marvelousbirthdays · 7 years
Happy Birthday, cathastrophic!
May 30 - "You know what this is? Boyfriend material!" Steve/Wade for @cathastrophic
Okay, so I did something a little different with the words, because it’s Wade and that’s what happens.  Also, Wade breaks into the narration sometimes.
Written by @celiaequus
Wade Wilson made it his business to find out Avengers business whenever he broke into one of their facilities.  Stark may’ve said that the artificial intelligence was letting Wade in to keep the Avengers on their toes, but it was totally Wade’s natural talent for breaking and entering.  The AI was just an excuse.
“I know you’re there, Mr. Wilson.”
Wade yelped.
No, I didn’t.  I don’t yelp.
Fine then.  But don’t keep interrupting the story.
Wade did not yelp, because that would be ridiculous.  He did hit his head on the ceiling vent, but Hawkeye hadn’t caught him yet.  He probably would now.
“I am JARVIS, Mr. Stark’s Artificial Intelligence.  I have only allowed you this far today because the Avengers have a crisis I believe only you can resolve.  Steve Rogers has been abducted during the night, and any attempts to trace him have come to dead ends.”
“Captain America’s gone?  But he’s a super soldier!  How could anyone abduct him?”
“Keep your voice down before you are discovered, Mr. Wilson.”
Wade nodded, now half-convinced that the ceiling vents had hidden security cameras.  Or maybe the surface of the vents was made from security cameras!  Creepy.  And kinky.
He spied through a vent, and saw the Avengers talking with some official-looking people.
“Maybe it’s time to search on foot?” the Black Widow said.
“JARVIS has already got scans, audio, and images of everything, and we’ve been trawling through them all night,” Stark said.  “Does SHIELD have trackers planted on Steve that I don’t know about?”
“No,” Hawkeye said.  “As soon as we found out he’d disappeared, I called Hill, who called Coulson, who called Fury, and no one at SHIELD knows where he is.”
“But that’s just New SHIELD,” a guy in a suit said.  He was wearing a glove on his left hand, and Wade wracked his brain to think of who the guy might be.  “We thought we’d eradicated HYDRA, but no one ever found all the bodies.  Rollins was second-in-command of Strike Team Alpha, and his body was one of the ones missing.  He didn’t turn up at any places we’ve associated with Rumlow...”
“So they stand around yappin’ about ancient history instead of finding Rogers,” Wade muttered, and he backed away.  “Alright.  Time to Nancy Drew this thing.”
“Good luck, Mr. Wilson,” JARVIS said, and he showed Wade the nearest exit.
 Steve had lost track of the minutes he’d been awake, and since he’d been knocked out a few times there was no way to know how long it’d been.  His stomach was growling, but he refused to eat or drink.  He was used to the feeling of hunger; he’d felt it during the Depression, then the war, and any time he couldn’t get enough food since his metabolism skyrocketed.
He knocked over a few things in his room before he’d been subjected to an injection which not only subdued the effects of the serum, but also knocked him out cold.  Unfortunately, now that his captors knew that it worked, they used it against him whenever he got unruly.  But he seemed to be sleeping for shorter periods, or at least he hoped he was.  His body was starting to fight it off.
He’d broken away from the steel chair twice before they decided that someone needed to stay in the room at all times to subdue him before he could rip the chains again.  Did bad guys budget for extra supplies when they knew they’d be abducting Captain America?
There didn’t seem to be any exits from the room, but then he’d never gotten any further than the outside corridor before being shot with the tranquilizer.  And now he couldn’t check for a more surreptitious exit.  With a bored sigh, he sat up, and waited for his eyes to adjust to the low light.
“He’s awake again,” said the guard behind him, and the crackle of radio static accompanied a low reply.  “I’ve got the tranq gun aimed at him right now.  You’re safe to come in.”
“Yay, I’m less alone now,” Steve said, flexing his toes.  No one would notice that movement.  If he ducked to the side quickly enough, maybe the tranq dart would hit the guy in front of him, and Steve could use the chair as a shield…
Before Steve could blink, the man in front of him was sliced neatly down the middle, along with the guards accompanying him.  The nuzzle of the tranq gun pressed against Steve’s temple, and the sound of the safety being clicked off echoed in his ear.  He stared as someone in a red full-body suit stepped over the bodies, a bloodied sword in each hand.
Ooh, poetic image!
Shut up, Wade!  This scene is from Steve’s POV.
“Do you know what this is?” the guard said, poking the gun against Steve’s head.  Deadpool looked Steve over.
“Boyfriend material?” he guessed.
Steve was so surprised by the comment that he accidentally broke the chains wrapped around his wrists.  Before the guard could shoot him, a blade sliced cleanly through his arm and embedded in the wall behind.  A swipe of the other sword, and the guard’s head was rolling on the floor.  Deadpool casually walked past, allowing Steve to remove the chains from his torso and legs, and sheathed both katanas on his back.
