#definitely not paid for by oil companies
iabgunner · 4 months
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the-darklings · 2 years
Matthew calling Wanderer "Lady Dream" killed me dead and the only thing that can resurrect me is a drabble of Dream himself saying it (please)
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pairing: dream of the endless x f!reader
wc: 1.2k+
warnings: jealous!Dream if you count that as a warning.
notes: got an idea that's too potent when I saw this, so LETS GO!!!
part one | series masterlist | ao3 |
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“I messed up.”
Dream Lord doesn’t pause in his measured stride at your edgy words, his flame-kissed coat trailing after him. The Dreaming castle is abuzz, accommodating additional visitors from different domains, and you can’t recall the last time everyone was this frazzled. Everyone has come together as a well-oiled machine would, but tension hangs thick in the air. No one is happy about the new visitors or their purpose for being at the Dreaming. Dream himself hasn’t had a free second since; indeed, neither have you.  
“I highly doubt it,” he replies.
“No, Dream. I did mess up.”
“You have wandered realms for millennia, Wanderer,” Dream reminds, slowing to peer at you over his shoulder. His features soften a touch from their near-permanent rigidity lately. His voice, too, eases into a husky, gentle drawl, “You are familiar with royalty and courtiers from countless kingdoms. A great number of them regard you highly. Your insight and advice in navigating this situation have been greatly appreciated.”
Your unease quells briefly, soothed by his sincere comments. It’s still too easy to be caught off guard by Dream’s attempts to be more open, more appreciative of those around him. 
“You’re welcome,” you say softly, forcing down a gulp. “It's hard enough to remember a dozen different customs not to insult the guests. But I wanted to bring this to your attention first. Personally. So you don’t hear it from someone else first or, worse, the narrative gets twisted.”
Dream Lord rotates your way fully, moving closer. You’ve paused in a gallery. A new addition to the castle with multiple tapestries stitched from thick, luxurious cloth that hang across previously barren walls. Each one depicts various panoramas from different domains across the cosmos. It’s been a small, self-indulgent project you’ve undertaken in between travels, but given your recent company, it has gone down better than expected. Everyone relishes their kingdoms being paid homage to in the land of dreams. 
“What happened?” Dream questions somberly. “Did someone hurt you? Threaten you?”
Your hands wring together at the seeping darkness in Dream’s voice, fingers knotting. You swallow under his steady, hard scrutiny. 
“No, nothing like that. Certainly not with Cori around. It’s just… Cluracan invited me for a walk in Fiddler’s Green and, well, you know how he is. A flirt and an outrageous one.” A forced chuckle escapes you. Dream doesn’t smile or laugh with you. Some emotion pulses through his regal features, tucked from sight in seconds. “He’s a bit odd for a fae, if I’m honest. Surprisingly, he wasn’t drunk this time. So we got talking, and he was rather charming. It took me too long to realise he was, you know, hitting on me.”
You clear your throat, dragging your stare from the walls back to the Dream Lord standing in front of you. Dream’s bearing is stony, tense, his gaze hooded and mouth flat. Those pale irises seem to glimmer in the dusky light of the setting sun. 
“Hitting on as in… courting,” you rush ahead, examining the strain in his jaw. “He asked if we were mates. And I think I’ve spent too much time around Hob because I figured he meant pals, you know? Friends. I forgot fae have a different definition of ‘mates’. So I immediately laughed and said: Well, of course, Dream and I are mates. We’ve been mates for centuries. So Cluracan got this intense look on his face—I mean, he gets under peoples’ skin even more than Cori—then actually bowed. And then, well…”
Dream seems to glide closer—close enough to touch, to breathe in, his words a cold caress, “Then what?”
You swallow. “Cluracan said: I must apologise, Lady Dream. I meant no insult with my offer. I now understand why Lord Morpheus refused my sister. I would appreciate it if you did not mention this to him. I would not wish to complicate this matter further.”
A shiver races down your spine when Dream’s arm slips lightly around you, settling on your lower back. “And then?”
His words are impossibly soft, but there’s something about the way shadows pool around Dream’s sloping, sharp features that set shivers skittering down your spine. His hand seems to burn through your coat. There’s something about the tension you discern in each digit, as if he’s holding himself back from dragging you nearer and pressing you to him. He’s done so in the past numerous times, tucking you from sight in the folds of his starlit coat. Quiet, peaceful, cold and hot like those raging stars you sometimes glimpse in his eyes. 
“Then he, uh, left.” You don’t dare to move, curious to see what Dream Lord will do next. “And tripped in a creek. Which is weird because I’m certain there’s never been a creek there to begin with. It’s like it appeared out of nowhere. But anyway, I just… I thought I’d better tell you personally because Cluracan seems set on calling me Lady Dream now, and I don’t want you to overhear and take offence to it.”
“Why would I take offence to such a thing?”
You blink at his unhurried, probing question. Dream’s thumb strokes gently downwards—it’s so light, the contact, a mere graze, but there’s such potent power imbued into it you’re as good as naked beneath it, sensing the gesture through clothes and down to your marrow. Your breath wobbles before steadying. “Well, the implication…”
“Implication.” A deep, considerate hum vibrates from Dream’s chest, followed by a weighty, “Does this implication bother you?”
Does it? You’ve never cared for labels. Dream, to you, is everything. Those who matter most are aware of that, so why would anyone and their opinions matter? But they do. Deep down, you’re well versed with power that comes merely from what names you can evoke—whose favour in this vast cosmos you hold. But deeper than that lays a simpler sentiment: if you are his, in soul and name, you cannot be anyone else’s. Until you declare you are taken, then you are open. The brimming, dark scowl and icy, caressing whispers from his lips are displays of discontentment but not at any misstep on your part. But, rather, at the thought of another holding you so close. Another leaning down to touch their lips against yours. At the idea that you would permit anyone else this intimacy.
But there’s a more reticent sentiment to be read in the ancient, weary lines of his unchanging face: if you wanted another, he would not interfere. He would not hinder your happiness if you moved on and found someone else. He would not hinder you even if he wanted to. 
You slant yourself closer. “No, I suppose it doesn’t bother me.”
As if you could ever want anyone else but him. Sullen, stubborn, flawed, but yours despite it. 
Old ghosts flee from his regard, the weight on his shoulders lightening—a tiniest of smiles curving one side of Dream’s mouth.
He slants closer, his breath fanning against your ear. “Good. Because the title rather suits you, Lady Dream.”
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an: Cluracan is a canon character that should appear pretty early on in S2 once Netflix stops being cowards. anyway, here's to hoping and hope you enjoyed : )
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tittyinfinity · 7 months
"But if we don't keep participating in the fascist system it will become even more fascist! You have to vote for Biden again!"
"If we don't let the democrats commit genocide in other countries, then the Republicans will commit genocide here too!"
"Yeah a lot of democrats have been proven to be paid off by lobbyists and vote in agreement with Republicans a lot, but if we don't enable that then it will get worse!"
"Think about the people that COULD die, not the people who are dying right now!"
"Don't you even fucking DARE mention dismantling this fascist system, we literally have no choice but to choose between two different kinds of fascism! Don't even fucking mention a 3rd party candidate to me either. Democrats are our ONLY OPTION"
"If anyone criticizes our gerrymandered elections that are ultimately decided by the electoral college, THEY are the ones trying to suppress your vote! And they're probably a Russian bot."
"Yeah Hillary won the popular vote in 2016 but –"
"So you want DESANTIS? The ACTUAL fascist, who COULD kill us LATER instead of Biden killing other people NOW? VOTE!! Maybe we can hope for less genocide every 4 years, I'm sure we have plenty of time with the climate crisis going on :) that Democrat was paid off by oil lobbyists? BUT WHAT ABOUT LGBT RIGHTS IN AMERICA"
Maybe next year's election shouldn't happen and they should just Die
Or we could just all keep waiting and hoping forever that a Democrat that could somehow dismantle oil companies, capitalism, and the military-industrial complex, which is definitely going to happen before we all die from climate change first :)
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
🐇 Hey babes hope you're having a lovely day! That expansion on Daniel distancing himself from you because he feels so unwanted at Mclaren broke me!
I'd like to think Lando would do more to help him through it like offering Daniel more time with you because he sees that he needs it.
Oh yeah definitely!! I have so many more thoughts about Daniel in this situation so feel free to send more thoughts :))
So, I definitely agree that lando would try to help. I also think that lando would probably feel really guilty?
Not only because he’s clearly mclaren’s favourite, but also because he doesn’t have any problems with you?
And I think mclaren would actually schedule it so that you have much more time with lando. They don’t frame it like that, they’re very careful to make sure the total time you spend with each driver is equal.
But it’s very clearly done in favour of lando. While you might have a full hour with lando one day, it’s mclaren are more likely to give you an hour in ten or fifteen minute slots with Daniel which add up to an hour. And those slots will be between his other responsibilities on a race weekend so you can’t even think about scening with him during them. If you’ll have four hours with each of them, but Lando’s three hours will be 7pm-11pm so he’ll be awake the whole time, about to sleep when you leave. And Daniel’s four hours will be 11pm-3am so if you want the full time, then Daniel loses precious sleep.
