#devestating losing this song
robertsbarbie · 8 months
you hear a new song… it’s your favorite…. but pretty soon you’ll be changing the station……
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Cicada Days (Will Wood)
And God knows crying ain't gonna change a thing/She said take care But I take more than I bring/She said, "It just feels inhumane to lose this much"/"'Cause when you leave you know you takе more than your love"
"It is just so so so sad and such a good representation of how grief and loss feels sometimes. It really shows that sort of quiet misery and helplessness and how at some point you just give up and stop waiting for tomorrow to get better. Also “it just feels inhumane to lose this much” is the most relatable and best line ever written or sung by anyone ever."
"it's the shouted out lyrics at the end. it's the themes of losing people. it's the final album feeling"
With Love Comes A Great Waterfall (HTTYD 3)
"It goes So Fucking Hard. The bit where the brass kicks in sends a fucking shiver up my spine every time "
Poll Runner: HTTYD is such a special franchaise to me, and I think we can all agree how big a part the music playys to make the films so incredible. This particular score blends in melodies from some of the more devestating parts of the film, while still being a magnificent concert piece. I just love it.
Cicada Days submitted by @localvoidcat
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hadestown!!!!!! Can you tell us what’s your favorite song from the musical?
Hadestown literally does not have a single bad track. I don't think there's a single song that I couldn't understand being someone's favorite, and I think my favorite song has shifted over the many many times I've listed to the album, but ultimately it's Epic III 😭
I remember putting Hadestown on for the first time after I heard it swept the Tony Awards, having absolutely 0 context for the show. I vaguely knew the myth but didn't actually connect the dots until that devestating penultimate song. Anway, I had it on in the background, was only passively vibing without paying too much attention to what was going on, but when Epic III came on it was so stunning that I had to stop everything I was doing to listen. And even without grasping the full breadth of the story, I found the song so beautiful that it moved me tears.
The more he has, the more he holds The greater the weight of the world on his shoulders See how he labors beneath that load Afraid to look up, and afraid to let go So he keeps his head low, he keeps his back bending He's grown so afraid that he'll lose what he owns But what he doesn't know is that what he's defending Is already gone
Where is the treasure inside of your chest? Where is your pleasure? Where is your youth? Where is the man with his arms outstretched? To the woman he loves With nothing to lose
Fucking DEVESTATING, especially the emotion Reeve Carney adds to the way he sings it 😭 I can see why it moved Hades and the fact that he and Persephone danced afterwards?? I was crying all over again 😭😭
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I have more angsty thoughts based on your phoenix x bob x reader soulmate au! What if reader did die during the mission and bob and phoenix grieving their soulmate. While they have had a few years together it’s still devestating. (Song inspo was ghost of you by 5SOS) (I’m apologizing in advance for the angst and all the hurt that this might cause)
A/N: ............ Pain. That is what you caused. I think I'm reading this right though, that they were all together for a few years and then reader died? Especially because of the song? If not, it will still happen because I’m in a angsty mood now. I hope this was sad enough for you.
Warning: Death.
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You gripped the controls as your F-18 shook after taking a hit. You tried to eject but the systems failed and you looked at the photo of you and your soulmates that sat on the dashboard. It was Robert putting bunny ears behind Natashas head while she put devil horns on you when you sat on the beach, taking a selfie of you all, a bright smile on all your faces.
Your systems were blaring and everyone was panicking "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" You yelled as they yelled for you to eject. You were buying yourself prescious seconds "My systems aren't working. Natasha, Robert I love you both so much. Don't do anything stupid. Jake, Bradley, Mav, keep them in line. I trust you three." You cried as your plane got closer to the trees "I love you both so much! You were the best part of my life" You said, your voice growing calmer. In that second everyone knew you knew you were going to die and you accepted it.
Your voice suddenly cut out as you hit the tree line. They all had to continue with the mission but saw the smoke and explosion. Phoenix cried out as your name on her wrist blackened and scarred over a minute after the crash, you were dead. "Nat, Nat" Robert said, his voice full of the same pain as your name did the same on his wrist. "We have to keep going. For her" he said. She nodded and her face hardened, they finished the dogfight despite Maverick going down and Bradley going after him. They weren't losing anyone else.
When they got back, they had to show your brother in everything but blood your scarred over name. Jake just stared at it for a minute before nodding and turned away.
They were numb until Maverick and Rooster came back and people cheered. Neither of them could tell how they did it, they couldn't focus on anything after they came back. They clutched each other's hands as they walked to Bradley and Pete. Maverick swallowed thickly and pulled them both into a hug, you were like a daughter to him and Bradley did the same, you were like his little sister. They held both your soulmates close as everyone began to quiet down. That was when everyone seemed to remember they lost a sister in arms and she would never be coming back.
There was a retrieval team sent to get your body once it was clear. It was extremely numbing until they were handed your dog tags. One was blasted in half, the other in near perfect condition. On the chain rested a simple silver band with your birthstone, the ring they both gave you for your birthday last year, a promise to marry soon.
Bob took the dog tags when Phoenix refused to grab them at first and he clutched them close. They quietly planned the funeral for you, you were being honored for your heroic actions and dying in the line of duty. The only reason you went down was you were blocking a SAM and went to send flares but your flares wouldn't release, you were protecting your soulmate. Luckily people were there ti help you along the way so the two weren’t completely overwhelmed.
The funeral came quickly, it always did when it was honoring a veteran. Natasha was the one who accepted your folded up flag and Robert was the one to slam the wings into your coffin, saluting it as jets flew overhead and one broke formation. It was clear both were trying to not fall apart in that moment as they realized you would never fly with them again, you were forever grounded.
Once back in place next to each other, they stared at the coffin and their knees gave out simultaneously as the pain ripped through them as the coffin was being moved to be lowered into the ground. Jake caught Robert and Bradley caught Natasha as they both fell. No one gave them nasty looks, they all knew the reason. What no one did know was they could have sworn they saw you standing by the trees in your uniform, a smile on your face. When they blinked you were gone though.
The two seemed a little more alive at the wake, moving through people. You always said you wanted your life to be celebrated and not mourned. You told them they could take the first year to mourn but after they were only to take one day to hate the world that you were gone. It was how you wanted to be remembered, happy.
Stories were being passed around about your life, singing on bar tops, buzzing the tower, stunts you pulled in the air, how you always made people laugh, the hand you were always holding out to help others, and how protective you were of everyone. Childhood friends came and shared photos of you when you were all younger and told stories with them. They talked about all the trouble you would get into and would manage to talk your way out of. It gave Natasha and Robert a little more of you to hold onto. Others stepped up with academy stories and basic training stories about how you needed to learn to keep your mouth shut and you had quickly became a pain in the navy's side. This kept them both laughing and crying as they could see it from how you had been a pain in the navy's side up until you died but you were too good of a pilot. You kept your nose clean enough that they wouldn’t kick you out.
Soon they were going back home and both stood at the front door. They hadn't been back home since you died, they had others getting their uniforms for the funeral. Neither of them wanted to open it, there were so many memories waiting for them and they didn’t know if they could handle it.
Natasha eventually opened the door and looked around, her eyes welling up with tears. It was exactly how you all left it. There was one of your old band shirts on the floor from when you threw it off as Bob kissed you. There was your favorite book open to your favorite section, you read it for comfort right before you left to go for the mission. They both made their way through the house, looking at the pictures on the walls and on surfaces. There were pictures of all of you, your younger ages, your graduations, memories with friends, memories together. There were ones that had you looking at the sunset, no one would know it was you besides them because they took the picture. Another one was that Maverick took of you three as you played dogfight football recently.Memory after memory filled the walls, you all kissing, dancing, and looking playfully serious for medals.
