a little bit about a lot of places as he went. But it was in Massachusetts, during his college years, that he met someone who was unlike anyone he had ever known before at a local party – a girl that he didn’t expect would change his entire life. The two struck up an online friendship after the party and gradually began an online, long-distance relationship.
After graduating from college, Ryder spent a few years traveling with his father, going to Australia, Dubai, China, anywhere that he had business. But then the call from his mother came in – her new boyfriend owned a small gallery and would love to show his paintings, if he had any, and invited him to come back to Boston. Surprisingly, he made a lot of sales, and even gained a little fame in the art world, garnering a little bit of a social media following (although he jokes that it’s largely because he paints shirtless). The gears began to churn, and Ryder used the money he made on the paintings to start a little nest egg for himself, booking a ticket to Maine and begging his father over the phone to help him secure a house to call home in Merrock. With the promise that he would take care of all bills after he settled in during the fall, Ryder made the jump the tip top of the north east, and cannot wait to see where the journey takes him. Although no longer in said relationship, he's never looked back on his move to Merrock, and has found himself really digging in to starting his art career in earnest.
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timescollegeuae · 6 days
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Enrol in NIOS 10th Class in the UAE to finish your secondary education through distance learning. Our campuses are located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, and Al Ain.
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f-shipping · 16 days
The Transformative Power of Technology in Modern Cargo Services With Shipping Company In Dubai
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The dynamic world of logistics and freight transport is undergoing a transformation due to technological breakthroughs, which are changing established methods and driving the sector towards new levels of efficiency and creativity. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of technology in today's cargo services, as it pervades every facet of the supply chain, from long-distance freight transportation to customer support. In this thorough investigation, Shipping company in Dubai demonstrates how technology has a significant influence on logistics providers, shipping container costs, cargo transportation, and client experiences.
Empowering Customer Service through Technology
Customer satisfaction is the most important factor in the world of modern freight services. With the advent of real-time tracking capabilities, customised communication channels, and transaction procedures, technology has completely changed the way logistics companies engage with their customers. Logistics companies are able to respond to questions quickly, handle problems effectively, and customise services to each customer's requirements by combining cutting-edge CRM systems with AI chatbots.
Optimizing Logistics Operations
Technology plays a critical role in the background to maximise logistical operations, streamline procedures, and cut expenses. Logistics service companies may increase productivity, cut down on turnaround times, and guarantee on-time product delivery by utilising automated inventory management systems, predictive analytics, and route optimisation algorithms. Utilising data analytics and machine learning, cargo firms are able to recognise trends, predict changes in demand, and modify their plans as necessary.
Enhancing Cargo Transport Efficiency
With real-time insight into shipment locations and increased security, the emergence of sophisticated monitoring technologies like GPS and RFID has completely changed the landscape of freight transport. Logistics providers can now keep an eye on cargo conditions like temperature and humidity, guaranteeing the integrity of perishable items during transportation, thanks to the development of sophisticated sensors and Internet of Things devices. These developments in technology reduce the possibility of costly goods being lost or damaged while also optimising transit routes.
Directing Shipping Container Prices in the Digital Age
In the current digital era, pricing for shipping containers is mostly determined by transparency and competition. Platforms and markets enabled by technology allow shipping company in Dubai to evaluate prices, negotiate contracts, and find the most affordable transportation options for their customers. The procurement process is also being revolutionised by blockchain technology, which offers unchangeable transaction records and improves supply chain trust and accountability.
Benefits of Technology-Driven Cargo Services
There are several advantages for both companies and customers when technology is included into shipping company in Dubai:
Enhanced productivity and Cost Savings: Over time, substantial cost savings may be achieved by using technology to streamline processes, optimise routes, and automate jobs.
Enhanced Communication and Transparency: Online portals and real-time tracking systems guarantee improved communication and transparency amongst all stakeholders engaged in the shipping process.
Better Customer Experience: Customers are happier when they use modern cargo services since they can easily self-serve and get immediate access to shipment information.
Errors and Risks Are Decreased: Automation reduces the need for manual involvement, which results in less inaccurate cargo handling and paperwork.