So yeah, mclaren clearly have a favourite.
You do try to fight this of course, but the problem is that everyone can see you’re not as close with Daniel as you used to be. So mclaren just say that there’s no point in adjusting your schedule with Daniel, because he doesn’t want to open up to you in the first place so you may as well spend that time with lando, someone who actually does open up to you and gets something out of the scenes.
Which yes, lando does need the scene. It’s not a matter of him not needn’t them. He does. And you’d never begrudge lando for what mclaren are doing.
But lando feels guilty anyway. He’s the one with the perfect schedule with you, and he honestly doesn’t even need it. You know him so well, the two of you are like a well oiled machine. He could easily have less time and then allow Daniel to have more.
Which is what he starts doing.
He doesn’t tell mclaren, but he makes you end his scenes early and sneak of to Daniel.
You’re so appreciate of it, because having more time with Daniel means that you can begin to work on breaking down his walls again.
It’s very difficult to do, but really just keeping Daniel company goes a long way. Even though he’s scared and uncertain about you now because you’re paid by mclaren, he still likes to be around you, still sleeps better when you hold his hand.
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alanshemper · 2 months
22 Feb 2024, full text below the cut
In 2021, an influential American climate commentator chided his compatriots for being too gloomy about their country’s energy transition. Contrary to popular belief, the US wasn’t failing to go green, Robinson Meyer argued. In fact it was succeeding — even without the more aggressive pro-climate policies of many European countries. The reason? Renewable energy costs were tumbling. “As technologies develop, they get cheaper,” Meyer explained. “As they get cheaper, more companies adopt them.”
This simple idea has offered rare grounds for hope in our attempts to address climate change. Wind and sunlight are, by definition, free. Drive down the cost of collecting them sufficiently, runs the argument, and their advance should be unstoppable because — well, why wouldn’t you go green if it was cheaper? It is a faith that has blossomed as costs of renewable electricity have fallen; by 62 per cent for offshore wind turbines over the decade to 2020, and an even more astonishing 87 per cent for solar.
This is the jumping-off point for Brett Christophers’ The Price Is Wrong. A British academic based in Sweden, Christophers has written several provocative books about areas such as property and asset management, challenging the idea that markets know best. Now he turns his sceptical gaze on climate change, and the attempts of western governments to nudge consumers away from fossil fuels.
It’s a good moment for such an accounting, as the free-market story on climate change has frayed. Just four years ago, entrepreneurs were promising to build wind farms in Britain so cheaply they wouldn’t require any public subsidy. This proved a false dawn. Last year’s wind auction failed to attract any bids at all, because the subsidy on offer wasn’t high enough. The UK is now planning a more generous second round. Even Robinson Meyer has lost his mojo. Faced by Congressional dithering about renewing some green tax credits, he warned that failure to do so would “virtually [seal] the planet’s fate”.
Why is it so difficult to wean renewable energy off public support? While higher interest rates and steel prices clearly haven’t helped, Christophers argues we’ve missed the answer for a structural reason: we are looking at the wrong measure. It isn’t just relative power prices that determine how many wind or solar parks get built; more important is how profitable entrepreneurs think these investments will be. And here’s the rub: the anticipated returns are unappealing. On average, renewable projects earn just 5 to 8 per cent on their equity, Christophers reports, compared to more than 15 per cent for oil and gas.
The reasons for this are many, and Christophers picks through them expertly. The biggest villain, he argues, is the “unbundled” electricity markets that governments have introduced round the world. These divide the market between generation, distribution and retail, permitting competition to take place at some points in the chain — especially generation. Yet this very process throws up prices that are too volatile to support the upfront capital investment that renewable generators (or, rather, their lenders) require.
To counteract this, support structures must be woven into the system, from privileged market access (renewable generators receiving guaranteed fixed prices, including getting paid for not producing on especially sunny or windy days) to being able to “socialise” additional costs they import, such as the need for back-up generation to deal with renewables’ congenital intermittency. These, Christophers convincingly argues, are a feature, not a bug.
All this seems to leave us stuck in a sort of energy no man’s land even as decarbonisation slips further behind schedule. Fossil fuels still generate four-fifths of the world’s electricity, much the same as four decades ago. The one bright spot for renewables is China, yet there, investment is state-directed. It is, says Christophers, “a textbook example of what Antonio Gramsci famously called an interregnum, when the old — fossil fuelled power — is dying though not dead, and the new — clean power — cannot be fully born”.
The Price Is Wrong isn’t always the smoothest read. A former management consultant, Christophers packs the book with dense case studies and statistics. Some will question his enthusiasm for renewables, and wonder whether there aren’t other better ways to decarbonise. Nuclear power, for instance, is only mentioned in passing. But as an exposition of how electricity markets work — or don’t — it is masterly.
Unsurprisingly, Christophers ends up pleading for more government intervention. Only the state, he argues, has “both the financial wherewithal and the logistical and administrative capacity” to deliver the vast investments that will be needed. Whether it has the wisdom to make the correct technical choices, or the executive grip, is less certain. Despite all the talk of Rooseveltian New Deals, western countries still seem loath to intervene directly. What is clear is that the world remains on a very uncertain green trajectory. Get the price wrong, and the consequences could be very dark indeed.
The Price Is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won’t Save the Planet by Brett Christophers Verso £22, 442 pages
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meditating-dog-lover · 2 months
So my skin healed a lot this week. I did end up using steroids, and it helped with the skin healing process and my hands haven't looked this clear or non-inflamed for months. I can wash my hands without any discomfort.
Because steroids are anti-inflammatory and they healed my hands, it is obvious that my condition is caused by chronic inflammation.
I found a clinical dietitian online (Jennifer Fugo) who specializes in treating clients with skin conditions from more of a nutrition and functional approach because she had eczema herself. From a dietary perspective, I knew that consuming anti-inflammatory foods and supplements helps with eczema a lot. But there is more to that because, despite my diet being quite healthy and me taking vitamin D, zinc, and flaxseed oil daily, my skin flared a lot this winter. It got inflamed to the point where I had to take a day off work and go to urgent care and I could not move my hands because they were so dry, inflamed, and covered in blood. And I hate using my sick hours, and I hate using steroid creams but I had to because I was in an emergency.
Very painful period cramps are another condition caused by inflammation. My women's health doctor recommended birth control for that, and I said absolutely not. As a result she said omega 3 and vitamin D can help with cramps. And she was right, because I haven't had painful period cramps in months since I started supplementing, maybe since last August. I still do get cramping, but they are very tolerable and I even experience less menstrual bleeding. The only month where I experienced unpleasant cramping, though not as bad as before, was in November due to the stress of the war and having a traumatic experience in therapy a few days before. Note that I don't have any reproductive disorders, like endometriosis, that cause painful cramps. Something like that will definitely require medical intervention. Diets and supplements won't help treat more serious conditions. But despite this, I still struggle with an inflammatory skin condition.
Back to the dietitian, she understands that a lot of people are fed up with doctors telling them "you need to live with it", or "you have bad genes", or "there is no cure", or "the only solution is this very expensive pharmaceutical that comes with many side effects". I am very mad and annoyed with doctors in general, who recommended I rely on steroids and antihistamines. Those medications absolutely work in reducing inflammation, and antihistamines can save your life (I have a sesame allergy so I rely on them); but they are, at the end of the day, drugs that come with many side effects and must be used when absolutely necessary and not as an everyday preventative. Of course doctors have their hands tied because of pharmaceutical companies, so they cannot recommend more non-pharmaceutical solutions even if there are so many solutions out there. I significantly improved my health by supplementing to fix any nutritional gaps, getting a tongue-tie release, intermittent fasting, eating much better and avoiding junk, drinking enough water, making walking a regular habit, and fixing my sleep. This all paid off and I notice myself feeling better as I never get sick and my hair is thicker and have less cravings and less cramps, for example. Despite these improvements, I still struggle with eczema, which means that there is something in my body that I haven't addressed yet.
And I'm a scientist. While I'm sick and tired of doctors who push drugs and neglect foundational aspects to health and wellness, I want alternate and more functional treatments that are science based. I've seen a lot of wacky pseudoscience stuff on Instagram, such as this one account claiming she cured all her illnesses with celery juice. You have ideas on par with curing your stage 4 cancer by oil pulling and essential oils (I love essential oils for their relaxing scents, NOT their health properties). I know it's all bs, and at the same time I'm tired of doctors. So I'm trying to find a balance between both extremes where I apply foundational health and lifestyle changes such as the ones I mentioned above, but also treating it topically with a good quality hand cream and using steroids and antihistamines only when needed. In fact I'm going to get a tacrolimus refill so I don't have to even use steroids, which will be even better.