It was taking everything in Robert to not break down crying there and Natasha had to walk away before she started smashing the photos. She went upstairs and took off her uniform but when she opened the closet, all she smelt was your perfume. You both shared a big walk in closet and she finally broke down sobbing, pulling your favorite hoodie off a hanger. She brought it to her nose and it smelt like you were right there. She could hear you laugh and say "It's my favorite because I've had it since I was 17, it's been through everything with me. Plus we met while I wore it. I can't wear it out anymore because it's falling apart buts it's apart of our family!" She gripped it close "You were always too damn stubborn and too good of a pilot. If those systems didn't fail I would still have you. We would still have you" she said to the hoodie before burying her nose in your scent again.
Downstairs Robert was clutching your book and favorite photo of you, and sat on the couch as he stared at it "Thank you for saying goodbye" was all he said. Then he just kept sitting there, memorizing your face, he dreaded the day they would start to forget your voice from memory but he was glad he had some recording of your voice. It still wouldn’t be the same to them though, you weren’t there.
They both tried to go to sleep in the bed that night, avoiding your side. You always took the right, Bob center, and Nat had the left side of the bed. Neither could fall asleep due to the complete silence and Bob jumped up and turned the ceiling fan on. It drove them both crazy at first when you had to sleep with it on because it got too hot but now they needed it.
Neither of them slept well, they were plagued with nightmares that had them screaming out for you. They would see your F-18 go down or you would be dancing in a bar with them before saying the same last words you spoke and you would disappear. Every time they woke up to find you gone, they would bury their noses in your pillow, breathing in the scent of you that would fade over time.
They eventually got up and made coffee for themselves. Nat was grabbing the container and grabbed your favorite flavor on accident, she smiled at it and put one scoop in before two regular scoops. Robert wrapped his arms around her from behind. "This might sound crazy but I can hear her when I look at things. I can hear the bickers between you two in the morning about the coffee. God she loved to bicker with you" he laughed quietly as he remembered that. She grinned "God, the little arguments you two would have over a t.v. show" she said, shaking her head. "She told me she purposely picked a fight so she could watch your eyes light up about whatever topic" she admitted. His eyes widened "Really?" He asked and she nodded.
They spent the next week in the house, finding everything you had around the house. They both spent the time crying into each other or helping the other after they broke something in anger. Sometimes they could swear they could see you dancing down the hall or laying in bed, Other times they could hear you singing in the shower and they would run there to find the bathroom empty. Your ghost was haunting them more and more as they stayed holed up in the house surrounded by the scent of you.
After a week of hearing nothing, Jake, Bradley, and Pete all came to get them out of the house. They kept pulling them out everyday, let them take the anger out on them. The two would never be the same, a piece of their whole had died, there was no fixing that.
Three months in they were packing some of your personal stuff away to keep safe and kept all the pictures out. They stored it in the attic and slowly came to terms that you were really gone. Natasha kept finding little notes you left, just stupid things like grocery lists but others would be old notes you left saying that you loved them. What made them pack was they realized they no longer could smell you on anything, your scent was gone. They kept your favorite perfume out though, they could smell you there still.
One year came around and they chose your birthday to mourn you every year. The rest of the time the would live how you wanted them too, making sure your memory was honored. They always took a shot of your favorite drink despite hating the taste. Every time they lived their lives and were truly happy, they could swear they saw you from a distance as you watched with a big smile. At first it hurt but now it was comforting because they went about life how they were told to.
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Ryan was excited! It was his first concert!
Well, he's been to a few of Tommy's but even Tommy could admit that this concert was much better than his; larger, better lighting, more popular, etc.
Ryan had gotten a spot in the mosh pit. While he didn't like using his status as Homelander's biological son to his advantage, many people often just gave him things because of it.
((Ryan had been pretty famous when Homelander was carting him around after all))
Ryan knew that the mosh pit was safer for him due to his superpowers and wasn't knocked around as much. Ryan wore a simple black and white Hawaiian shirt with flowers and skulls on it (curiosity of his father) with black ripped jeans and boots.
During a lull in the music, Ryan found his way to the front of the pit, leaning against the railing while looking up at the band playing.
The main guy, a man who looked to be in his thirties, was kinda hot. Ryan could admit that he would be totally interested in the man if the rockstar wasn't unavailable (to Ryan's knowledge). Ryan just bopped his head to the songs played and enjoyed himself.
-Ryan (The Butcher Campbell Triplets)
The goth band had been playing around the word for months now. The tour ending here in the city and Scott was living for the energy in the crowd. The Reaping, their band was known for having a strangely poetic rythym to them, as evident by their current song. Dead flowers, was ripped from an old poem he and Lestat had wrote a long time ago.
But as he lost hmself in the sway of the crowd his eyes landed on a very pretty face. One he recongnized from the news a few times. That was Ryan, the son of homelander. Scott wasn't interested in his parentage of course, more that his aura was practically perfect, and he was pretty as hell on top of it.
He knelt down and rested on his knee as he sang into the mic. All the girls around Ryan losing their minds, and hoping he was looking at them, but it was clear it was Ryan that had his attention.
When the concert ended, one of the security men actually went up to Ryan, and let him past the rope. "The band wants you backstage. I'll walk ya." the guard said, holding a couple devestated girls back as they closed the baracade again.
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roman-cup · 2 years
Tried to beat my Great gatbsy hyperfixation with astick so I dont start picking Natbsy as voicalod songs but it didnt work so anwyas
the son a clingy boy persues love for 15 years or whatver its called- its about someone who writes letter to someone they loved as a coping mechism after they died for years. At some point they lose their memories that this person died for at least 5 years and when they remeber, they are crushed and devestated and I’m pictureing that with Nick
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 2 years
if sonic wasn't like. made for 5 yo boys the story between Maria & shadow would've been devestating fr. like even with the current way it is she got SHOT on screen and protected shadow, leaving him to just live with the guilt and sadness of losing his number 1 bestie and just ... :(. edgy hedgy deserves better fr but also glad this happened because we got to see his absolute chad chara dev and sonic 06 moments and BANGER BANGER !!!!! ABSOLUTELY ICONIC songs about moving forward and having self confidence in your identity and life and !! LIVE AND LEARNNNNNNN
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radellama · 2 years
Magus, Harland and Flea (or any combination)
Ok so.. This is long. But I tried to limit myself. I have about a million and one songs for magland, but I stuck with 5 each. And 3 for Flea
Correct Me - Foreign Fields
This is actually a really old Magus song for me. Like, it's been a song I associated with him for years now. The general vibe and the lyrics here.. to me they really demonstrate the feeling Magus might have while he's standing on North Cape and witnessing the fall of his kingdom. Even after everything he did, everything he worked towards.. 'all these years, oh they're passing me by; I'll let gravity do what it does and correct me.' There's a certain devestation I think Magus FEELS, and I can imagine that in the depths of that agony, he could 'tear off his wings and learn how to dive.'
Even If It's a Lie (Demo) - Matt Maltese
So a lot of harland songs kinda relate to his pov of their relationship. This song feels like it could be describing some feelings Magus has regarding his pov. This is actually another older song, one I've associated with him since before harland came to be. Back in the day, I kinda imagined him to this song wondering if Schala would be happy to see him with the history he has- that he just wants her to say she loves him, even if it's a lie. Now with Harland, it's so easy to imagine the pain he feels after betraying his trust and abandoning harland, and upon his reflection on it all, he'll leave harland alone if he doesn't want to see him again- he just wants him to tell him that he loves him, even if it's a lie.
