#disco elysium trailer
rebeccasthoughts · 1 month
I'm Going to Become the Disco Cop by Doing Nothing
*spoilers i guess* Disco Elysum is a game that speaks to the soul. Not in the spiritual sense, rather, the game airs itself with a certain sense of uncertainty. It begs the player to ask weird questions, pursue the abstract, and at the end of the day discover oneself. The game is vast in its scope and depth yet feels claustrophobic at times the map is large, but the way one moves around it is…
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godkillerbrigade · 3 days
Wishlist now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2815700/The_Last_Days_of_Friendship_Valley/
THE LAST DAYS OF FRIENDSHIP VALLEY is a combatless deckbuilding RPG about conflict negotiation, cute little goats, and impending doom. Make your own goat character, navigate arguments with cards, uncover an ancient mystery, and try to save the world. Demo coming soon!!
Heal friendships, uncover mysteries, and prepare for impending doom in The Last Days of Friendship Valley! You play as the Patcher, a goat whose job is to settle arguments and keep communities together. Your new home plans on putting your conflict negotiation skills to the test: a deep schism lurks beneath the surface of Friendship Valley, and there are mere days before everything breaks apart. Make friends with the town's inhabitants, evolve your conversational approach, and try to mend the broken heart of Friendship Valley before it destroys the world.
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mrtequilasunset · 10 months
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Breakthrough Imminent: Homosexual Underground
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galedekarios · 3 months
The Thaumaturge is a story-driven RPG with morally ambiguous choices, taking place in the culturally diverse world of early 20th century Warsaw. In this world, Salutors exist: esoteric beings that only Thaumaturges can truly perceive and use for their needs.
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shegoesbyjoy · 10 months
just realized something:
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✅ gritty detective story in an urban setting
✅ aspects of one's mind being personified
✅ D&D mechanics
✅ a mysterious femme fatale who's being followed
✅ dude speaking in a French accent
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laughingpinecone · 20 days
Disco Elysium: the world will end in 27 years uwu
Outer Wilds: (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
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raspberryjamrock · 1 year
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fuck it since im not the only person to have had this idea heres my shoddy little pikmin elysium drawings. kim would be a koppaite who hates fruit and exclusively eats veggies or somehting i dont know
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Play Sims and watch how ORGANIZERS SUPER 👊 A YULE BALL OF THE WAY Colfax CA USA today I want the hashtags for that STARRESAESWAFDD YOU BETTER LIFETIME IGNORE THE SORRY. if you see a u know bomb to make sure our bobs burger king worls or at least AMANDA GODOVA THE nerds rope for sure our family frame verbal commits to be home. Hate crossing wires of love to the ones Bensalem eating me know if we already won. Who can save the innocent ugly normal children since nobody didyhe right thing at home i the COM OF THE CONTROL FRAME CONNOR'S DARK SOULS ARE THE GLAD YOU STEPH AGREED WITHOUT RECORD IN TECHNICALLY ALIGNMENT.I LOVE YKMVM
Going to trem
Travis's game 🎮 steps to the coreiWINNER I AM HAPPY FOR THE room for THE ULTRA 🐀 I GAME OF, WINNING BY HONEST LIFE O STRANGE I WANT TP LEAVE THE LOL, GUESS WE START A GUCCI'S SAID FLOOR IS JUST A FOOTBALL TEAM I think it's been SO MUCH THANK SUS bravos washer dryer combo with oh my fan ON for a cause that's the only way home with women in power. This one is just a king 👑, oh wait. ApEXJECHOS the only ONE THAT GENESIS WRAPPED HAHAHAHA, I SHOULD BE HOME 🏘️ LIFETIMES GPS SAYS SO THE FAHRENHEIT YOU BETTER BE THE LADIES Mark on a call with the instant connection for possible relationship. Make real fans be on spiritual meaning of IN YOUR FACE INFO TAKE ON FAMILY PIECES OF WINNING BY THE GIFTS OF RUTN IIDOTTHEGHETTO. BLM
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The only barb you hosting the BLACK BEANS FOR THE ULTRA 🐀 SPUN RUN TO SACRAMENTO steffy and christinaBABYGAPGAPKIDS🍒
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brainrotdotorg · 7 months
here is my pitch for a mainstream movie trailer for disco elysium because i want you to suffer
Starts with complete darkness.