She talks about how there are 16 root causes to skin rashes, including gut AND skin microbiome imbalances (people with eczema have staph in their skin microbiome and healthy skin should not have that), issues with liver detoxification. gut dysfunction, stress, trauma, genetics (mutation in the filaggrin-coding gene which plays a role in maintaining the skin barrier integrity + inflammation will disregulate this gene), environmental allergies, and environmental irritants like chemicals and heavy metals. Though she puts a heavy emphasis on gut microbiome/dysfunction and liver detoxification.
On the topic of liver detoxification, people often are so misled by "detoxing". Your body already naturally detoxes via the liver, gut, kidneys, lung, and skin. However if one of these organs and biochemical detoxing pathways are impaired, then the detoxing process won't be efficiently completed, hence causing inflammation. If your liver and gut, for example, cannot effectively function in their detoxing process, the stress will go to the skin and eczema can occur. She says the best way to support liver health is not to do detoxes like juices, cleanses, enemas, or colonics, because it IS a detoxing organ, but to give it the nutrients it needs. There are 3 phases to liver detoxification, with the first phase determined by the presence of certain proteins/enzymes and the function will be impacted if the person had a disorder where there is a single nucleotide polymorphism in the gene coding the protein. So this isn't something a "detox" or "supplement" can fix. The second one, on the other hand, is heavily reliant on the nutrients you eat, like glycine, vitamin B6. sulfur, magnesium, molybdenum, and additional amino acids. I take magnesium citrate but can switch to the glycinate form, and I take a multivitamin which has B6 and molybdenum, and even switched to a new brand which has glycine since my current bottle is almost empty. Also you can support your liver by limiting your alcohol intake (or completely avoid alcohol like I do) and don't eat a lot of foods high in sugar and fat. So I was happy to see and understand liver function from a more scientific perspective, and "detoxing" in general because there is a lot of unsubstantiated nonsense on the internet. Detoxing is a thing, which several of your organs naturally perform. However if that organ is not working well, then you won't efficiently remove toxins from your body, which can lead to inflammation that can potentially manifest as skin eczema.
With gut dysfunction, she pretty much lays out the steps of digestion. You chew food (and your saliva naturally contains amylases which are enzymes that break apart carbohydrates into sugars) and chewing slowly is important because it makes digestion and absorption a lot easier, then the food travels via the esophagus to the stomach. The stomach has a lot of acid, and in some cases a person may not have enough. Stomach acid not only breaks down the food you eat, but also kills foreign pathogens you may have swallowed. So not having enough acid may cause bad bugs to travel down to your intestines and form colonies there, hence leading to systemic issues like skin conditions. The pancreas also produces digestive enzymes which are crucial in breaking down proteins, fats, and carbs. Also the liver produces bile which helps with fat absorption. So any impairments in these organs, even the gallbladder which stores bile, can negatively influence digestion and absorption. Then the food passes the small intestine and nutrients are absorbed. However, any issues such as intestinal permeability and rapid movement of the absorbed food in the case of diarrhea, can prevent proper absorption. Then it passes through the colon where water is absorbed, and then waste is excreted. She says you are what you absorb and not what you eat. So ensuring that all your GI organs are functioning properly, as well as fixing any issues, can help. I'm not quite sure how to approach this or if I even have any gut dysfunction because I've never been tested.
Finally there are microbiome imbalances on the skin and in the gut. Staph can infect the skin and cause inflammation, to the point where it can cause filaggrin mutations and cause the barrier of your skin to fall apart. So it's worth doing a skin culture with a dermatologist. I'm going to see my old dermatologist on Wednesday to ask for one and will insist until she agrees (in the case where she doesn't). Also gut microbiome imbalances can cause skin inflammation. I know a lot of people rave about gut health, but it definitely does play a role in skin health. As previously mentioned, not having enough stomach acid can introduce foreign bad bugs which can form colonies and cause inflammation. Some examples of harmful microorganisms include H. pylori, candida (everyone has candida but too much can be an issue), histamine-producing microorganisms like Klebsiella, and fungal organisms. So the best approach here would be to a comprehensive microorganism test. I'm going to meet with a functional doctor on Thursday via phone call, who states that eczema is caused by microbiome imbalances in the digestive tract and uses the GI MAP testing kit. It is expensive, especially on top of the phone call, but it will be worth it because I am convinced my eczema is gut related. I've addressed a lot of areas of my health before, but I never sufficiently addressed my gut health. So I will now and I will find solutions just like I did for my dental health last year. She said you can have imbalances despite having no gut symptoms at all.
So I'm going to take the new multivitamin, continue taking D3/K2, flaxseed oil, and magnesium glycinate. But I should also include a gut health supplement that can support both my microbiome and function. I'll eventually address my skin microbiome issue if I test positive for staph. I'm taking the Codeage Leaky Gut Formula which has l-glutamine, quercetin, additional bioflavinoids (which do support liver health and phase 2 detoxing), HCl and S. boulardii. It can definitely be a great place to start, though in the future I hope to find a more targeted supplement. Though correcting any GI imbalances can take a very long time, around several months.
Eventually I do want to work on my stress and trauma work, and I believe the war in Gaza made my skin flareups worse (not that my condition compares at all to what the people of Gaza are experiencing nor are they responsible at all for it, it is just an obvious stress response to what's happening to them). I'm seeing a new therapist now and she's been great and interactive. I know I will heal and I've already healed a lot. I made a list of things I still want to work on, but I will experience healing because it's happened before and it will happen again. Also because I believe that my eczema may be allergy related, due to my food allergies and eosinophilia, I'll speak to a doctor about getting my histamine and IgE levels tested. Any conventional PCP will provide this, I don't have to pay hundreds to see a functional medicine doctor.
So these are some of the things I've learned. It is a lot and I've watched hours of her podcast and masterclasses. I'm going to take my current supplements, then do a skin culture and GI MAP test so I can see if I have any imbalances (I likely do). I also want to address any gut function issues like not enough HCl or enzymes or intestinal permeability which can poorly influence digestion and absorption (I don't know how those are tested though). Eventually I'll work on my stress and trauma because this is longterm healing, as well as asking for an allergy panel for my bloodwork..
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bobc47 · 3 months
Systemic Racism
I’m adding my voice to attempt to explain systemic racism to other white folks. First we need to go beyond a simple dictionary definition of racism. In more or less words most dictionaries will say something like believing things, usually false, about someone based only on their race. Some version of this definition is behind every white person’s argument that they don’t see
color, etc. In other words if I’m not believing something about you based only on your race I’m not racist. That is how systemic racism works; setting up rules, systems etc. that don’t mention race, that appear to be neutral but have a disproportionate effect on members of a race. 
I used to work for companies in the oil and gas industry. For most of my career these companies went through fairly predictable periods of boom and bust in their hiring and layoffs. Layoffs would be heavily weighted to the most recently hired. When we needed to hire quickly we often would have referral bonuses for employees who referred people who got hired. No mention of race at all, no problem right? Wrong! Our mostly white work force knew mostly white people so naturally their referrals were white. The few Blacks we were able to hire through our affirmative action efforts were often the most recent hires when we would go into layoff mode. This is systemic racism. And this all happened with management that was not overtly racist. There was no “wink and nod” kind of signaling to avoid hiring people of color. In fact in those days HR really was trying to create a more diverse workforce for the company, but we were ignorant of systemic racism.
When I left the oil and gas industry I was amazed at how diverse other companies were. I just had never thought about how “lily white” my employers had been. It was part of the natural landscape I took for granted.
There are many other examples.  Let’s look at credit scoring. Among the factors used, race is not one of them. But there are all sorts of criteria; not too little debt, but not too much; a “Goldie Locks” (another unfortunate term) range of everything from ratio of basic expenses to income, to how many credit cards you have, etc. Once upon a time, whether or not you paid your bills on time was the primary factor in getting a loan. Now we have the FICO score. These factors clearly punish poor people even those who pay their bills on time. Add to this the fact that banks have all sorts of additional fees they like to charge customers with less money. When you consider that the poor are overwhelmingly people of color, it is systemic racism, because these systems help keep people poor.
Let’s look at the criminal justice system. Apart from real discrimination on the part of police presuming Black suspects are more violent, and responding accordingly, there is systemic bias in the courts. In order to ensure the accused show up for trial the court can release them on their own recognizance or require a bail (or bond); bail being refunded when they show up, a bond is not because it is like an insurance premium. White suspects are often RORed because they have homes and jobs tying them to the community.  On the face of it the system should work without regard to the accused’s race. But even without inflating the charges to more serious ones based on race, a poor person is presumed to be able to pick up and leave easier than folks owning a home. So bail is prescribed. But a poor person has virtually no chance of raising even bond money, so they sit in jail, sometimes for years before they come to trial while they lose their job, apartment and everything else ALL WHILE BEING PRESUMED INNOCENT until found guilty by a jury. Again, given that most of the poor are people of color this is systemic racism and plays a part in keeping people poor. 