Data-Driven Strategies: Logistics providers are able to adjust to changing market conditions and make more informed decisions thanks to insights gained from data analysis.
The Future of Modern Cargo Services
In the end, the future of technology promises even more fascinating developments in contemporary freight services. Here are a few possible opportunities for growth:
Robotics with artificial intelligence (AI and ML): Further improving route optimisation, anticipating possible interruptions, and even automating difficult logistical operations are all possible using AI and ML.
The Internet of Things (IoT): By incorporating sensors into cargo containers and cars, it is possible to monitor temperature, humidity, and other vital parameters in real-time, guaranteeing ideal cargo conditions.
Self-driving Cars: Self-driving trucks have the potential to transform long-haul freight transportation while improving productivity and security with Focal Shipping.
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stylus-22 · 19 days
e learning companies in dubai | 4 Prejudices About Online Learning
When we talk about education, people think about traditional classrooms with whiteboard, books, pencils, etc. But due to technological advancements, the way of providing education to students has completely changed. People no longer have to travel long distance and be physically present to learn. Currently, online learning is one of the most preferred ways of learning. It is beneficial to both institutions as well as students as it saves cost, time and is easy to understand. Due to the growing demands, many organizations and institutions are looking towards e-learning companies in Mumbai, like, Stylus Solutions, to help them create high-quality courses.
It takes some time for people to get used to anything that is new. Though online learning has its advantages, people are still skeptical regarding the quality of online courses.
Let’s see some of the prejudices people have about online e learning Dubai.
eLearning is not suitable for certain courses
One of the most common myths about online earning is that it is not suitable for specific subjects, such as laboratories, science, and theatre. It is because some courses require the physical presence of a teacher. It may also be possible that some teachers may feel confused as there are no established platforms. But some courses offer both online lectures and laboratory features. It is possible to have a laboratory through simulation software that helps learners perform practicals, tests, and so on thus, providing them with a similar experience as a real laboratory. E learning Dubai companies in UAE can help you create courses with all the required features.
Inability to comprehend online information
Many people doubt the credibility of the information available online. Online learning is not about telling students to explore everything on their own. Even though professors are not present physically, they are always available to guide students. Professors engage with students, explain topics, and solve doubts regularly. You can check the credibility of the course by enquiring about it from the instructors. E-learning companies in India can provide different features, such as chat rooms, comments sections, etc. to help you get in touch with your instructors.
Online learning separates the learner from society
People think just because learners spend most of their time learning online, it will hamper their social interactions. Socializing is more than spending time with other learners in a traditional classroom setting. Nowadays, people tend to socialize more via. the Internet, mostly through social media platforms. People can learn the art of socializing if they are given a chance to interact with other people.
Online learning is simple
Traditional learning is costly and time-consuming. You need to pay huge amounts and be present at the scheduled time. On the other hand, online learning is more flexible. You can proceed at your own pace and learn from anywhere and anytime. Just like traditional learning, online learning requires effort. You need to plan your time and succeed in the examinations to graduate with an online degree. You need to be disciplined enough to finish the course on time and successfully crack the examination.
These are some of the prejudices around online learning. If you feel this way, you should check out an online course to clear your misconceptions. If you are an institution or an organization, you can contact e learning Dubai companies in UAE, like, Stylus Solutions, to create effective and impactful courses for your learners. You can visit www.stlyusolutions.com or mail at [email protected].
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esgagile · 24 days
Five suggestions for a more sustainable way of life
We as a Sustainability Report Consultant in Agile Advisors, the world is under unprecedented strain due to humankind's unsustainable production and consumption habits. Our decisions about our food, transportation, single-use plastic products, and rapid fashion are all examples of how our lifestyles affect the economy, the environment, and our well-being. The unit unites companies, governments, and other relevant parties to expedite the necessary transformations to tackle the triple planetary crises: environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste. Discover how your actions can make a significant difference in environmental protection through the accessible and self-paced Sustainable Lifestyles Learning Module. This online course dives deep into the concept of sustainable lifestyles, the beliefs and values that shape consumer behavior, and the practical strategies for applying lifestyle science in your daily life. The UN System Staff College developed the module UNEP's Sustainable Lifestyles Team and Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals in collaboration with partners.