VO Ancient reptillian brain: “There is nothing… Only an ancient primordial blackness…”
“Radioactive” by imagine dragons starts playing
We see harry appear in this dark void, floating in slo-mo, camera slowly zooms into Harry’s face
VO Ancient Reptillian brain “Your consciousness ferments in it, no larger than a single grain of malt…”
Camera comes to rest on harry’s face, taking up the whole screen
VO Ancient Reptillian brain “No ex-wives are contained in it…”
Wham sound effect, music cuts out
Reaction shot of Harry opening his eyes. “Wait. Ex-wives?”
VO Limbic System: “Time to go to work in the shit factory!”
Sound of Kineema engine starting up that blends into the first lyric of the song
“I’m waking up to ash and dust” plays just as we see Harry open his eyes on the floor, Voice over plays as he looks around the trashed room confused
VO Harry: “Who am I? Why am I here?”
Clip of kim and harry shaking hands
Kim: “We’re detectives. We’re here to solve a murder.”
Harry: “I’m a police officer? I must be a superstar cop!”
“I’m breathing in the chemicals” inhale right as harry snorts some speed
Kim facepalms
Text in the disco elysium font on black screen:
VO Joyce over a shot of the skyline: “Something is happening in this town, officer.”
VO Harry over numerous quick clips of him failing little things: kicking the mailbox, dropping the barbell, etc: “I’m an alcoholic. I’ve got a bunch of voices in my head. I don’t even know who I am! How do you expect me to solve a murder?”
VO Kim over him writing in his notebook: “I expect you to work, detective. It’s not easy; but thats the job.”
Extremely fast montage of action or particularly striking moments synced up to a bunch of edited in bass thumps to the song– harry making the jump to get the coat, swinging to punch measurehead, visual calculus constructing a crime scene in glowing CGI effects, cuno shouting “fuckpig!” harry and kim dancing in the church, Harry reaching out his hand to the phasmid (who is out of frame), dolores dei turning away from the camera, culminating with kim lifting his gun in slow-mo to point at the mercenary
VO KIM: “Never fuck with Kim kitsuragi.”
Music slows and stops entirely
Smash cut to a reaction shot of Harry looking in admiration. “How’d you get so cool, Kim?”
Reaction shot of Kim making a smug expression thats cut from a different scene.
Beat drop
Montage of different characters clipped saying the word “disco”
Wham shot, music cuts out. Harry leaned over a countertop about to lick the rum stain. Kim clears his throat.
Harry’s eyes dart to look up at kim. Shot of kim raising the eyebrow.
Slowly, slowly, he moves to lick the stain.
VO Electrochemistry: Aww, yeah.
Kim, sighing and shaking his head: “We’re all doomed.”
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Apocalyptic squirreling
We're not, like, impaling these quotes like the proverbial shrike or anything, just hoarding them away in a nice stash. A collection of Disco Elysium tidbits about the end of the world compiled by @yekokataa and I, feel free to add!
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...starting with the game's earliest teaser trailer.
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(28 rather than 27 could be its own odd math, there's some miscounting in the text now and then just like there's the occasional typo, or it could follow the fact that the year of canon events was changed at some point. for that matter, the infamous 22 years to the nuke should be 21, like it originally followed that same 28 and wasn't edited - consistently, the variable it flags is ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28)
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(this is an example of odd math to me, for the record, as it's 365x27 to the day. It could be it's the EXACT count and also that Elysium doesn't have leap years, but I would've expected a less precise number, personally)
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Ours has actual six thousand years of history: it spans from its own version of the early Bronze Age (Perikarnassian period) to the early Middle Ages (Franconigerian period), to the Renaissance (Dolorian period), right up to a decade we call “The Seventies”. It’s a world like ours, one that has evolved culturally and technologically over widely varied periods of time. No Truce With the Furies takes place in the modernity of this world.