White Whale - Everything Everything
Afterlife - Nothing But Thieves
Just listen. Listen to the lyrics. You can hear it too, right? After all the lives Magus has had- each new persona he has to live in order to get by. The never ending cycle of lifetimes he's had to live. Every time he emerges from the cocoon, he's still a caterpillar and never a butterfly. Slowly losing who you are with each new iteration of self- if you even had a true self to begin with. The 'it was only ever you,' it could refer to anything and everything. It was only ever Schala. It was only ever Harland. It was only ever Lavos. It was only ever Janus/Magus/prophet/Magil/Guile/ect. (It was only ever Alfador....) IT FEELS LIKE A LIFETIME, OH GOD I DON'T THINK I COULD DO TWO!!!!!
Hurtin' - Jamiroquai
So ummmm this is a little more specific to RD Magil and some certain ideas and aus surrounding that era of his life (with major liberties of mine LMAO) and his relationship to schala and kid. He's been through it, he's older, he's getting sexier by the day and in so much mental distress he can't care about it the same way anymore. Plus, Kid is a ratbag, he can't afford to wallow in himself the same way anymore. If he can't save kid from the dangerous situations she puts herself in, who will!?
Governor of the North - Jo Wandrini
This song sounds like the kind of soundtrack to harlands life if I were making a movie/series about him. The kind of highland rural folk sound is exactly him... The nice flutey sounds are his audio motif in my mind, and his general theme is accompanied by a nice guitar/lute like string sound. I don't know much about music theory so I can't explain much more but this is how he SOUNDS thematically.
Before We Drift Away - Nothing But Thieves
The general vibe of this song - lyrics included - is SOOOOOOO magland. It's sounds so beautiful and feels like the specific kind of nostalgia that HURTS. I can feel certain scenes near the climax of harlands story where this song fits so fucking well... To not spoil tooooo much, imagine magland being comfortable in their relationship up till a certain point, and even though harland is still enjoying the established rythmn and familiarity he has with Magus, he is starting to sense that Magus is retreating into himself and that he's not able to be WITH him as often anymore. Missing the man while being next to him.. Just that preemptive feeling that something dreadful is about to happen, and you want to enjoy the time you have but becoming increasingly aware it won't last forever.
Let's Talk About Feelings - Joywave
OK SO. IT'S THE VIBES HERE. THE VIBES IN THE LYRICS THE VIBES IN THE GENERAL SOUND. It's about the act of reaching out, of being vulnerable and nervous about the reception, of being so open with another person. Especially the bridge.. I so desperately want to make an animatic with the lyrics in the bridge. It can be a conversation between the two of them, or their private thoughts about their relationship. Or both. Like;
H: I'm just afraid that you'll change me, Won't run away but I'll have to take it slow
M: Don't want to fall silent for long, Won't run away, I spook out easy though
Give a Little Love - Gizmo Varillas
I Saw You Close Your Eyes - Local Natives
I just really like this song, it's one I get addicted to listening to lol. But with the lyrics and general feel of this song... Imagine Harland knowing Magus well enough that he can kinda tell what he's thinking. Not the specifics, but he can tell the general feeling of his train of thought. Imagine him trying to support and understand Magus the best he can (even if I'm on your side) but he can still feel a massive rift (I saw the way you closed your eyes) because it's SO HARD for Magus to open up. There's aspects of him that Harland cannot get to know, despite how eager he is to try, and no matter how much Magus wants to reach out. There's a gap between them that's incredibly hard to close, and even if they can become incredibly close, there's always just that bit more out of grasp at the edge of your fingertips.
Up To No Good - The Hoosiers
I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FUNNY AMAZING FLUIDLY ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO IN MY HEAD FOR THIS SONG. It's honestly more of a magland song for me HOWEVER the animation in my mind is that the three generals, and particularly flea, are kinda singing the lyrics to harland as 'warnings;' going from teasing harland to try scare him off, then more playful banter over their relationship... Maybe even ending on a more bittersweet note yknow.. this song is just so fun and I can still clearly see fleas mannerisms in a music video like this LMAO
Let's Face It I'm Cute- 11 Acorn Lane
I mean. Listen. Do I have to explain? It's Fleas whole deal 😏
Let's Go Crazy - Prince
There's no particular reason. I just imagine that Flea would have this in his head while fighting lol.
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astreyya · 2 years
FOR MY BABYGIRL LAVORNA: 9, 11, 28, 47, 61, 65
9) when in their life were they most scared?
when mummy died :(( and it was my fault 🙈🙈🙈
11) if they have a pet or animal companion, how do they spend time with them? if they don’t have one, what sort of animal would they be interested in raising, if any?
She spends all day every day with her pal cersei :) they never go anywhere apart. she was a rescue tho so she didnt raise her lol thatd be weird
28) do they collect anything?
Oh girl she has so many collections she collects so much shit. but she also chronically misplaces everything so she has like. a single rock. one button. one creature tooth. TWO pieces of weird moss. but she keeps losing everything so quickly and also carries pretty light so yea <3 she collects but she doesnt have collections
47) what could they talk about for hours on end?
OH GIRL all the drama that happens with her friends back home like. first off she has so many friends. and all of those friends have so much happening to them all the time. and lavorna LOVES to gossip but like only when the things she says cant really effect antyhing thats happening. unless shes drunk then she is Sloppy
61) is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh?
HER falling off the barstool during the celebration after the grotto race GIRL she is so funny. just keeps talking to cersei while shes laying on the floor of the very busy tavern. AND ELLE JUST STEPPING OVER HER girl its so funny. i love her so much
65) what would their go-to karaoke song be?
an incomprehensible love ballad from 350 years ago that no one knew existed but she SWEARS was like in the top 10 for several decades and is DEVESTATED when no one knows what shes talking abt but she pours her heart and soul into the performance anyway. and the encore. and the second encore. and the third enc-
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taylorswiftdebut · 1 year
no you don’t get it starting the album with a song all about how you still hope they think of you and just the love you have for a person who’s not in your life anymore and going on a journey through the rest of the album where you’re taking beating after beating and slowly losing the dreamer love sick feeling only to END the album asking why and acknowledging your heart is no longer this unbroken thing and now your guard is a little more up and you’re no longer this wide eyed dreamer like it devestating life ruining and y’all call it taylor’s worst song!! the nerve!
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lilyharvord · 3 years
hey maybe it’s just my romanticised-myfavouriteshipisoverlooked-ass but this gives me such coriane and tibe vibes - i feel like a little while ago you said you weren’t huge on their pairing but i feel like they were one of the most sincere couples in the series maybe? i don’t know, their story is the model blueprint for young/first love with a tragic end and im a sucker for it every time.
(*i love your writing btw 💗💗*) 😉
First of all, that painting is gorgeous and I want it for my bedroom wall. And it one hundred percent reminds me of Tibe and Cori. They really do have sun and moon vibes or like opposites sun and ocean vibes. I love that for them.
Second of all, I know exactly what post you are talking about. And it probably did come across like I didn't like them as a pair, but in truth I do! I think they're were really truly in love, and they really are the perfect description/depiction of first love and the tragedy of it. I mean that end for Queen's Song was devestating and now whenever I read that part in RQ when Tibe cries Corian'es name during the betrayal scene my heart actually squeezes. I'm such a nerd too that whenever I hear the song Terrible Thing by Mayday Parade I think of Cal and Tibe (especially if Tibe had been alive to see Cal falling in love with Mare officially.)