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Being a Sustainability Reporting Consultant in Agile Advisors, Experts advise staying longer when travelling vast distances, eating locally, and sticking to reusable items—including cutlery—instead of disposables. Thus, by saving or renewing existing resources and implementing disaster preparation and prevention plans, adopting sustainable practices promotes business continuity. The addition of a sustainable business model is highly recommended. However, it's important to note that this does not imply that success can be attained rapidly. Businesses can achieve a reputation for sustainability if they work hard, are committed, and persevere. It pays off, so patience is required. However, it's also important to be aware of potential challenges, such as initial investment costs or the need for employee training. Businesses that care about the environment should concentrate on reaching this degree of sustainability in order to expand in the future.
Agile Advisors provide Sustainability Reporting Consultant In Dubai, Many of these beneficial developments are large-scale projects that need to be managed and operated by experts with the knowledge and experience they possess. Companies that want to take on these projects consult with outside consultants or employ in-house experts with the necessary training, such as a degree in sustainability or comparable relevant work experience. The benefit of hiring the best candidates for the job surpasses the minor cost of securing a better and more sustainable future for companies and their workers. People have minimized the importance of sustainability in the workplace for many years, but this needs to change now more than ever. Their actions, such as promoting healthier working environments, utilizing renewable energy, and reducing emissions, can lead to substantial and lasting changes in a company's sustainability practices.
Agile Advisors, a leading Sustainability Reporting Consultant In UAE, the One Planet Network Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Program offers various items, including this one. The most effective way to mitigate the various impacts of food consumption is to opt for plant-based diets whenever possible. Did you know that around 90% of the world's deforestation is caused by agricultural expansion, and 25% of the land is used for livestock grazing? By transitioning to a diet rich in vegetables, you not only contribute to environmental protection but also improve your health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and halt biodiversity loss. Energy consumption in companies and homes can be decreased with simple steps. Examples are using natural light, changing clothes without using the air conditioner or heater, and switching to more eco-friendly furniture and energy-saving gadgets. About 8% of all emissions come from the tourism industry.
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cabsdriver1 · 2 months
Navigating the Journey: Abu Dhabi to Dubai Taxi Service
In the bustling metropolis of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the seamless connectivity between cities is a testament to the region's modern infrastructure. One of the most convenient modes of travel between two of its major hubs, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, is the taxi service. Offering a blend of comfort, reliability, and efficiency, these taxis serve as lifelines for commuters and tourists alike.
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The journey from Abu Dhabi to Dubai is approximately 150 kilometers, making it a significant distance to cover. While other transportation options exist, such as buses or private cars, the Abu Dhabi to Dubai taxi route stands out for its convenience and flexibility.
One of the key advantages of taking a taxi is the door-to-door service it provides. Whether you're starting from the heart of Abu Dhabi or a remote location on its outskirts, taxis offer unparalleled accessibility. Moreover, for travelers arriving at airports or hotels, taxi stands are often readily available, ensuring a seamless transition from one point to another.
Comfort is another highlight of the Abu Dhabi to Dubai taxi experience. Equipped with modern amenities and driven by professional chauffeurs, these taxis offer a relaxing journey amidst the hustle and bustle of the UAE's highways. Passengers can sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic vistas as they traverse from one emirate to another.
Reliability is paramount when it comes to transportation, especially for those with time-sensitive commitments. Abu Dhabi to Dubai taxis pride themselves on their punctuality and efficiency. With a fleet of well-maintained vehicles and experienced drivers, passengers can rest assured that they will reach their destination on time, every time.
Flexibility is yet another advantage offered by taxi services. Unlike fixed schedules associated with buses or trains, taxis operate round the clock, catering to the diverse needs of passengers. Whether you're traveling during the peak hours of the day or in the wee hours of the night, taxis are available at your service, offering unparalleled flexibility in planning your journey.