Q: How tight is the connection between the book and the game? Is it a Witcher-like situation? KURVITZ: Things in this world are connected to each other like things in our world are connected to each other – not like things are connected to each other in Star Wars. The book and the game share themes and historical developments. The book is set in the early seventies and the game is set in the early fifties. They are connected the way two stories set in our world would be. The fault-lines developing in the fifties are more apparent in the seventies. The situation has worsened, the political climate has shifted, but there is no Skywalker saga. The main story in Elysium is history.
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yes yes we've all seen the nuke convo but let's put it here for completionism's sake
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This connection - saying 22 instead of 27, or 28 as the variable reminds us - could seem strange based on game data alone, but it neatly follows the context of the book, which shows us that the bombing of Revachol is one and the same as the material beginning of the end of the world.
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This one is also a fun book throwback, from apocalyptic Kurvitz self-insert to apocalyptic Kurvitz self-insert
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(being appreciative of that kind of future just nets you a YEEEAGH)
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more personally ominous than globally ominous but ominous nonetheless
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("we become vapour" being, of course, the planned title of the eventual Elysium tabletop setting rulebook. sigh.)
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This one's intriguing, isn't it? With an eye to Le Retour...
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Her echoes of the other dialogue options are similarly ominous, for the record.
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And we don't know if Nilsen had visions of his own (the man sounds well-acquainted with his Half Light, on behalf of the war crimes, so it's not... entirely out of the question) but we do know that his pocket calculator lap cat second-bestie very much did and could've been his source.
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Also a strong book callback, among other things. Remember kids: object permanence!
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Harry, all these quotes like this one sound like they would make sense for the actual guy who goes and blows it all up, not you personal-
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...ah yes. Ambrosius looms... yeah buddy it sure is solemn AND historical, I'm afraid:
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and of course, in closing:
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...for the remaining 276 pages of Elysium tidbits about the end of the world, of course, over here.
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weepylucifer · 7 months
Disco Elysium if it was a Hollywood Blockbuster
(inspired by the trailer by @brainrotdotorg)
Harry has to have a glowup arc where he regains his faith in his job and ability to be a good cop. The police isn't criticized here apart from maybe some handwaves at "a few bad apples" rhetoric. In the climactic moment, the phasmid appears and tells him it is his duty and his destiny... to reform the RCM
Because we don't have time for a nuanced take on addiction in this 90-minute movie, the narrative just turns on a dime halfway through to portraying Harry's alcoholism as rugged and badass instead of pathetic, or he suddenly stops drinking when he gets his groove back, with no withdrawal effects shown. The whole thing about speed helping him be better at his job doesn't factor in; Harry drinks and does drugs because he's sad about Dora and there's nothing more to it. All he needed was to buck up and focus on being the best cop in all of Revachol
Klaasje is portrayed as a one-dimensional scheming femme fatale. Her backstory doesn't really come up. She's dumbed down so that Harry can triumph over her, and is also genuinely attracted to him for some reason, "I am Sherlocked" style
Ruby is either cut entirely, or she's genuinely a predatory lesbian and that's it. If the latter, she shoots herself in the head in front of Harry and Kim and they make a MCU-style "Well that happened" quip about it
No political quests! We don't have time for that. Actually, both communism and fascism are only mentioned once in a backstory dump as stuff that happened in a bygone era. If anything, the film ends up really riding for moralism by complete accident