There is a whole other bias that works against Black people that is also systemic. And that is the naive belief that whoever the police arrest must be guilty. Even the best police departments don’t get it right all the time. They and the detectives often pursue the most obvious suspect and stop looking when it appears there is enough evidence to go to trial (not necessarily to win). While prior bad acts are not allowed to be introduced to the court (except in certain cases) the police’s knowledge of them often influences who they arrest. 
A common counter argument I often hear is that if poor people of any color weren’t committing crimes they wouldn’t even be on the police’s “radar”. That misses a couple of important points. The bias of individual officers, and the over reaction of others in the justice system. But even aside from that, a lot of crime is related to substance abuse. Even beyond the racial disparity in sentencing, substance abuse and the attendant crimes that accompany it put more people into a system that works against the poor and especially against people of color.
Looking past the words that seem neutral to the actual effect of practices is important to discovering and changing them.
If you look at the costs of crime and the cost of incarceration there are better ways to deal with this situation. 
More money for public defender programs. Those attorneys are often so overloaded with cases they can barely make court appearances let alone have any investigation done.
More judges and courtrooms to alleviate the wait for trial
Lowering or eliminating bail requirements for nonviolent crimes and those with less than some value of dollars, in other words ROR if someone has a job that they have been at for some time.
Eliminating sentencing disparity based on the race.
There are more solutions like this if we can only look for them. But to do so we need to give up the snap judgment and optics “solutions”.
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termansenosman35 · 5 months
How Invoice Factoring Works
In these situations, if the operator has to make any marketing preparations, then it might possibly cost a marketing payment. In a payout situation, the non-participating celebration owns no production so it has neither failed to absorb kind nor failed to make marketing arrangements and due to this fact no advertising fee would apply. This is presuming after all that there is no mention of selling fees as being an allowable cost to the payout account in either the definition of payout nor the related payout provisions within the settlement. A firm, who abandons a well/facility/pipeline, can submit a working interest claim (“WIC”) to the OWA via the AER to collect a defunct partner’s share of the abandonment. (“A WIP is any get together to a joint working or different agreement underneath which the party is entitled to a proportionate share of money flows as nicely as the responsibility for the same proportionate share of costs”). The OWA paid out $2.7 million in WIC for the yr ended March 31, 2016. I assume what we now have to recognize here is that the banks want the opportunity to grow. If not, they may necessary. We also have certainly one of what we consider to be one of the best know-how analysis libraries in eastern Canada, serving to companies with issues regarding intellectual property As trucking of fresh oil or emulsion is an allowable cost beneath Article II, and it suits the definition of Cost underneath Article III, the Operator is allowed to charge the proportion primarily based Overhead stipulated in the PASC96. Article II of the PASC96 outlines the type of charges that an Operator can charge to the Joint Account. Trucking of both clean oil or emulsion to a facility can be an allowable cost under Clause 207 “Services”. One of the major rules of the Operating Procedure is that the Operator should not suffer a loss or receive a acquire by virtue of its status as Operator relative to the opposite events. Well suspensions are specifically recognized part of Drilling actions underneath PASC 2011 Subclause 301(E)(7). While not specifically mentioned in PASC 1996 and PASC 1983, well suspensions would also fall beneath the Drilling definition as only routine cleanouts and pump or rod pulling operations are excluded from the definition. A taxpayer has petitioned for an injunction halting the implementation of Finance Act, 2023. The Act won't be efficient till the taxpayer’s petition is decided. The Act repeals Sections 89(6)(7)(8) of the TPA, in addition to the waiver utility provision that allowed taxpayers to apply for a remission or forgiveness of penalties or curiosity imposed by the tax authority. Canada—one company in California. Most small businesses—mine being a good instance, I think—are working very easily and very rapidly in many international locations. I suppose our view would be that we have not even begun invoice factoring oilfield services set a compass on what the next millennium goes to look like for the financial sector. There can be a prohibition or a regulation at some point, however it might be removed very simply the subsequent. So I actually have lots of concern about trying to
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ra1ndrop5-on-ro5e5 · 5 months
26 Boxing Day // Reef
Rose dressed cute to go out with Ethan, finally feeling like the day after Christmas was unimportant enough to take up his time. Boxing day wasn't really a thing here, but the after Christmas day sales were solid. And Ethan had a really cool car, but it was a bonus on top of his company.
Finn felt a little more daring with him recently and demands to hold his hand while he drove by reaching a grabby hand out, palm up, until he took it. He loved the goofy little laughs Ethan let out when he gave him a little more affection than usual. His face would get so pink and the cool guy facade he had been trying to build melts unted her gentle touch.
She lets him hold it while they walked the mall and she asked him to pick outfit out for her to try. He often didn't grab the right sizes, just picking the first ones on the racks, but he picked some solid looks and told her She even talks about real feelings she's been having, and he was even receptive to them! He was on his way to a reward.
It was towards the end of their stroll that the failure siren song of fragrance pulls them to the lush store. Ethan’s hands are full with bags of things they both had bought but Rose takes them and puts them down to pull him to a tester sink that a bath bomb that explodes flower pettles has been dropped into. The water is swirls of pink and glitter and her eyes are lit up at it. "You're going to get this for me." she says confidently still holding his hands. He chuckles. "Two actually, and some sleep lavender power, and one of those cute music box bundles." She looks to him with a smile, and his eyes playfully narrow.
"Be for real right now." He chuckles even though he is definitely going to do it behind her back and give it to her later even if he told her no now.
"No cap."
"I already got you a Christmas present. As a matter of fact-" He starts to look to the bags they had accumulated together and realise he paid for a lot of her things already.
"Becaue if you do, I'll get you this." She leads him again over to another table and takes fresh tester to show in her hand before pressing it to the skin on his inner arm. She holds it there as they talk.
"Just this one thing?"
"This is a massage bar. You use your body heat to slowly melt the oil so you can rub it all over your body." She speaks low, looking him riggt in the eyes the whole time, so when they trailed down to his arm, Ethan’s gaze followed. He watchesand feels as she slides the ball like bar smoothly over his skin, leaving a slick trail over it. She puts the bar back and rubs small circles over on of his tattoos, minding her long nails until she wanted specifically to entice his skin with them. "Works best with a partner." Her eyes flicker back to his. "This one's called bon bon... because it's edible." She brings a finger she used to rub the oil over his arm up to her mouth and licks it quickly with a raise of her brows, and a smile.
She can see it wash over Ethan’s face, the declaration betray him in his eyes, the pink in his cheeks, the clench of his jaw. He takes a sharp breath in through his nose and gives her a nod before he could find his words. "Of course. What else do you want?"
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earaercircular · 7 months
Sun? Wind? Forget them, the oil giants continue to believe in fossil fuels
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Big oil is not preparing for a new era, writes Ine Renson. Their true agenda is to keep us addicted to fossil fuels for decades to come.
Anyone looking for uplifting news[1] after the doomed reports about heat records can take a look at the websites of the oil and gas producers. BP is launching electric cars and solar parks. “Our purpose is reimagining energy for people and our planet,” it says[2]. Shell is committed to a low-carbon world[3] and promotes solar energy in the fight against food waste. There is also not a drop of oil to be found on the site of 'multi-energy company' TotalEnergies.[4] Oil giants seem to be turning into post-fossil energy companies.
That trend is reflected in the news the International Energy Agency (IEA)[5] released this week: oil demand will peak before the end of this decade. The rollout of wind and solar is going at a rapid pace. For every dollar invested in fossil fuels, 1.7 dollars goes to renewables. Solar energy, it recently became known, is at the tipping point[6] where it will automatically become cheaper and therefore dominant.[7]
Yet we better not let ourselves be lulled to sleep. A parallel reality prevails in the boardrooms of oil and gas giants. To the contrary of what their websites say, they bet that the fossil age is not yet over. On the contrary: big oil is striking back. In an interview with the Financial Times[8], the CEO of the American oil giant Chevron showed the true face of the sector. The IEA, Mike Wirth delicately stated, is missing the point. "You can think of scenarios, but we live in the real world and have to deploy our capital on what that real world demands." The reality, Wirth had previously told the newspaper, is that "fossil fuel makes the world go round, and will do in 5 years, in 10 and in 20 years.”
What that means became clear this week. Chevron acquired rival Hess[9] on Monday. A $53 billion deal that gives access to lucrative oil fields in Guyana, which has become an oil power out of nowhere in recent years. The news came two weeks after oil giant Exxon paid 60 billion to acquire Pioneer Natural Resources[10], a company that made its fortune in shale oil extraction.
Fabulous profit
The acquisitions seal faith in the fossil future. The oil and gas giants are swimming in money, thanks to the super profits they have made since the war in Ukraine. Exxon could have bought a solar system manufacturer with the $56 billion profit it made last year. It didn't, nor did its competitors. The six largest oil companies in the world together achieved a fabulous profit of $200 billion in 2022. This was mainly paid out to shareholders and invested in fossil production. That leaves no doubt about their true agenda.