While taxis offer convenience, comfort, reliability, and flexibility, it's essential to consider factors such as cost. The fare for an Abu Dhabi to Dubai taxi ride varies depending on factors such as distance, time of day, and any additional services requested. However, compared to other modes of transportation or private car rentals, taxis often prove to be a cost-effective option, especially for solo travelers or small groups.
For tourists exploring the UAE, taking a taxi from Abu Dhabi Airport Taxi to Dubai can be an enriching experience in itself. Along the way, passengers get glimpses of the country's diverse landscapes, from the urban skyline of Abu Dhabi to the desert vistas leading to Dubai. It's a journey that offers a microcosm of the UAE's cultural and geographical tapestry.
Moreover, taxi drivers often serve as informal guides, offering insights into local culture, traditions, and landmarks. For those keen on learning more about the UAE beyond its glittering skyscrapers, these interactions add depth to the travel experience, transforming a simple journey into a memorable adventure.
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xrealty · 2 months
Xperience Realty: To Reach The Best Investment in Dubai Real Estate
Hey, are you here with an aim of making an investment in Dubai?
Do you find difficulty in the process of purchasing property in Dubai?
If yes, Confidence with market knowledge is what is essential in this journey…!
If that’s lacking, know that from now on you are just a short distance away from your desired property in Dubai. Since it is necessary to have a real estate agent to accompany you throughout the process of purchasing property in Dubai, Let’s see how Xperience Realty as a real estate broker company in Dubai can help you in this scenario.
What is Xperience Realty?  Xperience Realty is a real estate broker company based in Dubai. Xperience Realty distinguishes itself through a strategic focus on a diverse range of real estate opportunities. Specializing in both off-plan properties and ready properties, the company offers a comprehensive range of options catering to varied investor preferences. This versatility ensures that clients can explore the dynamic Dubai real estate market with confidence. Whether people seek Dubai apartments for sale or pursue profitable off-plan investments, the company's portfolio features premium options.
Xrealty vision Holding an impressive collection of luxury developments such as Address Residences by Emaar, The Acres by Meraas, Rosso Bay Residences, and Nikki Beach Residences by Aldar, Xperience Realty can easily make you reach your desired property in Dubai's diverse real estate market. The company's Chairman and CEO remarked, "Xperience Realty goes beyond the boundaries of a traditional real estate agency, with a concept of taking the investment in Dubai real estate to the next level,” highlighting the company's commitment to maintaining the highest standards.
Xperience Team Xperience Realty together is a team of visionary leaders who always follow a continuous learning process for understanding the evolving real estate sector in Dubai and the UAE. Their strategic Dubai real estate forecast guides the company in identifying profitable opportunities by positioning the company as a leader in the competitive world of Dubai property investment.
Honor of Awards Acknowledging the outstanding contributions, the company proudly accepted the Annual broker awards for the Best Real Estate Brokers from Emaar Properties, strengthening the top position again in the industry. The company has strategically allied with major players in Dubai's real estate sector, including Emaar Properties, Aldar Developers, Meraas, Damac Properties, Nakheel Properties, Sobha, Omniyat and others. 
Short List of Properties in Dubai Renowned for the comprehensive coverage of the latest projects from industry giants, the company presents a broad list of the most demanded properties in the UAE. Including the finest of Nakheel Properties like Palm Jebel Ali and Dubai Islands; the most renowned listings of Aldar Developers, such as Aldar Haven and Rosso Bay Residences; the best from Meraas Developers, including The Acres by Meraas, Nad Al Sheba Gardens, and Bluewater’s Island, as well as the top Damac Properties projects and more. The company extends its hands to Ras Al Khaimah, covering prominent projects in Al Marjan Islands, home to the first Casino of the UAE.
Why Xperience Realty? Most importantly the company is recognized as the most trusted property finder in Dubai, providing proper guidance for buying property in Dubai and the UAE. Xperience Realty always places prime importance on a client-centric approach by having a foresight of the future of Dubai. The company's dedicated team works closely with clients, addressing their unique needs and preferences. This personalized service ensures that every property transaction with Xperience Realty is an effortless and rewarding experience.