My only problem (which isn't even really a problem now that I think bout it) is that Tibe was so blinded by love, that he missed the reality of the situation he put Cori in a position where she was a constant target. It seems like he didn't take into consideration what was going on with her and just was trying to hold on as tight as possible to her. Which is also why when Cal is standing in the Blackrun's cockpit with Mare and he says: Love blinds. I go absolutely FERAL because both he and his father were blinded by it in different ways. Tibe was blind to the reality of what was going on around him and Cori and he just tried to put his head down and hold on to her as tight as possible. While Cal was the opposite, HYPER aware of what was happening around them, but ignoring the path Mare was treading because he was terrified of what she might become and was terrified of losing her. Tibe did everything to shelter Cori without doing what she really needed too. I feel like I equate it to he was listening but he wasn't really listening to her. He did love her though, so much so that he never loved again after her, and he threw himself into loving the only thing left of her, which was Cal. So really, his complete and utter love for Coriane is what almost drives the plot too, which by extension again just goes to show that Coriane Jacos might be the most important character besides Mare and she's dead before the real story even beings. (:
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‘Til I Forget About You | Reggie Peters
JATP x BTR Week - Day 2: BTR
Song used: ‘Til I Forget About You - Big Time Rush 
Pairing: Modern Day!Reggie x Reader
Summary: When Reggie’s girlfriend breaks up with  him, he’s completely devestated. Now it’s up to y/n, Luke, Alex and Julie to cheer him up again. With the help of parties, movie nights and just overall fun things, Reggie completely forgets about Lisa. 
A/N: Thanks @jatp-btr, @meangirlsx and @darlingsteveharrington for this amazing idea! Honored to be a part of this! Extra special shoutout to @darlingsteveharrington​ for making me these amazing time jump headers!! I am forever grateful and appreaciate you so so so much! 💕
Warnings: Underage drinking, party, alcohol, heartbreak
Words:  5,880
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Reggie sat by himself in the garage one afternoon, plucking the strings of his bass guitar soothingly as he tried to forget about the screams and clatter of plates breaking at his house. Things had gotten heated again when his father came home drunk for the nth time that week. He didn’t blame his mother for slowly losing her patience with her husband. Sure, he couldn’t help it if his boss fired him instantly and he couldn’t find a new job. Albeit he didn’t search for one either. 
His thoughts were thankfully interrupted by his phone buzzing on the coffee table in front of him. He halted his fingers before leaning over to see if he could ignore whoever needed him at this moment. 
Confusion rose within him as his girlfriend, Lisa, smiled back at him on the picture that had appeared on screen. “Hello, gorgeous,” he said upon picking up, a smile playing on his lips. A smile that faltered as soon as it appeared when he heard sniffles coming from the other side. “Are you okay, Lis?” he asked, worry lacing in his voice. 
“I can’t do this anymore, Reggie. I… It’s over. We’re done.” 
With those simple words, Lisa hung up, leaving Reggie frozen in place. He couldn’t move his muscles, let alone feel them. His mind had blanked. His eyes focused on the closed white doors in front of him.   
He didn’t even know what he’d done wrong for Lisa to suddenly break up with him. It wasn’t like anything had happened between them. In fact, last time they saw each other, everything still seemed peachy. More than peachy. They’d spent the night together, which seemed to have been the very last one at that too. 
“Oh, hey, Reg,” a voice made him jump out of his trance. He finally dropped the phone in his lap and stared at the girl that had entered the garage. “Are you okay?” she asked, growing worried for her friend. He almost seemed catatonic. 
“No,” he muttered, and finally remembered to blink. “Lisa.... I think Lisa just broke up with me?” Tears pooled his eyes as everything dawned on him, the words repeating in his head. Over and over again. It’s over. It’s over. It’s over. “Lisa just dumped me…” y/n’s heart broke at the sight of the confused and broken-hearted bass player. 
“What?!” y/n exclaimed as she moved over towards the boy. She grabbed his bass and gently placed it on its stand again before pulling him to his feet and wrapping her arms around him. As he cried, y/n rubbed circles on his back, trying to soothe him a little. “I’m so sorry, Reg.” 
He sniffled once more before gently pushing the girl off him. “I-I think I’m gonna go for a walk,” he said and made a beeline out the door as Luke and Alex walked in together with furrowed eyebrows at the haste their friend just left in. 
“Is he okay?” Alex asked y/n, pointing back to where the other boy had just left. 
“He will be, I think… Lisa just broke up with him.” Y/N’s forehead creased as she frowned, concerned for her friend’s broken heart. “Before you ask me, I don’t know why, I don’t know how. I just know she dumped him and that he’s pretty distraught.” 
Luke only moved one muscle, intending to follow behind Reggie, but y/n stopped him. “Let him be. For now. He’ll come back when he needs us.” 
He did come back that night, but only for band practice and only because he knew he needed the music to numb his brain that was overflowing with thoughts about his now-ex-girlfriend. 
He’d been breaking his head over the reasons why Lisa would ever break up with him. They were doing so well. What changed that she ultimately decided to break it off. Has he done something wrong? 
For days, he’d tried to call her, went to her house, tried something to get her to talk to him. But it was all in vain. Lisa cut off all communication. She blocked his number, told her mother that if he ever came to their house, she’d have to send him away, … She didn’t even grant him one glance when they passed each other in the hallways at Los Feliz High. 
His friends were at a loss. Reggie was so disconnected from the real world, he didn’t even care if he missed a few chords during rehearsals or his notes sounded flat. He didn’t care anymore. He just wanted Lisa back. 
For days they tried to patch him up. They’d talk to him about the most random stuff they could think of that wouldn’t remind him of Lisa. None of which seemed to have an effect. Even at the boys’ banter Reggie just chuckled half-heartedly. Even when y/n made him a peppermint hot chocolate, he shot her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
Nothing worked. 
“I’m at a loss, you guys,” y/n mumbled as she got up from the couch after the Julie and The Phantoms band rehearsal that night. 
Reggie had just left the garage to go for another ‘walk’, which they knew by now just meant going places that reminded him of her, and left his friends with a sour and tense feeling lingering in the air. 
Julie nodded her head as she turned her keyboard off, but stayed put on the stool behind it. Luke placed his guitar on its stand while Alex came out from behind his drum set, leaving the sticks behind. Julie then said, “I really wanna help him, but I don’t know what to say to him anymore… I’m so scared I’ll say the wrong thing.” 
“We can’t just keep tiptoeing around him though,” Alex chimed in as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jean jacket. 
Y/N started pacing the floor nervously whilst going over some ideas in her mind that could possibly help out her friend. 
Reggie had been there for her so many times whenever she’d gotten her heart broken by someone. He’d cuddle her, make her peppermint hot chocolate, let her cry for a while and watch 10 Things I Hate About You with her as it was her favorite movie. It gave her the opportunity to open up the floodgates without having to feel guilty about crying her eyes out. 
Luke grabbed her by the shoulders, stopping her from making him so nervous. “This is not a runway, angel,” he told her before turning to the others. “We need an intervention.” 
Alex pointed a finger to his friend in agreement. “Yes! Any ideas?” 
Y/N’s brain immediately went to one occurrence during one of her very many heartbreaks. Reggie’s very own intervention to the road to happiness. She remembered his words to a t, “The only cure to a mended heart is a party and alcohol.” 
Her friends’ heads whipped around to face her after her mumbling. 
“I know what we need to do.” 
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Reggie plopped down on the armchair after yet another failed band rehearsal. He pulled at the fabric of the piece of furniture, silently cursing at himself and Lisa for letting him fall down this far. 
With one collective glance, the boys, y/n and Julie turned towards the brunette bass player. All four of them crossed their arms and glared at him sternly. Reggie felt their eyes burn on the side of his face and he already knew what was going to happen. 
