#disclaimer I am writing this just past 2am my time I apologize if my myth summaries are not perfect KJFKHG
bunchofdoodlesinspace · 4 months
Usually I just go on reblogging sprees after episodes but I just can't stop thinking.
About how in the original mythos, Ouranos, the primordial sky god, was rebelled against and killed after the mistreatment of his other children, who he threw into Tartarus. How Kronos cut him to pieces, urged to do so by his own mother, Gaia.
And then how, during Kronos's ruling, "The Golden Age", when he has his own children, he fears them doing the same to him. He eats them, but misses one, who is saved by his mother Rhea. She then prepares him to save his siblings, and so he, Zeus, urged by his mother, kills his father and cuts him to pieces.
And now, in the show, we see Zeus, the current ruler, dismissive of Percy's warnings. Ruling with an iron fist and insisting on total obedience from his siblings and children, lest they make an enemy they will regret. His own solution to maintaining control, one that does not seem to be holding up super well.
And Percy calls him out on it.
Because he knows the myths, and by now, he's seen it for himself with his own eyes. This isn't working. This is just perpetuating the mess, continuing the cycle of violence against each other. It punishes cooperation in favour of total obedience, which just does not work for some. It's not just the Olympians that are a mess, it's their whole family tree. This shit is generational, and had Percy not been there to say something about it, to try and confront the God of the fucking Sky himself, Kronos probably would have risen and taken over before Zeus would have been ready to admit he needed help with the problem. The fact that Poseidon stepped in to back Percy up just proves that.
As much as Zeus would hate to ever admit it, he's lucky this impertinent child has a chronic inability to keep his mouth shut.
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