#devils chord spoilers
whatsfourteenupto · 24 days
I know we all laugh at Fourteen and Donna screwballing the universe and then immediately tapping out of the storyline in favor of oops-not-vegan casseroles in the backyard but
What was Fourteen up to during the Devil’s Chord? What were any of the previous Doctors up to? We saw with Mavity that they’re at least somewhat aware of changes in the time stream. Did Maestro change things so dramatically that the Doctor had never fallen in love with Earth in the first place? Or did Fourteen blink and open his eyes to find the Earth he knew, the one they’d been slowly learning to live and rest in day by day, gone? Changed irrevocably, Donna, Rose, YazRoryAmyWilfGrahamBillRoseallofthem maybe never even born? Blink again and they’re all back, unaware that it’s even happened? The panic that could have brought, as he realizes that they’ve surrendered the mantle to his new self, and trusted themselves to keep the universe spinning, but now that means he’s helpless. If their future self fucks up, they’re irrevocably screwed too. No way to find out what’s going on, nothing they can do, their entire timeline relying on a version of them they barely know.
Alternatively, Fourteen blinking, seeing London in flames, finding a nice hunk of broken concrete to sit down on, and sighing impatiently as they wait for himself to hurry up and fucking fix it so they can finish beating Rose at Uno
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gayleviticus · 28 days
reading devil's chord reviews i feel like maybe the biggest make-or-break is that i didn't like maestro as a villain that much? like. they were a more entertaining but just as hammy version of the toymaker and that was it.
whereas people who seemed to really enjoy the episode are being like 'theyre a fantastic villain, best new villain we've had for years'. which is fair but I just don't really see it.
they aren't scary or menacing or funny the way Missy is. their biggest strength is hamminess, which is fun, but I felt like there wasn't enough antagonistic chemistry between them and the doctor/ruby for it to work? hamminess in a vacuum is meh. just didn't work for me.
i feel like an actual musical number (duet between doctor and maestro?) might have worked better for that. but i just didn't vibe with them.
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Devils chord spoilerish:
I’m not a big Beatles fan but I know a hell of a lot about them through circumstance and the fact that RTD sets you up to believe Lennon is the genius only to last second pull McCartney into the shot as well and have both boys play the note together was an incredible moment.
Together those two wrote lyrics and music and bounced off each other, one of the most successful composer team ups in music ever. Like two halves of a whole kind of situation. It’s a short ep but to have that bit of Beatles / music history in that nod to finish off a very dangerous doctor who villain is just very cool. I appreciate the respect it shows for music history.
I also caught a little of classical themes and I’m hoping someone compiles a list them. Danse Macbre is one of my all time favorites and it was used in a great spot
What a great episode
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causalityparadoxes · 28 days
Cannot emphasise how OBSESSED i am with the Doctor being able to hear the show's backing music. Does he have favourites? Does he ever miss the funky classic who tunes?
Its giving Day of the Doctor novelisation, where the Doctor's vision changed when the show's colour grading did.
I love whenever they make allusions to the 4th wall or skirt near it. 1st Doctor talking to the people at home. 4th Doctor's laugh at the camera. 12th Doctor's monologues and playing of the Theme tune. Its all so wonderful.
But to put it in the forefront. To literally have him say " I Thought that was non-diegetic " (music not actually present in the world and only for the audience) to have him WINK at us.
Obsessed is too weak a word for what I'm feeling right now. I love them
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[image description first image: The Fifteenth Doctor with an expression of surprise saying, "I thought that was non-diegetic." second image: The Fifteenth Doctor looking directly into the camera, about to wink. end description]
(Thank you @thevalleyisjolly for the image description text!)
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notyoujamie · 28 days
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Maestro: got some straight gas. this strain is called “the devil’s chord” you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw a drag queen come out of a piano
My buddy Paul McCartney pacing: I’ve got a dog, he’s called fred, my dog is alive, he’s not dead, I love my dog, he loves me too, I haven’t got a cat, only a dog, my dog my dog my dog my dog, I’ve got a dog, I love my dog, he’s my dog, he’s not your dog, if you want a dog, get your own
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thefiresofpompeii · 21 days
if i had one nickel for every time the word “lesbian” was spoken aloud on doctor who, i’d have two consecutive nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s incredible that it happened twice in a row and neither example was during that whole series with an openly lesbian companion
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vampir-el · 28 days
what if you were BISEXUAL and your parents ABANDONED you and you met a NONBINARY and he KIDNAPPED you in his TIME MACHINE and you turned into an ALIEN and then you met the BEATLES FROM WISH
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quantumshade · 28 days
the first time the word "lesbian" was said out loud in doctor who was in reference to a trans girl. peace and love on planet earth
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paintdoktahwho · 28 days
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whatsfourteenupto · 24 days
No but okay what was the twist at the end what did I just watch
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stevenrogered · 28 days
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♪ There's always a twist, there's always a twist, there's always a twist at the end ♪
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donutdrawsthings · 27 days
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🎶 There's always a twist in the end!
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causalityparadoxes · 28 days
The Master always bringing in diagetic music, (I Can't Decide, Hey Missy, Rasputin, etc) because they've always been a little miffed that THEY couldn't hear the non-diagetic theme music like the Doctor could.
Imagine your best friend swore up and down they could sometimes hear situationally relavent music. Yet you were stuck with a 4 beat pounding in your head or nothing.
Like sooooo unfair. Hand me the aux, I'm leveling the playing field
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notyoujamie · 28 days
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In 1963, I park the TARDIS in a junkyard and I live there with my granddaughter Susan.
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it feels like this season, doctor who is dealing with the fundamental rules changing. it was strictly sci-fi, you could always logic your way out of any problem with technobabble and a clever plan.
but it feels like so much of the plot is wrapped around poking at the medium of being a television show, of being a story. we have multiple characters looking at the viewers, we have the maestro playing the theme tune, we have such clear parallels to season 1 (2005) that it feels like a universal coincidence. like the whoniverse itself is recognizing its a medium and playing with its tropes.
the genre is changing too - we are leaning more and more into fantasy, rules like you would see in stories about fae, not sci-fi. musical numbers out of nowhere that no one seems to question, with rain inside and musical sidewalks. the vocabulary of rope and power in coincidences. hell, even the way that time travel works is changing! suddenly stepping on a butterfly (specifically a trope in scifi that has been mocked/debunked previously) has consequences. the doctor swiping away the translation circuit's effects with the wave of a hand and breathing life back into a creature without breaking a sweat.
not to mention the way that space babies foreshadows to a universe that creates a story with all the ingredients it knows are supposed to be there (re: bogeyman - there's supposed to be a villain so it made one)
something IS going on. there is a bigger player - bigger than tecteun, bigger than the toymaker. could it be rtd just having a grand ole time using canon as is playground? maybe. but i hope it's something cool.
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