“Don’t even try,” he warned. 
Y/N uncrossed her arms in defeat and went to kneel down in front of him, placing her hand on his to make him stop tearing the chair apart. “Yes, try. Reggie, we’ve let you be miserable for an entire week. It’s time for an intervention.” 
“Guys…” Reggie sighed, shaking his head in objection. 
“Reggie,” Julie stated sternly, capturing the boy’s attention. “We’re gonna help you forget all about her. Okay? We’re gonna party, we’re gonna spend so much time together to the point you’ll be focusing on how sick you are of us and you’ll have forgotten all about her.”
The dark-haired boy glanced at the boys first before his eyes landed on y/n’s, who was still crouched down in front of him. She nodded her head encouragingly. Then finally, a soft smile fell to his lips before he got up from the chair slowly as if moving was against his own will. 
That night, they all got ready together for the night ahead. While y/n and Julie were doing their makeup and jamming to all the tunes that were bursting out of the speakers, the boys were chilling on Julie’s bed. Neither of them were ready yet, but they said they were going to bequeath the girls their precious time in front of the vanity mirror. 
“The mirror is all yours, pretty boys!” Julie sang as she pressed her glossed lips together and popped them before getting up from the stool. 
Luke and Alex both whistled as the two girls stood in front of them in their party outfits. Julie opted for a tight purple dress from her mother’s chest of fashion treasures while y/n was wearing a black mesh top and a pleather skirt, paired with black over-the-knee boots.
The two girls striked a pose, both pouting their lips simultaneously. Their giggles filled up the room until y/n’s eyes landed on Reggie, who was just staring at her with a bright pink dusting his cheeks. Her giggle faded and changed into a simple smile. A smile that said ‘I see you’. A smile that caused Reggie’s heart to skip a beat. 
Julie had picked up on the change of vibe that exuded from the interaction between her two best friends, and a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. “Get ready quickly, boys. We wanna partyyyyy!” she dragged out the last word and threw her hands up in the air, clearly ready for letting loose on this wonderful Friday night.  
The gang arrived at the Wilson estate an hour later than the party actually kicked off. “Being fashionably late” Luke had called it, though that was just an excuse so the girls wouldn’t complain about him taking so long to style his hair. 
“You took longer than we did and we’ve done a full face of makeup!” y/n had teased him which had earned her a glare from the perfectly coiffed guitarist. 
They stood in the doorway for a moment, looking at the grinding bodies in the middle of the living room as the music thumped through the speakers and the stench of alcohol filled up their nostrils. It was an overwhelming feeling to arrive at a party that was already in full swing, and y/n could tell Reggie was somewhat agitated. 
To ease the tension in his shoulders, she reached for his hand and squeezed it, saying, “The only cure for a broken heart…” She didn’t even need to finish her sentence for he already had a smile climbing up his cheeks. 
“Let’s start with shots!” Alex suggested excitedly and skipped through to the set-up bar in the kitchen. The remaining four glanced at one another and collectively chuckled at the drummer’s eagerness before following behind. 
The blondie stood shoulder-to-shoulder with a pretty long-haired boy the gang knew as Willie, Alex’s long-time crush. Nobody was really sure what was happening between the two, but they did find them sneaking off at every party they went to together. 
They were lining up six shots of Tequila, ready for their friends to shoot back. Every party the group attended, these two took care of every beverage. Whether it was lining up shots for their friends or shaking up a good cocktail. They were the pros out of all of them. The self-proclaimed Liquor Kings.   
“Tequila for the pretty lady,” Alex handed the small cup to y/n, sending a blush straight up to her cheeks, but Alex was too busy handing out the drinks to even notice the effect his flattery had on her. Y/N always blushed whenever somebody complimented her, even if it were the people she had been friends with for a long old time. 
Willie handed her a lime slice, which she held between the fingers of the hand her shot was in as he needed her other hand to line up the salt in the crook between her thumb and index finger. She shot him a quick thank-you wink before turning to the rest of the group who’d been equipped with all the ingredients for the perfect tequila shot. 
“Ready?” Willie asked as a wide smile lit up his face. The group nodded, one a little more excited than the other, and Willie started the countdown. On three, the entire group licked the line of salt off their hand, threw back the shot and then sucked the lime. 
Y/N’s face scrunched up as the three tastes mingled on her taste buds and the burning sensation of the liquor slithered down her throat. Reggie was mirroring her expression with the slice of green between his lips. 
She giggled at him as he groaned, throwing the sucked-dry lime on the counter. “Feels great, doesn’t it?” Reggie coughed and reached for the two cups their Liquor Kings handed over. 
“Amazing,” Reggie mumbled with a chuckle, though his smile fell almost immediately as he brought the red cup to his lips. Y/N knew Lisa was still on his mind and she’d have to do a lot more than just have him drink a shot of Tequila. 
Determinedly, she grabbed his hand and led him towards the living room where all party attendees were dancing. Reggie looked scared for his life as y/n started to move to the music, coaxing him to follow her lead. 
“Come on, Reg! The best cure to a broken heart is a party!” She tried again when he didn’t even move a muscle. “And at a party, you dance!” Next thing he knew, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her hip while her hand sneaked up to the back of his neck, pulling him closer towards her until their chests were pressed together. Slowly but determinedly, she started to sway her hips to the music, automatically forcing him to move along with her.  
Reggie moved along absentmindedly as his cheeks heated up at the close proximity in which they were dancing. He had never seen his best friend in any different way. Y/N had always been there and she’d always been just a friend in his eyes, but dancing so close to her gave him a whole different perspective. 
He blamed it on being vulnerable post heartbreak. 
After a refill on behalf of the Liquor Kings and a few songs dancing together, y/n was suddenly being pulled away by Julie and Flynn as they shouted, “Come on, Bitch! This is our song!” Y/N mouthed an apology to Reggie and joined her two best friends in their dance circle. 
With his support system gone, the dark-haired boy had fallen still. He didn’t have another move inside him, not without her, at least. It was like y/n was the battery and now that she wasn’t empowering him to dance, there was no energy left inside him. So, instead of standing in the middle of the dance floor like an absolute loser, he shuffled into the kitchen to get something else to drink. He was in need of something stronger. 
Luke had been chatting up a girl when he saw his buddy walking in, looking solemn for someone who loved going to parties. He excused himself and walked over to where Reggie was pouring himself a glass of whiskey. 
“You okay, buddy?” he asked with worry laced into his voice. Reggie offered him an unconvincing smile as he poured the liquor into the empty red cup. 
“Yeah, totally.” 
Luke sighed and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the boy’s hands. He poured some into his own cup before placing it a little out of reach from the sad bass player next to him, who glared at him. 
“I’m sorry, bro. But you’ve been sad for an entire week. We let you be miserable but it’s gotta stop at some point.” Reggie scoffed as he stared at the brown liquid in his cup. “Listen, I know Lisa meant a lot to you and she was amazing and everything but you gotta let go. I know it’s hard, but you gotta forget about her.” 
“How can I forget about her when she’s literally everywhere I go?” He nodded to somewhere behind Luke and when he turned his head, he saw the auburn haired girl talking to Carrie on the patio outside. “She’s doing this on purpose,” Reggie said through gritted teeth before chugging the 5 ounces of whiskey. 
The guitarist blinked a couple of times, impressed at how Reggie could just throw that back without even flinching the tiniest bit. His ear suddenly picked up at the beginning notes of a song the bassist would always go crazy on at parties. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as an idea popped into his head. 