PropTube For Property Updates As the leading luxury real estate consultancy in Dubai, Xperience Realty understands that most of its clients have busy schedules and prefer keeping track of their investments on the go. So, the company has launched the world’s first real estate video streaming platform named PropTube, enabling its clients to access all of the real estate related updates from mobile devices. Foresight Initiatives from XR
As the industry continues to evolve, Xperience Realty recognized the importance of adapting to the city’s changes and embracing new opportunities. For that, the company introduced Xperience Academy to empower the Xperience brokers by making them up to date with the flows and flaws of Dubai real estate industry. Also came up with the first real estate video streaming platform to make the individuals from investors to real estate giants to be on top to receive the most up to date real estate updates. 
Conclusion Xperience Realty is on its way to make up to date upgrades in the sector of Dubai real estate by deviating from the usual path that the hundreds follow. This is to help the investors of all calibers to reach the best investment opportunities in the region. According to the company’s visionary leaders, the firm delivers decades of experience with a next level passion to educate the clients about the best property options such as the most luxurious villas, apartments, penthouses and plots in Dubai. Because as a real estate broker company Xperience Realty’s focus is on making them fit for an ideal Dubai property investment…!!
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arabiantour29 · 2 months
Camel Trekking Dubai
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Explore the Desert Depths: An Unforgettable Camel Trekking Adventure in Dubai
Dubai, the city of gleaming skyscrapers and opulent experiences, hides a captivating secret: the vast Arabian Desert. Embark on a transformative journey with our Camel Trekking Dubai experience, designed to take you beyond the tourist trails and into the heart of the desert landscape, all from the back of a gentle giant.
A Journey into the Golden Sands
Our adventure begins with a convenient pickup from your Dubai residence. As we depart towards the desert reserve, witness the dramatic transformation of the landscape. The vibrant cityscape fades away, replaced by rolling sand dunes bathed in the warm hues of the desert sun.
Unveiling the Desert's Majesty
Upon reaching the heart of the desert, prepare to be captivated by its vastness and beauty. The golden dunes stretch before you, their peaks rippling gently in the desert breeze. Breathe in the fresh air and soak in the tranquility of the environment, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Dubai.
A Unique Mode of Exploration: The Gentle Camel
Prepare to meet your reliable companion for the journey - a majestic camel. These gentle giants have been a vital part of desert life for centuries, perfectly adapted to navigate the challenging terrain. Learn about camel care and traditions from our experienced guides as you comfortably mount your camel.
Embark on Your Desert Journey
As you settle into your camel saddle, embark on a unique and unforgettable journey. Feel the gentle swaying rhythm of the camel's gait as you traverse the golden sands. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking desert scenery, from towering dunes to hidden valleys, all from a unique vantage point.
Tailoring Your Trek: Choose Your Distance
We offer various camel trekking experiences in Dubai to suit your preferences:
Short Camel Trek: Enjoy a leisurely ride through the desert for an hour, taking in the sights and soaking up the tranquility (ideal for families with young children).
Half-Day Camel Trek: Embark on a more in-depth exploration with a 3-hour camel trek, venturing deeper into the desert and experiencing its diverse landscapes.
Full-Day Camel Trek: For the truly adventurous, embark on an unforgettable full-day camel trek (with breaks), exploring the vast desert expanse and witnessing a breathtaking desert sunset.
A Bedouin Camp Oasis Awaits
Following your camel trek, arrive at a traditional Bedouin camp, a haven of hospitality nestled amidst the desert dunes. Immerse yourself in the authentic Arabian ambiance, adorned with plush carpets, comfortable cushions, and flickering lanterns. Relax and unwind, enjoying a refreshing welcome drink as you share stories with your fellow adventurers.
A Taste of Bedouin Culture
Gain insights into the rich heritage and traditions of the Bedouin people through a captivating presentation. Learn about their fascinating history, nomadic lifestyle, and remarkable adaptation to the harsh desert environment. Witness a live falconry demonstration, showcasing the impressive hunting skills of these majestic birds, revered in the region.
