#dif London
mikeysgerard · 2 years
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Nothing could have made me happier today❤️
(All credits go to the lucky human beings who met the boys today and were kind enough to share these pics with us xx)
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thebroken--soul · 2 years
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Emilia Clarke during the convention DIFLondon in London, September 17th, 2022
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I legit wrote this and then denied the idea of trans Grave I can't with my past self-
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This bish is bi&trans, Ben Bocquelet himself walked up to me on the street, told me this, patted my head and left
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andrwgarfields · 1 year
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patheticfrogarchive · 9 months
It's my birthday ur obligated to say happy birthday emily patheticfrog. Or else
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c-40 · 1 year
A-T-3 018 Dif Juz - Song With No Name
From Dif Juz's debut album Who Says So? 4AD had put out two excellent EPs by the band in 1981 but it was Red Flame that picked up this mini-album. Coming from West London and active until 1986 they sound perhaps like something bands coming out the US in the late 1990's early-to-mid 2000s with an interest in psychedelic folk and dubby prog. UK-wise I've seen Dif Juz compared with early 1990s Seefeel, high praise indeed in my books
There are a lot of untitled music tracks but Dif Juz put their own spin on things, the collected titles of the four tracks on their Vibrating Air EP is an anagram of "These songs are untitled"
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cellarspider · 3 months
9/?? What remains
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We return to the movie that I’m not giving a jokey intro to this time, Prometheus. 
When I was in archaeological field school, we were digging in an area that had been continuously inhabited since the Neolithic period. Untold numbers of people had lived there through the ages.
And so it wasn’t entirely unexpected when someone told the professors that a construction crew across the street had just dug up a human skull.
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(https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/work-begins-to-excavate-45-000-skeletons-from-hs2-site-at-london-euston-a3972926.html )
One of the grad students slapped on a dayglo vest and hard hat, and ran over there to speak with the crew. Undergrads were not allowed anywhere near the site, simply because of the liability risk. But the bones themselves? We weren’t allowed to touch them. They went right into boxes for a specialist to take care of. 
All told, remains from 18 skeletons were found, twelve of them children. They’d been there for about eight hundred years. The professors said the construction crew was diffing on top of a medieval churchyard. They’d dug a hole to connect up the utilities, and their trench went right up to the wall of the former church. You could tell that, the professors said, because unbaptized children would’ve been buried under the eaves of the church: rainwater falling from the eaves was thought to be sanctified, so they’d be blessed every time it rained.
The construction crew wasn’t actually obligated to tell anyone about the bones. There was no legal requirement–the dead were everywhere there. As long as there was no reason to suspect a murder, people could just dig.
But because they did stop, just long enough for the bones to be retrieved, those skeletons would be examined, cataloged, and would either be held in an osteoarchaeological collection for further research, or reburied. There was no strong legal or social pressure one way or the other. That’s not universal–some peoples forbid the practice of handling and studying human remains, or require that remains be reinterred with the most culturally appropriate religious rites that can be provided. There is a lack of international or even regional consensus on what to do in these situations.
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And there are a lot of places where the wishes of descendants and local cultures have not been honored by archaeologists. The twenty year fight over custody of the bones of Kennewick Man (or the Ancient One) is one notable, hard-fought win for repatriation and reinterment of human remains, and there are many, many cases that have been far worse, that are still worse.
But where we dug, the relevant ethical standards for osteoarchaeologists stressed that “[b]iological remains, particularly human remains, of any age or provenance must be treated with care and dignity.”
We students never saw the bones. We didn’t need to, frankly, it would have been incompatible with those values. Is this how it’s handled everywhere? No. And most of the time, our dig was a very casual and lively place. But these professors were trying to start us out with the best ethical standards they could, which I am grateful for.
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That’s the context that was running through my head as I watched Prometheus. Movies tend to treat dead bodies with far less reverence. They often carry some sort of emotional weight–fear, disgust, grief, or even excitement or humor. In violent movies, they’re set dressing, less important than the main characters–unless one of them was a main character. I chafe at that distinction, sometimes, but I’m not squeamish about movie violence. Two of my favorite movies of the year prior had been The Raid and Dredd. Two serendipitously similar action movies where death was relentless, graphic, and cheap–content warning in both links, by the way.
Both movies had carried me through because they were consistent on what they were throughout. I didn’t expect anything more sensitive from movies about action-fantasy cops. Prometheus had already lost me, and it was about archaeologists. Ones who professed a belief that they were there to meet their makers.
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And so I found the way they treat the discovery of an alien body to be utterly galling. Despite the fact that I didn’t expect anything better from them by this point, I still wasn’t willing to meet the movie where it wanted me to be. I wasn’t feeling their excitement, trepidation over what else they were going to find next, or any voyeuristic excitement over how screwed they obviously were–any of those might have been the intended emotion, I’m honestly not sure what sort of horror movie Prometheus was trying to be at this point.
