#dc get at me let Jon kent have a childhood you monsters
stackthedeck · 2 years
if you could make a coming of age superhero movie with any character who would you choose?
Hmmm this is a good question. So obviously, I'm a Spider-Man stan first and a human being second so I'm tempted to say spider-man, but Peter got three pretty good coming of age movies from the MCU, and Miles got the BEST coming of age movie, so hey sony maybe give spider-gwen a spin-off so I feel like we're good on spider-man movies
There have been rumors of Young Avengers, especially with Wanda and her kids and America Chavez in multiverse of madness. So maybe that's already in the works? I'd fucking kill for a heartstoppers style high school drama for the young avengers, but it'd be best as a show, not a movie.
okay but I'm also a huge fan of Johnny Storm and I would love to see a good fantastic four movie and there's a lot of untapped character drama with him being the youngest, the most in the public eye, the most impulsive, the most unstable relationships. Like I would love a Johnny Storm struggling with compulsive heterosexuality while dealing with superhero and high school bullshit. But also Johnny really isn't a teenage hero anymore, his character has progressed a lot in the comics so I feel like fans of the f4 wouldn't enjoy that type of thing and also the fantastic four is a dying franchise, and frankly making a movie for them would be a box office failure
But okay my real answer is a want a super sons movie (yes I love DC and Marvel comics, I contain multitudes) and I want it in the style of an early 2000s high school movie. Imagine that opening shot of Cheaper by the Dozen but it's Wayne manor. Imagine Lois Lane sitting calmly drinking her morning coffee while her son and her husband fly around the kitchen desperately getting ready for the first day of school and she's just completely unphased. Give me Damien Wayne being the annoying youngest sibling that's secretly insecure and feels unseen by his family. Give me Jon Kent being worried about all he has to become, seeing his perfect father and less than perfect half-brother. Give me a Damien Wayne that's in a long line of Robins and despite the fact that he is so smart and skilled, he feels weak and insignificant, let that Damien bond with the Superboy that feels crushed by the weight of his own significance. Let them be dorky kids that do more than superhero stuff, let family drama be present but bleed into the background when they hang out, let them be best friends!! AND LET THEM GROW UP TOGETHER (I hate how DC has so many legacy characters, but then ages them weird, and then never lets them actually step into the lead role. Like let's talk about how Damien's childhood best friend is just an adult now and he's still a kid like no one is talking about this insane potential for character drama like that's such an interesting situation) Let Damien take on the Batman role or whatever grown-up version of Robin he'll become at the same time Joh becomes Superman! I love coming of age movies that start young, not just in high school, I want to see these characters grow!! Damien is stuck in permanent childhood it seems and Jon just skipped his teen years like come on these two are so fun to put in parallel to each other and I love their friendship so much
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Roleplay partners wanted!
My name is Rhys. I am 21 years old, she/her, from the CT, love the color magenta, and own two orange tabbies. I’m looking for partners in my conquest to write! While I can't get responses in every day, I am almost always open to chatter and geeking out about all sorts of things.
  I write third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. I'm a novella-ish writer, and do try to crank out at least four-six paragraphs each time I get a response in. Like previously mentioned, I want to stress that while I can't respond every day, everything I do write is full of TLC! I always want to mention this to partners beforehand, because I know some people would rather do rapid fire responses than one or two a week. My limits are pretty general; toilet stuff is a no-no. I don't like to write out top/bottom stereotypes or "seme/uke" tropes. Beastiality, pedophilia, and the like are icky things I would rather avoid.
  I write for all genders, ethnicity, and orientations! I am open to any pairings, and beyond that, varying genres.
  No unrealistic stereotypes of queer relationships, please. Yaoi, yuri, seme/uke, etc. Can't do that. Characters need to both have versatile roles; switching, so it's fair for everyone. Though, my characters do tend to be a lot more dominating!
  {{Very welcoming of BDSM, dom/sub, but this does not mean someone needs to be penetrated every single time in order for the dom to dominate. Get it? This can also apply to heterosexual relationships. I would literally love to see female characters who top, if you know what I mean. If given the chance, I will definitely have dom!females in bdsm-related situations}}
  Furries; blegh, no thanks. Beastiality, nekos, anything of sexual animal-related nature is a no-go, fam.
  Vore, scat, bathroom stuff, pedophilia. You know the drill! ((I am not opposed to consensual, legal age and non-reproducing incestuous relationships in FICTION! Sex is fine, just no children resulting from it. Reminder; this is fictional.))