A Feast Under the Desert Sky
As the sun begins its descent (for afternoon and full-day treks), savor a delicious BBQ dinner under a canopy of stars. The aroma of succulent grilled meats, fresh salads, and local delicacies will tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy this delightful meal in the company of your fellow adventurers, sharing stories and experiences under the magical desert night sky.
Memories Woven in the Sand
As your Camel Trekking Dubai adventure concludes, we'll ensure a comfortable return to your Dubai residence. You'll leave with a heart full of exciting memories, a deeper appreciation for the desert's beauty and resilience, and a newfound respect for the traditional mode of desert travel – the majestic camel.
Ready to embark on this unforgettable Arabian adventure? Contact us today!
Phone: +971 58 198 8064
Address: Abu Hail, Deirah, Dubai
Please note: Prices and inclusions may vary depending on your chosen trek duration and add-ons. Let us help you design the perfect Camel Trekking Dubai experience for you!
Abu Dhabi City Tour Abu Dhabi Tour Abu Dhabi sightseeing tour Abu Dhabi tour from Dubai Abu Dhabi temple Tour Evening Desert Safar Desert Safari Dubai Sunset desert safari Afternoon desert safari dubai Dubai safari tour Camel trekking dubai Camel Ride Dubai Bab al shams dinner Bab al shams desert safari Desert Safari with bab al shams dinenr Family Desert Safari Family Desert Safari Dubai Arabian Tours Arabian Tour Packages Dubai Tour Package
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14GASTROUCG Conference Package
On behalf of UCG, we extend a warm greeting in welcoming you to the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference happening during December 17-19, 2024, Venue: Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual. The theme of the Conference “Discovering new treatments, and advancing medical knowledge in Gastroenterology, IBD and Hepatology”. It is an auspicious time to make contact, discuss and share problems, the experience of mutual interest with attendees from all over the world. UCG has worked hard, and we have an exciting program for Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference that will allow attendees to reflect upon & celebrate accomplishments, extend networks, and can explore both current & future research. We hope that this conference will be a productive, fun-filled time and memorable one.
Attending conferences can offer numerous benefits, including networking opportunities, learning from experts in your field, staying updated on industry trends, and exposure to new ideas. Additionally, many conferences offer various packages or benefits to enhance the attendee experience. Here are some common conference attending benefits you might encounter:
All-Access Pass: Gain entry to all conference sessions, workshops, and keynote presentations, ensuring you don't miss any critical insights or networking opportunities.
Networking Opportunities:  Connect with industry peers, experts, and potential collaborators through dedicated networking sessions, social events, and online platforms.
Exhibition Access: Explore the exhibition hall to discover the latest products, services, and innovations from leading vendors and organizations. Engage with exhibitors and explore partnership opportunities.
Conference Materials: Receive comprehensive conference materials, including program guides, abstract booklets, and promotional materials, to help you navigate the event and make informed choices about which sessions to attend.
Exclusive Workshops: Participate in specialized workshops and training sessions led by industry experts, designed to deepen your knowledge and skills in specific areas of interest.
VIP Amenities: Enjoy VIP treatment with priority seating at keynote sessions, access to VIP lounges, and exclusive perks reserved for package holders.
Digital Resources: Gain access to digital resources such as recorded sessions, presentation slides, and supplementary materials, allowing you to review content at your convenience and reinforce your learning experience.
Discounts and Offers: Take advantage of discounts on future conference registrations, access to online resources, and special offers from conference partners and sponsors.
Customization Options: Tailor your package to meet your specific needs and preferences, with options to add additional workshops, networking opportunities, or exclusive add-ons.
Convenience and Support: Enjoy seamless registration and dedicated customer support to assist you before, during, and after the conference, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience.
Register for your packages here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/package/
Access to Virtual Platforms: These days, a lot of conferences provide hybrid or virtual attendance alternatives that let attendees attend sessions from a distance. Conference packages may include access to virtual platforms for live streaming or on-demand viewing.