I was just seething that they were touching the body. Sticking probes into it. That was bad enough. 
We haven’t even gotten to what they do to the head yet.
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Citations for alt-text:
All links listed in-line below the images this time.
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Do you think Audrey has more children than just C&Z? Asking bc I just had the thought of Fashion Week & her magazine. Paris, France. New York, US. London, UK. Milan, Italy. Idk. I just thought 4 dif cities, 4 dif baby daddies, 4 dif kids (C the oldest? Would be p funny). & then that isn't including if her magazine isn't like, all over the world, right? Logically, I know this wouldn't work bc celeb pregnancies do endup in the news so the daddies would find out fast but had to share my thoughts
I mean no one found out about the Chloé/Zoé situation plus they're like. They're Celebrities but not the type that everyone pays attention to like actors and singers, ya know? They get attention but aren't as clamored over.
So between that and the fact that Audrey knows which fashions can hide the baby bump and low-key abandoning the kids with their (presumed) fathers, it wouldn't get noticed.
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olipeaksforever · 2 months
In A Town Like Twin Peaks, No One Is Innocent: A Twin Peaks playlist.
Featuring: Angelo Badalamenti, David Lynch, Julee Cruise, Scott Walker, The Paris Sisters, Nine Inch Nails, This Mortal Coil, Chromatics, Jimmy Scott, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, The Platters, Julie London, Ethel Cain, Otis Redding, Mazzy Star, Rebekah del Rio, Beach House, The Cranberries, Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood, Brian Eno, Weyes Blood, Suicide, Santo & Johnny, Psychic TV, Siouxsie and The Banshees, The Zombies, The Dave Brubeck Quartet, David Sylvian, Tears For Fears, Dirty Beaches, The Veils, Yo La Tengo, Connie Stevens, Strawberry Switchblade, The Chameleons, Kate Bush, Dif Juz, Stelvio Cipriani, The Poni-Tails, Thought Gang, Chris Isaak, Skeeter Davis, Spiritualized and James Hurley.
Genres featured: Alternative rock, americana, ambient, dream pop, ethereal wave, experimental rock, folk, gothic rock, jazz, industrial, pop, post-punk, psychedelic rock and soul.
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zeglyths · 2 days
what are your thoughts about daphne sa’ing simon?
hi anon! i am not a victim, and my interpretation of the scene may be different. that is a very open discussion and i do not believe that a single opinion is right. if anyone is offended with what i have to say, they are more than welcome to share their own thoughts.
what i said above only applies to the show. there cannot be any other interpretation for the book other than what it is: rape.
let's add the setting for the book: daphne and simon were just going to sleep when she suddenly wonders why he tries to keep her as far as possible from his release. she asks him why can't he have kids and it that was his seed. the fight about the vow unfolds and so far daphne is in the right.
simon knows that, but is hate for his father is too strong, understandably so. two days later, he gets so drunk he cannot even stand or think properly. daphne allows him to sleep in her bed.
and somehow, that twisted bitch thinks that "she can have anything she wants." LINE TAKEN FROM THE BOOK.
she unbuttons his breeches and strokes him, while he is DRUNK AND SLEEPING. he is horny and drunk, not in the right sense of mind. he never even gave her explicit consent, even when 'encouraging' her. (he later blames himself for this)
she seduces and rides him, and she forces in to come inside of her even though she knew about his vow and was sure of what his seed would do. (this is very different from how the show portrayed it and i'll explain that later)
the way it unfolds after is heartbreaking. simon feels betrayed and hurt, not comfortable with her touching him anymore, so much that he genuinely begins to stutter again. he leaves the estate, and she cries because she did not actually think that he would leave her, and even openly admits that she is not ashamed and thought she was in the right, she takes residence in hastings house in london for the next 2 months that they are apart, and never mentions why they separated to her concerned family, which caused them to grow some kind of hatred towards him. anthony was in charge of delivering the letter that informed him that she missed her courses (which was a false alarm) and threatens simon. simon blames himself for encouraging her seduction (he was drunk) and goes to london because of the child. there, they reconcile and the first thing daphne does after telling him that she is not pregnant is ask if he left her because she forced herself on him. he says no, and says he left because she made him so vulnerable he began stuttering again. which is literally the same thing: she violated him, and he was so hurt he began to stutter.
after a comedic relief scene with the bridgertons, when they have sex again, daphne says that she doesn't want children if he doesn't (after all that) and would like some time for themselves, but he still says that he does and all in all, they get a happily ever after.