Reaching over the counter, he grabbed the bottle of whiskey again, poured a bit into Reggie’s cup and guided his hand towards his mouth, demanding him to drink it. Confused, but obedient, Reggie threw back the bit of liquor. The burn in his throat felt right. Numbing. 
As if on cue, three girls waltzed into the kitchen, singing along loudly to the first verse of the song as they approached the two boys at the counter. A smile befell on Luke’s lips as y/n tapped Reggie’s shoulder and beckoned him towards the dancefloor as Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA blared through the house. 
Chuckling, and mostly because the alcohol was forcing him to, he obeyed to y/n’s rules. Luke, Flynn and Julie followed behind them, shouting along to the lyrics. The commotion lured the Liquor Kings to the dancefloor as well. This was the song Reggie needed all along. 
“Come on, Reg!” Julie demanded as he was moving now, but not belting along to the words like he normally would. 
As the chorus floated through the speakers, the magical powers of the ABBA song finally reached his brain and he started to shout the lyrics. The rest of the group threw their hands in the air, cheering the still brokenhearted boy on. 
All he needed was his ABBA song to get him loose, to get him to forget all about the girl with the auburn hair. All he needed was his friends and a good party to let loose of all the negative feelings that had been bottled up inside of his chest over the past week. 
By the end of the night, all six had to support Reggie as they walked to Julie’s house where they’d crash in the garage. He was singing a remix of all different ABBA songs whilst the others tried to quiet him down. Their giggles tangled up in the shushes and Reggie’s singing, carrying through the fresh, spring air. 
“I love you, guys,” he slurred as y/n tucked him on the mattress. “Gimme hug,” he pulled the girl on top of him and held a tight grip on her body as she giggled. His lips pressed a kiss to the crown of her hair whilst she tried to wriggle loose. 
“Reg, lemme go!” 
“No! It’s cuddle time!” He protested and didn’t let go of his best friend. 
“Fine, but at least allow me a bit more air.” Reggie’s arms loosened a little and y/n got situated properly. She laid on top of him, stomachs and chests pressed together, one hand tangled up into his dark hair while the other rested on his chest, next to her head. His arms were wrapped loosely around her. 
His eyes were fluttering shut as he mumbled, “Can you stop spinning us around, y/n?” She giggled at his drunken mutters and started drawing patterns on his T-shirt clad chest. It seemed to relax him a bit as a big sigh of contentment expanded his lungs, bringing y/n’s head up with it too. “Goodnight, y/n.” 
“Goodnight, Reginald.” 
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Saturday didn’t count. Everyone was hungover and didn’t want to move at all. So, they just watched movies together all day long in the garage, a tangled up heap of humans. But from Sunday onwards, Reggie was in a whole better mood. 
A mood where all he wanted to do was write songs and be productive. So, that’s what he did. Every day he worked on the song; after school, after band rehearsals, even during his free periods. The words, the melody, the beat, it all seemed to just float out of him.
On Friday, Reggie told everyone he’d written a song and wanted their opinion on it. He was both nervous and excited as Luke would never listen to any of the songs Reggie wrote by himself. Though all those songs had always been country songs and Luke didn’t think country fitted the image of the band. 
“No, Reggie, we’re not doing country,” Luke repeated for the nth time. 
Reggie was fed up with the guitarist’s neglect of his creativity. “Shut your mouth and listen for once, asshole.” His voice was strident and taut. A tone he’d never used. The rest of the group was a little taken aback and exchanged nervous glances while Reggie handed out a sheet of paper with the song worked out on it. He’d used the copier at school to copy the page in his notebook. 
They heavily discussed his idea for the melody and listened to his ideas for the beat he wanted until a song floated through the garage. Soon after, Reggie started singing the song too with Julie and Luke throwing in some harmonies that Reggie approved with a smile and a nod. 
By the last chorus, everyone had the lyrics down and sang along with the bassist.  
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… Till I forget about you! Till I forget about you!”
As the music stopped, everyone stayed silent, basking in the adrenaline and the amazement of the song. This was exactly what Julie and The Phantoms sounded like. This was a soon-to-be hit. 
“I think we’ve found ourselves our closing number for tomorrow night,” Alex said with a grin from behind his drum kit. The bassist was surprised to see Luke and Julie nod in agreement to the blondie’s statement. Reggie had finally written a song for the band they didn’t immediately dismiss.          
They rehearsed the song a couple more times on Friday, and some more on Saturday before their soundcheck to tweak it a little bit until it was perfect and everyone had it down. Now all they needed to do was perform it at the end of their set at The Mint, a gig they landed thanks to their amazing marketing team -- Flynn and y/n -- and the fact the owner was a family friend of y/n’s. 
It was a gig. And a gig meant exposure. And exposure meant the possibility of a manager noticing them increasing. 
“You guys ready?” y/n asked as she knocked on the door of their dressing room five minutes before kick off. Her eyes darted from an all dolled-up Julie to a shirtless Luke and then to a drumstick-twirling Alex, realizing they were a man short. “Where’s Reggie?” 
Luke shrugged as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. “He said he was going to the bathroom, but that was like half an hour ago.” Y/N pulled her mouth into a straight line before turning and leaving the room to find her friend. 
Cruising through hallways, she finally stumbled on a room that wasn’t being used by them until she noticed the door ajar. She carefully pushed the door open a little further to find Reggie on the red carpeted floor with his phone in his hands and a tear running down his cheek. 
“Hey,” she announced herself as she moved towards him. He looked up at her and offered her a half-hearted smile whilst wiping the tear away. “You’re on in five.” Even though the words screamed urgency, her tone didn’t and her actions didn’t either. She went over to sit next to him, shoulders touching. 
“Yeah, I’m ready to go,” he said, but didn’t move. 
Y/N’s eyes landed on the phone in his hands, a conversation blinking at her on the screen. At the very top of the conversation was her name and the only message she could read was “I miss you, please come back.” in a bright green. 
Her body heaved as she inhaled deeply, “You can do this without her, Reg.” The boy shook his head in objection. “I know you can. This girl is not worth your tears and frustration. She’s not worth anything if she can’t see how amazing you are.” Reggie looked up at y/n, his eyes gleaming with tears as he listened to her words. “If she doesn’t appreciate everything you do for her and how much you cherish her, she’s not worth it.” 
The girl fell silent for a moment, anticipating his reaction as their eyes were locked in an intense stare. What he did next was something she hadn’t calculated with the speech she’d prepared in  her mind on the spot. His hands lifted to her cheeks and his lips pressed against hers in a spontaneous passionate kiss. He pulled back hesitantly but when y/n kissed back, every doubt in his mind just washed away. 
Y/N couldn’t say she had ever thought of kissing her best friend, but at that moment it seemed so comfortable and familiar. Like she’d been doing it for years. Their lips just fit together so perfectly and moved in sync like a choreographed dance.  
When they pulled back for air, the back of y/n’s neck was aflame and her lips tingled. The flustered Reggie in front of her coughed as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I-I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done that.” 
She knew the only reason this happened was because Reggie was so overwhelmed with this broken hearted feelings and she was just there. A smile formed on her lips as she patted his chest and while getting up, she said, “That’s cool, Reginald. Glad I could be of assistance to let go of your frustrations.” She reached out a hand for him. “Now, let’s go rock this place, yeah?” He placed his hand in hers and let her pull him up to his feet. Entangling their fingers, y/n guided him out of the secluded room and backstage to where the others were waiting for their bassist to start their show. 
“Sorry, guys!” Reggie said while the sound guy helped him out with his in-ears and another one handed him his bass. 
Luke patted him on the shoulder. “You okay, buddy?” 
