#dirk lerxst and pratt
ubereatsyourpussy · 1 year
i remember seeing Dinner with Rush for the first time and loving it sm because its these world famous rockstars and yet the vibe is
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blindmanbaldwin · 10 months
The treasure of a life is a measure of love and respect The way you live, the gifts that you give In the fullness of time It’s the only return that you expect
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aztropollo · 8 months
in english:
Alex: blah blah blah
Neil: this agony will never end, not even God can save us anymore
Geddy: *sqeals*
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glfc2112 · 8 months
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Rush through the years. Nostalgia. Might get you a little choked up.
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theprogrockbstheorist · 11 months
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(meme credit to u/rtphokie on reddit)
In order to celebrate these wondrous occasions, I have compiled 70 reasons why I love Rush (especially Geddy):
70. They don't have any unlistenable albums. I can put on any Rush album and at the very least enjoy it, which is saying a lot!
69. ANDDDD they have 19 studio albums!!! 167 songs!!!
68. Alex's iconic Hall of Fame induction speech.
67. The movie I Love You, Man. The main plot of that is just two guys geeking out about Rush and then going to see them in concert.
66. The Bb5 in "Cygnus X-1 Book 1: The Voyage". For the record, the other famous Bb5 sung by a male singer in rock is the high note in "Bohemian Rhapsody", sung by Roger Taylor.
65. Geddy's range in general. Say what you will about his voice, but he had range.
64. Their pre-concert videos.
63. "Hey baby it's 7:45 and I need to go to bed soon, let's fuck"- In the Mood. The debut album was something else, man.
62. They wrote songs during soundcheck when they were on tour. This includes songs like "Tom Sawyer" and "Chemistry".
61. They went to a Yes concert while recording Caress of Steel, and almost quit making the album. I, for one, am very glad they didn't!
60. The "rap" in "Roll the Bones". Sit back, relax, get busy with the facts...
59. Gene Simmons thought they weren't into women because they didn't want to party with KISS. True story!
58. They listed their baseball positions in the liner notes for Signals.
57. Neil wrote lyrics to a song using only anagrams. The song is called "Anagram (For Mongo)", and is on the album Presto.
56. They thanked themselves in the liner notes for Hemispheres. Listed as Dirk, Lerxst, and Pratt, ofc!
55. They would challenge themselves to write last-minute songs. Results of this experiment include "Hand Over Fist" from Presto, and "Malignant Narcissism" from Snakes and Arrows.
54. The mere existence of "A Passage to Bangkok". I wonder what their thought process was to put a song about smoking weed around the world after a 20-minute long dystopian prog rock epic...
53. "La Villa Strangiato". Just... everything about it.
52. The kimonos. You know the ones!
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51. Their nicknames for each other!! (see above)
50. They had the second-longest stable line up in rock music! The only ones with a longer stable line up was ZZ Top.
49. They had a 40-year career! Even longer if you include pre-Neil and their adventures since the R40 tour.
48. The synth era. I unapologetically love 80s Rush, especially Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows.
47. "The Necromancer" basically being self-insert Tolkien fanfic. I wonder who the "three travelers" are supposed to be... OH WAIT!
46. They're giant nerds. All prog bands are, but they are especially nerdy.
45. Hugh Syme's awesome album covers. He did every single one from Caress of Steel onwards, barring the front cover for Snakes and Arrows.
44. The 7/8 section in "Tom Sawyer". That was my first intermediate bass line! Thanks, Geddy!
43. They're Canadian icons. Unironically, they're the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions "Canada" to me.
42. The horribly cheesy, terrible, but also really funny music video for "Time Stand Still". That song, btw, might be my favorite 80s Rush song, and is probably in my Top 5.
41. The triple-entendre pun of Moving Pictures. They're filming a movie (moving picture) of people moving paintings (moving pictures), while someone is getting moved by the scene (moving...pictures...).
40. They quote the 1812 Overture in the overture for "2112".
39. Geddy taught Les Claypool how to properly play "YYZ".
38. The Permanent Waves era glasses!
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37. The opening of "Xanadu".
36. The weird stuff Geddy would have on his side of stage after he stopped using amps. This includes rotisserie chickens, washing machines, dryers, and popcorn machines.
35. "Music by Lee and Lifeson, Lyrics by Peart" on almost every single Rush song.
34. The ending of "Spirit of Radio". OF SALESMEN!!!
33. Their inside jokes. Example: The Bag.
32. They took French classes together, and began announcing their songs in French in Quebec.
31. The progressiveness of Counterparts. What other 40-year old rockstars were talking about healthy relationship boundaries and openly supporting gay people in 1993?
30. Their vaults are practically empty because they scrapped songs that weren't up to their standards. This is why we have no sub-par Rush material!
29. Choosing to end their careers with grace.
28. Ending the last show of their career with "Working Man", the song that got everything started.
27. "Dreamline"--"Learning that we're only immortal / For a limited time".
26. Geddy and Alex inducting Yes into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2017.
25. Then, of course, Geddy playing "Roundabout" with Yes during their induction! (Unfortunately, he did not play his Rickenbacker :( )
24. No decisions were made regarding the band without it being unanimous.
23. "Closer to the Heart". To me, that song is like a musical representation of their friendship, and it always leaves me with a warm, fuzzy feeling after listening to it.