  Okay, so despite those few limits, I am actually pretty welcoming of anything else. Smut, of course. Some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? Let's do it, dude. I am open to polyamorous relationships, any queer shit you're willing to throw at me lmao I am super OOC friendly and I am pretty much a garbled mess when I get to know you! I am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, fluff and all cuteness, unconditional love-- my interests fluctuate! I am down, 24/7, guys! Here's a list of fandoms and pairings below.
Handsome Jack/Rhys
Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha
Handsome Jack/Nisha
  Until Dawn
Josh Washington/Chris
  Life is Strange
Max Caulfield/Chloe Price
Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase
Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham
Rachel Amber/Chloe Price**
Rachel Amber/Frank Bowers
Frank Bowers/Damon Merrick**
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd**
Dick Grayson/Koriand'r
Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
Dick Grayson/Wally West
Oliver Queen/Dinah Lance
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley
Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
  Batman: Telltale Series
Bruce Wayne/John Doe**
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Bruce Wayne/Jim Gordon
Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent
Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Tony Stark/Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Thor/Bruce Banner**
Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff
Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson**
Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake**
Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn**
Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross
Samuel Drake/Rafe Adler
  Game of Thrones
Arya Stark/Gendry Waters
Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell
Daenerys Targaryen/Jon Snow
Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill
Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore
Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell
Gryff Whitehill/Elaena Glenmore
Gared Tuttle/Finn
Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow
  The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh
Rick Grimes/Negan**
Daryl Dixon/Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Javier Garcia/David Garcia**
Clementine/Gabriel Garcia
Javier Garcia/Paul “Jesus” Rovia
  The Mortal Instruments
Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago
Simon Lewis/Jace Lightwood
Isabelle Lightwood/Lydia Branwell
Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane
  Infamous: Second Son
Delsin Rowe/Reggie Rowe
Delsin Rowe/Eugene Sims
Delsin Rowe/Hank Daughtry
  Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Anyone/your dadsona (for the love of god someone give me a good, not cliche john doe dadsona and you will win my heart!! I just want to play a dad lol bring me some great ass ocs)
  Far Cry 3
Jason Brody/Vaas Montenegro
  The Last of Us
  Some basic ideas that I do have pretty big doc ideas for;
  A few marine biologists go to an island off the coast to study the marine life there, which in turn, turns out to be something much bigger. (Mermaid/siren prompt!)
  Soul mates; it can be like some of those AU’s where you don’t see color until you meet them, your tattooed timer counts down until then, or maybe even soulmates continuously reincarnating and one of the two has killed them for centuries in order to be “immortal”. For the first time, the victimized partner gets close enough that the other begins to fall and they start aging, together.
  Character A has an awful time living in the city; alone, and without mom's guidance, completely lost. One day they receive a call about a deceased relative, one they'd never heard of and apparently left their estate and everything in their will to A. With nothing but the clothes on their back, A took a shot and drove out to this presumed "estate", only to find that it's a mansion in a tiny little town with an eerie vibe and populated by the typical small town churchgoers and farm folk. Living in this town was a hell of a challenge; everyone was nice, too nice, and people were missing. Character B is an exceptionally charismatic, charming person and the only mechanic/handyman in town. A and B become friends, partially, when A needs to fix up the piping in their estate. A stumbles upon the attic one day, and for once, they start to get why this whole town reeked to the roots in weird shit-- their deceased relative was tracking something here in this town, having to do with all of the MIA townsfolk. DR has a board of possible suspects, and at the center? B. OSJFODSFHSDJSODFJD!!! Bonus content: B is, in fact, not the murderer, instead a vampire on a mission to track down the monster, same as DR. small towns give me honey moon vibes and I??? am so down for some kinky, albeit eventually fluffy romance between people who are trying to make it work. I actually have a doc for both TBD characters and a location. None of this is set in stone, so please share your thoughts.
  A doesn’t have any memories of their life, only being conscious and staring down at a mutilated body in a ditch. When they meet B, they learn why; welcome to limbo, they say. You just died. A has unfinished business; finding out who murdered them, why, and what else is holding them here. B is a reaper intent on helping lost souls pass over-- they were never born, and A shows them the delights of life before it’s taken. B learns to love A, and A doesn’t want to leave limbo. While A’s soul is clinging between realities, B must make a pivotal decision; squeezing tight on the concept of love, and letting A go. (BONUS!! REINCARNATION; A & B ARE GIVEN THE GIFT OF LIVING AGAIN, TOGETHER.)
  Coming of age story between two childhood friends who are separated by circumstance, and after ten years, reunite and learn that your first love doesn’t have to be the one that got away.