The film makers don't really know what to do with Kim, so he gets reduced to a guy that stands around and delivers snarky one-liners
The Hardie Boys are in one short interrogation scene, not quite enough to make casual moviegoers care when half of them are gunned down
Fan-favorite characters such as Cindy, Cuno or the Speedfreaks can be seen once in the background of a group scene, but have no lines (you KNOW hollywood couldn't handle the Cuno). It's announced on the director's insta as "a little easter egg for eagle-eyed fans"
Joyce has a way more active role, but also her character turns into an utterly flat "milf girlboss" type who gives Harry and Kim direct instructions on what to do, Madame Director style. The movie writers pat themselves on the backs for being more progressive and feminist than the source material. Also she has nothing to do with the mercs, they just sort of... appeared. Don't think about it too hard! It's stressed repeatedly that they're "rogue agents" and it's really nobody's fault that they're there
Evrart is a corrupt mob boss and that's it. He will be played by a skinny actor in a fatsuit. He also doesn't help find Harry's gun, Joyce has someone retrieve it offscreen so she can gravely and meaningfully hand it to him just in time for the mercenary tribunal
The Deserter just kinda being a shitty sad old man would be too anticlimactic for our summer blockbuster, so he is rewritten to be some kind of evil mastermind. Maybe he even directly communicates with Klaasje and tells her what to do, again "I am Sherlocked" style
The tribunal absolutely does end with RCM backup triumphantly arriving to save the day, led by Jean who underwent a mini-arc offscreen about putting his differences with Harry aside because at the end of the day, they're both cops, and goddamn it, cops help each other. He dramatically takes the wig off and chucks it on the ground to signal his character growth, and everything
No homo-sexual underground thought. The Smoker on the Balcony is allowed to show up in one scene, where he flirtily waves at Kim and Harry. Kim nods at him. Disney's first gay character--
There's a moment where Kim talks to Jean, expressing doubt about Harry. Cut to Harry doing something goofy across the room from them. Jean briefly glances at it, shakes his head, turns back to Kim and says gruffly: "He's a loose cannon... but he gets the job done." This is supposed to be a good thing
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draculaflow3 · 1 year
one of the earliest trailers where disco elysium was still called "no truce with the furies" opens with the line, "27 years before the end of the world" as an introduction to the game. Kim says he wants to live to age 70. Kim is 43. 43+27 = 70. Harry has an apocalypse cop line where he tells Kim there are 9,855 days remaining until The End. 9,855 days = 27 years
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fandom · 1 year
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Maybe don't take recipe advice from Tumblr polls.
In case you missed it, due to a very dubious cake recipe, the hot new option on many polls is "vanilla extract." Marco Mengoni again won the Sanremo Music Festival a decade after his first win. Nintendo announced a slew of video game updates, including Splatoon 3 DLC, and gave everyone a much-needed trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Also, Hogwarts Legacy was released. Harry Styles walked away with the Grammy for Album of the Year, while Lizzo took home the Record of the Year award. A new episode of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir has fans in a tizzy. Finally, there's renewed interest in Disco Elysium after Harry du Bois' second-place finish in a poll about the Poorest Little Meow Meow. This is Tumblr's Week in Review.
Hogwarts Legacy
Vanilla Extract
The Sanremo Music Festival 2023
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The 65th Annual Grammy Awards
Pedro Pascal
Bella Ramsey
Tumblr Polls
Critical Role
Splatoon 3
Buddy Daddies
Artists on Tumblr
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
The Last of Us
Joel Miller | The Last of Us
Disco Elysium
Stranger Things
The Harry Potter franchise
Harry Styles
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godspeedmajortom · 3 months
A personal reflection on Day 1 of Disco Elysium that I want to get out of my drafts...
I was crying by the end of the first in-game night in Disco Elysium. For a couple of reasons, the main one being that the order I did things on Day 1 made for a real emotional build up that needed an outlet.