i'd also like to mention that simon wasn't exactly the ideal man either. he constantly viewed daphne as an object and projected all his sexual desires (unhealthily) on her. he was verbally abusive up with her up to the point of #that scene (yes, he was also abusive when he was drunk)
this was utterly disgusting for me to read. i could barely get through the pages. these are situations that real-life people go through, that should not be painted in a good light or be promoted as romance.
the show's scene is different. simon and daphne have their fight about the vow after she forced herself. she did not know what his 'seed' would do.
yes, she did ask her maid that night, but take it this way: her mother did not give her the slightest of information on how to make child. she told her that simon would know, and daphne fully trusted both simon and her mother as well. she was exploring her sexual side when she noticed him not releasing inside of her. she did not know what that meant. he did. he took advantage of her naïveté.
when she asked her maid, it was difficult for her to believe that he would lie to her. she trusted him the most with her body. he was the only man that had touched her that far. she did not want for him to have lied to her. she could not even think of the slightest reason why he would not want to have children. if she confronted him directly, he would have made up another lie to cover for it.
it was a simple situation: she would force him to come inside of her, and if he was upset then he had lied. yes, he told her to wait, yes, she did not stop, and yes, that bordered sexual assault.
"oh but you wouldn't say that if a man did that to a woman." actually, the situation cannot happen with gender reversed.
this takes place in 1813. society tried their utter best to keep women as innocent as a child, and fresh for her husband. the man, however, was free to do whatever he wanted. simon especially, was a whore.
he knew explicitly how to make children, while daphne only had the idea of some kind of marital act they had to perform that would eventually end up in child.
they both were in the wrong, maybe daphne moreso than simon. and that’s honestly all i think.
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1five1two · 4 months
But the state of public morality was
universally at a low ebb. The growth and
diffusion of luxury had engendered exorbi-
tant speculation. In the commercial world,
crash succeeded crash ; and godless wor-
shippers of Mammon were snatched from
banquets and opera-boxes to the Bank-
ruptcy Court, or Penitentiary, till the “ pro-
bity of the British merchant," long proverbial, became a jest.
Literature was at a low ebb. In the
sunshine of universal education, millions
of ephemeral writers had sprung to light.
But as the over- dressing of a parterre pro-
duces leaves instead of blossoms, in the
multitude of our authors was anything but
wisdom. Popular poets seemed to aspire to
the strait waistcoat, rather than the tunic
of Apollo ; and for works of fiction,
readers were so hard to find, that novels
were served up to them, in portions,
illustrated by pictures, like slices of un-
wholesome Twelfth- cake, enhanced by " Cha-racters." One or two remarkable historians and discerning critics stood high above the crowd. But the faces of the latter were as closely veiled as that of the Diana of
the Ephesians ; while the former, like
the statues of great men usually set
up in England, were so bespattered with
mud by hands profane, that their lineaments were scarcely distinguishable.
The arts, too, were under a cloud. The
most popular artist was a first-rate painter
of third-class subjects . In portrait, a few
feeble-handed amateurs had pushed the
R.A.s from their stools ; while the pictures
best adapted to the size of English houses
and predilections of English minds, were
perverted by mannerism and affectation.
For this, we were indebted to the rhapsodies
of a writer whose eloquence, gaudy as the
promiscuous overflow of a colourbox, had
burst like a deluge over the public taste ; an
explosion of verbosity, full of foam and fury,
signifying nothing, or worse than nothing
Of sculptors, the less said the better.
When a public monument was in request,
a foreigner was sure to be selected for its
execution ; and the tomb of a British Prin-
cess, bespoken by a British Queen, bore on
the plinth the name of an alien !
Pictorial art, of inferior character, as dif-
fused by wood-cuts and photographs, had
obtained great popular influence. It
was formerly proverbial that " those who
run may read." But people who travel at
railroad speed, are only able to instruct
themselves by pictures. The two most
popular journals- ( for the Times '
more than a newspaper-one of the un-
anointed sovereigns of modern Europe, ) were
' Punch ' and the Illustrated News.
But though the wit of the one and intelligence
of the other was eminently remarkable,
few readers perused more than the plates.
High art enjoyed of course its fits and
starts of patronage, as well as low. The
rich and great took a craze for refining the
mind of the nation, instead of preparing it
for refinement ; and away went the lords
and millionnaires to work, sewing their
Honiton sprigs upon hopsack. The Indus-
trial Exhibition of 1851, projected chiefly
with a view to the improvement of our
manufactures, having fully succeeded in a
mercantile and moral point of view, it
seemed impossible to have enough of a good
thing ; and lo ! the miraculous structure
of the Crystal Palace, which had no fault
but that in summer it could not keep out the
sun, or in winter the rain, was both per-
petuated and emulated-a mart for the busy
idleness of lounging London. When, like all
overgrowths, this monstrous excrescence of
civilisation began to languish, even the
patronage of the Court was propitiated with
a view to invigorate its decline.
