#deanna troi woman you are……..i was struck by her saying he went away just like this poem
torsamors · 2 years
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If you can feel those things...accept them. Accept the love. (The Next Generation x I Loved My Friend - Langston Hughes)
[image ids: 8 images, alternating between images of Deanna Troi from the shoulders up, and images of text of dialogue from Troi and sections of the poem I loved my friend. (1) Text that reads 'The first man I ever loved was my father. He was strong and tall. (I loved my friend.)' (2) image of Troi, looking faraway with a fond smile. (3) text: 'He carried me when the ground was muddy. He chased away the monsters that hid under my bed at night. And he sang to me, and kept me safe. And he went away. (He went away from me. / There's nothing more to say.) (4) Troi, looking soft and a bit sad. (5) Text: What I wouldn't give to hear those songs again - to feel his arms protect me. I never will. (The poem ends, Soft as it began--) (6) Troi, looking faraway in thought. (7) Text: But I can still feel his warmth and his love, as though he were here with me. (I loved my friend). (8) Image of Troi, looking fond. end id]
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