22. Neil's books. Ghost Rider, in particular helped me get through a rough time earlier this year.
21. Geddy's Big Beautiful Book of Bass. I love that thing, and I am looking forward to his memoir in November!!!
20. That incredible Rickenbacker. I know it hasn't been his main bass since the early 80s but...
19. All their other creative projects. Geddy and Alex have a solo album each, Alex is involved with Envy of None rn, and Neil had his blog.
18. All their other stage interactions.
16. They got me into prog. I wouldn't have this blog right now if it weren't for Rush.
15. The Lifeson chord. The F#7add11 voicing that you can hear in so many of their songs (it's the opening to "Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres").
14. Neil's drumming. They call him The Professor for a reason!
13. Geddy's bass playing. And his singing. And playing keys. And... yeah, we would be here all day!
12. The Dinner with Rush video. I make daily references to this that no one notices...
11. "The measure of a life / is a measure of love and respect"- "The Garden". The final song on their final album, and possibly the most amazing closer of all time.
10. Their charity work. IIRC, this includes giving away the aforementioned rotisserie chickens, as well as various fundraisers.
9. Their constant strive to improve themselves. Including Geddy working with a vocal coach, Neil working with Freddie Gruber, and of course, disavowing that Ayn Rand shit.
8. They give me something to strive towards, both as a musician and as a person. If I could make records half as good as Rush, and handle the fame with half the grace that they did, I would consider myself well-accomplished.
7. Neil's lyrics inspired me to get back into writing.
6. They inspired me to become a musician, and to pursue a career in music. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have stayed in choir or picked up bass, and I would've never considered a career in audio technology.
5. Their music helped me bond with my dad.
4. Geddy talking about his family's story of survival during the Holocaust. I think that's really important to talk about.
3. Other Rush fans. Well, okay, some of them like to brag about how many concerts they've been to, or tend to be a little gate-keep, but most of them are really chill people.
2. Their music helped me get through the toughest times in my life. Without getting too personal, I even credit them with saving my life on multiple occasions.
However, what I admire about Rush, above all else...
1. Their friendship with each other.
Once again, happy birthday Geddy! Your music has inspired me in so many ways, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it.
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fartofthesunrise · 3 years
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Happy birthday to Geddy Lee :-)
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Counterparts Tour-era RUSH for asecrettouch on instagram!
There’s a few symbols from the album covers/inner booklet mixed in the background, as well as two references to songs.
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turntableritual · 6 years
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The mighty By-Tor and his Snow Dog....And poor Neil, he's just "Percussion"😅
"Fly by Night" back cover, 1975
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barra-cuuda · 5 years
It’s Rush Day!!! Happy 21/12!!!
Don’t forget to leave out some honeydew and milk of paradise for Dirk, Lerxst, and Pratt tonight! If you’ve been good, you just might wake up with the ability to switch time signatures at will.
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baycitystygian · 3 years
fuck zodiac signs are you a dirk, lerxst, or pratt
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sarahlovespopmusic · 4 years
Highlights from “Rush The Illustrated History”
Alex is actually from Fernie, B.C. and moved to Toronto at age 2
Alex played viola
The band changed their name from ‘Rush’ to ‘Hadrian’ and Geddy left the band in 1969
When opening for The Dolls in ‘69, without having released an album, people would go to the concert to see Rush
Not only do we have Dirk, Lerxst, and Pratt, but Terry Brown was Broon
‘Middletown Dreams’ is not a bitter and cynical song - “the spirit of tremendous compassion and with tremendous sadness and futility about human nature”
Neil started using a mac to write lyrics for Hold Your Fire.  Geddy preferred handwritten sheets, b/c Neil would draw him “little pictures”
Presto is an album with an “uncommon attention to singing”
They went from being very obvious about odd-time signatures to “slipping them in there” in Presto
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aztropollo · 8 months
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business meeting
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glfc2112 · 6 months
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Today is International Rush Day. We celebrate Rush everyday, but 21/12 is the day with unite as one to pay tribute to the band that is loved the world over. Their music is embraced by all races, creeds, cultures, generations, and genders. Dirk, Lerxst, and Pratt have given us the gift of countless hours of music. The Rush fan base is one is one of the most dedicated. As residents of the Solar Federation, Star Man is our symbol of the triumvirate. Geddy, Alex, and Neil have been humble, insightful, humourous, wise through their words, live shows / concerts, songs, books, and interviews. We are exceptionally grateful to be able to take in every word. Current and future fans have continued / will continue to embrace them and keep their music alive long after they are gone. We thank you for everything you have done and will continue to do. Rush on. Credit: Danforth and Pape
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eddie-rifff · 4 years
Hey! So, I'm new to Rush, can you tell me why they call them lerxst, dirk and pratt? Thanks in advance! ♥ Much love ♥♥♥
well heck i didnt actually know exactly why either (i just never bothered to wonder why lol) but after a bit of poking i found this excerpt from Neil’s book Roadshow:
“Pratt... was a play on the various butcherings of my simple Anglo-Saxon surname, ‘Peert.’ [It morphed] into Nels Pratt, then just Nels, which Alex and Liam (long time roadie/ tour manager) usually called me, or Mr. P., as Geddy preferred.
Alex was usually ‘Lerxst,’ which came from a long-ago, exaggerated pronunciation of his name as ‘Alerxt.’
[And] Geddy was commonly ‘Dirk,’ which derived from an invented name for an archetypical rock bass player, or secret agent—Dirk Lee.”
so there ya have it!
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fartofthesunrise · 3 years
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Geddy lookin’ like a wine mom
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newworldpuck · 6 years
Rush-Second Nature (Lyrics)
Battle For the Net + Petition
Pulchritudinous Fascination
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