  Two friends drop their whole lives to go on a road trip once they turn thirty-- they elope together, leaving their unhappy lives behind them and in this grand scheme of mental breakdowns and tearful smiles, they find that love may be the only cure to a broken existence.
  In a post-apocalyptic world where a pandemic has killed off most living species, Character A is a lone wolf with little to do with other people that don't benefit him, except for a select few. A is especially rough around the edges, as he's lived through some sick shit and lived to tell the tale. A had once been part of a group dedicated to finding a cure, but things went south, and a lot of people died. A had a close bond with the leader of said group, and coincidentally they were the only survivors.  Their past together, having been deeply demented and twisted, caused them to fall out. Said leader has rebuilt a new group in the ten years since the last time they'd seen A. Character B is the only known immune person alive, and has dedicated their life to being a resource to finding a cure. A and his (current) contact/partner in crime have something taken from them, and are determined to get it back. They do some searching, and are confronted with this group-- they have what they need, but are only willing to give it to them for a favor in return. No one can outrun their past forever. (Last of Us-inspired!)
  An architect/treasure hunter is being funded an expedition to find a lost treasure and they are forced to bring along a reporter in order to receive the funds. the reporter and architect certainly don't get along in the beginning— they bicker, and clash on most fronts. the expedition wasn't meant to be dangerous. what was initially thought to be a simple job turned into something treacherous; bandits, a team of hired hitmen and their leader looking to take the treasure for themselves, and some rather supernatural elements that they both couldn't quite put a finger on. the treasure hunter and the reporter have to work together to get out of this alive, and get to the artifact before someone else does.
..and many more!! Thanks so much! If you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] and mention kiwi somewhere in your email. n_n
Rhys xoxo
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Roleplay ad!!
Hey, guys! Name's Rhys, twenty one years old, and living in the CT. Currently, I am looking for both fandom and original roleplays-- I do want to mention beforehand, I don't want to be the one upholding the creation of story development. For the past few years, I've been forced into this, and I am especially burned out with having to deal with it all by myself. I need teamwork, cooperation, or a partnership won't work out, sorry. I do third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. Semi-lit, please be prepared to do more than just a few sentences. Four-five paragraphs preferred, but I totally understand if the situation just calls for shorter responses, but not all of the time. The link right below this is a doc to some of my writing samples. Feel free to check them out! https://docs.google.com/document/d/18n3iuj4m9X1hBo9P2IezrKdTfkTrSKt0H34ZP6v3hHs I do m/m, f/f, m/f, f/m, any relationships; trans/nb, trans/cis, nb/cis, etc. I welcome all the LGBT, as I am of the queer community myself! Email or google docs only, please. LIMITS ------ -No unrealistic stereotypes of queer relationships, please. Yaoi, yuri, seme/uke, etc. Can't do that. Characters need to both have versatile roles; switching, so it's fair for everyone. Though, my characters do tend to be a lot more dominating! {{Very welcoming of BDSM, dom/sub, but this does not mean someone needs to be penetrated every single time in order for the dom to dominate. Get it? This can also apply to heterosexual relationships. I would literally love to see female characters who top, if you know what I mean. It's a pretty common thing, but not many people here seem down with it lol}} -Furries; blegh, no thanks. Beastiality, nekos, anything of sexual animal-related nature is a no-go, fam. -Vore, scat, bathroom stuff, pedophilia. You know the drill! ((I am not opposed to consensual, legal age and non-reproducing incestuous relationships in FICTION! Sex is fine, just no children resulting from it. Reminder; this is fictional.)) Okay, so despite those few limits, I am actually pretty welcoming of anything else. Smut, of course. Some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? Let's do it, dude. I am open to polyamorous relationships, any queer shit you're willing to throw at me lmao I am super OOC friendly and I am pretty much a garbled mess when I get to know you! I am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, fluff and all cuteness, unconditional love-- my interests fluctuate! I am down, 24/7, guys! Here's a list of fandoms and pairings below. ------ ***=Craving Borderlands -Handsome Jack/Rhys*** -Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha*** -Rhys/Axton -Handsome Jack/Nisha*** -Fiona/Athena -Fiona/Vaughn -Rhys/Vaughn Until Dawn -Josh Washington/Chris -Chris/Mike -Jess/Mike -Sam/Beth -Matt/Jess -Emily/Matt/Jess Life is Strange -Max Caulfield/Chloe Price -Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase -Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham*** -Rachel Amber/Chloe Price*** -Rachel Amber/Frank Bowers DC -Dick Grayson/Jason Todd*** -Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson -Dick Grayson/Koriand'er -Dick Grayson/Wally West*** -Oliver Queen/Dinah Lance -Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley -Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent -Diana Prince/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Marvel -Steve Rogers/Tony Stark -Tony Stark/Bruce Banner -Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes -Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson -Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff -Peter Parker/Harry Osborn*** -Peter Parker/Wade Wilson -Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn Uncharted -Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake -Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn*** -Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross -Samuel Drake/Rafe Adler*** Game of Thrones -Arya Stark/Gendry Waters -Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell -Daenerys Targaryen/Jon Snow TTGOT -Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill -Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore*** -Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell -Gared Tuttle/Finn -Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow The Walking Dead -Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh -Rick Grimes/Negan*** -Daryl Dixon/Paul “Jesus” Rovia -Luke/Nick -Javier Garcia/David Garcia*** -Clementine/Gabriel Garcia*** The Mortal Instruments -Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago -Simon Lewis/Jace Lightwood*** -Isabelle Lightwood/Lydia Branwell -Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane Be More Chill -Jeremy Heere/Michael Mell*** -Chloe Valentine/Brooke Lohst -Jake Dillinger/Rich Goranski Dear Evan Hansen -Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy*** Infamous: Second Son -Delsin Rowe/Reggie Rowe -Delsin Rowe/Eugene Sims -Delsin Rowe/Hank Daughtry Steven Universe -OC/OC verse welcome! Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator -Anyone/your dadsona (for the love of god someone give me a good, not cliche john doe dadsona and you will win my heart!! I just want to play a dad lol bring me some great ass ocs) Heathers -Kurt Kelly/Ram Sweeney -Heather Chandler/Veronica Sawyer -Veronica Sawyer/Jason “JD” Dean - Some basic ideas that I do have pretty big doc ideas for; -The Last of Us inspired, using the general plot of the game. -Literally anything zombie-apocalypse inspired -Sugar daddy or mommy/Sugar baby*** -Big shot CEO/Rookie -Gladiator/Royal heir -Criminal/Law enforcer -Hero/Villain, Hero/Anti-hero, etc. -Jock/Nerd (this trope is my shit omg) -Medieval families, arranged marriages -Extrovert/Introvert*** -One night stands turned into something more -Childhood sweethearts -Supernatural; demon/spirit, demon/hunter, demon/human, angel/human, angel/demon -Best friends turned lovers -A few marine biologists go to an island off the coast to study the marine life there, which in turn, turns out to be something much bigger. ((Loosely based mermaid plot, can go into much bigger detail!))*** -Super expansive GOT-like fantasy plot with backgrounds, continents, etc. -Rivaling supernatural gangs (say, werewolf packs or vampire clans) -Soul mates; it can be like some of those AU’s where you don’t see color until you meet them, your tattooed timer counts down until then, or maybe even soul mates continuously reincarnating and one of the two has killed them for centuries in order to be “immortal”. For the first time, the victimized partner gets close enough that the other begins to fall and they start aging, together. -Young person (A) inherits an old mansion in a rural town from an unknown relative. A finds that the town is off-- people are starting to disappear, and no bodies are being found. A discovers their relative was hunting the “beast” by all of the information piled up in the attic and salt smeared in the cracks of the floors. B is a disguised demon in the small population-- they initially intended to get rid of A’s relative in fear of being exposed.. but it turns out, there is a much bigger threat than B or any of the other inconspicuous supernaturals among the town--- a monster is coming, and with it, a potential end to the world as they know it. Will B and A team up together? Can A look past B’s true evils, and can B learn to help a descendant of the infamous ‘monster’ hunters? -A doesn’t have any memories of their life, only being conscious and staring down at a mutilated body in a ditch. When they meet B, they learn why; welcome to limbo, they say. You just died. A has unfinished business; finding out who murdered them, why, and what else is holding them here. B is a reaper intent on helping lost souls pass over-- they were never born, and A shows them the delights of life before it’s taken. B learns to love A, and A doesn’t want to leave limbo. While A’s soul is clinging between realities, B must make a pivotal decision; squeezing tight on the concept of love, and letting A go. (BONUS!! REINCARNATION; A & B ARE GIVEN THE GIFT OF LIVING AGAIN, TOGETHER.) -Coming of age story between two childhood friends who are separated by circumstance, and after ten years, reunite and learn that your first love doesn’t have to be the one that got away. -Two friends drop their whole lives to go on a road trip once they turn thirty-- they elope together, leaving their unhappy lives behind them and in this grand scheme of mental breakdowns and tearful smiles, they find that love may be the only cure to a broken existence. ..and many more!! Thanks so much! If you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] and mention kiwi somewhere in your email. n_n Rhys xoxo
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