Make sure the perks of each conference registration package meet your objectives and preferences by carefully examining their inclusions. When making your selection, don't forget to take into account other aspects including the conference's reputation, cost, location, and timetable.
Here is the package Details:
Select your Package and fill the billing form with your details.
You can pay with your Credit/Debit Card, and confirm it.
After attending the 3 days conference, you will be eligible for the certification.
Registration fee is Non-Refundable, But can be transferrable to the next editions or to your colleagues or friends.
Register now to get UAE Visa Invitation Letter and VISA assistance and accommodation letter from UCG Committee.
Select your currency and how many nights you need to want then select the package
Package A: Conference Registration, 2 Nights Accommodation,(Check-In: December 16th, 2024 & Check-Out: December 18th, 2024) Breakfast, Coffee break, Proceeding Kit, DOI, and many more Benefits
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Package B: Conference Registration, 3 Nights Accommodation,(Check-In: December 16th, 20243 & Check-Out: December 19th, 2024) Breakfast, Coffee break, Proceeding Kit, DOI, and many more Benefits
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Package C: Conference Registration, 4 Nights Accommodation,(Check-In: December 16th, 2024 & Check-Out: December 20th, 2024) Breakfast, Coffee break, Proceeding Kit, DOI, and many more Benefits
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Package D: Conference Registration, 5 Nights Accommodation, (Check-In: December 16th, 2024 & Check-Out: December 21th, 2024) Breakfast, Coffee break, Proceeding Kit, DOI, and many more Benefits.
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Register for your packages here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/package/
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
It is imperative that all licensed physicians provide proof of current knowledge, abilities, and suitability for continued practice. One way they might show they are dedicated to their professional development is by attending regular educational events. For the purpose of Continuing Medical Education (CME), also known as Continuing Professional Development, the College has set up a procedure for evaluating and, when necessary, approving surgical events in order to determine which are worthy of participation. An event must show that it is appropriate and has the potential to support surgeons’ or allied health professionals’ ongoing professional development in order to be accredited.
Continuing, or continuous, professional development (CPD)
Continuing, or continuous, professional development (CPD), can be broadly defined as any type of learning you undertake which increases your knowledge, understanding and experiences of a subject area or role. CPD is an ongoing and planned learning and development process. CPD is an essential element in ensuring high-standards and is a mandatory requirement in professional registration systems. It demonstrates that professionals are continuing to develop their knowledge and competence.
Delegate/Listener/Viewer/Attendee- To listen to the presentations, please register and confirm your attendance as a delegate.
Speakers/Presentation/Live Presentation- Share your abstract, research work, summary, case report, medical reports, workshops, following the GASTROUCG2024 Abstract Template, and complete the registration to secure your spot as a speaker.
E-Poster/Online Poster- Upload your Poster according to the NPSUCG Guidelines and complete the registration. Upon registration, your poster will be featured on our website.
Co-Authors- If co-authors wish to participate in the conference, please proceed with the registration process.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is a vibrant city renowned for its breathtaking skyline, opulent shopping, rich cultural heritage, and ambitious projects. Below is a summary of some of the best places to visit and things to do in Dubai:
Burj Khalifa: The world's highest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa, offers observation decks with sweeping views of the city below. On the 122nd floor, guests can also enjoy dining at the At. mosphere restaurant.
Palm Jumeirah: Luxury hotels can be found on this man-made island shaped like a palm tree.
The Mall in Dubai: The Dubai Mall, one of the biggest shopping centers in the world, has over 1,200 stores, an aquarium, an indoor ice rink, and the Dubai Fountain, which puts on captivating water and light displays. It provides an unequaled shopping experience.
Explore Dubai register for your packages here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/package/
Important Information:
Conference Name: 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference Short Name: 14GHUCG2024 Dates: December 17-19, 2024 Venue: Dubai, UAE Email:  [email protected] Visit: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/ Register here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/registration/ Book here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/package/ Exhibitor/Sponsor: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/exhibit-sponsor-opportunities/ Call Us: +12073070027 WhatsApp Us: +442033222718
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