NGOs and academics are gradually breaking through the green facade of the oil giants. Their definition of sustainability appears to be very flexible. Efficiency improvements or even the operation of shops at petrol stations are also considered low-carbon. In reality, Greenpeace revealed in the Dirty Dozen report[11], only 7.3 percent of European gas and oil companies' investments went into renewable energy last year. Other studies come to similar conclusions. They denounce the false claims, misleading definitions and diversion towards contested solutions, such as carbon storage (CCS)[12] and compensation schemes for CO₂ emissions.
The analysis of annual accounts and the events of the past few weeks raise fears of the worst: Big oil cannot simply be written off. Analysts believe the move by Exxon and Chevron is the start of a new wave of consolidation. They watch with suspicion how European competitors react. BP, TotalEnergies and Shell do not show their cards. But their forays into sustainable energy have already been adjusted. The shareholders promptly made stock prices soaring.
Dispassionate calculation
Their guess seems well-founded. Sun and wind are flourishing, but the demand for fossil fuels is also booming. Governments worldwide approved hundreds of new oil and gas projects. There is no end to the European rush for LNG. In recent weeks, Shell and TotalEnergies signed monster contracts with Qatar for gas supplies to the Netherlands and France until 2050. By then, we must have largely gotten rid of gas. US President Joe Biden is also about to give the green light for one of the largest LNG terminals in the world. The hub in Louisiana is part of a large-scale export network in the Gulf of Mexico, mainly focused on Europe. If the gas that can be traded there were actually consumed, American energy expert Jeremy Simons calculated[13], annual European CO₂ emissions would double.
These developments are at odds with the climate agenda. They raise questions about the seriousness of next month's climate summit in the United Arab Emirates, led by oil chief Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber. You would expect Big Oil to think about its role in the post-oil era[14], but the oil giants make a chilly calculation: they have little to gain from the transition for the time being. They prefer to play it safe. They all hope to be able to supply the world with the last barrels of oil. That also explains the wave of consolidation. Larger companies are better equipped to survive in a market that is bound to shrink sooner or later.
The oil giants have an interest in making us believe that that day is still a long way off. In their brochures they appear more sustainable than organic food producers. But their CEOs never miss an opportunity to emphasize that 'oil and gas will remain crucial for decades to come'. The war in Ukraine was a decisive turning point in that communications strategy. Energy security became a top priority. The trauma of the strangling gas bills is still fresh. The oil companies know which buttons to push. They warn of chaos if we reduce supply too quickly. We need to reframe the transition, the Chevron CEO told The New York Times.[15] “You cannot go from system A to system B if the latter is not yet ready.”
Not a product from the devil
Big oil's endgame is perverse and reckless. By increasing the supply, they maintain our fossil addiction. Those are billions that are not invested in alternatives. Tons of emissions pushing the climate to dangerous tipping points.
Here a painful realisation dawns: one cannot make the fox responsible for the chicken coop. The expectation that the fossil giants would drive the transition was naive. Without government intervention, the circle of supply and demand will not be broken quickly enough. Unfortunately, the global rush for gas and oil does not bode well for the decisiveness that governments really want to demonstrate.
If we leave a gap, the oil giants will jump in. “We are not selling a devilish product,” Chevron CEO Wirth said in the FT interview. “We sell a good product that makes the world a better place.” The 63-year-old CEO showed the same compassion this week in the CNBC TV studios[16], where he said something about oil that keeps the trucks with Christmas presents on the road. Next to him was a beaming John Hess (69), who justified the deal of a lifetime as the best choice for his shareholders. There they were, two people in their sixties with pockets full of oil money, who at the end of their careers are giving the fossil sector a boost and thus determining the fate of the next generations. It's hard not to become cynical at that thought.
Ine Renson, Zon? Wind? Vergeet het, de oliereuzen blijven in fossiele brandstoffen geloven, De Standaard, 28-10-2023, https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20231027_96681433
[1] The World Energy Outlook 2023 provides in-depth analysis and strategic insights into every aspect of the global energy system. Against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and fragile energy markets, this year’s report explores how structural shifts in economies and in energy use are shifting the way that the world meets rising demand for energy. This Outlook assesses the evolving nature of energy security fifty years after the foundation of the IEA. It also examines what needs to happen at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai to keep the door open for the 1.5 °C goal. And, as it does every year, the Outlook examines the implications of today's energy trends in key areas including investment, trade flows, electrification and energy access. https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2023/
[2] https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/who-we-are/our-transformation.html
[3] https://www.shell.com/powering-progress/achieving-net-zero-emissions.html
[4] https://totalenergies.com/company/identity/multi-energy-offer
[5] The International Energy Agency (IEA) is a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organisation, established in 1974, that provides policy recommendations, analysis and data on the entire global energy sector. The 31 member countries and 13 association countries of the IEA represent 75% of global energy demand.
[6] Decarbonisation plans across the globe require zero-carbon energy sources to be widely deployed by 2050 or 2060. Solar energy is the most widely available energy resource on Earth, and its economic attractiveness is improving fast in a cycle of increasing investments. Here we use data-driven conditional technology and economic forecasting modelling to establish which zero carbon power sources could become dominant worldwide. We find that, due to technological trajectories set in motion by past policy, a global irreversible solar tipping point may have passed where solar energy gradually comes to dominate global electricity markets, without any further climate policies. Uncertainties arise, however, over grid stability in a renewables-dominated power system, the availability of sufficient finance in underdeveloped economies, the capacity of supply chains and political resistance from regions that lose employment. Policies resolving these barriers may be more effective than price instruments to accelerate the transition to clean energy. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41971-7
[7] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/700255020047908864/the-global-energy-crisis-may-be-accelerating?source=share&ref=_tumblr
[8] “Chevron’s Mike Wirth: ‘We are not selling a product that is evil’ in Financial Times, https://www.ft.com/content/1902a8ef-7078-47e2-8a62-b6f0050ed569
[9] Hess Family Gets $5 Billion as Founder’s Son Sells to Chevron, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-23/hess-family-stake-valued-at-5-billion-with-chevron-takeover
[10]Exxon Mobil agrees to buy Pioneer Natural Resources for nearly $60 billion in all-stock merger;  https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/11/exxon-mobil-agrees-to-buy-pioneer-natural-resources-for-nearly-60-billion-in-all-stock-merger.html
[11] 1. What contribution does Big Oil make to the energy transition and to curbing climate emissions? After the record year of 2022, in which many oil companies reported the highest profits in their history, this question has become particularly relevant.
2. This study examines in detail the balance sheets and activities of 12 oil companies in Europe. Among them are 6 of the largest oil companies worldwide (Shell, TotalEnergies, BP, Equinor, Eni, Repsol) and 6 oil companies that play a central role in the energy transition in their European home markets (OMV, PKN Orlen, MOL Group, Wintershall Dea, Petrol Group, Ina Croatia). Part A of the study presents the key findings. Part B contains short portraits, facts and figures for each of the 12 sample companies studied.
3. The analysis shows that profits increased by an average of 75% in 2022, revenues by 70%. Investments climbed just by 37%.
4. There was a one-sided fossil dominance of investments in 2022: 92.7% on average were invested in the continuation of the fossil oil and gas path and only 7.3% in a change towards sustainable energy production and low-carbon solutions.
5. The energy supply remained even more one-sided. Contrary to public perception, wind and solar power production by big oil companies is still surprisingly low. On average, of the 12 companies, only 0.3% of the energy volume is accounted for by their renewable electricity production and 99.7% by their oil and gas production.
6. Sustainable priorities are also not discernible in the coming years. Oil companies are focusing their strategic planning primarily on CCS and on carbon offsets, i.e. very controversial approaches whose effectiveness in reducing emissions is doubtful. Two companies are shifting their business model from fuels to petrochemicals. The remaining companies do not present any transparent climate strategy at all.
7. Other options such as advanced biofuels, green hydrogen or other green gases are frequently mentioned, but the provision is largely left to other industries. There is mostly talk of sales targets, but rarely of production targets or concrete investment volumes. Plus: All options are ultimately intended to serve the extension of their own fossil fuel business model.
8. A far-reaching reduction of emissions is not possible on this path. Although most of the sample companies are committed to "net zero" by 2050, a closer look shows that none of them has developed a coherent strategy to achieve this.
9. Most of the companies in the sample are therefore scaling back their ambitions. In several cases, only production-related emissions are to be gradually reduced (Scope 1+2) and residual emissions offset by CCS or carbon offsets.
10. In most cases, the emissions resulting from the sale of oil and gas (Scope 3) are ignored or redefined: instead of reducing the emission quantities, only the emissions per production unit (barrel of oil, cubic metre of natural gas), i.e. the emission intensity, are to be reduced. Shell, TotalEnergies and Equinor rely particularly heavily on this evasive definition.