“Yeah,” Reggie answered with a smile that for the first time in two weeks reached his eyes. He glanced over to y/n. “Yeah, I’m fine.” 
“Okay, ready to go!” Sound Guy 1 said. Y/N and Flynn put their thumbs up to wish them good luck before the band rushed onto the stage, an uproar of cheers erupting from the crowd. They were rowdy tonight. A good omen for an amazing show. 
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“We’ve got one last song for you guys,” Julie said into her mic with a smile bright enough to light up the whole room as she glanced at Reggie. “You wanna introduce this one, buddy?” 
He stepped closer to his mic, a nervous grin spread on his face as he spoke. “This last song is for everyone who has ever felt heartbroken before. Remember that even though it might seem dark and lonely without that one person there, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Follow that light because it will lead you to amazing things.” 
The other band members exchanged glances, all with proud smiles plastered on their faces. Reggie had come a long way from two weeks ago and he still had a long way to go, but he was on the right path. As long as he had his friends, his band, his family, by his side, he’d be good. Even better if the girl that stood in the wings on his right was at his side too. 
Alex counted them in and Luke and Julie began to play their instruments before Reggie’s voice floated through the venue along with the thumping beat of Alex’ drums. 
“Get a call on a random afternoon I pick it up and I see that it's you Like my heart, you were breaking the news, you say It's over, it's over, it's over.”
He looked over at Julie and Luke while his fingers were plucking at the strings of his bass. They shot him an encouraging smile, offering him a little boost of confidence as he continued the verse. 
“Heading out, cause I’m out of my mind All my friends are gonna see me tonight Stayin’ here until the sun starts the rise, And I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna…”
The beat went up a notch as confetti cannons went off, covering their entire view in purple butterfly confetti pieces as they slowly whirled onto the dancing and screaming audience. 
In the wing to Reggie’s right, Flynn and y/n stood, dancing and singing along to the music with the widest smiles on their faces. A big perk to being the band’s marketing team was definitely the free gigs they benefited from.  
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… Till I forget about you! Till I forget about you!”
Luke then takes the next verse, his growly tone sending some of the girls in the front row into a frenzy. A smirk tugged at his lips upon noticing but then he focused his gaze onto Julie as he sang with her harmonizing. 
“And you thought, I'd be here on my own Waiting for you to knock on my door Since you left I don't wait by the phone I'm moving, I'm moving, I'm moving”
Reggie walked over to Alex’s platform. The drummer shot him a toothy smile that could land him a spot in a toothpaste commercial. Reggie really appreciated the support his band gave during performances and with this song in particular. 
“Found a place where I can lose myself And just leave your memory on the shelf See I'm fine, no I don't need nobody else Cause I'm, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going…”
When Reggie turned back to his mic, his eyes landed on y/n, and he shot a quick wink her way. Unbeknownst to him, this sent her cheeks aflame and her stomach fluttering. That kiss about an hour ago really wasn’t just something that happened because he was overwhelmed. She actually felt something then. And she’s feeling it now too. 
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to ‘Til I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… ‘Til I forget about you!”
The bassist’s eyes now lock onto y/n’s as he sings the bridge towards her. She had barely even recovered from his wink and now he’s staring right through her soul while she had to act like it didn’t even affect her in any shape or form. 
“Spending money like you don't mean a thing Going crazy, now don't even think Losing my mind, is all I can do Till I forget about you”
He turned back to the frenzied crowd as he belted out the high note.
The band then played a musical intermezzo. Luke joined Alex at his platform and Reggie stepped up to Julie’s keyboard as she played the synth-sounding notes. The Latina girl was happy to see Reggie in his element again and actually have fun as they played their set. It was a nice change from the otherwise solemn and sad Reggie they were plagued with in the past weeks.  
For the first half of the last chorus, they all stopped playing their instruments except Alex. He went wild on the drum solo Reggie had blessed him with while the rest clapped their hands to the beat, getting the crowd to mirror them. 
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a what now? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about…”
They picked their instruments up again and continued singing. Even the crowd started to get a hang on the lyrics by now, which hyped Reggie up even more for the rest of the song.  
“Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to…”
“Till I forget about you!”
Reggie belted out a high note, which made y/n’s heart leap. His voice had always been her favorite sound in the whole entire world but hearing it so confidently coming out of him had her on her toes. 
“Till I forget about you”
“Till I forget about you”
He turned to y/n again as  he sang the very last line with a certain glint in his eyes that she couldn’t quite place. 
“I can’t forget about you!”
The band played their very last chords, notes or hit their last cymbals, and when the song rang out, the audience were applauding, cheering and whistling. But Reggie couldn’t bear tearing his eyes off of y/n. 
She was smiling at him and he was smiling at her. 
Both of them knew that he was okay. He was going to be okay with Lisa being gone because he had y/n by his side. She was the one who changed everything around. She was the one who made him go out to Carrie’s party. She was the one to remind him that he would be okay without the auburn haired girl. She was the one that helped him forget about her. She was the one.   
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  JATP Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody  @ifilwtmfc  @angryknightstatesmantrash  @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost @notasofti @alexpjoyner @n0wornever @kaitieskidmore1 @tefilovesreading @happinessinthedarkesttimes
Names crossed out are the ones I couldn’t tag, sorry! 
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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baemy624 · 3 years
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(Picture by @shelsea_cartoons on insta; not my artwork)
Okay, this might be a long post.
I’ve had quite a couple patb story ideas circling around my head, so here’s one that I think could work (either a full episode/a 2-parter/or maybe a movie)
Pinky and the Brain are trying their millionth attempt to take over the world...and they fail. Similar to other episodes where Brain kinda goes into a ‘megalomaniac block’, Pinky is just being his loving and supportive self and perhaps they take a walk around to try and get some ideas. They walk around until they get to some jewelry/ring store then brain connects the dots: he’ll give a ring (maybe some special or rare material/power, not quite sure) to every world leader in the world so they will, ofc, let him take over the world (and a side benefit of preparing a proposal to Pinky. Naaaarf indeed)
So, he makes all the rings (as well as starting to make Pinky’s) then they go on their long trip around the world.
I’m thinking it could either be callbacks to other places they’ve visited, or just some main cities/countries (from around California to Japan, India, Italy, etc) then eventually in Paris.
They both travel around trying to make connections with the world leaders and win them over with the ring (which perhaps they can send some message/signal/contact them back at ACME). Although Brain is trying to be the one to talk with them, he is also keeping Pinky’s ring on him so hijinks ensue as he keeps losing it (busy street, maybe some lake/ocean, marketplace?, etc). Lucky though Pinky, with his social skills and undeniable charm (esp. seen in “Pinky’s Plan”) wins them over. However in Paris, they are on the effiel tower where unfortunatly a bird swoops down and takes Brain away from Pinky and back to the US.
They’re both devestated and lost without each other (Brain more than Pinky; *duet song cue*). The brain is dropped somewhere unknown to him and has to find the strength to figure out a way back to Pinky (but since he’s far he goes to ACME labs). He realizes that it doesn’t matter about taking over the world if he doesn’t have Pinky. Pinky is the one always believing in him, cheering him on, and staying by his side. So the Brain must find his way back to ACME so he (maybe signals Pinky to come there & that he’s okay) and prepares a proposal for Pinky, completely disregarding the plan for taking over the world.
In Paris, Pinky is lonely and misses Brain. Perhaps he’s at a resturant or some public place where he gets the idea to return back to the lab (maybe Brain sent him some signal—I’m not sure) but also some idea for marriage so he gets a ring as well.
Eventually Brain sets up all the decorations from around the world (and maybe some items/pictures calling back to past episodes), and hopes that Pinky heard his message to return to ACME (maybe they had a tracking device anyway).