“You’ve been gone half a day already, captain,” Deadpool said, and he clucked his tongue.  “How negligent.  People have been worried.  I was worried about you.  There was this kind of an ache inside, like someone had scooped out a hunk of my flesh with… I don’t know, a metal grain scooping thing, like they use to feed chickens.  But a blunt one.  It’s great to see that you’re still alive!  Here, do you need any help?”
Despite the mental image, the idea of chicken feed made Steve’s stomach rumble.  He usually had to have a bunch of snacks during the day between meals.  If he’d been gone for half a day, no wonder he was starving.
“Better yet, let’s get chimichangas!” Deadpool said, and he looped an arm around Steve’s waist.
“I don’t actually need help walking, Wilson.”
“Maybe I just like holding you close,” Deadpool said, waggling his eyebrows.  “Come on, big guy.  Let’s eat.  Then maybe I can meet your little big guy later, if you know what I mean.”
“Yes,” Steve said.  “I mean, I know what you mean.  That’s--”
“Great!  Chimichanga time.”
Steve snagged a phone from one of the bodies, and used it to call Sam, so he’d know Steve was okay.  Wade would probably get him home safely.
It looks like he’d killed a lot of people to save Steve, and he’d arrived before anyone else, so maybe he did care.  It was hard to tell through all the crazy, but Wade’s endless chatter gave Steve something to focus on beside the corpses of HYDRA agents all over the ground.
“Thanks for saving me,” Steve said.  Wade stopped talking for a second, and looked at him.
“You’re welcome, Captain Cutie,” he said.  He leaned up and kissed Steve through the mask, before resuming their noisy escape.  Steve’s cheeks heated up.
I think this is what they call a Rescue Romance!
I think you may be right, Wade.
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album progress...
this album is quite challenging. the method in which we recorded the instruments and recording techniques we implemented have proven sonically impressive but technically challenging. unraveling the recordings and compiling them into an album takes tireless hours and lots of coffee (or tea). from hustling corners in the 69 ville back in the day, to going to college and graduating and finally getting my masters has given me the perspective that this stuff is important and needs to be heard. i was in a group called “the hardsleepers” for a short while before starting my own group. our album, supposed to have came out on virgin records never saw the light of day, and was quite disappointing. i guess one could say that we got shelved.
anyways, with this album we are going back to that mid nineties house sound. its soulful and melodic and yet incorporates rock elements. the challenge is exercising restraint, because there is so much material.  we actually recorded some of the material in an abandoned church, where we built a small studio to capture the essence of what we were trying to convey through our music. running a label can be tough, and at times i am conflicted about whether to go for sales, or be honest to the music. we are in negotiations with sony music to release this album, and we’ll be sure to keep you guys updated on that as well.  
thus far in my career, I have found that it is better to listen to your gut and let the music guide the way.  of course you guys know that there will always be bumps in the road, but keeping vision and maintaining a good work ethic will get you where you need to be.
enough of the chatter…the music is coming along as well as our other projects. 
i’ll touch bases from time to time to report on our progress, and we might even get cierra to say something??
boy boy
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fruitbatwalton · 7 years
Ralph's favourite video this week is  Toddler Democracy by Dead Captain.
On the 17 July, Tameside duo, Dead Captain release their debut EP on Stereokill Records.
The EPs four tracks, This Old Village, Looming Moon, Who Knows and Toddler Democracy, draw influence from classic Americana and 90’s college rock, and take a paranoid peak at Post-Brexit Britain and Trump’s America.
Dead Captain has been brought to life by Dan Adams, a Manchester multi-instrumentalist and music-man-for-hire who’s recently been busy as part of The Cornelius Crane. Ably assisting him is writer and illustrator, Dunstan Carter.
The Dead Captain project came about after the duo found a shoe box outside a pub in Ashton-Under-Lyne filled with scribbled notes, drawings and grainy recordings on old VHS tapes. The duo started asking friends and family about what they thought of the find and who the stuff might belong to. Some suggested it was the work of a weird recluse who wanted to remain unknown but leave some kind of odd legacy.  Other friends reckon it might be the work of a man known locally as Old Scotty. A middle aged soak who frequents some of the pubs in town and tells wild tales of a youth spent fighting in some of the world's most notorious war zones. If it is him, the chances of getting anything out of him are supposedly nigh on impossible as half of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is indecipherable these days, and the other half is either angry gibberish or morose monologues about the death of the North.
The one note that does make total sense came taped to the underside of the shoe box, it simply reads... "do something with this".  So that's what DeadCaptain are doing - they're letting people have a ramble inside the mind of a Northern enigma and breathing some fresh life into the madness. 
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