11. This approach is further exacerbated by postponing most of the decarbonisation efforts until after 2030. This is not unexpected, as the vast majority of oil companies plan to stabilise or even grow their oil and gas production at least until 2030.
12. The result is an ever-widening gap between PR claims and the reality of the companies. This gap is closed by a multifaceted and imaginative greenwashing in company reports. Our study lists countless examples of this: misleading definitions of terms and numbers, deliberately misleading presentation of results, hiding of important information in footnotes, and even an almost comical visual presentation of the focus of company activities.
13. What follows from this? Meanwhile, the oil industry has a 50-year history of covering up climate change problems and a more than 100-year history of environmental and climate damages caused by fossil oil and gas. Even today, massive lobbying is used to block or at least water down climate policy initiatives.
14. A long corporate history has produced a mindset which appears unable or unwilling to face the challenges of today's climate crisis. Most major shareholders, i.e. mainly institutional investors, are not even interested in a transformation since the energy world is mapped via their portfolio of assets, in which oil companies play a predetermined role as reliable profit machines and sources of high dividend payments.
15. Overall, it is therefore not likely that IOCs will become protagonists or neutral bystanders of the global energy transition and climate protection. Similar to the coal sector, the focus should therefore be on a rapid economic and political downsizing of the industry, on skimming profits, avoiding stranded assets and, above all, on a rapid reduction of oil and gas demand. https://greenpeace.at/uploads/2023/08/report-the-dirty-dozen-climate-greenwashing-of-12-european-oil-companies.pdf
[12] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/708808029227958272/denmark-grants-first-full-scale-co2-storage?source=share&ref=_tumblr
[13] ‘Carbon mega bomb’: climate experts urge Biden to block gas export hubhttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/23/louisiana-gas-export-hub-biden-climate-crisis?utm_term=653a47dd81230e8664cd17ab885baa37&utm_campaign=DownToEarth&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=greenlight_email
[14] Dealmakers see Chevron-Hess tie-up as the start of oil ‘arms race’. https://www.ft.com/content/42751474-ea28-4bc2-838b-50d564b93189
[15] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/14/climate/oil-gas-industry.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
[16] https://www.cnbc.com/video/2023/10/23/hess-ceo-john-hess-on-chevron-deal-strategic-combination-creates-the-premier-oil-and-gas-company.html
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salvinak · 8 months
Fats and Oils Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis 2030
The global Fats & Oils Market research report provides comprehensive analyses of the key factors influencing the market, profiles of significant companies, essential product characteristics, sales figures, and contact information. The report also offers a comprehensive analysis of the most significant market trends. Focus groups, surveys, interviews, a national and geographic research, and a comprehensive all-dimensional review were used to gather data.
Get a Free Sample Report of Fats & Oils Market:- https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/1440
Major market variables, such as motivators, restraints, chances, and dangers, are examined along with how they affect the industry. Global market opportunities and challenges have underlying drivers and restrictions. Fats & Oils market research includes information on strategic alliances, new product launches, initiatives, transactions, joint activities, information on prominent market rivals, development factors, constraints, and opportunities.
Market Segmentation
The market has both internal and external limitations, as well as internal and external opportunities. It can be used to evaluate the market by businesses, clients, customers, buyers, merchants, service providers, and distributors. The main factors that affect the market are identified, and segmentation analysis is used to assess their influence. The worldwide Fats & Oils market analysis summary includes definitions, categorizations, applications, the industrial chain structure, as well as a synopsis of the subject. For emerging markets, global business research is offered, including analyses of the competitive landscape and development trends.
Market Segmentation:
By type
Vegetable Oils
Palm oil
Soybean oil
Sunflower oil
Rapeseed oil
Olive oil
Butter & margarine
Tallow & grease
By Application
Food applications
Bakery & confectionary
Processed food
Snacks & savory
R.T.E foods/Convenience foods
Sauces, spreads, and dressings
Industrial applications
Animal feed
By Form
By Source
Key players:
Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), Wilmar International Limited, Unilever PLC, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Associated British Foods PLC, Bunge Limited, United Plantations Berhad, Mewah International Inc., and Other players.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The effect of COVID-19 on the Fats & Oils market at the national and international levels is examined in this research paper. The impact study of COVID-19 will assist market participants in creating pandemic mitigation plans. The demand and supply side effects on the target market are taken into account in this study. In addition to private databases and a paid data source, this study used primary and secondary research. Participants in the market will benefit from this section of the research's explanation of the market environment both now and in the future as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Competitive Scenario
The market, prices, positioning, important competitors, and a thorough data collection strategy must all be the same. A comprehensive library of projected future market sizes based on historical data is also included in the market study. By examining the most recent market data, customers can acquire quantitative industry expertise. The study looks into a number of important factors that affect business players, including as suppliers, end users, dealers, and others, in order to help them plan investments and pursue different Fats & Oils market growth opportunities.
Report Highlights
A thorough market study that takes into account downstream output, upstream raw materials, and current growth projections.
Provide a general summary of the target industry's current state, including applications and developments.
Fats & Oils market segmentation by kind, businesses, application, and region in a competitive market.
Table of Contents
 1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
 3.Market Dynamics
4. Impact Analysis
5. Value Chain Analysis
 6. Porter’s 5 forces model
 7. PEST Analysis
 8. Global Fats & Oils Market Segment, by Type
9. Global Fats & Oils Market Segment, by Application
10. Global Fats & Oils Market Segment, By Form
11.Global Fats & Oils Market Segment, By Source
12. Regional Analysis
13. Company Profiles
14. Competitive Landscape
15. Conclusion
About Us:
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are not merely a research organization. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
Contact Us:
Akash Anand – Head of Business Development & Strategy
Phone: +1-415-230-0044 (US) | +91-7798602273 (IND)
Website: https://www.snsinsider.com
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prismmediawire · 8 months
AURI signs The Champ, and launches new products line
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DALLAS, TX, September 27, 2023 - Auri Inc. (OTC PINK: AURI) ("AURI") (the "Company") is proud to announce today the signing of Heavyweight World Champion, Riddick Bowe.
Auri Inc. is launching “The Champ” line of consumable products featuring CBD and THC Delta 9 infused Gummies, Energy Drinks, Vitamin Water and a host of other Nutraceutical products. These products are designed to enhance the wellness and health of the consumer, while providing enjoyment and a feeling of well-being.
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Riddick Lamont Bowe (born August 10, 1967) is an American former professional boxer who competed between 1989 and 2008. He held the undisputed world heavyweight championship in 1992, and won the super heavyweight silver medal at the 1988 Summer Olympics. After turning professional in 1989, Bowe went on to become a two-time world heavyweight champion. In 1992 he became the undisputed heavyweight champion by winning the World Boxing Association (WBA), World Boxing Council (WBC) and International Boxing Federation (IBF) titles by defeating then-unbeaten former undisputed cruiserweight champion Evander Holyfield. That same year, Bowe was named Fighter of the Year by The Ring magazine and the Boxing Writers' Association of America. (According to Wikipedia)
Auri Inc., (AURI) will use a line of vertically integrated companies to provide inventories and services for its line of products. SUTI Inc., (SUTI) will supply the main ingredients such as CBD oil and Delta 9, while our own distribution group RJR, will use its distribution chain to sell and fulfill the “Champ Line”.
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Auri Inc. has positioned this change to occur right in time for our impending manufacturing facility acquisition we have been working on for several months.
The company will be keeping the current CEO Edward Vakser to Chairman and secretary. As the company expands, we will be bringing on more talented board members to help bring AURI to its goal of uplifting NASDAQ.
The new incoming CEO Jim Amendola goes on to say: “I am excited to be part of this big change for Auri Inc. I am ready to help Auri Inc. go to the next level. With all the manufacturing and Oil experience I bring to the table, I am excited to maximize company value for all prospective and current shareholders.”
"I am ready to strategically set AURI and other companies to the next level. Bringing over 20 plus years of logistics and manufacturing. While implementing several methodologies that will positively be affecting the organizational profitability"
 Recently, the company posted updates:  
The management is excited to report that several milestones of the business development has been achieved. Several years ago, the company set up a very optimistic, and aggressive set of goals. The plan was to have Auri Inc., as the “tip of the spear” Holding company, that would own all other assets and companies that the company would add and roll-up in order to create a great company and a perfect candidate for NASDAQ. The gamble definitely paid off, since now FINRA assigned OTC Markets as the new and exclusive trading platform for all cryptocurrencies.  Auri Inc. now continues to assemble a strong portfolio of public and private companies, as well as all of their corresponding cryptocurrencies and NFT assets.
The management recently completed several acquisitions and signed several more to be acquired in the following several weeks. Recently, Auri Inc. acquired SutimCo International Inc., and has BDGR and its parent company PRPM under contract. Next, the company will progress with adding value-based companies and vendors. This quarter, Auri Inc., also plans to add vertically integrated complete companies by also signing PBHG and UITA.
Dividend Information
The company recently posted a ruling given to OTC markets by FINRA regarding trading rights to OTC Markets for digital currencies.