So, Pinky returns and they rejoice. Brain lets Pinky take in the decorations (and maybe some food) then he shows him the special ring he made for him. The ring has a hologram feature where it shows many videos/clips of their past memories together as Brain tells and shows Pinky...*all the holograms re-order into the shape of the earth*
Pinky is his world.
So he proposes.
Pinky stops him only because he sent a message to all the world leaders and they are sending them back 1 by 1 to him all saying/showing that they give their power to the Brain.
So Pinky ended up giving Brain the world.
And Brain got his whole world.
The end :)
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theuntamednarrator · 3 years
For the multishipper challenge:
Wen Ning
Hello! Thank you for this question *rubs hands gleefully*
Wen Ning
• Wangningxian - Wen Ning suffers from the same issue as Yanli which is that they both deserve absolutely everything and are constantly repressing their own wants in order to care for others/survive toxic environments AND THEREFORE they both deserve to have many many partners. I don't make the rules except yes I do and Wen Ning is so so poly. I love the mutual respect that would eventuallu grown between Lan Wangji and Wen Ning once Lan Wangji stopped seeing him as a threat to what he wants (Wei Wuxian) and realises what he is (the other person who was willing to defy his family and risk his life because he saw Wei Wuxian's goodness and kindness). I love the idea of Lan Wangji being the only person who calls him Qionglin (kinda the inverse of him and Wei Wuxian calling each other by their birth names). It is Lan Wangji of course who realises that Wei Wuxian loves Wen Ning (being happily married, it turns out, cannot cure years of burying your own emotional wants) and he eventually sits them all down in the Jingshi and very calmly tells them they're in love and lets them cry and talk it out and then adds (probably in response to Wei Wuxian/Wen Ning asking 'but are you sure it's ok?') that he loves Wen Ning too and there is much blushing and stammering and then a big cuddle pile the end.
• Xisongning - it's about the GRIEF. It's about the HEALING. It's about losing your entire family twice over (for songning anyway) and feeling like you're responsible for the death of the people you loved so much. It's about living when the reasons you had are fading away and finding new reasons amidst the pain. I really enjoy LanLan fics for this dynamic as well but Wen Ning just brings this incredible depth to it because he's a fierce corpse too, he's been used as a weapon against his will so he gets what Song Lan is going through and then the guilt that Lan Xichen has is something he can help with because the bits of it that aren't tied up with Huaisang are tied up in the war and what they did and there's just such wonderful angst to be had there in those conversations. Plus they share uncle rights over Sizhui! This works equally well as a romantic or platonic ship or a combination thereof but it's so rare I don't think I've even read a full fic for it just random snippets and hcs on tumblr. devestating really.
Oh wow that got LONG sorry. I just have so many thoughts about the Ghost General! He deserves ALL OF THE LOVE.
Question from here!
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bccfggffbgv · 2 years
Azem: I’ll scout out for the radio tower. Additionally, I believe our Autobot allies could help out with the satellite part. As for who does the speech, that is another question. I’ll do it if needed, and I believe Optimus Prime might be capable of it. Jackrow is another good contender, so we should discuss that.
(This was agreed to be a good thing. J did end up letting lose a slightly more audible squeak when Azem mentioned Jackrow, but didn’t say a thing. Azem was already aware she was in love with him. Thus, they went to work. Elsewhere, Entropy was trying to gather things to become stronger, having gotten beat down by Predaking and failing to realize the lack of strategy he had was crippling. With the scavengers, their Devestaionnaut (the copy of Devestator) proved not quite as glamorous as anticipated. It also drew the attention of the new Nemesis Prime to them, which would prove heavy with losses, even if Devestaionnaut wasn’t destroyed. Meanwhile, Eda and the Knight explored Etheirys, after Azem reminded the former of the Aetherlyte they set up to get back home at will, and allow for authorized individuals to travel to and from the world in question. Though they didn’t find many Job Stones, they did find a few of them. They also found out that Azem’s world is madness, which was easy after a chance encounter with a Behemoth. They didn’t slay it, but did get away with only scratches)
(A.N. Reminder that there is the special Aetherlyte available. Oh, and it’s using tech that’s used in FFXIV’s main story, just taken to it’s maximum and with authorization required for use, so I don’t feel bad about justifying having it. Also, I’ll make this so for other FFXIV characters I brought in for when they’re absent like right now: Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus are helping manage things, Venat is teaching others how to utilize Aether, Alphinaud and Alisaie are helping keep the camp save, both Estinien and Midgardsormer are keeping tabs on select trackable threats, and the Primals brought in (Garuda and Ramuh) are harassing enemy strongholds in specialty attacks)
Eda, while flying her staff with the Knight riding along: First of all, ow...secondly, did we drop any of those stones? *The knight shook its head no* Good, 'cuz I'm not doing that again...
(Meanwhile with The Savage Scavengers)
*After having lost a few good men and his war machine being damaged, Master Xero had enough and managed to injury the bot with his own magic. This had forced the bot to retreat and hide due to its regenerative nanobots needing to take time in repairing the larger quantities of metal...Unfortunately, the psychotic hybrid was nearby to where the bot hid*
Entropy, with his predatory smile: How generous of them! I was looking where to find cybertronian and Jcjenson tech and from my scanners alone, I can tell you're made of both~! *He lunged at the soulless bot and tore it to shreds and consumed both its alien metal and power core to evolve further with him copying the code of the cybertronian T-cog and other strengths as well*
*Later, a motorcycle with a skull and crossbones paint job was being ridden by a holographic rider who was playing a certain song on the bike's radio*
(Meanwhile within a darkened cave)
*Sadistic Sam had collected various artifacts, crystals, and weapons to gain as much power as possible until he becomes a true God*
Sadistic Sam, as his eyes flashed from blood red, to yellow, and a corrupt violet color: Finally...The Requiem Blaster is now rightfully mine. *He had managed to fuse the cannon along with a few other powerful weapons within his cybernetic arm*
Dream Killer, as he and Mitchel Slasher had arrived with various stolen tech and energon crystals: Pops, you would not believe what those 'cons were hiding from us while we stole their s***! They literally have robot kaiju being built there!! Crazy, right?
Sadistic Sam, sarcastically: Oh yes, dear Dream Killer. An overgrown metallic lizard will surely be my demise...
(Note:, Yes, Trypticon is here as well.)
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johnny-silverblog · 3 years
Some Johnny x V angst
Okay, but the perfect song for Johnny x V at the end of the game has got to be What would I do from the musical Falsettos. Doomed lovers, one watching the other lose their life, unable to prevent the inevitable from happening, and reflecting on their relationship in the end. It’s a beautiful and absolutely devestating duet, but just like with Marvin and Whizzer in the musical I believe that Johnny and V would go through all the trouble again if it meant they had more time together. The musical also had the theme of not expressing love until it is far too late with two lovers spending the majority of their time together fighting- only declaring their love in the face of one’s untimely death. Johnny and V have a complex relationship and it’s not until the very end that they can tell the other how much they meant, how knowing the other has forever changed their life. In the musical Whizzer has already lost his life, but sings with Marvin from beyond. If Johnny/V has a consciousness in any capacity beyond the black wall then it’s extra depressing thinking about how the feelings of love between Johnny and V are eternal.
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Anyway, if you listen to the song then definitely pick the 2016 revival version since Andrew Rannells and Christian Borle kill the performance with their raw emotions and unparalleled talent. Trust me, there’s a good reason it’s considered William Finn’s greatest song. I cry like a baby listening to it every time. In fact I’m going to go cry now anyway because I made myself sad with this post.
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