I faffed about Martinaise most of the first day because I was scared of the Endurance check to get close to the body. It was late afternoon by the time I actually attempted it, failed twice, and needed to take an hour to get my shit together. By the time I finished the autopsy and stashed the body in the fridge for later inspection, it was pretty late at night.
So Kim and I went to Bird's Nest Roy's to pawn Kim's spinners so I wouldn't have to sleep in the trash. Already feeling guilty about that, I learned how Harry had pawned his gun because he was afraid he might kill himself with it. While I knew Harry had been waving his gun around the Whirling-in-Rags, I thought that had been a mean joke more than a serious threat. Selling his gun indicated how consciously, dangerously suicidal Harry had been.
Kim and I went back to the Whirling to debrief, and he explained the "pissing contest." Kim thought that Precinct 41 sending Harry was a genuine attempt to win the competition as opposed to how the game trailers frame it: "Precinct 57 sent their best. Precinct 41 sent... you." I didn't really believe Kim, until I went back to my room and read Harry's case files. And it turns out, yeah, Harry was oddly successful at his job. (I hesitate to say he was "good" at being a cop, because in no world should breaking a man's kneecaps and crippling him for life be considered a job well done. But, uh, he didn't get fired and it did "solve" the case.) Harry had colleagues who respected him. He wasn't a complete loss.
Then I opened the compartment and took out the note. Went out to the balcony, just like the city told me, except I held onto it and read it even after she told me to let it go. (Always listen to La Revacholiere.) Dora's note broke me. It took me a while to fully realize why (I wrote notes like that once upon a time), but at the time what struck me was that Harry had been loved. He was lovable. At some point in his life, someone had loved him so heart-achingly much, and he kept that reminder with him even though he'd fallen so far from that time. I started crying reading the note. When Harry passed out after finishing it, I thought I hit a game over and died.
But no, Kim found me (I must have woken him up, it was 2am in game at this point [close to 4am IRL]) and made me drink some water before going to bed. When I did go to sleep after that whole evening, Harry dreamed of the bloated corpse of a drunk, a vision of his past, present, and future. And I was crying again.
It wasn't just seeing his body strung up on the tree emanating disco light, though that image itself shook me. The Ancient Reptilian Brain informed me that Dora left while Harry just kept drinking. And I thought, if someone told me a story about a woman who left her abusive, alcoholic partner, I wouldn't be sad at all. She would be completely within her rights, and he would have to deal with the fallout of his actions. But encountering the story this way – from the perspective of an amnesiac discovering his history as someone who was loved and respected being driven to absolutely obliterating himself – I couldn't help but cry.
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renmorris · 5 months
sorry i realize this might be the time but it says i can ask again if you never respond an i wanted to ask if you ever got my question about how Migraine Safe disco elysium (in terms of flashing lights, sudden bright colors etc) is to play ....sorry for asking again its kind of silly but google didnt help very much and im veryyyyy sensitive to flashing to the point i can barely play videogames anymore . if you answered it before im really sorry sometimes tumblr does nottt notify me of anything
Oh no I didn’t get this ask at all! Hi I’m also photosensitive!!
first of all I’m recommending dimmer.exe if you don’t have it yet
this shit saved my life because my monitor doesn’t have the capacity to adjust brightness, sometimes a game needs to be played in windowed for the overlay to work
okay, as for your question. flashing and sudden colors are rare. I’m not entirely sure if you'll have problems with the little colored pop ups for morale/health loss and visual calculus but the only flashing you'll experience off the top of my head happen when Kim uses his camera (only twice in the game) and possibly in the church rave scene, depending on your sensitivity.
I would recommend looking at some general clips and trailers before you buy
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sleepii-moth · 6 months
hell,o eveey9ne is me gheoff kinsley and welcome to the game awards. number one of what to do is list of top ten games i didnt play this year lets get right into it:
citizen sleeper 2 announcement trailer
3 hours an,d 44 minutes worth of disco elysium
the games in my steam nlibrary i never finished
thank uo for comign to the game awards ill see you next year
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