The company will have an ex-dividend date of October 02, 2023.
About Auri Inc.
AURI Inc. as good as gold! The Company was formed by a group of investors whose talents and interests were based in Production, Content Development, Audio/Visual Presentations, Intellectual property development, and acquisitions, as well as oil and gas and real estate investments. The company launched its own cryptocurrency, www.Auritoken.io, and has licensed its Art Inventory at nft/blackdracos.com. The management is based around seasoned corporate officers, directors, and consultants who are experienced in management and mergers/acquisitions of multimillion-dollar companies. The company's plan and concept were developed and based around a plan of acquiring and developing High-End Art and Reproductions, backed by AURI Gold cryptocurrency, focusing on AURI INC to become a Publisher and Licensor as well as NFT developer. Then, retaining the duplication and reproduction rights, on an exclusive basis, in order to sell and distribute the products worldwide. The company and management believe that they can create, sustain, and grow one of the largest art publishing companies in the world. AURI Inc. also owns a "wholly owned subsidiary": EVAP Inc. Evap Inc. has patent-pending technology to assist with one of the biggest issues in the oil and gas industry, "PRODUCED WATER". The technology can take produced saltwater and turn it into a steam cleaner than most cities' tap water by removing most of the metals and suspended solids.
Safe Harbor Statement:
This release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Certain statements set forth in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, any statement that may predict, forecast, indicate, or imply future results, performance or achievements, and may contain the words "estimate", "project", "intend", "forecast", "anticipate", "plan", "planning", "expect", "believe", "will likely", "should", "could", "would", "may" or words or expressions of similar meaning. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company's actual results and financial position to differ materially from those included within the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including those relating to the Company's ability to grow its business. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted and reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance. The potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, the Company's limited operating history, the limited financial resources, and domestic or global economic conditions -- activities of competitors and the presence of new or additional competition and conditions of equity markets.
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atlanticcanada · 11 months
Heat pump installation in high demand in Nova Scotia
Conscious of their carbon footprint, Morgan Morrissey and her family installed a new front door and heat pumps at their Bedford, N.S., house instead of electric baseboard heaters.
The aim is to make the house more energy efficient and save energy and money.
“It’s definitely worth it. There are some steps to go through. The companies that we worked with were familiar with the program and so they were a big help in navigating it,” said Morrissey.
Their heat pump system cost about $15,000 upfront, but rebates and an interest-free loan could help cover costs. Homes have to be audited for energy efficiency before and after upgrades before homeowners can learn exactly how much they’ll qualify for.
“We had our energy home assessment completed this morning,” said Morrissey. “So we’re looking forward to find out how much we’re going to get back in grants because that is not calculated or completed yet.”
Homeowners could be eligible for the Canada Greener Homes Grant, a federal rebate which offers up to $5,000. Eligible homeowners can apply for a 10-year interest-free loan between $5,000 and $40,000.
Low-to-middle income households could also qualify for up to $5,000 from Ottawa’s Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program, a rebate designed to incentivize homeowners off heating oil.
There are also provincial rebates through Efficiency Nova Scotia for upgrades, such as windows and doors, installation, draft-proofing and heat pumps and an option for low-income homeowners to apply to have free energy efficiency upgrades, including heat pumps.
But for some homeowners, like Leah Goodick, waiting for rebates has been a waiting game. Goodick said she paid $10,000 for the installation of a heat pump system back in September.
While the Cole Harbour, N.S., resident has received provincial rebates, she says she’s still waiting for her rebates from Ottawa’s programs. Meanwhile, the cost to pay off her Visa is mounting.
“I’m quite upset,” said Goodick. “Why would you tell me I’m getting a rebate and then every month I’m waiting and waiting and I did everything on my part to make this happen and they’re not doing their part to make it happen?”
Efficiency Nova Scotia’s communications lead Janet Tobin says the organization took over processing Ottawa’s rebates in March. She says 2,500 rebates have been processed since March but knows there are still about 2,200 in the queue.
“We know there are still folks waiting and we’re working through them as quickly as we can and we really appreciate people’s patience,” said Tobin. “As we move through that, we’ve brought in additional staff members to help us process those backlogs.”
Brodie Sampson, co-owner of Nova Heat Pumps & Air Conditioning, says his company has been busy and right now, demand is high. His advice for is for people to shop around and go to a vetted and trusted installer.
“Get a few different home energy companies in to give you quotes, give you assessments, sometimes it takes a second eye to see how we can put in a different system,” said Sampson.
Looking back at the process, Morrissey notes she's learned a lot and is encouraging others to install a heat pump to save on energy bills. Her advice is to try get quotes from supplies at the same time as the energy assessment or wait for it to be done.
“That could help speed up the process,” she said.
She also recommends trying to negotiate with suppliers to pay for the installation once you’ve received the Canada Greener Homes Loan, in case that’s an option. 
For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/NePpaG6
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torahtantra · 1 year
47. Parsha Re'eh, "The Beholder."
Part 3. "Clean and Unclean Food."
The Parsha continues with a detailed explanation of the types of troublemakers there are out there and why you must not consume their company and they must not be allowed to consume your time:
Clean and Unclean Food
14 You are the children of the Lord your God. Do not cut yourselves or shave the front of your heads for the dead, 2 for you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession.
-> The dead refer to people that want to die and go to heaven. You may not suffer insult at the hands or mouths of the dead. This is forbidden.
3 Do not eat any detestable thing. 4 These are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, 5 the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep.[e] 6 You may eat any animal that has a divided hoof and that chews the cud. 7 However, of those that chew the cud or that have a divided hoof you may not eat the camel, the rabbit or the hyrax. Although they chew the cud, they do not have a divided hoof; they are ceremonially unclean for you. 8 The pig is also unclean; although it has a divided hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.
Ox= Intellectual strength.
Sheep= innocence.
Goat= unfinished business or an adolescent/young man capable of great things.
Deer= benevolence
Gazelle= something new
Roe Deer= symbol of the Holy Land
Wild Goat= definitely eat these
Ibex= "the eye" symbol of learning.
Antelope= beauty, grace, swiftness.
Mountain Sheep= discipleship.
Hooves are not an intuitive symbol...a split hoof on an animal that chews the cud refers to how open the person is to the lessons.
"The hooves must be split, meaning that even in our earthly pursuits, G‑d should be able to come through and permeate them, making the physical G‑dly.6 The law is that the hooves have to be split through and through."
The chewing of the cud refers to the grass on Mount Hor, the Greenest of the Green= direct experience of the Torah Tantras.
9 Of all the creatures living in the water, you may eat any that has fins and scales. 10 But anything that does not have fins and scales you may not eat; for you it is unclean.
=Fish without morals and ambition are not to be eaten.
11 You may eat any clean bird. 12 But these you may not eat: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, 13 the red kite, the black kite, any kind of falcon, 14 any kind of raven, 15 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 16 the little owl, the great owl, the white owl, 17 the desert owl, the osprey, the cormorant, 18 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.
=Eagles, kites, falcons, ravens, owls, gulls, hawks, etc. these are all sacred animals in other faiths and may not be consumed. Creatures that soar are revered, not consumed. They are supposed to consume you...
19 All flying insects are unclean to you; do not eat them. 20 But any winged creature that is clean you may eat.
=Gossips, liars, time wasters, noise makers, persons that do nothing but steal time broadcasting their nonsense.
21 Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to the foreigner residing in any of your towns, and they may eat it, or you may sell it to any other foreigner. But you are a people holy to the Lord your God.
=stay away from the gods of the afterlife.
Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk. = do not turn a young man against his mother.
What is in the Eye of Beholder, the Eye of the Fountain as He is called and what is in yours? And what are the wages paid for obedience?
Tithes of Silver are the dividends of obedience- they are times free of strife, of troublemakers, of doubt.
22 Be sure to set aside a tenth [the first Decree] of all that your fields produce each year. 23 Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the Lord your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always. 
=the contact between the esoterica of religion and ordinary life is to take place every day:
In Jewish mysticism, olive oil is a symbol of esoteric depth and insight. The spiritual writings wryly observe that the oil is only extracted through squeezing and compressing the olive, and then straining to remove the impurities. Ironically, it is destruction of the fruit that produces this high quality product. The oil can then be used to produce a steady flame from a wick that draws on this pure fuel.
The oil represents wisdom. Wisdom is the product of life's experience coupled with mind growth. Wisdom is the "fuel" for balanced and appropriate interpretation of life's circumstances and wise expression in that context. 
24 But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the Lord your God and cannot carry your tithe (because the place where the Lord will choose to put his Name is so far away), 25 then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the Lord your God will choose. 26 Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice. 27 And do not neglect the Levites living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own.
28 At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year’s produce and store it in your towns, 29 so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.
Three Years= The Third Day when the ground is dry of the chaos of the earlier days. If wine and oil and fancy food is not available today, God says conserving one's silver is the best strategy. Silver is explained here.