From 'The Comet'. By a Anonymous Tartar. 1857.
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In love that of all the things tumblr has chosen to bully england for is the water being hard. I don’t disagree with this i just find it funny there are so many more obvious things like…
The house of lords, the weird wigs our lawyers wear, bad food, jk rowling, terf island, colonialism, love tea bad at making it, two separate taps for dif temp water, 100 schools being condemned a week before children are meant to return because we continued to use buildings with a 30 year life span for 60 years, bbc sherlock, andrew loyd weather, Cats (i love that musical but still), london, james cordon, rains a lot, no spice tolerance, boris johnson, tereca may, rishi sunack, brexit, Benedict Cumberbatch, snogging, william afton, no ac, love never dies, wealth gap, monarchy ect
But tumblr didn’t pick the low hanging fruit they reached high and decided the mineral content of water was the best insult.
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racewinnerlandonorris · 8 months
i’ve been putting of making an edit for weeks knowing that it needs done in a timeframe and i now have the busiest week ever coming up, tomorrow going to a dif city and going to a concert and staying overnight, coming back and going for dinner and to the cinema, next day lunch, halloween shopping, next day drinks and dinner, next day going to london, going to another concert, flying home. when am i meant to make my edit?!
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captain-stark-rogars · 8 months
So happy that i gravitated towards RdJ in the last few years cause I was huge Chris evans fan but then one day I was like ‘hello daddy’ and it’s been RDJ ever since. Now I was still a Chris fan until about a two years ago. And no it’s nothing to do with Alba, although from what I heard she is very racist, although it’s hear say so idk, no it was when he when went to London for a booty call and was photographed with lily this was in the height of the pandemic
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. I work in the health field and it wasn’t a picnic . So to see him do this really irked me. ((It was for a PR photocall, which why many still don’t trust the whole Alba thing ) breaking stuff that was suppose to keep us safe for a booty call PR thing. That was the beginning of the end. Now like I said I ship Stony ((Steve and Tony Marvel) so I do still use him as a FC for Steve. Lately his down home appeal isn’t working like it used to. So no I really not a fav of his anymore, will use his Face for my Steve.
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Now RDJ I love, love, love. Like I said he a total DiF, he kills in everything he does. Yes he far from perfecta and has his faults. But the man is trying to save the planet, been married to same woman for like 20 years. (( so don’t come at with your just jealous cause Chris is married cause respectfully 🖕🏻)) . He crawled his way back to stardom and is from what I’ve heard a generally nice guy who will take time to take pics and chat with fans. Again ik he isn’t perfect but I like him so much more then Chris and have for a while.
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soloorganaas · 2 years
Oooooh!!!! Your tattoos are BEAUTIFUL!!! I WANT I WANT! 🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍
i absolutely adore them they truly mean everything to me. I’ve wanted to get them for months and I had to wait and see if I even got my visa and job back and THEN try and find an artist. i went through three dif people until I got an appt with this amazing guy in london who rescheduled his other clients bc I was literally home for one week so basically I never thought it was actually going to happen and then it did 😭😭😭
I was reading DH whilst getting it done and I happened to read the grimmauld place chaps where harry finds sirius’s old room and then when remus turns up and is like yeah I should never have married tonks and it was just so. getting this literally inked into my arm felt like the biggest of fuck yous and reclamation and validation of a story she (and so many people since forever) tried to and can never erase and i really did tear up several times over the emotion of it all 🥲
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travelena · 1 month
travelled with people i didn’t really know - intersting. 
enjoyed waking up early and exploring city by myself
brunch at higher ground, but best of all was when i woke up and explored fitzroy and had croissant at lune croissantery (best pastry ever!) and i got a fig danish to go but ofc was so good i ate it there.
drove for first time on opposite side of road along great ocean road:
stopped at dif lookout and beaches
12 apostles, loch ard gorge
london bridge
the grotto
the stairway to beach next to 12 apostles
our airbnb had an amazing location for stargazing 
stopped and saw kangaroos and also saw koalas in trees in the wild on the way back to melbs. koalas are cute but boring the literally dont do anything,roos are my fav
sunday walked around saw museums (ngv) and TONS of markets - love markets (queen victoria market and many more), went to an AFL game (mix of rugby, soccer, football?, bball) very physical and fun to watch
monday went to brighton bathing boxes and walked around a hipster street with good vintage shopping
also had the best gelato at pipa__something
i was expecting 12 apostles and brighton bathing boxes to be underwhelming so was so pleasantly surprised, loved it
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