fit2b · 14 days
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We are aging!
My MIL is on her deathbed in my dining room. She is 82 and for the past 6 decades, she lived in survival mode in rural Montana: self-sufficient, isolated, unwilling to get help for her mental and physical struggles. She was skin and bones when she came to us in the final stages of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s which she’d hidden from us.
Aging doesn’t have to be like that. And you and me? We are aging!
Patrice Hazan, physical therapist and founder of GroupHab, joins us for this episode that will enlighten our listeners with ways to age gracefully. We can do a lot – biologically, sociologically, and psychologically – to keep our bodies feeling and functioning younger ways. Listen now to find out how!
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fit2b · 9 days
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Comforting the Core: Moving through Miscarriage & Infant Loss
Holding my mother in law’s hand during her final days, and then experiencing her death in my home this past weekend has me pondering loss and how we “move” through it. My only other major losses have been a high school boyfriend who died of brain cancer and my miscarriage.
If you have experienced miscarriage or infant loss – or the loss of a child at any age, first let me say I’m sorry. My first pregnancy ended with a miscarriage at 11 weeks gestation, and that experience changed me forever. No part of me was left unaltered.
My body changed. My heart changed. My mind changed.
This course won’t answer all your questions, but it will offer you comfort. It may help you form questions you didn’t know you had. It won’t help you “move on” from your loss – because none of us want to leave our babies behind – rather, it will help you “move with” the grief you carry.
It will help you process.
It will help you move again – safely and gently.
It will help you reach out when you’re ready.
Comforting the Core: Moving through Miscarriage & Infant Loss - Fit2B Studio
#pilatesworkouts #yogaworkouts #mommyworkouts #abrehab #spoonie #familyfriendly #mentalfitness #diastasisworkouts #kettlebell #instagramfitness #dementiaawareness #caregivingtips
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fit2b · 15 days
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5 Things I use to help my perimenupause
My MIL has been in my care for the past 4 months, and I know for a fact that she despised “self care” and doctors and asking for help. She lived in constant survival mode and suffered needlessly with many things. I’m personally dealing with the fallout of her untreated anxiety, untreated menopause, untreated medical conditions because she refused care until she fell apart and came to us.
I want better for me and you, and it starts now, right where you are in this moment.
Preparing for a better menopause – which is simply the actual single day that you’ve gone without a period for one year – means being proactive in perimenopause which includes the 10-15 years of slow changes that culminate and surround menopause.
In an ideal world, the knowledge to handle perimenopause well would be gathered earlier… during pregnancy… even better: during puberty! Imagine a world where young girls get quality, body-positive information about how to have better periods and pregnancies which then would impact their perimenopausal experience!?!
It begins here with you, with the women and girls around you. Let’s model this: an intentional, informed approach to our own perimenopausal experience because the younger generations are watching and learning from us. Let’s show them that we don’t have to turn into hysterical hot messes. We can reverse osteoporosis and hot flashes with weightlifting.
We can improve our period pain with certain stretches, castor oil packs, seed cycling, and self-care. We can practice good sleep hygiene and seek out help for our mental health with our heads held high because we plan to age. We plan to live. We plan to be here and be strong for them when it’s their turn.
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fit2b · 16 days
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Color Series: Silver Home Workout Videos
As we remain on death watch with my mother in law who is passing away with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, I am deeply pondering my own aging journey. We can do all we can to age gracefully and still get trumped by genetics and other factors beyond our control, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try our best to take care of ourselves.
One of the projects I’m most proud of that speaks to this is our Color Series of Home Workout Videos, specifically our Silver workouts. They are designed to combat the effects of aging like brittle bones, heart disease, low mental health, and muscle loss.
Watch here:
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fit2b · 2 months
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Strengthen Your Core in Bed: Tips & Exercises for Moms on Bedrest
Being on bedrest when you’re expecting a baby or recovering from an injury or surgery can be tough on your mental health, heart health, bone density, and fitness. Not only are you dealing with the physical and emotional changes of whatever situation you’re in, but you also have to find ways to avoid joint stiffness, muscle wasting, anxiety, depression, bone loss, lower stamina, and less bladder control – all things that are common results of being on bedrest – all while confined to your bed! Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to safely exercise that can help strengthen your core without getting out of bed.
Here on Fit2B we have lots of tips and exercises for expectant moms, recovering athletes and anyone who needs to stay in their beds for a while, and we’ve linked to our best ones below!
fit2b #homeworkoutvideos #diastasisrecti #pelvicfloorexercises #cardioworkouts #weightworkout #pilatesworkouts #yogaworkouts #mommyworkouts #abrehab #spoonie #familyfriendly #mentalfitness #diastasisworkouts #pelvicrest
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fit2b · 2 months
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I was put on pelvic rest for 6 weeks in March, 2021 when my Pap smear results revealed that I would need treatment for HSIL. Being put on “Pelvic Rest” by your doctor or midwife means no strenuous exercise, penetrative intimacy, or deep squats. It doesn’t mean NO movement, but many people stop exercising – even me for a hot minute – because we aren’t told what we can do, only what we can’t do! I had to puzzle it out for myself by seeing what I could do that would be gentle to my pelvic floor while still moving my body. After 7 rounds of cryotherapy on my cervix, I was cleared in early May, 2021 just in time to film this routine.
This is a FREE routine that’s open for everyone, not just members!
Comment PELVIC REST for the link!
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