This Parsha shall continue.
So we are what we see, hear, and do, most of all who we are in contact with. The Parsha says we must first be in contact with self through burnt offerings then forgiveness offerings and fellowship offerings through contact with others, and then we can tithe, cash in on all those sacrifices and enjoy the rewards, which require stability.
All the Torah Tantras etc. emphasize the need for leaders, teachers and governors to provide territories free of the causes of violence so stability can be attained. It must not be a hilly terrain or one that winds and bends like an old tired river all over the place.
The Year for Canceling Debts
15 At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. 2 This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the Lord’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed. 3 You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your fellow Israelite owes you. 4 However, there need be no poor people among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, 5 if only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today. 6 For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.
7 If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. 8 Rather, be openhanded and freely lend them whatever they need. 9 Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought: “The seventh year, the year for canceling debts, is near,” so that you do not show ill will toward the needy among your fellow Israelites and give them nothing. They may then appeal to the Lord against you, and you will be found guilty of sin. 10 Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. 11 There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.
-> This has nothing to do with money or loans. Just as a man must evolve and find his religion has become second nature as of the 8th Day, so nations must also come to fruition and demonstrate complete remission of poverty and violence, there must be stability:
There shall be no needy among you—since the L‑rd your G‑d will bless you in the land that the L‑rd your G‑d is giving you as a hereditary portion—if only you heed the L‑rd your G‑d and take care to keep all this instruction that I enjoin upon you this day. For the L‑rd your G‑d will bless you as He has promised you: you will extend loans to many nations, but require none yourself . . .4
Freeing Servants
12 If any of your people—Hebrew men or women—sell themselves to you and serve you six years, in the seventh year you must let them go free. 13 And when you release them, do not send them away empty-handed. 14 Supply them liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your winepress. Give to them as the Lord your God has blessed you. 15 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you. That is why I give you this command today.
16 But if your servant says to you, “I do not want to leave you,” because he loves you and your family and is well off with you, 17 then take an awl and push it through his earlobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life. Do the same for your female servant.
18 Do not consider it a hardship to set your servant free, because their service to you these six years has been worth twice as much as that of a hired hand. And the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do.
-> Freedom like Stability is communicated by slaving self to the Self. Every year, every person, every session of government and class in the university must be honed so it freely chooses the most ethical of directions.
The concept of freedom, as applied in Physics, is intimately connected with a capacity to choose among alternative decisions. We can generalize the above definitions to any system, not necessarily mechanical or even physical. We will say then that any object has n degrees of freedom if it has n choices between 2n alternatives. In other words, freedom is, in fact, freedom of choice. The more choices we have, the more freedom we have, and vice versa. If we wish to define the broadest philosophical concept of freedom, we must include in it a spiritual dimension. In spiritual freedom, we consider choices between moral alternatives – good and evil.
The Firstborn Animals
19 Set apart for the Lord your God every firstborn male of your herds and flocks. Do not put the firstborn of your cows to work, and do not shear the firstborn of your sheep. 20 Each year you and your family are to eat them in the presence of the Lord your God at the place he will choose. 21 If an animal has a defect, is lame or blind, or has any serious flaw, you must not sacrifice it to the Lord your God. 22 You are to eat it in your own towns. Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean may eat it, as if it were gazelle or deer. 23 But you must not eat the blood; pour it out on the ground like water.
-> There are firstborn sins and firstborn acts of virtue every day. Days that begin in sin must be sacrificed and we never get them back.
The Passover
16 Observe the month of Aviv and celebrate the Passover of the Lord your God, because in the month of Aviv he brought you out of Egypt by night. 2 Sacrifice as the Passover to the Lord your God an animal from your flock or herd at the place the Lord will choose as a dwelling for his Name. 3 Do not eat it with bread made with yeast, but for seven days eat unleavened bread, the bread of affliction, because you left Egypt in haste—so that all the days of your life you may remember the time of your departure from Egypt. 4 Let no yeast be found in your possession in all your land for seven days. Do not let any of the meat you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain until morning.
5 You must not sacrifice the Passover in any town the Lord your God gives you 6 except in the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name. There you must sacrifice the Passover in the evening, when the sun goes down, on the anniversary[f] of your departure from Egypt. 7 Roast it and eat it at the place the Lord your God will choose. Then in the morning return to your tents. 8 For six days eat unleavened bread and on the seventh day hold an assembly to the Lord your God and do no work.
-> Passover refers to self-governance, when all the causes of slavery in Egypt are exhausted and that stability I mentioned becomes possible.
The sages explain on the verse (Deuteronomy 16:1), “Guard the month of Aviv, and make [then] the Passover offering,” that the use of “spring” is telling us that we should ensure that Passover will always coincide with the right season, during the aviv, spring.
The Festival of Weeks
9 Count off seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain. 10 Then celebrate the Festival of Weeks to the Lord your God by giving a freewill offering in proportion to the blessings the Lord your God has given you. 11 And rejoice before the Lord your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name—you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, the Levites in your towns, and the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows living among you. 12 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt, and follow carefully these decrees.
-> Freewill offerings are ways of saying Grace to God and mankind: Instead of building a monument to one man who thinks he is a god as a slave, the Free Willy builds monuments to the living out of homage to the One God.
Sukkot, The Festival of Tabernacles
13 Celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles for seven days after you have gathered the produce of your threshing floor and your winepress. 14 Be joyful at your festival—you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites, the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns. 15 For seven days celebrate the festival to the Lord your God at the place the Lord will choose. For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.
16 Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord your God at the place he will choose: at the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks and the Festival of Tabernacles. No one should appear before the Lord empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.
Sukkot means "Self worth". When we complete the Exodus from Rameses, self-worship to one of self-worth, the Torah says:
The Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.
Thus ends Parsha Re'eh "the Beholder" numbered 47 of 54 contained in the Holy Torah.
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abhigmi · 1 year
Hydraulic Filters Market to Observe Rugged Expansion at a Top CAGR by 2032
Hydraulic Filters Market is slated to expand between 2023 to 2032 owing to the increasing demand for material handling tools and technologies.
Hydraulic power is used by most equipment on building development sites worldwide. The bulk of a hydraulic system is connected to a moving vehicle on a construction site to provide mobility. They consist of backhoes, loaders, trenchers, wheel tractor scrapers, dump trucks, pavers, graders, tower cranes, compactors, feller bunchers, telehandlers, and piling machinery.
Get sample copy of this research report @ https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/5521
The growing use of hydraulic systems in construction machinery is expected to increase the demand for hydraulic filters. In addition, leading companies are looking for partnerships and acquisition opportunities to carve a niche in emerging economies and gain a competitive edge over rival companies. The hydraulic filters market has been divided in terms of type, application, and region.
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Based on type, the offline filters segment is estimated to grow at 4% CAGR from 2023 to 2032. Offline filters use Radial Micro Filtration to constantly filter hydraulic and gearbox oil. The filters reduce repairs along with downtime by removing particles as tiny as 0.5 m. When the primary system is not in use, the devices can still function. The filters come in two lengths and with one, two, and four filter housing.
With respect to application, the automotive segment is set to grow robustly through the forecast period. The four most common applications for hydraulic systems in cars are shock absorbers, power steering, braking systems, and windscreen wipers. The requirement for commercial automobiles, as well as logistics operations, is expected to rise as an outcome of the growth of the manufacturing sector, as well as the rapidly expanding supply chain industry in emerging nations. This is projected to increase the demand for hydraulic systems, thereby boosting the demand for hydraulic filters market.
From the regional perspective, the Europe hydraulic filter market is speculated to expand positively over the analysis timeframe. A higher level of purchasing power among consumers, technological advancements in production, as well as government and private sector spending in the defense industry will all add to the industry's expansion within the regional market.
Request for customization @ https://www.gminsights.com/roc/5521
Moreover, expanding automotive industry in European economies would fuel the product demand. As per reliable reports, the German automotive sector employed more than 785,000 people in 2021. They also serve the region's largest automotive market, where more than 3 million passenger cars were produced in 2021.
Table of Contents (ToC) of the report:
Chapter 1   Methodology & Scope
1.1    Scope and definitions
1.2    Base estimates & calculations
1.3    Forecast calculations.
1.3.1    COVID-19 impact calculations on the industry forecast   North America   Europe   Asia Pacific   Latin America (LATAM)   Middle East, & Africa (MEA)
1.4    Data sources
1.4.1    Primary
1.4.2    Secondary   Paid Sources   Public Sources
Chapter 2   Executive Summary
2.1    Hydraulic Filters market 360o synopsis, 2018 – 2032
2.1.1    Business trends
2.1.2    Type trends
2.1.3    Application trends
2.1.4    Regional trends
Browse complete Table of Contents (ToC) of this research report @ https://www.gminsights.com/toc/detail/hydraulic-filters-market
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carvercooley76 · 1 year
Our Panels Are Straightforward To Put in
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